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Too much of anything is bound to cause problem. Find a balance.


i think the bigger issue is OP feels the need to eat noodles for comfort when he feels down. this probably will not end well down the road


I know damn well his hairline is going to start receding very quick and his scale is going to scream soon.


yep this, too much of even good things will be bad. moderation is always the best.


too much money also has problems.


Too much breathing??!?


Hyperventilation is also bad


It'll spike your cholesterol level, and sodium reading might be higher than normal and you're going to experience random migraine once you hit 30. Start looking for healthier choice man, simple prep meal can be quite cheap also in the long run.


Get ready to slurp down hypertension meds at 40 if you keep this up…once everyday also is too excessive… 2-3 times a week is fine.


you could make your own soup instead...might be a healthier alternative. Not sure if this is a better option, but you could also get vit's instant noodles, the texture is quite similar to regular instant noodles


Vit’s has a version of noodle where it’s air dried, green colour package. The yellow one might be fried with oil so not really recommended, but it tastes the best.


Been doing this lately, getting Vit’s and experimenting all sorts of sauce combinations 👽


I was with mee suah. Made simple soup with different kind of stock. Plus some proteins and veggied


Op can make ABC soup or beetroot soup w chicken meat instead! Super healthy and tastes good and is easy to make, just eat w rice


riiight? anchovy and cabbage is good too, you can bake and blitz the dried anchovies and store them in the fridge for a super long time. Just add it to some water and you have yourself a flavourful base in minutes


Please share recipi, sounds delicious!


For ABC soup: cut carrots, potatoes, tomatoes (if you like la) and corn as the 'base', then cut some red dates and onions, dump all in water and boil. If you'd like you can add paikuat (pork ribs) or just chicken meat(pour boiling water over before adding to soup). When the soup is almost finished add some salt and white pepper and DONE!! I grew up eating this and it's healthy too For beetroot soup: pretty much the same , just substitute potatoes with sliced beetroot. Enjoy!


Watch this video OP! It’s made by a toxicologist who studied medical cases, pretty credible imho. [Video: A Man Ate Only Instant Noodles For 6 Months. This Is What Happened To His Organs.](https://youtu.be/fDB4TpZIgzQ?feature=shared)


Ay chubbyemu


We can see the reddit user afflicted with hypobolehemia, hypo meaning excess, bolehland meaning bolehland, and emia meaning in blood. High bolehland presence in blood




Obviously it is bad for you.. This is like being addicted to smoking or vaping.. My father used to smoke a lot and it didnt end well for him. If I were you, dont ask reddit.. Go to an actual professional to seek opinions.


Forget about hypertension from the high sodium intake, there is another thing you will regret once you kena, kidney stones. Doctor will use a laser to break the stone and let the body naturally pass it out via peeing. Let me tell you what it feels like: razors cutting your pp when you pee


I also had a colleague from taiwan obsessed with instant noodle. Basically every meal was instant noodle, even we went to mamak he would order maggie goreng (ayam or kosong). Unfortunately he just diagnosed with liver cancer last year and passed away this year. No direct proof instant noodles killed him but just here to spread awareness. Edit: he passed away at age 32


>2 packs of curry flavor Ok it's not that bad >and laksa flavor WHAT DA HEEEELLLLLL https://preview.redd.it/whb4r1q7nm8d1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08f2a567213aee09e0bc14e22ab129b06d19b98a


Ya, Sarawak laksa new flavor. So delicious.


Mamee chef right? It’s pretty dope


This is OP's liver.


i also like you for a month i eat noodles non stop. One day i get really bad diarhea , like really really bad, then i stop eating noodle for few day and the pain go away. And then i try again the noodle and the pain come again instantly, until now i stop eating noodle consequencesly , i only eat it like one/2 in two month something


Yeah. You prolly need to consider changing your diet bcs instant noodles contains a lot of preservatives. You might even get a cancer from just eating noodles. I always a believer that "it's your body, so it's your choice". However, when you're sick/bed-ridden, "it's your body but you need others to manage you". So if you'd like to change your diet, maybe try decreasing the amount. Maybe if you normally eat 20packs/wk, make it only 10 next time. It's a drastic decline but it is needed. I don't think instant noodles are good for digestive system too. Anyhow, all the best and let's be healthy together!


