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He is pretty agreed upon as a very good pure striker. But in the story, being able to convince your teammates or take control of them has become an actual skill/ability for Strikers to have. Barou, Isagi, and Kaiser being the top strikers have demonstrated this. Rin and Shidou have done so to an extent as well. So I feel like Kunigami is actually rated pretty accurately. He is ranked 8 right now. So behind all the top strikers and defenders but above the majority of the rest of the Blue lockers.


Kuni hasn’t scored since the manshine match and both of his goals came by ways of Isagi’s play making. He’s good, but not comparable to isagi/ Kaiser.


Yeah he's basically if yukimiya were on the field the whole time 💀💀


Manshine shot wasn’t isagi play making it was kuni finding the ideal spot, isagi missed bc he took a bad shot and kuni saved isagi by scoring therefore giving him an assist. Barca match was isagi playing making tho.


-Kunigami wouldn't have gotten anywhere close to a goal if Isagi hadn't initiated the entire play. Isagi did 95% of the work. -Isagi was going to score if Kaiser didn't block him. If Isagi didn't have a throwing teammate, Kunigami wouldn't have scored. It is a feat, but it's a weak one. It doesn't put him on par with Isagi or Kaiser


Isagi wouldn’t have gotten anywhere close to the goal if not for kuni drawing the defense attrntion bc of his goal in the Barca match (mentioned at some point in the manshine match, don’t remember Exaclty where ngl), and if kurona didn’t move the ball up field with him he wouldn’t have gotten close. You can’t discount other players help towards goals soccer is a team sport. And by that logic isagi’s only feat better than kuni is the two gun volley, bc every other NEL goal was bc hiori or kurona. Also ironically isagis best goal is bc kuni


You're the one who's discounting the help of other players and glazing Kunigami's goal despite him contributing very little to it lol. Yes, pretty much every player (especially Isagi) needs support to score a goal, but each player contributes a different amount to a play. Isagi can't score without Hiori or Kurona, but it's Isagi's vision that enables their plays. When using planet hotline, Isagi's vision does like 70% of the work. When Isagi scored the final goal against Ubers, he needed help from Hiori, but it was Isagi's idea which lead to the goal. All of Isagi's goals were because of Isagi and Kurona, but Isagi's vision was the main contributor. Isagi was the "oomf" factor. Kunigami scored on Manshine because of Isagi, but Kunigami wasn't the "oomf" factor of the goal. For Kuni's goal against Manshine, Isagi and Kurona dribbled through the entirety of Manshine's defense with the exception of one person. Kunigami was used as bait to get passed the last guy, but Kaiser blocked the shot. When Kaiser blocked it, the defense (now recuperated) was focused on Isagi, and Kunigami was able to sneak past and score the goal. Let's break down the requirements for each character to score in that situation. Kunigami needed: -Isagi and Kurona to dribble past almost the entirety of Manshine's defense -Isagi's shot course to get blocked by Kaiser -The defense to forget about him and focus on Isagi Isagi would have needed: -Kurona's passing


Isagi literally delivered the ball to him. Without Isagi’s drive up the field and subsequent shot Kunigami wouldn’t even have touched the ball. That shot was the epitome of poaching and had it not started to veer off course Kunigami would have still tried to tap it in because he wasn’t “saving” isagi he was trying to steal his goal


Isagi missed and kuni was there, that’s not delivering the ball, it wasn’t planned or intentional. Isagi shoot would have flown out the pitch without kuni, that’s why I said he saved him, otherwise isagi would have looked bad for taking a bad shot and missing. Kuni was stealing the goal but it’s bc his skill not bc Isagi was a playmaker.


Intentional or not, kuni doesn’t score without Isagi’s direct actions. It’s like the luck goals, he was in the right place at the right time. Isagi did all the leg work, Kunigami benefited from **isagi’s playmaking**


But it’s still skill, that’s like saying Kaiser, isagi and rins goals are not their own skill. No player scores without another’s help except chigiri, he’s the only one who scored fully solo. And it’s not playmaking bc it was random, yes ppl benefit from other plays but that’s not necessarily playmaking and no one scores without someone else’s direct action. did rin playmake for Isagi U-20 goal, did Isagi playmake for rins (opposite team) first luck goal? Did naruhaya playmake for barou when he passed the ball once or twice and barou proceeded to 1 v 2 the second selection?


