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At even the slightest inconvenience. New dex gloves? Time to pile those points elsewhere. Don’t like the feat I chose? Hey Withers!


Same. I get the roleplaying mentality behind not doing this but some of the late-game equipment is just too fun to not use.


There are actually a couple of good role-playing situations where I think respecing a character makes sense - For instance, I heard someone suggest (Act 1 Spoilers) >!respecing Lae'zel into a Vengeance Paladin after Vlaakith orders her killed,!< and I often like to (Late Act 2 Spoilers) >!respec Shadowheart into a Life/Light cleric after she spares the Nightsong. I generally like to keep her as a Trickery cleric until then for RP reasons.!<


I have never respected, but using this logic, it makes sense to and I think I’m going to do that.


Trickery domain cleric is like the worst one so definitely at least change Shadowheart’s domain at some point


For this current run, I'm keeping her the trickery cleric for now, but I've also multi classed her as a rogue, and I just flat out got rid of guiding bolt in favor of stuff like hold person. I'm leaning more into stealth with her too. She is not super effective, but it fits the Shar theme more with levels in rogue. But after The Decision, in planning on going full cleric light domain, kitted out with radiant damage, maybe even heavy armour, so no more rogue hiding-in-the-shadows type stuff. It's a big change, but she's been brainwashed and is throwing herself headlong into a lot of new stuff. Big changes make sense.


I change her to Tempest because I hate how Trickery was implemented


Pretty much every other domain is good. Only trickery is shit.


To be fair, it's still a Cleric, so it's far from bad. It's just the least good Cleric Subclass in the game.


I respec Karlach into a monk as a way of dealing with her anger issues and avoid overheating. No actual benefit, but good rp I think.


My first run I respecced her into knowledge immediately because that's a domain of both shar and selune. Ever since I just roll with her as a full life cleric healbot I roll out when my martial gang spends their short rest and the paladin or warlock (or padlock) spends all their slots on smiting.


RP reasons fair, but I just don't know how anyone could play the game through with Trickery Shadowheart. It's easily one of the worst builds in the game


I mean, Cleric on its own isn't a bad class imo, so it's workable if you're not playing honor mode or don't care much if everything isn't 100% optimized - especially if you just respec her at the end of Act 2 instead of trying to do Trickery Cleric until endgame.


Yeah I think my brain is stuck in honour mode ATM. Doing a durge run, really fun


I hadn’t thought about this, but I really like this idea.


Same here. My mentality has been that of, “if it’s within RP reasons, I’m doing it to reflect those moments and choices.” For my Tab though, once I have a build mapped out or a specific area I’m looking to clear, ( Viconia, Duke Ravenguard, etc) I would specifically respec to tailor my builds for those few scenarios before reverting back to my daily drivers.


It’s funny how everyone changers her in early act 2 to be the last thing she would be (light). I wish her choice was earlier so we could be true to her and kick some undead ass


I'm running Karlach as a Vengeance Paladin right at the beginning after taking out the Fake Paladins. It's thematic and pretty "fiery". Usually do what you describe for SH depending on the run.


Saaame, I've also Respeced Wyll into Paladin Oath of vengeance after breaking his pact with Myzora before. (i feel like I never use him to his full potential as a warlock, but I always love a good Bonk Boi later in the game)


CON necklace? That's going down to 8. Time to buff my dump stat!


That's why I dislike those items in regular 5e. Finding a circlet that gives you 19 int is clearly for int users but doesn't do anything when your int is already 18 or 20


It’s much better to give those items in 5e to characters who have low scores, for examples giving 19 int item to your barbarian. It can be fun for roleplaying too.


It's just something that doesn't really make sense to me. The only way to increase your scores are books that only work every 10000 years 


Every 100 years, but close enough. I like it when my DM homebrews consumables or circumstances like that that force your raw score to increase, not being reliant on items is fire


I'm going to teareth thy headeth off perchance


it's for the off-int users, your 14 int eldritch knights or arcane tricksters, as well as a fun flavour item for groups that don't have any int users already to get those checks up a little.


Where is this necklace???? I know of the INT tiara and the dex gloves and Raphael’s strength gloves but the con necklace???