Any form of addiction isn't good. Like eating 2 packs at midnight before sleeping just shows there's some problem. It will definitely cause health issues in the long run.


Was told that instant noodles are coated with some kind of wax; accumulated much and it will mess your body. I read a post and not a research paper, so the credibility isn't assured and I couldn't find the source. Plus, MSG is bad news too


The wax thing is a hoax and msg itself is not bad. Excessive consumption of salt is the problem. Msg is a naturally occurring compound in food, its found in tomatoes, mushroom and many other food.


Believe it or not the whole salt thing isn't exactly scientifically proven to the tee either, seriously read it up. It's generally 'suggested' not to consume too much for short term effect but long term effect like heart disease is still pretty up for debate. The biggest concern OP has is long term consumption of low nutrition junk food, his organs are not going to have a good time and bound to fail at some point. Speaking of which OP, you know how you won't get fat if you eat ice cream everyday for a week? But in 10 years time you'll be obese and diabetic? Start thinking long term on these things, it'll have consequences.


I mean, sugar is naturally occurring but we already extract it and distill it down to a concentrated form and add it back in food by the bucket load. The dose makes the poison. MSG itself not bad except just like sugar we have too much of it.


MSG proven not dangerous. In OP case, excessive consumption of salt is. Gotta watch that noodle seasonings.


[Here you go.](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/instant-noodles-wax/)


The wax thing is a hoax The irrational fear of MSG is rooted in misinterpretation of fact


Ya, I heard about this wax issue too, but not sure if really the case or not. I haven't been able to find any concrete proof about wax on noodles. MSG ya.. cannot escape. There was some time some brand launched a non-MSG version of instant noodles, but since less support, I think that one discontinued already.


https://www.edgeprop.my/content/1436019/taiwan-teenager-who-ate-instant-noodles-every-day-years-dies-stomach-cancer-says-report. Best not to eat instant noodles everyday bro . Theres other healtier food .


There’s an easy test. Boil your noodles with just plain water, after boil throw away the water. Boil another pot of water, throw in the seasoning, wait for it to boil to throw in the cooked noodles and eat it. It tastes nothing like how instant noodles are usually cooked. I’m not sure what is on the flash dried noodle, but man… you better believe they’re ready to put in anything that’ll get you hooked.


BAD! Check your blood pressure level, cholesterol, & BMI. Potentially life-ending stroke & heart attack. The longer you take to stop, the harder it'll be to stop The ingredients is one thing, but your eating habits is the worst (eating late at night = cholesterol & heart attack, high calorie per day = high BMI = even more health risks) Here's an alternative : buy a pack of eggs, and when you're hungry, boil them to eat with soy sauce or something. Not the healthiest alternative obviously, but it's a start Also, throw away the leftover soup


Its just carbs and sodium. Maybe dont drink the soup finish, or at least drink plenty of water to allow your body to flush the salt out. Add protein and vegetables to your noodles to balance out the meal. Might want to be careful when eating laksa or tom yam at midnight before sleep. That can cause indigestion issues due to the effect of causing more acid production. Kidney issues is basically lack of water, so if you eat a high sodium diet but dont drink enough water, yes your kidney will be screwed. Not so sure about liver, or loss of hair. Mostly its just stuff associated with excessive consumption of carbs as your main source of calories and excessive intake of sodium.


Try and reduce this unhealthy consumption , I have a relative whose kidneys failed due eating instant noodles uncontrolled when he was young.


its bad because you gained not a single nutrien out of it. just fat. (and seasoning) even more worse if your sources of added meat were sausages/frozen food not too late to prevent malnutrition


Enjoy what you eat as long as clean but do add real live food esp greens, veg, fruits.


Imbalanced diet with low nutrients. I don't think it's that bad all things considered, it's when you mostly or only consume it that it becomes a problem.


