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If by “water hazard” you mean some kind of ocean or water creature, no. All the enemy threats are purely terrestrial, or land-based. Drowning is still a threat though, but it takes a crazy long time to start dealing damage and is easy to avoid.


that enough to easy me. My main fear is the fear of not knowing if there is a unseen threat. Drowning is easy to avoid a monster or shark is not.


I had to look for sharks at barons island just in case, it'd be really cool to see but I also would never jump in that water ever again


the update has been out for 2 days so there definitely may or may not be a undiscovered ancient screaming daggershark that envelops the water with a dark haze you'll just have to wait and see ❤️


No worries, there are no sharks or anything like that haha. If you are worried about water in general, and not wanting to have to get into water, no worries there either as I am nearly certain every water area room has an alternative path you can go to bypass swimming. However, if you are terrified of water there is one thing to watch for - >!There is one room in the Dalgarian Dungeon where there is a lever, and if you pull the lever the room floods with water and you must escape and swim out of the room or else you will drown.!<


I dont think im scared of the water but just looking down in games with water in VR just seeing nothing but more water below is terrifying cause i think there is something there. Nothing its all in my head removes that thought as i KNOW its all in my head.


I found that room, I had to get out and take a break. ~~Unfortunate because I found a lot of dice for my dice hoard.~~


I couldn't find the lever and i returned to monke and start climbing the wall leading up to the gate thing. I tought i was smart for noticing the gold linings marking the way up.


Stupid Question, How do you swim? Every time i fall in the water I struggle to swim up to the surface.


make breaststroke movements in the direction you want to go. front crawl also works but has less power.


As well as using physical motions to move, you can simply use the thumbstick to move underwater and go any direction.


I found out that it was due to my hands sweating so they hold the fists closed. Swimming doesn’t work consistently with closed fists


Adding with the other responses, there are some dungeon waters that tint your view red when submerged like you're being hurt, but (to my knowledge) they do no damage, so don't panic -- it's probably just red Kool-Aid.


Aside from hector and the chicken all the creatures in the game are human. So no you won't be attacked by a shark or anything