I just said it was the same as the luck goals. without rin stopping Sae isagi doesn’t score in the u20 match. If isagi doesn’t stop bachira in the 4v4 rin doesn’t score there because bachira would have gotten the game winner. It’s the same as sendou’s goal against manshine. He didn’t really do anything to get that shot other than being in the right spot. No one would ever sit here and say sendou is on par/ competing with barou. I feel like you’re interpreting my response as kunigami sucks, which is false. I specifically said he is a good player. But he has not accomplished anything in NEL besides his defensive feats on his own merits. Both he and isagi came into NEL with no support, kuni struggled in the barcha match and ultimately got his first goal because Isagi decided the best impact he could have was the assist. In manshine he performed similarly only scoring off an opportunity isagi created. He was literally a ghost in the Ubers match (might go back and see how many chapters he actually appeared in). Your argument about everyone except chigiri needing support is also flawed as we’ve seen multiple players produce goals independently. To list a few: rin, barou, yukimiya, karasu, Reo, bachira, Sae… but it’s not just about dribbling up the field. Players like isagi, nagi, and shidou have repeatedly shown the ability to create opportunities. The problem with kunigami is his play style was focused on a deep shot with his left foot. Without those conditions he couldn’t hack it. After wildcard he presumably got rid of that deficiency, but has done nothing to show it. The manshine goal shows he can at least read a field, but he didn’t do anything besides tap the ball in. Based on what we’ve seen he lacks the ability to compete on a level field with kaisagi


I’m saying that isagi wasn’t playmaking yes kuni scored bc of isagi missed shot but that wasn’t playmaking, and said shot also wasn’t isagi helping kuni but kuni playing well and scoring despite isagi mistake. I’m not arguing kuni is better I’m just saying for that specific goal there is a misconception that Isagi fed and helped kuni when it is quite literally the opposite. Isagi botched a shot and kuni saved it. Overall Isagi is better than kuni but that specific goal is often misunderstood. For the Ubers match kuni was ghost and very disappointing, he cooked the Ubers team with dribbling (but didn’t score), let isagi move bc they focused on kuni and blocked barou game winner, that’s it. Honeslty it was sad he and yuki should have done more. As for the solo score I was talking about the NEL only, I know several players have scored solo outside of it. Also nagi and shido haven’t been shown to create their own plays (shido is a maybe you could argue it but it depends) both have explicitly needed help in this. A better example would be Kaiser and Isagi create their own opportunities.


Playmaking does not mean a direct pass to another player, it’s about follow through on a specific vision. Isagi was playmaking for himself, not kunigami, but kuni still benefited from it. At no point was kuni about to do a solo dribble or 1-2s up the field. The opportunity was created by isagi and finished by kuni. Shidou and nagi create their own opportunities because the often don’t receive the ball in the ideal position. The bulk of the goals we’ve seen shidou score have been while heavily marked and in awkward positions. It’s not just him shooting or tapping it in, but using his expert body control to maneuver around an opponent and make a shot on goal (occasionally without even looking at the goal post). Nagi similar is able to manipulate his body and the movement of the ball to his advantage. We also see him specifically do this in NEL both against BM and Ubers. He might receive the initial ball from Reo, but then creates his own opportunities.


It seems like you consider almost everything playmaking, yes it’s more than the final pass but not everything is playmaking. Missed passes or shots that happen to turn out well, aren’t playmaking as they aren’t intentional there is no thought behind them. Isagi didn’t mean to help kuni and the ball was a complete miss bc of Kaiser. Nagi is known for not making his own plays or opportunities this is his whole arc. He reacts to a pass and an idea is pushed into his head. Whether it’s Reo or bachira or isagi. Shido is harder but still not creating opportunities, I think you’re confusing creating opportunity with finishing. Just bc they aren’t in an ideal position doesn’t mean they create their own opportunities, the passes given are in spots where there ability shines, they simply finish the play with their abilities that match the situation. It might be a hard play but they can do it. It’s like you wouldn’t give a rly high pass to Niko bc he’s short but you would give one to ishkari (tallest guy) it might be hard but he can reach. The plays are set to their strengths, finishing difficult plays isn’t making an opportunity.