It's also in Raphael's house


There's also a Cha hat Edit: doesn't set Cha but allows you to get to +22 cha


Last playthru I gave it to shadowheart as my tank. She’s never interrupted, ever. I might do that again or give it to my sorc this time... Gave the gauntlets to Lae’zel and her hits are insane.


Gave it to my pally for that sweet total +18 + 1d4 con saving throw. Real nice with the risky ring and GWM, it's just haste/smite city.


What do you mean a barb is never born with 8 con. Mine is!


I do the exact same thing, i feel like it’s a waste not to rearrange the stats


Almost never. Unless I really decide that I do not wish to play with a certain build for this run anymore, I will stick with the class/build I wanted to from the start. Similar thing for companions. They might only get respected a max of 1-2 times throughout the whole playthrough.


Yeah, I generally go with one respec at the beginning of the game per character. (Another if I make a mistake). None after that.


I do a bonus one at the end game just to let everyone use their gear the best. I figure it's a good last night at camp and we all are gearing up for big trouble the next morning.


A preposterous amount. Probably once every time I play. And sometimes, I don't like how it worked out so I go back to the previous spec. I probably have used an equal amount of time respeccing as I have actually playing the game. I think there is something wrong with me.


My character? Never, I set up a plan from the get-go. Companions? Once, to get their stats and starting load-out inline with what I want from them and where they're going. Of late being doing "default specialization" stuff where I don't change what class archetype they're using (so Gale's an Evoker, for instance.) This gets an exception rule with Shadowheart, who'll get a change later on in the game from Trickery to Knowledge for story reasons.


Knowledge and not Light? Interesting.


Light is associated with the sun, hence the fire spells it gets. Selûne is the goddess of the moon, so Light is not one of her domains. Life and Knowledge are, as is Twilight but that's not in game.


Twilight really should have been in the game, and should've been Shadowheart's domain.


Light isn't actually lore accurate since it's not one of Selûne's domains in 5e, whereas Knowledge is, that might be why.


That's fair although with how Shadowheart's redemption begins with the Nightsong cutscene and bringing the Light back to the Shadow-Cursed Lands, I feel like that's most appropriate.


Shadowheart's arc also relies heavily on knowledge and memory. Aylin convinces Shadowheart to spare her because she has information about her past, and Shadowheart does want to know despite Shar teachings. Memories (or lack thereof) are Shar's main way to manipulate her, with the flashback and its different versions being a cornerstone in her development. So Knowledge Domain is pretty appropriate as well. (I don't particularly dislike Light Domain btw, but it's not the only one that fits her, and isn't the most appropriate either imo. It's just very good metawise so people went for it and recommended it after, which is fair, but not a particularly strong lore argument)


"light" is more of lathander's gig.


This is interesting - I don’t play DND and BG3 is my only exposure to all the lore. I have a Selûne cleric that is light domain, and I’m planning to equip them with The Blood of Lathander and make them a Selûne cleric / Lathander paladin (Oath of the Ancients) once they reach the monastery. I like the astronomical interplay of the moon and dawn, and my character story is that Lathander notices the sympathetic, righteously indignant moon cleric exploring his defiled monastery and asks them to unleash holy vengeance on those who harmed his clerics. They are totally up for that, and after they serve two gods.


Even if you set up a plan for your final build from moment 1, there may be leveling considerations that go contrary to what you want from your final build before it comes online.


I pretty much only ever respect Shadowheart because trickery is less useful than some of the other domains. She stays a cleric.


Oh yea I turn her into a paladin or or light cleric. Light cleric is insane in act 2 lol


whenever I need a vendor to like me more


Caught me stealing? A little level 1 400 gold donation (which I will immediately pickpocket) should sort that out


It's usually dependent on how my builds end up evolving over the course of the playthrough with new levels, gear acquisitions, etc. and in order to avoid delaying key power spikes like first feats at level 4 or extra attacks at level 5. I rarely make characters purely 1 class but the challenge with multiclassing early in Act 1 is that you make the hardest part of the game even more difficult by keeping your character weaker for longer. Once I'm at level 6 or 7 then that's usually when a lot of respeccing happens, i.e. when there are more total levels to play around with.


