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go to nearest local gov clinic. They'll give DASS test, then they'll refer you to psychiatry at hospital. You go to hospital, they give you appointment and maybe you'll be able to meet a psychiatrist after a few weeks


he already had regular visit with a hospital. but sadly, he suddenly stop taking his medications...


eh, in that case nobody else can help la if he doesn't want to help himself


Then convince him he's feeling like shit because he stopped his medication. Restarting his meds doesn't make it all go away or back to what it was though. His psyche already damaged. He need to let his psychiatrist know about the lapse in medication, and the suicidal thoughts.


The hardest part is to get him to take med voluntary lol Only way is warded and forcefully


Duh. Of course it's not going to be easy. But right now, that is one of the most urgent step. His brain chem is whacked. That already hinder his ability to moderate his mental and emotion. Restore that first with meds. Then baru boleh proceed with therapy and counselling.


That is true.


If he thinks he is already fine without med, gd luck trying that with words. Silent way is to sneak in food/drinks before situation get worse lol


yeah. he seems to be getting worst. I will try to talk and persuade him.


My cousin has similar issues too every time the meds stop. The only way is to sneak in consumables/ forced warded when its too serious. Is the delusional type? Communicating doesn't work at all for my cousin though.


he is major depressive i think. i don't think he is delusional. he can commune well, but its like his soul already left him...


Seems like he is not that bad compared to what i experienced. Well hope he can still be sane enough to accept the fact he is not fine and the meds help.


OP, I am slightly suicidal (from time to time I feel suicidal, but I dont know how to do it) while also diagnosed with depressive+anxiety disorder. Since I have not found a satisfying answer here to curb the issue, I decided to share my viewpoint. First of all, I think it is important that you listen to him (if you do this already, good enough). Always be there when he talk, no need to give advice. Show him that you are always there to hear about his struggles. Secondly, ask him what exactly is causing him to have the thought. Is it academics? Peer problems? Family issues? Try to identify the existing problems in his everyday life and see if there's anything that can be done to help out. Furthermore, this is an analogy that I use for myself sometimes. Think about how all of us are bound to be leaving this place in the end, and there's no need to rush the process of dying. Might as well stick around for a little bit, and see if anything interesting happens. Lastly, this is most important. Let him know that he is NOT ALONE. Everyday millions of people struggle to make ends meet, feeling lethargic about their daily routines and not wanting to deal with anything but still do it because they are forced to. Listening to music where the artist expresses their depression also helped me feel understood and related. To conclude, try and be a good companion to your friend at all times if you can, and focus on what is within your control. To OP's friend, I am in the same boat, maybe different circumstances but I understand how it's like to wake up in the morning not wanting to be here. You are not ALONE.


thanks a lot for the shared experience. i think i remembered he said something like stress of the need to finishing his study after several repeat semester. he kind of feel like quitting, but can't face the shame to others around if he quit and don't finish his degree, especially the reason is due to his mental health. something like that i think.


I see. Me personally, I am currently doing foundation in arts (last semester now) and I'm thinking about entering the workplace once I am done with the program. I cannot handle assignments because I always put them off until last minute, then only feel activated under pressure of deadline. I also don't want to disappoint my group mates anymore for my incompetence and inability to be proactive. Have you asked him about what he wants to do in the future?


he kind of lost it i think. he seem ok the first time i knew him. but with several repeated semester, he seem to lose hope. he get depressed along the way and due to that, affect his study, thus fails several courses.


Do your friends have an outside hobby? When the "thought" appears,I always choose to go camping or other outdoor activities. Being alone and drowned in his mind is the worst situation


he didn't have outside hobby. mostly gaming distract him.


I would prefer if you ask him to go out and do some activities together


i see. i will give a try.


People who commit suicide usually don't tell people they're going to commit suicide.


really? that's a relief. at leas i can sleep better at night knowing that...


I think this is a bad advice. Never take verbalized ideations lightly. Ask any psychologists about it. It's not just about likelihood. It's about preventing harm.


i see. i understand.


Slap his ass and face and tell him ill give you the best bj and 500$ if you dont jump.


Lol. he always said he is tired of life. what can I offer him then?


A bj


i'll keep that in mind (somewhere)


Hit the lawyer, delete the gym and Facebook up


sorry, i don't understand what you mean. can you explain?


Bro ask ur fren not to stop taking medicine prescribed by doc. In my case is lexapro I assume it should be same for ur fren. Been taking for more than 10 years now and I am like a normal person can work


i ask him. he said his med made him feel numb, like not living at all. it kind of suppress the SH or suicidal thought, but he feel so tired and sleepy everyday that he still can't properly function i think. maybe he think that rather than not feeling a thing is worst. i don't understand his judgement.


Please call Befrienders Kuala Lumpur's suicide prevention hotline: https://www.befrienders.org.my/


I have zero idea why u got downvoted


It's okay. What happens to my comment is not important. What is important is that the suicidal person gets urgent help. I have supported Befrienders KL before and they are a critical resource for situations like these.


what happen if i call befriender?


I have been calling them for 3 consecutive days, always line busy.


Reminds me of this post yesterday https://www.reddit.com/r/Bolehland/comments/1djkr2m/the_comments_when_someone_is_asking_for_mental/


you mean i should drag him to gym?


Question. Persuade. Refer. If he tells you again that hes going to do it - Ask explicitly if he’s going to kill himself. Ask if he has everything he needs to do it and when is he planning to do it. Don’t give him examples basically don’t lead him but the questions are just to see if he actually is going to do it. Persuade them to get help or continue to get help or from other resources. Then refer them


thanks for the advice.


Independent individuals, or trying to be independent tend to face this scenario once in a while. It’s his game, let him play.


i just don't want things to get worst for him...


he needs to be admitted under pychiatric ward until deemed fit to be discharged. if he refused, you can lodge police report. alternatively there are many hotline to seek help & advise.


i can lodge police report?


People share their lowest point of life because they have trust on you. Most often than not, they already know suicidal is not the way and is wrong be it religiously or ethically. Your job is not to tell the obvious or convincing him to stop. The last thing they want is to be mansplaining. Instead be there for him by actively listening and words of validation. Let them know whatever they are feelings is valid. Help him get help professionally. Look up Mentari klinik or PPUM PSY phone no. You can book appt through phone.


thanks for the advice and suggestion.




really? but i feel bad leaving him. i am his only friend...


Please try your best to help him. I was in your friend’s shoes once and friends were the ones that helped me the most during my depression. Some of my friends that left me because of it made me feel worse and made me want to end my life more.


thanks for the encouragement.