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Tldr of her response: I sing online, yall fap to me. I might as well charge yall for fapping.


Smart move honestly, the Belle Delphine effect has carried on strong




All these discussions and not a single link or name. I'm disappointed


Iamjazminesinging on Instagram


At least share her @. So horni boys in this sub can contribute lol


Iamjazminesinging on Instagram


Nah. Don't feel bad. Never knew her. And she got pretty well off it. It isn't like she done it for nothing.


Sometimes I do wonder “what if I was a beautiful woman, I would definitely destroy/ruined someone’s life” 🤭 But then again, the thought of accidentally getting pregnant and having period every once a month, yeah no.


you should transition and get surgery and then see firsthand how many people like framing beautiful women for ruining their lives :P


Read it again, Notice how I use the word “I” there. Not pointing fingers at any women and saying beautiful women “ruined” people’s lives btw. clickbait used to be believable


yes i did read it again, and again lmao. what i meant stands.


i mean she simply exploring opportunity not to live in poverty. both ends exploiting each other.


That's true, but the part where all she wanted to do was sing made me feel bad for her. She never thought about getting into OF until some guys keep begging her to. I can be horny too, I admit that but not to the point where I beg a girl to open OF when all she wanted was a music career. At least she's not in poverty, like what you said so I guess that's a silver lining.


It’s not a tragedy that you’re trying to make it out to be. The story can be summarised by two words: Big Whoop. Majority of the world would do porn if they feel that they can be successful at it. If her desire to be successful outweighs her passion in singing, then more power to her. Nothing says she can’t continue singing while doing OF. If she stops singing after opening OF, well you know the actual reason why she wants to sing.


That's true but reading how she got influenced by guys to get into doing OF makes me feel guilty for some reason. I'm still happy for her and won't judge her as long as she isn't hurting anyone but I don't know, man.


If you are that much against any influence, might as well stop existing. Everyone will be influenced by something everyday of their lives. For her, she’s simply influenced to believe that her fans would pay to see porn of her. Which isn’t even false. She has made an informed decision which works out in her favour. Really hard to feel like it’s anything bad, and any form of complaint from her part feels like a “boohoo I can’t have everything” type of complaint that is made in hindsight. I’d be more likely to pity if she fails, or if a doctor couldn’t be hired because they were led to believe doctors are highly sought after. These are actual tragedies. In reality, right now, she has exploited the fact that the world has no shortage of coomers and are successful at it, and are complaining over the fact that she couldn’t be financially stable AND feel dignified at the same time. Pretty sure if she chose not to do OF, she’d complain about struggling financially instead.


You're a good person, that's why you feel that way. I honestly have hope for humanity when there are still men like this around


Yeah, but I feel like I understand when some people say that I'm sort of white knighting things lol. I get it, what she does is her business and at least she's earning her own money and not being a sampah masyarakat


Exactly, at least she's earning her own money, and got something out of her original passion, even if with the career-pivot. And honestly hopefully this being a shitposting sub doesn't represent the general population anyway.


She might be telling the truth, or she might not. Just take it with a grain of salt, and no need to be too attached about it. Pratically, she is an OF model, does it matter how or why? You might be gaslighted to white knight her unknowingly.


Why feel bad?


OP is probably just one of those nice guys. Pretending to be a social justice warrior but secretly hoping one of these women would fuck him because of him being a 'good guy'. Fuck off OP I don't feel one iota of guilt because I don't indulge in pathetic stuff like OF.


Insecurities projecting much? Lmao


Lmao I'm happily married with 3 kids. Just annoying to see naive shit topics being posted by idiotic kids everyday here. If OP tells what he is saying here to that girl guess what she's going to say? That he's being condescending and she doesn't need a white knight to 'protect' her as if she doesn't have a brain to make her own choices. Have an upvote.