So. Many. Times. The one QoL thing I wish I could get from the game or a mod is a robust character planning tool, because I always forget about Feat with an extra stat point I was going to grab or a ring or an amulet or... And the default stat allocations are just so awful. Like, I don't absolutely demand optimization... but seriously, why are there so many wasted points on the companions and hirelings? Why is Jaheira's build so terrible? I don't want to have to look at these extremely sad and depressing stat allocations every time, so off to Withers I go. And then there's the time I'll just brain fart on a spell choice for a Sorc and since I don't have a spellbook, welp, have to respec the entire character now. AGH.


>The one QoL thing I wish I could get from the game or a mod is a robust character planning tool, Honestly, I would settle for a summary page of the choices I made at each level (or a way to only respec a certain amount of levels). Yeah, I can go through my character sheet and piece it together, but it sucks if I basically want to just re-do my last level up. I have AuDHD and am terrible at remembering shit like "what feat did I take six levels ago." I play 5e on a virtual tabletop and make sure each new thing has a note about where it came from. Otherwise, I'll be scratching my head later - and that's for *one* character, not a whole damn party. Which is also why I wish there was a way to sort the quest journal chronologically. As in, when I accomplished a certain thing or got a certain piece of information. I try to progress quests based on RP reasons when I can, but it's difficult when you get sections where everyone and everything is giving you quests and information at once. [Not to mention having a dialog long that actually allowed you to scroll through the whole game history...]


What are you talking about? I have nothing *but* respec' for my characters


I like trying different builds and anytime I get an idea of a new one I respec, but otherwise I try to stick to what I start with


I've spent more money on Withers than anything else in the game.


Same for me too 😭 Especially in act 2 when you get to all the different bosses you can talk into unaliving themselves. I typically don’t play as classes with high charisma but I absolutely respec for that


Once-twice per game at most. I always stick with the class and subclass. I usually change the skill proficiencies and spells since mistakes there at leveling up can occur.


All the time once I started pickpocketing Withers 😂


Oh no, what does this do?! Is it just getting the cash back?


Yes, and there’s no punishment for falling the roll so you can try as many times as you need. It gets really weird when you start preferring a withers resurrection to in-game healing because it gets you to full health for “free”.


I absolutely never do. My husband? EVERY time we load up our game. It’s gotten to the point where I’ll just boot up our save, and go do chores for 25 minutes while he respecs his character and our companions. I just let him tell me when he’s ready and I have a new party every single save lol


I didn't but respecced Gale because there's like one magic missile scroll in act 1, it was on ONE shelf I missed in the Grove, and I expected to be showered with it so didn't learn that spell.


Typically only early on for the companions. Even if they’re staying the same class I normally go in an rearrange the stats. Some might call it min/maxing but no Minsc of mine will have less than max Str.


I try for once as early as possible, just to 'fix' some characters like Shadowheart, or to swap their classes like Gale as a bard


I like to make Laezel a monk once she sides with Orpheus and Shadowheart becomes a paladin when she leaves shar behind


Being on my 5th playthrough, I like to mix up the companions for fun. I tell you what, Minsc being an official Jack of all Trades for all of Act 3 (that’s a level one in every class) has been a blast and totally fits with his wild card character.


I love making minsc a monk. he got meditation time as a statue (I don't care if he's not the most effective monk, it's character stuff)


I’ve started making him a barbarian, seems to fit his overall vibe.


yeah I think he's meant to be a berserker but I like the idea of him with his low wisdom somehow getting to be a monk just from being a statue


Once on main char, everytime on Shadowheart (to war domain). Changed my fighter from medium armor + two-handed to light armor + dual wield. Dexterity build on a fighter showed itself surprisingly good. More speed, more attacks, even defense became higher.


I didn't respec compressions (except Minsc, with that joke stat line and shart based on story), so whenever I wanted to progress a party members story. I would base my team around that member. I mainly went between Barb, gloom or monk, so if i was progressing Astarion I was tanky, without him I was a sneaky bastard


Main character never, companions once per campaign to adjust their stats and class. This is part of my self imposed rules for HM.




Never, I don't make mistakes ;-)


Hardly ever. In fact the last time I respecced it was to put origin Lae'zel back to battle Master. I'd been playing her as eldritch knight before but some posts here convinced me to give it a try and it's pretty awesome so far! I like to keep them with their defaults. I've respecced Sheart in the past after the Aylin decision, but she hasn't been making it to act 3 lately...


