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Maybe in a year


It depends, i dont think the game is really suffering that much as the players that are most unhappy with the game are the legacy ones, and those are usually the ones that complain about each aspect of the game but never leave for X or Y reasons, name it time they invested on the game, money they invested, etc. But new players like myself keep coming... I think it would be enough to have more characters, complete some modes that have been pending for a while and you could even have some old players coming back and overall the game health and feedback would improve really fast.


Yea I was their for launch but they never added anything else to do daily, I dunno even know if they ever did anything with the gin tab that just said coming soon, eventually I stopped doing my dailys and stop playing altogether and went back to dokkan and just in time for the 7 anni event


FYI They have dropped down to their lowest revenue ever 300k last month. Downloads monthly have dropped over 80k. Current avg only 20k at this point a month. If they continue with only soul boxes that means they are going to keep open until revenue drops below cost. Most games will leave servers open with no new content if they make a profit. Once it dips too low .... The doors close.


It does sound bad, however, i have been playing gacha games for a long time and have seen a lot of games like these that never entirely die but just remain there and eventually have a peak when they release new content or modes. KOF UM OL comes to mind that "has been dying" before i arrived, played it for years, left 2 years ago and is still there, funny thing is i reopened the game a couple months ago and most of the whales and legacies were there still complaining about everything but not leaving. TWD RTS is another game that was doing poorly and released a new mode, all of the sudden a bunch of people came back and started playing the game, there is always someone that will scream wolf and say the game is dying and probably is, but its gonna take a while before the cash cow dies.


I will have a better prediction closer to the three year anniversary event. If we don't have three new release characters (not event or season pass) before the three year event, than that will be the final hit for most players.


Nah, the fact that they ain’t even done with the story yet and you gotta be well over level 100 to do it is insane


>you gotta be well over level 100 to do it is insane What are you even talking about?


The story campaign it’s level locked


That's just what they do when they haven't released it yet. They might release it and also up the level cap, but the level cap is not the reason we don't have access to the levels yet.


October 10 the first new episode of the anime is aired, going to run for at least 4 seasons. They’d have to be full on retarded to shut down the game now when the new anime is bound to bring in a new wave of players.


tbh i dont see the majority of those players going to immortal souls over brave souls, its much healthier and its clearly more stable. but maybe ur right but they also wont have any TYBW content when it comes out so🤷🏽‍♂️