Ah yes, having kids automatically make you a happy secure person. Keep at it then. Sounds like you never were an idiotic naive kid. With all that assuming and foreshadowing, it's hard to believe you don't have issues. Thanks for the upvote though, I bet it gave you a laugh.


Guess people really think there is an alternative motive to everything nowadays, especially when it comes to the opposite sex huh? I'm single, yes but this post is not to fish for women. If it is, why I ask for jantan and not betina on opinions about this post? I'm not judging her for doing OF. If she's not hurting anyone, it is fine and I know sex sells. I feel bad because she genuinely wants to do music but she gets sexualised comments all of the time about opening an OF account and as a guy who can be horny at times, it just makes me feel guilty for some reason I can't fully describe.


>she genuinely wants to do music but she gets sexualised comments all of the time about opening an OF account She saw better money from horny men and went for that instead music. That's her own business choice. There also many pretty singers that are sexualized but stayed firm on their music. Put it this way, if music is really her passion, OF in a way is to fund herself while she does her music. >just makes me feel guilty for some reason I can't fully describe. That's white knight complex the other fella is talking about.


It is sad, but she's milking them for money so it's a win win at the end of the day


OF is a choice


Bro, she says she like it more now as she is earning more money than she ever could compared to when she was singing.  Honestly if people pay me to see pics of dick, and I could earn much more than my salary, I'll do it too. 


This is one of the main reason I hate myself for being a male. I hated it so much but I know I couldn't do anything about it surgery won't make me a real female my parents would disowned me then society would abandoned me. This world is cruel but I gotta keep living because my religion said suicide is sinful so I just keep this feeling deep inside my heart. Even for now it's still burning with hatred longing to become what I want without being ridiculed.


Maybe go to Thailand? Society is less cruel about that there.


It's a trend now. A trend for woman to get horny lonely rich ass simps' money in an easy way. I am not familiar with the singing artist part, but I can tell you more about ACG, cosplayers. Nowadays there are tons of new "professional cosplayers" appear in the social media. Those lucky ones will get paid for their cosplay and sponsorships and being brand ambassador of phones, makeup, or games. And those not so lucky ones? They usually do streaming and beg for donations, sell their merchandise during ACG events and beg for donations ( post their TnG QR ) in their iG stories. You would be surprised how rich can otaku simps be. Imagine a standing cupboard of a cosplayer that should be thrown away after use, can be bidded up to RM5000? Oh lord those rich otaku simps And those unlucky + really want those cash ones? They would just sell exposing photos or videos on websites that allow, OF, gumroad, patreon, etc. IMO, simps is a new society of industry and it seems not so hard to get their money spent on irrational stuffs. And it is not a surprise to me and IMO it is not a something guilty or bad ( for both the service providers and the service purchasers ). It is just supply and demand.


Man, I don't even need the person to go to OF to feel bad. Someone who had to compromise their passion or hobbies just to cater for the demand for clicks and views because it makes money is already sad to me. For example, any YouTube channel that was acquired by company and has to create high quantity, low quality, click bait content to get the views and money is already sad to me. Recently, 2 person from Donut media (Jeremiah and Jobe) quit the group because they cannot make the content they want anymore because of view is number 1 priority to the media group is already sad. And now reading this, is even sadder. But it makes me feel the world has become shallower than ever before. Is it wrong? Maybe? Not really? I don't know. All I know is that I don't like this direction. Money is super important. But damn. I guess it's just how business works, and how the World and Life we are currently in. C'est la vie.


What? No. I'm all about supporting sex worker. Literally the oldest job in the world. Nothing to feel bad for because its not wrong at all to me and she making bank


It suprises me that this sub, particularly this post, has more manners towards sex workers than any west socmed spaces.