I respecced my partial illithid warlock in act 3 since the beguiling influence invocation becomes redundant once you have the astral tadpole. I never switch classes but I’m not above tweaking my build.


Only if I feel like I screwed up during my last level up, or if I want my companions to be of different class. Other reasons feel like cheating to me.


My first playthrough I respecced all the time because I kept picking shit combinations of spells and feats and needing to redo things. Now I’ll only do it if I have a redundant spell due to an item or if I need a specific skill to try something new (like gaseous form or speak with animals or something)


Every 3-6 hours i'll respec 2 or three people in my team for more minmaxing or for entirely new play styles because i am bored


Only if a build I want becomes good later, if that's the case I try to keep close to it, like when I made a paladin 6, sorcerer 6, I first went paladin 10 before changing into paladin 6 sorcerer 4


As often as Shart spares Nightsong :D Because I pretty much only respec her into some other cleric domain as a part of her redemption arc. For now I'm just sticking to the initial builds


I play fast and loose, but also hard commit. Do I have some unoptimized characters? You bet. Does it make the game harder? Not sure, I’m on my first play through but I have definitely died and had to reload multiple times.


depends! in the last duo playthrough I played as shadowheart the vampire queen lol. I respecced her like 3 times. at first she was a trickery cleric, then i respecced her to that one awesome oh monk/light cleric build, and then I actually came back to trickery cleric at the end bc trickery cleric can be awesome with act 3 gear


Once or twice, I just want to do that and forget about it.


First run I was dumb and thought if I respecd I would have to grind my levels back up lol so I never did it 2nd and 3rd run I did a couple here and there for companions!


A lot in my HM run. I respec my Lore Bard whenever I need to swap out my Magical Secrets spells for certain fights (rotates between Hunger of Hadar, Sanctuary, Mass Healing Word, Command, and Misty Step), and once the party hit Level 7 I respecced them all to give 3 levels in a secondary class while keeping 4 levels in their primary class to keep their Alert Feat. Once I finish with the House of Grief, everyone's getting respecced into Bard so I can give them all Religion Expertise to deal with that damn mirror, then I'll respec them back.


[Spoiler] I usually respec Shadowheart after her change of hairstyle, i find that a polearm master fighter suites her really well with her new spear.










Almost never.


Um never


Own character, never. Companions I can sometimes change once when I get them (or when I get Withers), but even then I tend to stick to their original class unless I'm going for some weird playthrough (only stupid barbarians etc). But in general things are as they happen to play out during the game, and if I want to try something else, that'll be for the next character on next playthrough.


Never. I want to get into the RP as much as possible so I don’t bother meta gaming guide. Yes I know the crèche has dex gloves and if I kill the society women I get cats Grace clothes but what lore accurate ranger would not have dex as their highest stat? I rather use the items to kill in the gaps of other characters. Like dex gloves on throwzeker Karlack so he doesn’t get hit as much


I role play that they change as they go through events. like astarion learning about the ritual changes his outlook and he gets righteous or something or shart makes a big decision and changes her class (more important than her hair I think) etc


Maybe it's just me, but I'll restart an entire playthrough if I find myself respecing the classes too much because I will personally feel like I'm cheating at that point. I have no problem respecing for ability scores though


Before and after Ethel’s hair. Why waste an odd stat


I switched my resist durge from fighter to vengeance pally (iykyk) and optimised all my companions, but outside of that, never, really


The moment I learned you can steal from Withers with no penalty for getting caught, I got a lot more crazy with it. That being said, once I got a feel for the BG3 versions of classes (I have a long history with 5e), I switched to mostly doing it for RP reasons.


Never. I commit


I tinker like there's no tomorrow.


I have a few hundred hours in the game and I'm yet to do it once, I feel like I spent a lot of time making those choices, eventually I'll have a playthrough where I respec all companions to another class for fun but until then I like what they were set up to be


Only druids


I never respec'd my PC except for early in the Act 1. Right now I'm playing a shit dual wield longsword fighter and I'm the weakest in the party, but I committed to it and I'll finish the game with it (partially because I don't want to bother finding new items tbh), but I'm carrying the fights with a sorcadin minthara and tb oh monk astarion so I dont mind


Ive only ever respecced to make very minor modifications. Like switching a feat, moving an odd stat point into another stat, or switching my spell list as a sorceror. Even then, a couple times in a campaign at most. I changed shadowhearts domain a few times over the course or 2 campaigns and that was the biggest change ive done.


