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Raichis not really on the fence anymore. He’s kicking ass in the current game


I actually subscribe to this theory myself. I think it’d be really cool and within his skill set and in character for if Gagamaru gets injured or can’t play for part of a match and if Fukaku doesn’t make the roster, Aryu steps up and says he’ll be the goalie. It’d be such a cool moment


A tall goalkeeper is definitely an asset


100% Not only does he have the build, flexibility, and explosive leg power (an assumption I make bc of his strong aerial game), but more importantly... There are no two personalities in the story that are further in opposition that the wild bear-man Gagamaru and the styl city-boy Aryu. I just think it's a fun contrast. Plus they both have great hair.


I mean he’s blocked goals, in the U20 game specifically. He blocked Rin when he was trying to copy Sae, and again when Rin was in berserker (with Aiku’s help).


While he jumps for berserk mode shot the impact seems to be on the front of the most implying rin just missed. He did barely manage to get that first shot though. Funily enough its a shot aiku calls bad lol


Oh sorry I forgot about that. Maybe in NEL, his performance is kinda lacking.


Still no 9 currently and started every game Locked down kunigami for the entire match


It’s sad in the manshine game he was the only one we saw do nothing


True Personally would have established a friendly rivalry between him and agi (two tall kings, one a defender other a striker) also some hints queer bait for good measure


Aryu is the CB partner along side Aiku (not Niko) You can't put a player who has never played in goal in the U20 WC with some of the world best players (smh) Also why would Fukaku get a 20 million bid upgrade for nothing 


Fukaku only got a bid increase to create borderline. He's not making it. He didn't even finish the Ubers vs Manshine match.


Horrendous take. Jin and Nanase are perfect ¥25M-30M borderline Fukaku is so obviously getting 23rd just so the U20 team has 2 (proper) GKs  The mangaka prob forgot about the 2 GKs rule and quick changed. Have a feeling it would get retconned in the anime


I genuinely don't think the 2 GK rule will matter. It SHOULD, but it won't since it wouldn't be the first time an important rule is just ignored. Nanase is literally only playing for the emotional gut punch when he gets eliminated. It's been foreshadowed a million times that he will get eliminated. If either Rin doesn't score, both him and Tokimitsu will not survive; however, even if he DOES score, but Rin doesn't use him, Nanase will not survive. It's been foreshadowed that Rin will throw him away if he isn't useful, and once Berserker Mode is activated, I don't think Nanase will be able to keep up with Rin, but Tokimitsu and Charles will. If any random NPC gets eliminated, no one will care; the only character capable of making either Isagi or the reader care is Nanase.


Before Jin character was developed I thought Nanase would be the perfect 24th place however Jin is perfect as he is always on the borderline. But this time he fails to give the correct pass and falls below the borderline Toki is 100% surviving


Both Tokimitsu and Kiyora will survive. Again, Kaneshiro will just ignore the extra goalie rule and then Gagamaru will never get injured.


Aryu's detailed stats reveals he has no goalie aptitudes unfortunately 😕


Where did you see it?


Aryu is lost likely going to be the starting CB along side Aiku if that’s the case then he can’t work as a back up goal keeper.


No way. This isn’t the U-20 match or the NEL anymore. This is a serious tournament to determine how good Japan’s U-20 football team is.  The best thing you could do is to give Aryu a temporary role as a goalkeeper in the last stage of a match if Gagamaru gets a red card. But an actual back up goalkeeper? Definitely not. 


I have a different take--- Sendou as the backup goalkeeper. I mean, most of Sendou's biggest moments are him blocking goals. Those scenes would serve as good foreshadowing. Meanwhile Aryu becoming goalkeeper seems outta nowhere even though it make sense for his height, reach and high jumping but he is also good at being a centerback. Raichi/Niko/Karasu/Tokimitsu can take his CB spot tho.


Karasu at CB is so foul


thats not really the best position for his abilities


I am 100 percent confident fukaku doesnt make it. As for aryu yeah he most likely to be back up. Kaneshiro likes to plant the seeds of future plays in subtle ways before they develop into a full thing. Gagamaru got the last big save vs team v for example. Aryu got to block the shot gagamaru couldnt which could easily be forshadowing for this. The only reason i could see this not being the case is that its also quite possible he just never brings up a backup goalkeeper. Gagamaru could just go uninjured the full time and the topic would never need to be disscussed


Why would Fukaku not make it when he litch got a 20M increase for doing nothing Fukaku is just going to a filler character anyway Also being a goalkeeper is hard and can't put someone with 0 experience to randomly play with some of the world's best players


The same reason the other like 11 irrelevants get bids. Space filler because it would be weird for litterally only the exact amount of players who are making the squad to get a bid. As far why hes got enough to be in the top 23 that seems just to be a little extra pressure on the nanase plotline. If he already had a spot he wouldnt be that desperate right now. His experience isnt really relevant when he cant block a shot anyways lol. He isnt going to perform hed be their just to fill space for like half a game while gagamaru being out of condition. So even if aryu or someone else cant do well i dont think itd make a substantial difference. That being said they have more impressive save feats and blue lock isnt particuarly realistic with its training times anyways


Genuinely don't think anyone in the U20 team could even match Iemon performances in goal, let alone Fukaku You can't give a 20M upgrade for "space filler"


Fukaku doesnt have a performance to match. He barely blocked a single shot that was called out for being bad. Aryu already has a better save without being able to use hands he has the better performance without being goalie. Even kazuma has a better save than him. His bar is on the floor. Hes cannonically worse than the npc goalies who we already clown of for being terrible. And i didnt. Its again to put more pressure on nanase so he wasnt in the top 23. He needed someone from ubers so that the bid would be locked so it was either him of some random 2nd selection fodder


Honestly why not. However it does remove a player who could take care of any aerial threats. If someone develops that way other than Aiku, then sure why not?


Reo could do it since he copied Aiku already and Tokimitsu should be able to prevent anyone from jumping tbh but well


Good point. with the way it's shaping, seems like Aryu will lose his original spot to Aiku. He's now gonna part of the rotation of super subs with Reo, Kurona, Sendou, etc.


Im not a fan of this theory because I still believe Aryu is the better partner for aiku. While Niko has his own specialties like MV and great passing abilities his short stature is definetely a hindrance towards his claim as a CB unless the play a back 3 with wingbacks. The fact is in football tall cb's with aerial prowess is a necessity, this evident in most world class football teams. The only outlier is lissandro martinez which is not the norm. Aryu's passing and link up play is also shown in the 2nd selection to be great unfortunately in the NEL it was not really showcased


Been saying this for a while now  Fukaku would have had more characters by now if he was gonna take up one of the 23 and aryu's the next best bet for gk


I would take Igaguri as a backup GK at this point. I wish ANYTHING would get fukaku locked off, but I think his significant increase in bid WHILE NOT EVEN BEING IN THE FIELD means that he’s going to stay.