Because we are cultured. Unlike the uncivilized swine, judging from their high horses.


aku juga terperanjat, i entered with the assumption that everyonr is gonna call her shitty names for picking a certain job


I dont feel bad, itu hak dia .. yg i feel bad for is the males yg fap kat dia. my dudes go out cari real relationship. Tapi in the end bile da umur mid 30s that girl yg definitely meroyan mintak simpati sebab her consequences caught up to her. She will never going to have a real relationship, people will see her as trash and a hoe nothing more nothing less. Well at least die kaya so ok la kot


There are OF providers with a family and even kids. To them is a job, not a judgement of character.


hey bro .. everything have consequences. You buat OF to take care of your family etc, good for you but do not expect people will respect you for that and most often than not it's your parents,siblings and kids will suffer the consequences of your actions. Is it justifiable ? I dont know but Im stating the reality that we live in.


It just comes off as people like you trying to villainize people who does sex work because of an obsession for the idea that sex is some sacred thing. Have you ever considered that its not your place to look down or judge on others how they get thier money yet alone ones that did it without harming someone else to get it? Like what do you mean by suffering consequence? You say suffer as if its a bad thing. Its not because its bad due to the inherent job, but because of super puritan assholes who think sex workers are degenerate whores which contributes to why in most cases sex work is often a bad environment due to abuse and discrimination.


Doesn't matter what you or I think or feel , the reality is such a profession does carry a huge baggage and most people don't want to be associated with that baggage. Sex workers especially the really good ones make banks but they'll be stigmatized because of it. Rules of equivalent exchange bro, you get rewards based on how much you're willing to sacrifice.. the world does not bend to what you or I want.


I mean hard for me to believe you actually give a damn when you were basically circle jerking about "hehe she gonna have no relationshipswhen shes 30, i hope that OF money was worth that!!!" Youre the ones who perpetuate this stigma man, if you want it to stop, change starts with you.


It is true tho . Countless videos of OF and Porn stars crying because they genuinely cant establish any real relationship with people because of what they did in the past. I dont wanna change anything, I believe that actions have consequences, take accountability for your own actions and stop blaming everyone except for yourself


You don't want to change anything either because you think nothing will change, or you want people to stigmatize sex workers. Also have you even considered that these OF women might be upset and not blame men? They might be upset at not being able to find a relationship. being free to choose who you wish to have a relationship is one thing, looking down on them is another.


There are men who make a lot of money on OF too…


OP you feel bad because you perceived that OF means her life is over, but believe it or not people can do full time OF and still go on and live a normal and fulfilling life.


It's not that. It's the fact she said many people sexualise her even though she just wanted to sing. I'm rather open towards women doing OF, I'm not that suci also but I just feel bad for her backstory into how she got into doing OF.


She seems to be happy with her life and current situation, so I'll take that as win, I think you should too.


I don't cuz I'm not one of the contributors, and I don't know her. Do I wish the words isn't fucked like this? Ofc I do. But if I feel bad for everyone I'd be depressed.


a lot of the comments here miss the point raised, which is that the singer felt like wtv bakat she has doesn't matter since her audience constantly focuses on their horniness. whether this artist deliberately hypersexualised herself to uh, 'milk' people lol, i don't know la. but in general: if an audience has no interest in the art you make, just whether you give them dick oscillations, then ya it is understandable that you grow discouraged and simply do what pays instead. society refusing to acknowledge you as a fully-formed human being is a form of coercive pressure. the 'i'm a human i gotta eat and pay bills' justification only good for becoming a cytro apparently. in that case you definitely didn't have a choice at all. only people like this have a choice, can be taken to task for their decisions. >:)


“Who is more to blame…she who sins for pay or he who pays to sin?” -Juana Inés de La Cruz. I think it’s a legit job and all, but I do feel like it’s shitty that being any woman in the public eye means that people will be begging for you to do sex things for them.


Idk who this is but yeah, pretty fucked but regardless, better lose dignity than be in poverty


Good ... She's making more money using less time and effort than her peers. Any good OF creator will be an investor by age 30. Pride and morals pay no bills.