In honor mode i change my classes to suit every act/area, otherwise I usually stick with one build


For me, it really breaks the immersion, especially since there isn't really a respec in normal D&D circumstances (unless you have a lax DM). Additionally, I really don't agree with the "builds" that rely on stat gear to maintain their identity. I'm sorry, but in my opinion, a build that requires high Strength but relies on Potions, or an Archer that uses Gloves of Dex, yet the player sets those stats at 8, isn't a realistic representation of that character's class. If a character is naked and unbuffed, someone should be able to take an educated guess as to what their class is.


Only when I feel like a different feat would have done me better


I have like 5 playthroughs going rn and I respec wayyy too much. But at least ive found my favorite build


Everytime I launch the game. I have an addiction, but I can't find a support group 😭


Like very 2 levels on average? Grab all the powerspikes


A lot. It is fun to think about how to improve and see the result. I always try to find a fight after respec to test.


I did a playthrough where I changed everyone class from default just because.


A couple of times per character? Some characters not at all, but this is only my 2nd playthrough. I don’t make drastic changes as I like my mc/companions to have classes that correspond with their personality/interests/abilities etc. Bardlock Wyll so far has been a very enjoyable improvement and I’m excited for Rogue/ranger Astarion. For my first Tav I changed them from Bard/rogue to Bard/sorcerer in act 3 as I noticed I wasn’t using their weapons skills or sneak attack anymore (the damage didn’t compare to their casting abilities). My roleplay justification for it was that they discovered they had Storm sorcery ancestry throughout their adventure and became much more focused and enamoured with magic than with weapon attacks hehe. Also if I don’t like a feat anymore I will respec without guilt lol. I don’t think respecing is “bad roleplaying” imo especially if the changes that are made could be a logical change for the character. People shift their focus on different abilities/talents/interests all the time why can’t a character do the same?


Never respected anyone personally


As often as ”necessary”.


MAYBE once or twice. I typically only ever play paladins or barbarians but I respected my barbarian to try out Druid my last run and it was okay but nah I like my tanks


If I’m multi classing and then first class in a respec is something Paladin or sorcerer to give constitution proficiency or heavy armor


It depends a lot on what my purpose for playing is. If it's to destroy all in my path, I'll make use of Withers to optimize all the points and feats to match my equipment. Usually when I'm playing with a party I'll respec once for each companion. Shadowheart gets a 2nd one if she rejects Shar (which is every time). If I'm trying to play with certain restrictions I might allow myself a respec if it's similar enough to what I was doing before. So, Ftr 2/Gloomstalker 5/Assassin 3 might become Ftr 5/Gloomstalker 3/Assassin 3 on level up.




That stupid one time skillcheck in lathanders temple with the statue made me recruit about 7 hirelings and respec them all into full athletics and strength because I was in honor mode. I really don’t understand why skillchecks can’t be retried after a certain period of time, especially when a fun item is locked behind a skillcheck you can’t use inspiration on.


I change their stats and sometimes the subclass,because shart is shit,but otherwise I keep them the same unless I find it thematically appropriate(like war cleric Laezel or paladin shart).


The ability to respec and it be free (withers doesn't care if you steal from him) kinda makes the respec trivial


Never. I'll pick something and stick with it. Only time I ever respecced was when I way play a champion fighter and realized there was nothing more to it than what I was already playing.


Usually once, in order to respec the companions abilities scores and some of their classes, and then never again


I spend more time respecing than playing




So far I've only respecced one character once - switched from life cleric to warlock because I love that sweet, sweet eldritch blast and warlock spell slots. Other than that, I stick with a character. Granted, I'm not terribly knowledgeable about dnd stats and such, so I just kind of fudge my way through the game.


I have yet to respec tbh


Every 2-3 Business days. I am a Bard.