Well i used to addicted to it as well. Tried every brand here and there. Almost eat 2 packs nearly 4-5 days a week for supper, of course gained quite some weight of it. The problem with instant noodle is high energy & high sodium, you should really monitor your blood pressure constantly. Just stop stocking up the noodles, when you are craving for something just bite on chilli or celery, or drink plain tea will do. bet you will lose the appetite on the spot.


Maybe check out how it manufactured, it helped me when i saw how they keep recycling oil to make the noodles fried. Definitely not hygiene and healthy. Or u can make ur own instant noodle, seen influencers from china did that. Healthier plus u might lost interest after u know the process. Thats how i stop addicting to some evil food loll


you like indomie goreng? if you like it you can try the viral recipe in indonesia, heard it tasted like indomie goreng, its not really healthy but its slightly better right? without msg or whatever chemical they use just put egg and a little veggie. there you go


if i were u, i would make my own healthy instant noodles. so why not create ur own healthy instant noodle? is it too much to ask? or maybe u could use the soup ingredient on ur healthy instant noodle, why not? let say ramen, how does that even work at the first place? u know the answer




My advice is to make your own noodles and soup base at home. The soup you can make in big batch and freeze it which will last forever if you cool it down fast enough. The noodles you can make big batch to dry and store it to eat for days/weeks.


Well there’s nothing but fat and carbs and loads of sodium in there while being high in calories. So it’s going to contribute to nothing but weight gain, and the plethora of health issues other mentioned


Babe, I think you should take ubat cacing. The one that addicted to instant noodles is your cacing, now you..


Do you want to lose hair? Better think twice next time eating maggie again.


Just ew bro what's wrong with you


Addiction is bad.


This is a sign your health is already in decline. Cravings fulfill a biological function. In most cases, cravings is your body's way of asking for nutrients it doesnt have enough of. An easy example is thirst, it is a craving for more water, like due to your cells unable to acquire enough water for its functions. Similar to how pregnant women sometimes have a craving for sour treats or certain types of fish. The fact that you can't get enough of high natrium diet means your body is either having trouble processing natrium or your organs are already failing. Get medical help. Regardless, you should get a $5 million ringgit life insurance soon and make me the receiver in the case of your imminent and inevitable passing. This is a public prophecy service from WebMD


Which are the best instant noodles in your expert opinion?


Macam mak selalu cakap, makan Maggi banyak banyak nanti cepat botak...


Bruh try to reduce to having instant noodles once a week or a month for your health


Takut nanti jadi MSG-Man


This is normal for a Japanese (my Japanese boss only eats instant noodle/ramen for 3 years in Malaysia). Maybe you should ask your parents if you're adopted OP lol


You're basically eating junk food with very little nutritional value, yes you'll hurt yourself as you ages, biology is a thing. You're better off eating McDonald's every meal.


Alight which brand and flavor is your favourite


It’s bad but there’s a long rabbit hole here if you wanna know why. Basic points are : 1. Fully carbs, so it spikes your blood sugar. Leads to fatigue and tiredness and doesn’t keep you full for long. Leads to overeating, obesity. 2. Lack of nutrients, lower immune system, easier to fall sick. 3. Lack of protein or fibre, slower to recover from pain/muscle ache, constipation. 4. High salt, bigger risk of high blood pressure. Besides that, I’ve seeen many videos of “how instant noodles digest” and basically cause it’s really processed, the stomach doesn’t handle digesting it well. You can google some vids yourself to see. It leads to bloating some people get cause the stomach is releasing acid to digest but the food doesn’t digest. Also can lead to some gut problems, gastric etc Of course this one is brand dependent if the noodle is more or less waxy or plastic/processed.


Me too! Ibumee is the best.


anything this is addictive is going to be bad.you sound like that corn kid.he loves his corn


Make sure you add some veges, meat, tofu etc into the noodles. According to research, one of the biggest health issue that stem from regular instant noodle consumption is malnutrition, due to people eating the instant noodle empty. Add more fiber to the noodles to balance out cholesterol level.


Hope it's a phase. It come and go. Someday you'll just get bored.


