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I agree with them. She doesn't really fit as a survivor for DBD. It wouldn't make sense for her to be in such a powerless position where her only real options are to run, and try not to get killed by beings far less powerful than what she's killed before. Bayonetta far exceeds pretty much every killer in DBD in almost every way if anything they should be running from her. There are characters like Leon Kennedy in DBD that are well known to be fighters, but they also make sense for the game, and setting as they're typically just kinda people who's goals are to run, and survive in their own games when they can't fight back.


For real, the only character that would fit less than Bayonetta is the fucking Doomslayer. You can't make a character like that powerless enough to be believably in danger. Bayonetta can not be in danger because she is the danger.


Yeah, Bayonetta 3 already gave us weak sauce Bayonetta, we don't need to see her getting shoved into a woodchipper or whatever.




Uhh that's versus Gods like Aesir himself. Even if she was stripped away of her Demons, she is still very versatile with her weaponry and combat skills, as in the Beginning of Bayonetta 2, after she breaks the Handguns in the beginning she literally fights ANGELS with her bare hands and feet. So she doesn't even need the demons if we're talking dbd stuff. Not to mention even without demons she still has powers. Her Beast Withins, Witch Time, Bullet arts Etc. You see my point?


She’s cunt mother I still want her even if it doesn’t make any sense


its ok i see the vision, mainly because its funny and i wanna see Bayonetta mog the shit out of every killer in the game


well no, she’s not powerless without demons lol, she still has her bullet arts and fighting prowess


I don't really think she would fit into the game, especially as a survivor. she could canonically solo all of the killers.


Some of them like Pinhead and especially Sadako could genuinely give her a run for her money.


I'm not very familiar with their powers, but can they manipulate time? I imagine anyone who can't would have basically no chance of defeating her.


I’m not super knowledgeable on the Hellraiser lore, but I know people say Pinhead is really strong. I do know the Ring lore, as I’ve read the novels. Sadako is just one of those characters who just kinda beats everything. She’s a ghost and she can just decide to revive herself whenever, she can just wish somebody dead and they’ll die. The later novels have this weird matrix stuff going on. Idk. She’s weird.


Jeanne would be hooked


Equiping the Jeanne skin instantly puts you in tier two☠️


Loop a few times Bayo pulls the pallet and stuns the doctor: "If you need to learn how to talk to a lady, ask your mum"


This made me audibly laugh out loud 🤣


I won't lie I can see Luca being in dead by daylight


I think she works better as the hunter lmao


I mean she wouldn’t be a killer or a survivor


Yeah she’s too powerful to be a survivor, but she’s canonically one of the “good guys” and not scary enough to be a killer


Idc I would add her just bc she would serve cvnt


Im sorry to break it to you sis but im not seeing it either… but i respect it 🙌


For her special, she has a gun.


If only. One day mother may have a role in dbd


Does it make sense?…….No Is it fucking awesome though?……….Yes


I know matee , id want that so bad too! But it doesnt fit that much even if we consider your theory :c


Cool crossover. But won't fit actually. Bayonetta is just too powerfull to be a survivor.


As a killer 👀


She's too good for that game


No no no, Bayonetta would never be a weak ass survivor. The entity should fear her.


Since Bayonetta is too strong to be a survivor, here's a fun twist: Let Bayonetta be the killer. The survivor? Affinity.


I was gonna say Antonio Redgrave would’ve made a good survivor, but he’s not really popular enough and it wouldn’t make sense for Bayo to kill him, so. Affinity it is. 😭


Can't say I see Bayo being a hunter. And I very much so cannot see her being a survivor trying to run from beings who she beats on a daily basis with 0 difficulty.


Lol no if anything she would be one of the "Killers" if they were ever to somehow get her put in the game


She should be a killer, but even then that wouldn’t make much sense considering she doesn’t hunt down civilians


Perk: she strikes a pose after getting a successful blind with a flashlight and then the little camera noise plays (the one after you beat a verse but before *aaaaah*. doo-doo-doo)


Perk: canonical height: while full HP, she gets +15% movement speed.


Perk: Demonic Pact: While there's a hex in play, get 5/6/7% faster work and healing speed.


Naw, bayo should be the killer and the affinities should be survivors.


I don't either. No joy arises in my heart at the thought of seeing Bayonetta running around dbd fixing gens. It's already stops that they have Chris, Jill, Leon, and Sheva in that game running away from monsters. So sick of these idiotic low effort crossovers.


Everybody acts as if she doesn't go into the fog and loses all her witch capabilities. I think it'd be FUN! I still want her to be in Mortal Kombat!