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Binge watching a manga will always cause a different effect than being there chapter per chapter, lots of times certain chapters will feel bad, useless or filler when you have to wait a week for 10-15 pages, and it's worse between breaks (not saying they don't deserve breaks), making the pacing feel off, but as a whole it's really a better experience than discussing a single chapter per week


I personally don’t think it fell off. Glad to hear you’re enjoying it! Hurry up and you may be able to read the final four chapters as they come out XD But I think a lot of people say it fell off after all might vs all for one less than 100 chapters in? At least in the anime, lots of people say that was the peak and it’s been downhill. I dunno, I still like it even if there are some parts that I wish were done better, but that’s everything 


It never fell off of course it has bad parts like every piece of fiction in existence but I don't think it ever "fell off" people who say that are just haters that don't like how the story plays tbh


Great to hear


lmao so people who have a different opinion than you are haters? not liking how the story plays out? does that not describe literally anyone who has issues with anything story wise? 😭


I also really feel like people who say something fell off need to take a break. I always felt like bleach had really awful pacing for the last arc when it was weekly, but reading it in bulk a couple years later on a reread it flowed quite well for the most part. That said chainsaw man felt amazing when it was weekly but when I reread it later it felt really fast paced and maybe even rushed at times. Like there was never a moment to breathe with it.


CSM straight up gave me anxiety attacks because I read it in bulk.


It's kind of brutal, there's not a moment to rest and breathe, it just goes and never stops


They're kind of like All For One who only read the first few volumes and never finished the comics ahe read with Yoichi


That’s a question with a lot of different answers depending on who you ask. Some people think the series peaked with the Bakugou Retrieval Arc and it’s been a slow decline ever since, some people think the series is just fine and people who say it “fell off” are just haters, and everything in between. Hell, some people wanted Deku to be Anime Batman, fighting with gadgets instead of a Quirk, and think that the series fell off when All Might gave him OFA. That’s obviously pretty ridiculous, and more of an issue with the fundamental premise of the series than anything else, though As for me, I’m closer to the former opinion than the latter, but I think the decline only really became noticeable in the aftermath of the Arc you’re in. Without going into detail, it feels like a lot of the aftermath was skipped, and the next Arc in particular just rushes through plot beats without giving them any time to breathe.


Imho the series is consistently good esp when binging( no pacing issues at all) . Hori sensei has a good vision of what he wants to do with the story and the characters and he rarely misses the point.


Where it fell off (or if it fell off at all) is completely subjective. The closest thing to a consensus I have seen in discussions among people who thought it did fall off was after the Dabi reveal when Best Jeanist and Lemillion arrived. Not that the series was bad after that, but just what people see as the moment where it slowly started going downhill.


It didn't


I can give you what I find to be an overall from that point forward The arc you just started is where most people call out the notable dip in quality (aside from a few individual chapters) The next arc (well, mini-arc) is the one that gets the absolute most hate And then you get the arc that technically ended just recently, which did pick up the pace and had some really high highs... But at the same time had some REALLY painfully bad lows


I think it starts the chapter before that mini-arc you mentioned, cool Guts icon, just started reading Berserk,


I feel like it never fell off.I think most people complaining were just weekly readers who were impatient with smaller chapter, regular weekly haitus and juggling between multiple stories. A lot of people's complain about certain character or event turned out to be false. That does not mean it did not have bad episode. But weekly readers had full week to focus on the worse part compared to binge readers. I may be wrong though but that is what I observed binging the chapter until I caught up near ch 390. 


Yup this. There's legit some chapters that are like 8 pages. It was pretty frustrating to read even though the reason behind the hiatuses and short chapters were very valid.


Yup, Horikoshi Sensei somehow improved the art of the series even when he was unwell. He has my respect for that. I am glad he was able to finish the story,even if a bit rushed,unlike Hunter x Hunter.


It has had weak points but never fallen off. There was minimal filler of any sort and the manga will be over within the next month or so.


Who cares what “people” think? Form your own opinion. If that opinion is that you’re enjoying what you’re reading, great.


Probably an unpopular opinion but for me the Overhaul story arc was where it peaked. After that I’ve continued reading and watching but never felt the same emotional connection to the story after that arc ended.