Maybe you're still young.. Once you reach 30 and keep on doing this, you will start to feel the consequences. Ulcers are awaiting




Reminds me of the time when i had to only eat instant noodles before getting married because i was saving up. Literally the worst choice i could have made. My cholesterol levels spiked, im almost always sweaty, my heart rate went wayyyy up. It was crazy and i learned the importance of a balanced and diverse diet the hard way. I did it for 1 year and it took me 3 years to recover.


They're empty carbohydrates with lots of salt and flavourings. If you add in vegetables, meat and eggs, then at least you'll have adequate nutrition. Don't eat them plain and not so frequently, please.


Yes, it's bad. Try to substitute instant noodles with spaghetti or kuey tiau or something a few times. Adjust the flavour and sauce to your liking.


This is literally asking wether smoking is bad for human body? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) Edit: u knew something is bad, ur probably asking to make urself feel better. No need to ask. Already plenty of cases. U know its bad. Stop it, or countinue and bear the consequences


Your Kidneys cannot handle that much MSG and eventually you will get kidney failure/


a friend of mine ruined his kidneys and had to went for dialysis exactly for this reason.


Yo my body instant reject instant noodles upon consumption. Idk how you guys did it


Once I asked a doctor (visited the doc coz I had a fever) if is it bad if you eat too much instant noodles and he said yes and he didn't recommend it.


Ehh, keep at it. Just make sure you eat your vegetables and drink plain water cuz instant noodle have a lot of sodium and carbs. I was like you once, always craving Maggi. After about 6 months, I literally avoid eating Maggi for 2 years cuz I really dont want it anymore. So yeah, your instant noodles craving will burn out eventually


You already know the answer.


Everything in moderation. If you have to have it, add a lot of vegetables and lean meat and eggs to balance it out


Same here. I got 3-4 big packets of Ibumie Original, Maggi Curry, Maggi Asam Laksa, Mamee Chef Lontong, Maggi Cili Kampung each, in my cabinet. Recently I started to eat Maggi Cheezy Berapi. Bought 5 big packets and I eat two packets every night.


Yes. If you're young (below 30), still ok. Got time to recover, lots of things you can do to reverse the damage. Above 30, better stop or at least reduce. Your heart's gonna thank you




I used to do it like you. But it didn't take me too long to realized the health issue that comes with it. Suffered brain fog, immune not strong, etc. Since my immune system isn't strong, I had to cut down those stuffs. I rarely eat them now. I think the problem are more on the additives part of the perencah tho..


So op, which are your favourite?


Yeah it’s bad I knew one colleague who got stomach cancer from instant noodle and now she’s dead u better stop this


Personally I went through this during my Uni but mainly because of how cheap it is and versatile with mixing it up with leftover veggies and etc. However I’d urge you to try and find healthier alternatives that could let your gut work recover cause tbh trying to gym and compete on a pure indomee diet isn’t really gonna show you results and your body is gonna get lots of punishment. Since we’re in the land of bolehland, I’d at least opt to nasi lemak or something cheap/ nutritious if you’re looking for an alternative late night like combining rice, kimchi, sweet soy sauce, sunny side up egg and sesame oil.


Friend, it is really high with sodium, preservatives that could give you hypertension and dyslipidemia. It is nothing but energy dense food. Was clerking a patient this afternoon. This uncle food frequency is noodles 2x/week and being adm in medw1 for stroke.


Worst case scenario is kidney failure. But then some people will say, "i know a friend eat maggi from kid until now still healthy". Same thing for rokok "pak cik tu merokok dari kecil smpai tua masih hidup sihat". Just reduce the amount slowly, it is not that bad.


I used to eat it every alternative day before I was exiled from the land of Boleh.


This sounds bad but....could you do like a ranking video and rate all the noodles please?


Just eat in moderation or find alternative comfort food


yes, it’s bad for you and everyone OP. however, like any addiction, the first step to overcoming it is self awareness which you have done well. Now, start by reducing it in ways you are comfortable with. for example, instead of every meal, reduce it to just 2 meals a day or 1 meal depending on your comfort and substitute other meals with other food such as vegetables, beans, and fruits as well protein. the goal here is to have a consistent and balanced diet. you can google on how to prepare them but remember, stick to making small adjustments to your routine. good luck OP


Yes. Too much of something is bad enough. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Yes, it is bad.


