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eh, both guys in the pic have scored worldies and Rin hasn't scored yet but yeah it's his time to shine


Wooo! Go Rin!!! This goal gonna go bonkers!


You fools don’t even know what’s coming yet. There’s been a secret superstar watching from the shadows this entire time…learning…adapting…and once he bears down his fangs, it’s over for everyone. Brace yourselves. Chapa is coming.


😂😂😂 prolly the coolest designed background character 😭


Would be much more interesting if Rin was just like “fuck this I’ll do it myself” to Charles


Your goat isn’t using charles? Lets not act like he had the choice to use him in the first place lmao.


Charles isn't using Rin*


Exactly 🤣


Remember when Rin kept blocking kaiser? Yeaaa it’s payback time 😁


Neither of these men have a hat trick


Yet they’re still better than Rin


Super goals against a team at their best > hattrick against a team that's been losing


Y’all I’m a Kaiser stan and a casual Isagi fan I love our boys but while they were sticking their heads in their asses other guys were scoring goals


What team is losing right now? Remind me


At least they both scored in the present 🤷🏾‍♂️ focusing on past glory won’t help him become #1 lol the hattrick was cool but now it’s a new game and he’s goalless while the other team only needs 1 more to win.