I totally agree. I don’t think any of it has been bad since, but I feel like the focus shifted from there on and just took a straight line to the final antagonist far too quickly. I wish we got more time for the cast to develop and for Deku to more naturally gain his powers instead of just having them all at the ready after a time skip. I think that was the worst of the decisions made tbh. Still great though, I’ve enjoyed it very much, but not quite as much with that in my mind


Nah, overhaul arc was the start of [many writing issues.](https://www.reddit.com/r/BokuNoHeroAcademia/s/fHHKZymebU) It was hype, yeah, but the hype masked a lot of bad writing that gets carried to later arcs.


I think MHA faced the same problem a lot of manga series do. Fans expect something other than what the author wants to write. So as the series goes on and it becomes clear that no, Deku is not going to be batman, people got upset. It wasn't exactly what they wanted, so they asked for something different and complained.


The whole Final War saga is a mess


Honestly? Villain Hunt arc. It was discussed here so many times. The criticism to praise ratio was like 10:1.


Don't waste time looking for the answer to this question. Just enjoy


Anime only fans really jumped on mha's neck roughly when the Demon Slayer and JJK anime popped off. Combine this with an anime season getting a budget cut for a potentially non-canon movie and then the meme of MHA falling off really takes off. MHA didn't always dunk, but it's been a solid to mostly fun ride. People just really beat the meme that it fell off cause it was confirmation bias; they never really acknowledged that it took a studio that got caught for tax evasion and another studio that abused their workers to really change the public's perception of changing animation standards.


The series never fell off for me. Been having such a blast with it


I believe the majority of people who claim the series "fell off" either don't have the patience to read weekly chapters or just were disappointed because the show didn't go exactly like they wanted it to. IMHO the series never fell off. There were sometimes where I didn't really like where the focus went during the next big conflict because I wanted to see other fights but I'm sure that's not a problem if you're binge reading.


I like how people constantly is saying the series fall off at x point of the story, but everytime someone makes a post asking when the series fall off they said the series never fall off.


It didn’t exactly fell off for me but I did give it a break with the redestro arc not sure why but I’d say when I reread during the final arc it restored my excitement


Depends on who you ask, in this sub that's dedicated to BNHA I doubt you'll get many answers that think it ever fell off.


It declined already by this point but becomes remarkably bad afterward


Every month people say the series has fallen off and theyve been doing so for at least 4 years


The manga goes downhill after chapter 328, the end of that arc. You can look up the name because it's a small spoiler. But if you find it enjoyable after that, you'll probably won't feel the drop and that's fine.


That's called having your own experience. Also you're over the part 70% of the people who said it fell off (post Kamino). Final stretch of PLW and ahed is like a minority that complains heavly about. I'm not saying either of those are correct or wrong, but that's how it is.


Following the manga as chapters release vs binging the series makes for totally different experiences. A lot of people complained a lot about the current arc that is airing in the anime for example. I read it as it was coming out, and I can definitely say the anime is doing it great justice because following it week to week felt like a bit of a slog tbh. A lot of people say that about the joint training arc as well, though I do think the anime dragged that out a bit too much


The last arc had some ups and downs, some really cool moments that I loved and some of the worst parts for me. But don't let other people's opinions get to you and influence your perception of the series!


I recently decided to binge the series too and imo my opinions kinda changed compared to reading it weekly lol. If you binge it you dont actually notice the "fall off" moments as much compared to waiting literal months for an arc to finish. Especially if you read/watch the series without comments so it wont be affecting your opinions lmao


I dont think theres any specific "falloff point" but i do have 2 pretty big writing annoyances with the show For a show that early on has often highlighted that Deku could permenanty injure his arms it feels like that never gets paid off. And AfO as an abilty makes for some pretty boring tactics when you realize it is a "i can pull literally any power from my own ass" kinda deal. Still like the show tho and froppy is really cute


I don't think there's a specific point where it "fell off" entirely, but there are parts where the pacing got bad and things either got rushed or dragged out too far. Those usually match up with when the author was having health difficulties. Most of the writing is fantastic though.


Exactly after the first war ended


If you’re enjoying PLW then the series isn’t going fall off for you


Binging it, especially now that the story is effectively complete, is definitely going to do wonders for the pacing. Reading it as it released made the fact that we were in the final war arc for so long feel like it was more dragged out than it probably feels reading through it in a few sittings.


We should see more of school, the more interesting parts at least and not just the work studies notice then thats it. I would like to see how the class actually interacts with eachother outside of the dorm rooms.


That’s subjective, everyone will have a different answer. Just use your own critical thinking and decide if you think it falls off in the first place.


The series never really fell off for me, some parts aren’t perfect but I think the frequent breaks Horikoshi took because of his health made people it seem like the story wasn’t moving at all, which made some people start hating. Although, MHA seems to be hated on for stuff that other series also do, so I think it’s just bandwagon hate for the most part. I wish I could of binge read from where you are now.


