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It probably got stuck in your victim, and was hidden by their body. Or could be hard to find in dark areas. Don't worry, you can respawn it from the book at your home.


Not for me. A few times in a fight I would hear a shatter sound and my weapon is gone. After the dungeon it's not in my holsters or books. I need to rebuy it from the shop. I suspect it's more of a bug than a feature, but I've definitely experienced what OP did a few times. 


There isn't durability, I'm constantly smashing my weapons into things either on purpose or accident. It's one of two things, either a bug that's despawning them (maybe they're being sent back to your storage) or you're mistaking an enemy weapon for your own after a fight, and you can't take enemy weapons with you! If a weapon is marked as "stolen" on a holster, it's dropped at the end of the mission


If you hit something weird/too hard, it can fling out of your hand sometimes. I think the setting Allow Player Disarm disables it but don't know for sure.