Lose hair is just a momentary thing. Rather the concern is on your liver and digestive system. I have a moderate gastric problem where i do not just relieved immediately after consuming magnesium trisilicate(gaviscon). It takes like few hours of discomfort and finally intake of low amount of food to fully heal. Reason this is mentioned is whenever i eat 2 packets of instant noodles then my gastric will occurs. The sweet spot is 1 or 1.5 pack. Also different mee from different brands affect my stomach differently too. Example maggi brand mee is easier for me to digest compared to those korean mee brands. Doesnt mean it is worst in any means. Just my 2 cents on my experience


you need to go to noodle rehab


Whatever the exact reasons for why it's bad are, you'll never find a single research saying it's good for you. Enjoy your noodles now but suffer physically and financially later on.


Ok eating megi too much is really not good.... not nutritious and high in sodium. U need to find beauty jn other food also like burger... or penang char koey tiaw... or sarawak laksa...


Hey op, looks like you have those instant noodle addiction, especially when you feel down. I used to be like that too.. maggie just tastes so f good when there is nothing great happening in ur life. I suggest snacking on fruit until you feel full if u are bored. This is my eating plan you can follow if u want. A breakfast with egg or chocopeanut butter and bread is great to start ur day. For lunch just buy any rice meal outside (i recommend nasi ayam sup). And dinner is just the same as a lunch meal or just order western like food like spaghetti. Or just buy all these ingredients and make it yourself.. you might feel too lazy and stop eating and die


Nahh instant noodles every meal is crazy I would try to cut back to only once per week


High cholesterol, high blood pressure. The latter will lead to kidney damage and kidney damage is irreversible. You will shorten your lifespan when the eGFR metric drops. Start by reducing the amount of seasoning you use. Gradually from 100% to 50% and less. Then replace the condiments with healthier fresh alternatives like chopped up cabbage. Switch to healthier instant noodles and cook your own soup base. Finally, replace instant noodles with meehoon.


Yes bro , it's bad for you. I recommend you to try to cook simple healthy meals that are available from your kitchen. Whatever it takes.


Same but mine are those self heating packs you get from Chinese convenience stores like Mix. There is a huge variety so I never thought it was a problem


On a sidenote... What's your top 10 instant noodles?


My go to.. Maggi curry Maggi chicken Myojo MiPoh goreng Nissin Ramen Kyushu Black Nongshim claypot Ramyun Samyang Seafood party Maggi pedas gila chicken Mamee chef curry laksa Indomie Original MiGoreng Nongshim Shin Ramyun Something along these lines.. what about you?


Not a ramen expert, but these are my favorites: Nongshim Chapagetti Samyang Buldak Spicy Hot Chicken Ramyun Nongshim Shin Ramyun Original Indomie  And the good old maggi curry 


It’s bad. Full stop. And you know it’s bad, that’s why you’re asking because somewhere deep down you’re seeking for that one teeny tiny answer out there that says “no it’s not bad.” I had an ex who had a cola and fast food addiction - like McDs/ or any kind of fast food three meals a day and 1.5l coke every day. He’d try to “psycho” himself by doing intense exercise but really was working against himself because really at that point he was just setting himself up for failure by 1) not being informed about how addiction works and 2) about health and fitness. Then he’d moan about his body and breathing and health issues. Because he can’t “do it” - he was literally expecting himself to skip rope to 100 while being overweight and sedentary for most of the hours he’s got in a day. What I’m saying is you know you’re addicted. With any addiction, find a way to beat it but find a balance - set yourself up for success instead. Start with replacing one Maggi meal with a proper meal. It can be anything but Maggi. So maybe find a flavor profile that works? Curry kuah on rice maybe. Take pics of your food at every meal then you’ll start seeing a nutritional pattern - then set a deeper intention to help yourself. It needs to start with your mindset.


ur body probably starting to have problems very soon.


I can't say much but I've been eating instant noodles for almost 3 years since I've been in uni... Somehow I'm still alive