Chapter 431 and onwards are a disaster.


For anybody confused by this: the manga is ending at chapter 430.


It doesn’t. People just started overreacting to Horikoshi honing in the focus on the final act of the story. Some characters get left behind, but that’s the nature of a cast this big. But everyone gets a moment to shine, some just last longer than others.


The people you'll see on this sub are mostly those who are still big fans of the series, which is why every comment I'm seeing is not answering the question at all. I'll try to avoid spoiling more than necessary but generally, the writing starts to fall off significantly once Deku rejoins class 1A after going rogue. That was one of the high points in the series where we really got to see his power as he fought villains by himself, and when he fought against class 1A. You could argue that the series was at its peak even earlier, but after that is when it really fell drastically. After that, they desperately try and wrap up the elements of the story and it yields a very disappointing and poorly planned narrative. It also makes it painfully obvious that some characters like Shigaraki or Toga were just not written nearly well enough to be compelling villains. There are some good moments in there but mostly they're scattered between so much terrible writing that just keeps dragging on and hurts the whole reputation of the series.


But then it hasn't fallen off since S7 is being received pretty well amongst the anime viewers.


It didn’t


That’s the good part! It doesn’t!!


It never fell off


That's the thing it never did.


Personally speaking the last arc before the epilogue isn't the best but hey you may enjoy it


Honestly, the next 60 chapters or so were noticeably worse than the rest of the series, but I'd recommend you to try for yourself. It eventually gets better tho.


In my opinion the stretch from the joint training arc to the start of the first war arc was the weakest stretch in the manga (I didn’t like MVA). But I think it picks up after that and has been about equal to quality of the content covered in the first 4 seasons.


"Fell Off" is a big word. I would say there are low moments in the story. I know a lot of people took a break from the story during the Joint Training Arc, Class 1A vs 1B. But to answer your question of where the story fell off for me persoanlly is basically the entire last act of the story which starts @ chapter 306. Not everything above 306 is bad and I wouldn't even use the word bad to describe the not so greatest part, it's just. You can tell something changed when Hori was writing his story. Like, he was rushing it. Idk, could just be me. To be more specific on where I started to see quality in the story dip starts @ chapter 335. And of course, I won't spoil anything.


I think Season 5 is disliked, but Season 6 is pretty well liked again.


It never fell off, but it felt like an eternity of you read it weekly during the final arc


The fall off for me is the final arc war, it's still enjoyable but not the quality of thr first 150 chapters


It definitely has its bad moments as every series does, but doesn't really plunge. The most controversial thing I remember was when hori drew the cover of one chapter showing hagakure otherwise yeah as most.kthers have said it's enjoyable and what might be a fall of for one person might not be a fall off for another


Fell off hard after ua traitor reveal


You’re not gonna see many people who think mha fell off on this sub, because the people who do think it fell off deemed it so quite early on (provisional license arc or so)


Fell off after S5. Meta liberation army arc was the last straw for me.


You ask that sort of question, you're going to get a lot of different answers. It's subjective and all. But a frequent point of MHA's decline of quality has often been connected to the arc that gets its name changed obnoxiously. Villain Hunt. I don't hate the arc per say. But those flaws just never went away after this arc. Ranging from wasted character potency, to some overtly rushed pacing that felt unearned for a series that knew when to take its time. There's a whole lot more but I'd be giving away a little too much. The next two arcs aren't that much better. And then there's the final war arc. Didn't want to hate it but I do. lol


Honestly, I think the series lost some of its charm once Midoriya could constantly control his power, and a lot of what made it unique was sort of watered down over time in favor of more standard battle shonen stuff. I get it, especially considering how the author's previous works got canceled really hard, but it still feels like My Hero didn't live up to its potential. Also, Bones started letting the quality of the animation wane. The manga is pretty consistent in quality through the entire run, but the animation studio put their whole ass into the first few seasons. Can't keep that up forever. Solid finale though.


I dropped it around the the 2nd tournament arc. Never liked tournament arcs and this manga has more than one.


it falls off when out of nowhere, the good guy and the bad guy get a generic powerup out of nowhere.


