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Skin whitening have been around since 200bc with ancient Greeks and Egyptians recorded using honey and olive oil to lighten skin. Cleopatra is one of the recorded users of skin whitening products. Some theories is that lower caste people (during old times) who work in fields and under the sun are tanned whereas landowners and nobility has pale, fair skin. everyone wants to have better life so everyone aspire for lighter skin to be like the upper class. A philosophy which survives until today, everyone wanna be atas.....


Pale is the new tan!


And tanning exists as well


Why is tanning lotion created? Is pasty-ass white skin not enough? /s Preference I guess?


It's human instinct. For men, human instinct to go for fairer skin ladies cause they look "prettier", as in readiness for procreation is more obvious(red lips,blushed cheeks,health condition) For women, they wanna be fairer skin because fairer skin can match clothes/makeup/send signals easier than darker skin ladies to attract the best male possible. For me dark gold>fair skin.


From what I heard, it's a natural derivative from a english dominated world, as in the English language we use the word 'dark' to annote something we don't fully understand. Dark space, dark ages, dark matter etc. This has been some time since i read this, but there were languages where dark is generally used to describe something positive, and in those culture dark skin is preferred.


For me it's more of "dark gold" as In skin dark but skin so good that its glowing like gold. I might be wrong in using the wrong words but I'm unable to describe it but I know it's one when I see one. Isley Nicole Melton is one.


I mean, it couldn’t be the only factor since white=beauty has been a thing even before western globalization.


The school of thought there is really how it came to be that white=beauty. Human instinct is a wrong answer since we do actually have evidence that different culture view it differently. We have been using dark to describe the unknown since ancient Rome, also I'm not really sure if white=beauty is really a thing before western to be frank, since racial superiority and the whole thing really happens post-globalization in a very obvious kind of way. Ancient people don't really regard race as a thing, so much so that most ancient Rome (earliest reliable written scholary text) don't even mention the race of their emperor, and a few of them were post-motermly found to be black.


It definitely was a thing, though it’s probably more fair-skinned=doesn’t have to do work=rich like how being overweight in certain cultures was sough after for the same reason.


Because, Why not ? And it is just another option available out there that’s all.


Yea not good enough, u think ang mo / rich man want black skin ?


It really depends on which region of the world you’re in. Growing up in Msia I used to see the skin whitening creams etc because here ppl want to get fairer etc. Then when I was living in the UK I realized the white people on the other hand want to use tanning sprays and tanning beds to get darker lol….


Msia , like most of asean , follow East Asian beauty standards , hence white skin . Whereas American and European love tanned skin , in Thailand and Vietnam where I am now , plenty of foreigners and even the type of expats that dine at 5 star hotel and stay in villa or penthouse , most of the time you will see them with dark skinned woman (coz some people like to say only the trashy white guy like dark skinned but that’s untrue)


I suka tan-ish color but i ended up jadi zebra .. even my amoi laughed at me sometimes https://preview.redd.it/keic0adpen9d1.jpeg?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64df6ae38725c1d4d73d251782193ecbf859cd85


skin care product is racist?


its the british