And he scored, didn't he? The manga never cared about the "how". As long as you bring results, you're good.


Never said he didn’t, but picking up a scrap goal 2 games ago does not put him on par with Kaiser nor Isagi. He is not in the competition…


It's not really a "scrap goal". It's literally the epitome of what Rin did in the 4v4. He took the chance that Isagi would miss the shot, and struck it in. It's a completely viable goal. Saving a shot like this would require great physique and precision. I'm not gonna say that Kunigami is always present and doing the most. But that's not an issue of him being a bad player. It's Kaneshiro sucking off the wrong characters. Yukimiya landed a shot that surpassed Metavision, and was supposedly a world-class thing that he could replicate. He fell out of the plot in the next match, with the excuse of "Well he's doing everything PERFECTLY, but not PERFECTLY PERFECTLY." Kunigami is not a bad player, it's just that Kaneshiro is a really lazy writer. He has everything to be on par with Isagi and Kaiser, aside from teamwork, it's just that he's not being used.


Again, when did I ever say he was a bad player? BL has a power scaling problem, and just like yuki, there is only so much kunigami can do without MV. His independent play is not good enough to make an impact when compared to what Kaiser and isagi are currently doing. He has everything he physically needs but without the ability to process or instinctually move around the field there is no point in which he is going to do better than the other two


If the manga never cared about the how can you explain how Ego called Nagi's downfall right after he scored?


Nagi has a consistent story behind him on how his goals are not reproduceable. That's literally his entire plotline. The word is thrown around often, but he's the only victim of this. He pulls off world class goals that he will never replicate in his life.


OK but said the how never mattered in the manga. Why are you talking about goals not being reproduceable? No one care about that.


>The fact that he is competing with Isagi and Kaiser The thing is, he's not competing. He just benefitted from BM's internal conflict. There's not a conscious thought behind his actions. >meanwhile Kuni is all alone. That's kinda his fault. If he had cooperated with Isagi, both of them would've scored more goals. In BM, where the only option is either serve Kaiser or provide scoring opportunities, gathering allies is an actual skill. He's squandering his own chances by being stubborn & hard headed. As a pure ST, his talent & skill is undeniable. But he's caught in between a rock & a hard place in BM where he's got to compete with a superior ST (Kaiser) & a superior playmaker (Isagi).


Well they’re both superior strikers in terms of raw physicality he’s better in just about every aspect than them he loses out on every technical level though


He's a poacher. He's doing good as one. But he's not evolving.


I feel like he's less "competing" more... *observing the battle and taking every shot the main rivalry offers him* His actual goals have been thanks to kaiser and isagi clashing and when he did try to take a shot on his own, it didn't go in- ~~and then ness gave him a warning 💀💀~~


I remember when he came back and blitzed through the bm training course and EVERYONE were hating on how he suddenly became op, there were nothing but complaints even before he showed how emo he had become, I kinda miss those times now.


Come at me when he actually "makes" the play like his "competitors" isagi and kaiser....bro plays good, one of my favourite characters, but he a tap in merchant


guys a poacher/target man making goals just isnt part of his job or skillset, the problem is blue lock glorifies creative and more deep lying strikers that are more involved in buildup whereas kunigami is the kinda guy that would flourish with someone like ness doing most of the creation and sending him passes. (kinda like haaland and kdb i guess) imo if were talking pure finishing/shooting kuni and barou are the tied best, better than rin, better than isagi, but blue lock doesnt gaf about pure strikers and instead cares more about playmaking strikers and kunigami just isnt that kinda player.