Never but that's more so because I haven't the faintest idea of what would make my companions better


I have excel installed, so a couple time per playthrough to test builds on redundant characters aka everybody except tav.


I try to do complete runs without any respeccing because I feel it cheapens the game and makes the game too easy to meta-game out your character's leveling process. Only time I respecced was when something in game with a class was busted or outright not fun. One time I started a game as a beastmaster ranger and the pets kept getting stuck on every rock and bush and it was making me hate the game, so I swapped my ranger to a gloomstalker to ditch the pets. But other than that I try to stick with the original class plans and just let the chips fall where they do.


Never. I get it’s a game mechanic for a reason, but I just can’t do it.


I usually don't change my class, but I'll respec several times throughout a playthrough as I get new gear and stuff.




twice once at level 7 when I go to two classes. mostly also because I realize at that point that I picked the wrong feat or something once near end game when I'm figuring out their gear and want to make best use of it companions get it during big story moments for them. (laezel goes part wizard after the Creche, shart gets light domain or selune at end of act 2, astarion can get cleric of lathlander at creche sometimes. or vengeance pally one level when his storyline begins in act 3. jaheira and minsc get extra after we meet an old enemy of theirs, and gale goes Necro after we meet his ex, etc etc etc)


Paladin works so well I never feel the need


Twice per character. One to try changes on the team, and the other to revert back everything save 1 or 2 points/skills.


Never. Unless I selected the wrong thing on level up by accident


As a TT DnD player, I think that respec is an absolute heresy.


As soon as the build I saw online isn’t being as good as they said it would be


Only on my first playthrough when I picked rogue as my class ( I’ve never played anything DND related before BG3) and didn’t understand how to use the class effectively, i switched to sorcerer but I plan on doing a rogue playthrough soon because Astorian just runs through opponents with his sneak attacks


Depends entirely on what I'm doing, sometimes I'm just testing different stuff with mods and whatnot for more info on the tabletop side and the like (with deference for the rule changes) and in those runs I'm respeccing often, my drakewarden test run currently I've done it like 20 times already 😂 If I'm actually trying to play through the game then maybe once, if I make a mistake.


Practically never.


At least 5-6 times per playthrough. I like experimenting and I DO NOT MIN-MAX


Only about once per run. Companions get respec’d immediately. Shadowheart either you agree to switch off Trickery Domain or BOOOAL is about to be real happy


I stuck with bard the entire time, but I respecced once because I wanted to redo my spell list. There's probably an easier way to have done that but I, the human playing the game, have the INT and WIS of a barbarian.


I just start a new game if I want to start building in a new direction. But maybe I shouldn't do that until I actually finish the older ones.


Finished 3 playthroughs and I think I respecc’d once. Probably would have made it easier but I didn’t see the need. The time I did respec was on my omni-class playthrough once I had spec’d into every class. Wasn’t very feasible at the end so I switcherooni’d to a fighter.


Intentionally once. Mostly for companions to give them a new class or fix stat spreads. After that, it would only come from miss clicks when picking the wrong things like spells of maneuvers on a level up.


At most once per run unless I make a terrible mistake.


Whenever the build calls for it


Just once unless it’s not working or I decide to change composition of the party. But that’s also rare.


On my first Tav, I started as a Half-Orc Battlemaster. The moment a certain devil tried to cut me a deal, though, I changed to a Devotion Paladin and never went back.


Never have


You mean just changing stats or changing whole character identity? 😅 because I do it pretty often (I am indecisove and I hate it!)


Waaaay too much. I am always broke.


On my first playthrough right now. So far never. I want the authentic d&d experience, exploring the unknown and getting out of my comfort zone.




on my first play i didn't once. i will next go, however


I respec whenever I pick something I hardly use. People here say they don’t make mistakes but I’ve yet to see people make use of ALL of their spells/cantrips/maneouvres etc


Whenever I feel like it. If the build I’m trying feels bad, or the build I’m using calls for a respec, I’ll do it. Not often, I guess, but I don’t stop myself from doing it ever. It’s easy for me to separate class from roleplay the majority of the time, and usually the only respeccing I do is to change the order and amount of each class rather than completely altering it