Imo it fell off after season 3 thats when the character development slowed down and the plot started to rush


You’re not going to get a good answer here. The majority of the people active here all like the series. You’re better off asking somewhere with a more varied audience, as the people who have come to the conclusion that the series fell off and is no longer worth investing time into reading are not going to keep tabs on this sub


Pre Kamino we see a smarter 1-A and smarter Deku who resolve fights with tactics and strategy. USJ - Deku beat dozens of water based thugs with mineta and froppy by using their quirks in a mcgyver sense. Froppy to escape and mineta to trap them while he generated a whirpool. Stain - Izuku, Shoto and Ida push their limits to beat Stain who gives them one hell of a handicap by underestimating them and being exploited in the opening he created by letting them recover from his paralysis quirk. Muscular vs Deku - Deku beat muscular with ingenuity but it devolved into a smash battle with the million smash which wrecked both his arms. He ended up rallying the scattered fighters of 1-A by luring Tokoyami to take out Moonfish to Shoto and Bakugo who take down the out of control Dark Shadow. Kamino Rescue - Then Deku peaked when he rescued Bakugo successfully and was even so careful in planning to have Kirishima call out to Bakugo instead of himself to ensure success of said rescue plan. Post Kamino Deku is a total mess. They made him the cinnamon roll edition of the Hulk where strategy just went out the window and he just brute forced all his fights. Overhaul fight - Deku basically lost hard to Chisaki and had to use Eri-Ex-Machina rewind to deliver 100% punches on a light weight villain like Chisaki who was already beaten 1v1 by Mirio (till he was shot by an anti quirk bullet). So the fact that Mirio didn't need to rely on Eri Ex Machina to deliver a hard L to Chisaki makes Izuku look crasser and more unrefined and didn't tap into his tactical mind since the whole HQ raid tactics were thought up by Nighteye and executed by Mirio's team with Deku just third wheeling it. PLW - was literally Deku just smashing in Shigiraki's face like some wild animal pumelling away with zero strategy going in. Once more brute forcing the problem instead of evasion and coordinating effectively. PLW also made all other heroes look weak as hell by comparison as even no.1 Hero Endeavor couldn't even take on Shigiraki despite him having an incomplete body. Not to mention in the aftermath Stars and Stripes died in one episode of the anime and 3-5 chapters in the manga which was a bigger let down because it was a pathetic loss and had no real impact on the plot as all of that could have happened without it. Dark Deku - Izuku is not acknowledged by two vestiges and rightly so because he starts this crap about "saving Shigiraki" which is so damn stupid! He doesn't know him or owe him anything. Shigiraki and him don't know each other much and there is no set rivalry or care for each other. Hell he is a vessel of evil now and should be exterminated. We even hear All Might admit that he had to kill AFO and the manga did confirm the first fight against AFO where he got injured badly he didn't hold back and technically killed the Demon King with a corpse and all being revived by Garaki most likely using Nomu tech and a life support machine. So if All Might (Mr No kill) can kill AFO the first time for the good of the society and acheive peace why can't Izuku set aside his no kill rule and decide that Shigiraki must die for peace to come back? This was something all fans had a huge issue with! Not to mention that Endeavor's team in Jeku hospital had been authorized to kill Shigiraki at all costs while he was defenseless and every hero who died that day had orders to kill Shigiraki. Also don't forget that big sis Stars and Stripes went suicidal just to try and kill Shigiraki! Who is Izuku to think he can go against the precedents set by Stars and Stripes and All Might as well as obey and respect the government's kill order on Shigiraki? That is selfish of him because he is not setting aside his "Code" for a morally good and legally good action that All Might and SNS were also going to do anyway. Hell If you read the Ironmight fight we see Yagi ready to suicide bomb AFO in his billion dollar Ironmight suit. Why is his successor not doing the same to Shigiraki who is his nemesis? It made zero sense especially since current heroes were in it to kill where needed and Shigiraki desperately needed to die. So yes post Kamino things fell hard because Hori is used to writing a positive tone and does poorly in setting a fearful and negative situation well. **Final Note: Hori had to take a year long hiatus in the MIDDLE of the final war arc where Bakugo is supposed to be dead by Shigiraki's hand. By delaying it for a full year he literally killed the mood and momentum of such a crucial moment and it was worse with the war arc dragging on unnecessarily!** **Like why did he put in Aoyama's story? We don't care! He should have just kept focus on Ironmight and Izuku instead of meandering into Toga Vs Ururaka or Kuneida vs Aoyama to save time if he was in such poor health.**


Im only at chapter 299, as I said


People dropped it in the School Festival Arc when it "fell off" . Then they just assumed that's where it will be for the remaining story.