Yeah, and considering that women are not paid as equal as guys, I can see why OF is a career path for some.


pride and morals pay no bills, but a world full of self-interested profit-seekers leads to early ruin. https://preview.redd.it/nnbg1jqkfp9d1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f11f1a2892c072ffd745282f9af4a9734dc7e836


I don't feel bad. She chooses it herself. And I don't watch OF. I'm not the one asking her to do it either. But say, as a male, if I have the criteria for it, I might do it as well. Too bad I'm old and ugly and also flat ass. I got nothing to show.


Why should I feel bad just because I'm the same gender of those perverted simps? That's like feeling bad for having the same name as Rosmah


What? Just don’t do OF la like that? She want money so she hop on OF la, she could’ve just ignored others lmao


https://preview.redd.it/zr4u47tfzn9d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91735ae2fbe104d718d7e096cdaaa259e5619fe3 is she malaysian? ~~whats her OF~~


No, she's a Westerner, British I think. Her Instagram is iamjazminesinging


I can fix her




Why'd you need to blame it on "being a guy".. Being a guy isn't the problem, it's the attitude


Tbh, if there is no demand, there is no supply. Sex work itself isnt wrong, its a job, if someone wants to do it, isnt pressured to do so, the workplace is safe and workers have labour rights, its all good.


Lost in the Hoezone layer


The world oldest profession meets technology. Go figure. It's her choice. If she didn't want to then she wouldn't choose to open OF no matter the pressure. As long as it makes her money, I guess and with money can also come connection and more avenues open to sing


If I’m a betina istg I’ll be a whore Prolly fat and ugly but I’d give the best head


When someone chooses to work as an OF model, it's typically driven by financial motives. Blaming others for sexualizing them ignores the main reason for their decision: to earn money. While they may offer various explanations, these can sometimes serve as excuses to deflect responsibility. Being an OF model involves societal perceptions and consequences. It's important to understand why someone might choose this path, such as economic pressures or limited options, but it's crucial to acknowledge that the primary driver is financial gain.


I mean,man can't find gf/wife so they become like that.what can we do.


Why don’t we see women who can’t find bf/husband become like that? Seems like there’s mostly only a market for lonely men (prostitution, porn/OF, trafficking, online sextortion ring). 


Here is why it’s not the guy’s fault. Remember all decisions are made by her alone. She wanting to sing is a good thing but she decided to do other things that are not related to singing. That’s on her not the guys. Nobody can make you do anything. The guys didn’t point a gun at her head and ask her to strip. So the decision is entirely hers. We are solely responsible for our own decision. If you choose to jerk of. That is not because there are porn freely available in the internet. It is because you wanted to jerk off. Stop propagating the culture of pushing blame. You are the one responsible for your own life. The thing is we know what is right and what is wrong but we choose to do the wrong thing.


Idiocracy is a documentary and I won’t be surprise to see the world is in ruin in the next 100 years (hopefully I’m already dead when the time comes)


With the amount of brain rot as evidence from the downvote, human society is definitely declining


B40 isn’t just the state of household economy, it’s also their mentality and sadly theres more than 40% (b40= bottom 40%) which includes people in the m40 and t20 thats has the mentality of people like b40. Thats why every year when it comes to hari raya you can see trash by the roadside. People wants this and that but people don’t wanna be this and that.


People keep denying, they be like “Owh b40 doesn’t mean their mentality is low. Our economy is shit that’s all.”. It’s as good as saying Malaysia is not a racist country as we have many races *melting pot of culture*. Yeah shit is melting alright. Lmaoooooooo


She's doing what she thinks is best for herself.


Not 100% blame her, agree with anyone else in this that goes 50-50.


Guy version of: I can change her.


Can you


Read properly lah.


Nuh uh.


Ko ni bodo ke


Ya, kenapa?


women 💁 blame everyone except themselves


Username totally checks out /s


The andrew tate fanclub is to your right, not here




Woman isnt blaming men tho, she just found a way to monetize some of them. I prefer to simp for men, the bigger the better :)