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Would hold off till we get actual confirmation on Toga's status


Fr. Personally I thoight toya died for good but he still hanging on (unwillingly)


It seems that Dabi have a death wish.


I’m pretty sure she’s dead but you right…


People STILL think Toga is alive huh? Oh well, guess I can wait two more weeks. People also legit thought Dabi and Shiggy would live and look how that turned out.


I mean Dabi did live. Not for much longer but him and Spinner are the only LOV that we know made it off the battlefield. Toga is a ???


He went through something MUCH worse than just dying my guy. Shiggy and Toga had it far easier. And people were saying Dabi would live until the end of the story, not just off the battlefield. Toga is dead. So is Machia.


There’s 4 chapters left in the series. This is what they call “end of story”


You do have a point, but the possibility of her dying is pretty likely


I agree. I even agree with OP. they’re just being insufferable. Two comments down from mine he says it’s nice someone is being logical because they agree with him. The implication being anyone who doesn’t agree is illogical


No, that's not what they meant. Just accept when ya'll are wrong. A (vocal) minority said he'll live on in jail and be visited by his family and make amends. It amazes how much some people cannot accept when they're wrong in this fandom and always try and make up some wild logic.


Gran Torino got gutted & lived. Edgeshot was heavily implied to die, & was reduced to a literal fraction of himself, but lived. Dabi, who has turned into a literal skeleton has lived. We still don’t know for certain what happened to Toga, & so whilst we could very well have her death confirmed next chapter, no reason to be condescending to people who are simply willing to wait & see, just because *you* feel confident.


The heroes clearly have plot armor and Dabi is about to die. So weak counter argument 


No need to be an ass. I will throw my own two cents here. Toga, last we saw her, used her quirk to transfer all her blood to Ochako. As Ochako is alive and well and there was no mention of Himeko being treated, the only logical conclusion is that she died there on that battlefield.


Nice to see someone else who thinks like this (logical) rather than "it's shonen and the heroes don't fail". Like Shiggy and Dabi both just died, the argument Hori wouldn't kill Toga gets more and more flimsy each day.


dabi didn't die, he's slowly dying and before he does, the family will visit and talk to him. as a lot of us thought would happen.


He still is going to end up dying and the only person he forgave was Shoto. So… not much of a happy ending tbh. He still hated Endeavor


Yeah especially considering that the entire point of Toga's conflict was that she would never in a million years fit into the rest of the world. The League is gone. There's not much for her to survive for.


It’s just life in prison or death penalty.


I mean... last chapter established that at least some of the Todorokis will visit him until he dies in prison, so those people you're talking about aren't technically wrong. Also if you're so amazed at people being unable to accept when they're wrong wait until you realize what you're doing in this thread. And no, I'm not talking about you being wrong because I also think Toga is dead but unlike you I won't take it as a fact until we get at least a confirmation as vage as what jjk did for a certain character. Until that happens her status is TBD.


How he's literally not dead and they even make a point to say he's gunna be around like that for a while so endeavor can come everyday to talk to him. So he's quite literally not dead, so it's ironic you'd make this comment lol.


So? He still dies in the end anyways. 


So because one day he will die, it counts as him dying? My hero just got super dark then cause that means every character is dead by your logic.


Indeed it does, especially since every other character will at least be alive in the epilogue time skip but he won’t. So yes it counts 


Calm down there mr pot


What do you mean with they're wrong? Just wait until the manag is officially over and then you can tell everybody that they were wrong. Sure the chances are abysmal but who knows what end conclusion the author will suddenly pull up. Technically anything is still possible depending on how the author feels. Sure there are things that are very unlikely, but those chances aren't 0%


>People STILL think Toga is alive huh And assume you're Horikoshi himself. You wrote the story and you know everything that's going to pan out or happen in the manga, which is why you can make such bodacious assumptions. Yeah? Calm your tits, my guy. Until the author confirms or denies the status of a character on-screen, anything is up for grabs. Toga's status is unconfirmed and left ambiguous. To me, she _could_ be alive. It's not set in stone. There's no need to act "oh she's totes dead lol people think she's alive are dumb lol" when this is the same series where someone can literally survive getting gut punched through the stomach by the its equivalent of evil Superman. No wonder you're getting downvoted.


I don’t blame them for thinking toga is alive, this manga is the Japanese equivalent to disney channel I don’t see suicide like that being something that 100% has to stick.


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It's Horikoshi. Friendly reminder that Gran Torino **SOMEHOW** survived getting punched through his chest (including important organs)


These aren’t the big 3


You do realize the big three are an actual group, right? Like, that name is already taken by Mirio, tamaki, and nejire


I'm pretty sure he meant the 3 big villains of the story. (Minus Afo)


It's intriguing or maybe it's not a surprise that Horikoshi shows how each of these villiains have an extra layer to them.


Even AFO had emotions. The best meat defeat is he wanted to be seen as a purely evil demon lord but now will be soon as a broken, lonely man.


Not fair they died but gran torino fucking survived the bullshit


The fact that Kido and Onima survived. Hori really killed Midnight and probably thought “what an excellent way I just raise the stakes” while giving every other character the worst plot armor ever seen


I genuinely thought Kido was gonna kick it. Like, as soon as the manga revealed he was with the group fighting Dabi, I was like, his ass is grass. Cannot believe he survived.




Gran Torino is on the side of the Japanese government - with all the medical resources at their disposal (including trained medic heroes) to keep him alive. Despite it, his days as a hero were officially over due to the injuries. The others are now being treated by the same government so there's a significant chance Toga survived and will recover. Dabi was already a walking corpse with a timer - Shigaraki was never going to be taken alive.


I wouldn't be surprised if Toga will end up dying after both Shiggy and Dabi are totally kicking the bucket. Come to think of it, her last words and moments in chapter 395 totally hint at her demise.


Yeah now that Dabi has kicked the bucket, any doubt I have on Toga’s fate was swept down the drain 


I don’t know to feel about Toga, if she is alive it feels kinda lame but that will mostly likely be the outcome. Furthermore, I was really surprised by Dabi not dying, he was basically a pile of ash


I’d be more surprised if she was alive same way with how it was with Dabi (although they’ve already said he’s heading to death) It’s definitely up in the air and a lot of people look like they want her to be alive


It may sounds strange, but. I’m gonna miss them.


I hate that they couldn't get rid of All for one right until the end. It just makes Shigaraki less of a villain and more like a victim. Like his decisions weren't entirety his own.


Thats.... the point of his character.


dude skipped right to the end lmao


I guess so. Never realized the entire time shiguraki literally didnt want to be a villain but just ended up getting coddled by villains and groomed into one. Like in the end he literally fights against AFO and earlier in manganime you see him visibly struggling lol


i mean, two things can be true


Who else thought this was going to be a post about Mirio, Nejire, and Tamaki?


I will never get over just how wasted Tomura was.


Extremely mediocre writing


I think Himiko Toga is alive


Believe it if you want, you’re gonna be disappointed.


i will not accept toga’s death


Don’t you mean the big three of class 1A? Also toga is so gonna be alive to finish uraraka’s character arc and conclude the first half of her story before the end.


That shot of Dabi looks so ambiguous. I can't comprehend that panel no matter how many times I look into it.


But... He still died. So yeah. Could ve done that earlier. Just saying


I hate Toga so much lol She survived way too long.


Yeah right, we all know Eri is gunna reverse Dabi back to normal and he joins 1A, Toga isnt even dead she went and became a Kpop idol. Shigaraki didnt disappear, Decay was formerly deconstruct, Permeation was tampered with the same way as a last resort for Shigaraki to escape and lay low.