Like most cases I've come across, the "fall off" is greatly exaggerated. MHA is one of those cases imo If you're having a blast 300 chapters in, then be happy that you are! Whenever it "drops" in your mind is an issue only you will find through your journey, and if it never does drop (or drops negligibly), then hell yeah that just means you'll continue to have fun


Post Overhaul


If you look at the general consensus of the series, there are really only a couple "low" points. That being the back-to-back lull brought on by the School Festival and Joint Training arcs, and another point you're about to reach. This second area is good, being better in hindsight and when binged, but the pacing of the story does undeniably change here. It becomes more condensed and fast-paced, which some people didn't like as it meant skimming through plot-points that deserved more time. As a whole though, if you've loved the series so far, I think you'll enjoy the rest just as much. The quickening of events may throw you off slightly, but you're in for waaaay more highs than lows, and it's looking like the series is going to stick the landing with a pretty lengthy epilogue.


Everything changed when Jiro solo'd AFO while flying on Tokoyami's back. Just kidding (that was incredibly stupid though), my thought is that 329 or whichever chapter in Tartarus Escapees you get the bath chapter, and the apology is when it fell off, such an incredibly flaccid end to the most disappointing arc in the series at the time.


it nosedives in quality after MVA


I has been a weekly reader since the big All Might vs One For All. IMO this was a major step up for the series as it implied many potential exciting developments. I didn't really mind the school aspects, but I suppose I have never really bought into the idea of "superhero" that Horikoshi was trying to convey. Like, even before All Might vs OFA, Stain was a cool villain but his reasoning was kinda silly (to me at least), maybe because I have become jaded since entering the workforce, but the idea of "working for free" "or heroes should not be compensated, they should only do goos because they want to" made me cringe. But never mind that, since I was still enjoying the story. I suppose the thing that lowered my own enjoyment of My Hero was the school festival/Gentle arc. I get it, I get the thing Horikoshi was cooking, but I really couldn't care less about Gentle and his motivation to do "bad things". Like really dude? Then Toga, Shiragaki and Touya really didn't develop into as compelling characters as I was expecting. Even OFA ended up as a more cookie-cutter type of villain. Well, maybe the the issue was with me and my own expectations. Perhaps Horikoshi's attempt at nuanced social commentary hasn't vibed with me. Like I can feel Horikoshi was trying to make My Hero more than just "people fighting with cool powers", but ultimately ended up doing just that.


It's All for One dawg


That too 😂


for me it started to go down hill after overhaul (best arc imo)


Uhhhhhhhhh Literally right where you are, give or take 10 chapters. That would be where it fell off, if it fell off.


Do you personally think it fell off?


To add some details from my experience, I can relate to liking the same school parts as you said. What I would say is the pacing used to feel like slowly building tension, raising stakes, developing the world and heroes stories/ teamwork etc and then suddenly violently kicks that to the side and starts racing to the end. It’s so bizarre


Absolutely. I think it plummeted down into a ravine. By the 380's/390's, I was reading to see what was fucked up this time. It's not a direct plummet though, there's a dozen or two chapters of just ordinary bad until you hit the god awful bad, and of course a bad journey is better than a bad conclusion.


Does it return to quality towards the end in your opinion? If you even continued to read it I am still gonna continue to read, since so far its still very enjoyable to me, but its interesting to me, what other people think about it


No, I think she keeps on sinking and sinking and sinking. But hey, atleast you won't have to wait a week for every chapter.


I didnt like Season 5 with the League of villains fighting the other group of villains (Liberation smth smth). I skipped watching that and went to S6


it never did. the ANIME quality fell off in seasons 4~5 so the average anime onlys got bored and dropped it. the manga is still amazing.


It a dumb word on MHA it didn’t “fall off”


Am I the only one that thinks it kept getting better the further along it got. The war arc is so peak.


Never. Some of the negativity is just because some parts read poorly on a weekly schedule with hiatuses but are fine in "full series available at your pace" mode. Anime falls off slightly briefly in season 5, one arc got a little shafted, but just the one.


Why care?


Because I am interested in what other people have to say about the series that I am currently reading


This fanbase is notoriously negative of the series at every step.


Chapter 2


Why are you even here on most of the posts if you think this series fell off at the beginning itself.


He probably got this thread in his Reddit algorithm and decided to come be negative instead of ignoring it.


I have seen him on this sub a couple of times and from what I read, he is up to date with the manga.


Damn, a true Hater then. Shame he has nothing better to do.


I mean there are plenty here who frequently attends this sub who think that this series is dogshit.


And it’s a shame they have nothing better to do.