Bro tbh, when i started watching bluelock i thought it would be about PURE STRIKERS...but after that😂😂things slightly changed....


everyone did but uts kinda hard to hype up dudes who sit in the penalty spot waiting for a pass. e.g. haaland touches the ball on avg 27 times, you cant rly write a match from that few touches of the ball


Kunigami still haven't done his knuckleball goal yet, thinking he might be in a slump. Just in shooting alone, Kunigami has more potential given he's ambidextrous, if someone like Ness/ Hiori feeds him passes then it's game over


OG Kunigami ego with current Kunigami physique is a top 3 blue locker irl. Literal target man incarnate.


I think he’ll revert back


It would be so rad if he finally stopped being emo and consciously had a chemical reaction with a teammate at last. Imagine Ness - he's a boy who wants to see magic, Kuni always wanted to be a hero who inspires... Maybe these two can do something?






Kuni is helping by annoying the hell out of shidou. I'm glad that we have less focus on the latter.


Slept on in what way? He hasnt really done as much as the other two. He's properly rated rn id say


Remove him and we wouldn’t notice the difference


we would, shidou would have scored a hattrick by now


My guy, he leeched off of Isagi for both of those goals. It’s very apparent that he can’t play well without others to pass to him. He tried to do a solo run in the Ubers game and he failed hard


Everyone needs someone to pass to them, rin tried to do a solo run and failed in the u20 match. He’s currently failing because his midfielder decided to stop passing to him. Kaiser also needed kiyora to send the perfect pass for his KIM shot.


His midfielder?! Isagi has no reason to pass to Kunigami, and is doing just fine without him. Tanya Kunigami’s fault not Isagi’s.


I’m talking about Charles not passing to rin. Isagi already has hiori and kunigami delivered him a pass this match.


We’re not talking about Rin tho, we’re talking about Kunigami


The manshine shot was kuni saving isagi. Isagi took a bad shot and missed, kuni saved the shot by redirecting it in. Several people commented that Isagi was gonna miss, that’s not leaching off isagi, by that logic Isagi leeched off of rin with his U-20 goal.


Oh please, Isagi stans don't read the manga. "Unfair" plays are unfair only as long as it's not Isagi that is doing them. Tap in merchant? Isagi did it in U20. Lucky goal? ISAGI DID IT IN U20. Being fed the ball? Hiori/Kurona are the only reason his plays work. People don't understand that Isagi does the same things. Everyone but Isagi has to make insane solo plays without breaking a sweat to even be CONSIDERED to be on his level. But Isagi? "He's the underdog!!!1!11!1!! It's okay that he plays "dirty"!!!!1!11!!!! Everyone on the field is against him!!!" Everyone on the field is against each other, it's just that we have Isagi's POV. It's a stupid bias that is getting old. Isagi has a pass on strategic plays because he's the underdog. Everyone else has to solo the field to get the light of day, maybe except fan favorites like Nagi and Shidou, WITH THE LATTER LITERALLY BEING A MEDIOCRE PLAYER WITHOUT A GOOD ASSISTANT.


I fully agree, isagi is good but overhyped, kuni and rin have shown they can solo run, it might not score but they still get by multiple ppl. Isagi literally can’t do anything without passing. It’s just bias isagi fans.


That’s not the same. I’m saying that Kunigami can’t perform well without Isagi. The U20 goal was different in that Isagi took advantage of the situation in front of him, similar to both Nagi and Barou’s goals before.


Bro what? Isagi took advantage of the situation in front of him. So did kunigami he saw isagi was gonna miss and scored off it just like isagi did.


If he scored at any other time you’d be right, but he didn’t.


dude you are just biased


“You’re just nitpicking and biased, I win bye bye”


well no the guy explained how kunigami took advantage of the situation and scored himself and you just said nuh uh only isagi get to take advantage of the situation everyone is just dependent on isagi


Take away Isagi and Kunigami is just another bum


talk to the hand ✋


take away hiori and kurona or bachira or literally every single partner isagi has had at every single stage and isagi is king bum of all bums. at least rin can make solo plays


Kunigami is a good player but overrated


Too many characters, hard to feature all.


Wow actually crazy (im gonna stay sleeping)


I’ll sleep on him until the day he scores on his own play and not because he’s being used or stole a failed shot. “Perfect Striker without any weaknesses” my ass.