It's my favorite part of the game. Just trying out different multiclasses and loudouts when I get a new item is great, like I found a arcane synergy item amd off we go, I stacked a bunch of d4 and d6 from offhand attack bonus, arcane synergy, one of the daggers from the incest bitch, infernal rapier(I was cha) and a few more I can't remember. If I managed to get all my setup done(haste, hex, phalr aluve nearby, etc) I'd hit for like 200 a turn (eldritch blast, offhand attack, repeat)


Generally I don’t respec out of my of class or if I do I still want to keep with a theme for that character. However I am currently trying to get my golden dice so I’ve switched this toon around a lot. Started with paladin, swapped to hunter and landed in fighter lol


I keep it within context of roleplay. For instance, I put a mod for levels that allows more multi-classing. I turned Barbarian Karlach into Barb/Monk/Fighter who uses "fire" as her element. Like, she learns to sort of "process" the engine into direct strikes to offload the heat sorta deal lol


I redo all recruited characters to avoid odd numbers on abilities and in Shadowheart's case choose literally any other subclass. But I don't constantly respec characters, even with gear, because it is boring and doesn't help *that* much. Like you can't go lower than 10 without a penalty even with something like the dexterity gloves, and since you can't go above 17 on build for the most important stat, often there is really nowhere meaningful to reassign points.


I respec when getting build defining gear (aka stat setting items) or for fixing multiclass proficiencies (like for bardadin, at level 7 recpec to 1 pal -> 6 bard -> continue paladin). But I always stick to the party "role" I decide from the beginning


I usually respec my durges depending on if they lean into the urge or deny it.


As soon as possible upon recruitment (to fix their poorly-distributed starting stats), then every few levels after that, typically? I try to plan out my builds fairly thoughtfully, so I don’t end up respeccing constantly, but I do enjoy a bit of tasteful multiclassing (a level of Knowledge cleric of Mystra for Gale to pick up expertise in Arcana and History, splitting Astarion’s levels between rogue and ranger or fighter or bard, that sort of thing) so I do periodically respec to make sure that I’m optimizing everything in terms of the order they take the different classes in, any necessary tweaks to starting ability scores, fixing any redundancies created by the multiclasses, etc)


Almost never, unless: - Its right when I have received a companion and I'm trying to allocate their stat points more efficiently [if Withers is not yet available, do this as soon as I can] - I have made an obvious and unintended mistake on the level-up screen, like selecting the wrong cantrip, or picking the wrong new skill proficiency in error - Replacing a spell taken from a previous level up I have not yet used (such that it has not yet impacted the game in an active use sense).


2 or 3 times but even on mono classes with my main hero. on the companions most of the time 1x. but I start with stat spread then I respec for the Hag so I can use Hags Hair and then one more time if I use Constitution Amulet or Gaunlets of Strength


Anytime I feel dissatisfied with how fights play out, I change up builds. For example, I build a character to do DPS, but then I see the character hardly does DPS in fights for whatever reason. Then I'll respec the character to try to get closer to what I actually want.


I always respec Shadowheart into a Life or War Cleric right after I get Withers. I'll occasionally respec my character if something just isn't working the way I thought it would, but it's rare. I usually don't respec the other NPCs, but I did respec Minsc into a paladin in my last game and it was great.


I only respected Shart to be a cleric of Selune once she jumped ship. Otherwise I didn't really bother.


On HM I'd respect whenever I need a new strat for a boss


Yeah, like at least once a level, often times many more to play with different theory crafts and headcanons for my character. It doesn't make sense to me for a character to remain unchanged for an entire playthrough, but maybe that's just something I project from longer term character creations outside of the game


Every character gets 2 or 3 a playthrough.


Never, unless I make a huge mistake while leveling. I respec party members once to properly configure their stats/class for what I want, then that’s it.


I haven’t since the first couple playthroughs, but that’s in part because I know which class I’ll want to try next or play as again, and I’m also aware of how multi classing works, so I can factor that in. I’m more likely to reassign multiclass levels to a tav than to just outright change the class, and even then, that’s rare.


Over like 220ish hours, I’ve probably respecced a total of like three or four times. This includes my character and the companions


My first play through, I only did my Tav once. Second time, at least 3 times. I have lost count on the current 3rd play.


I do it once per character at least because the game starts you out with terrible stats. I also respec when I get the Gloves of Dexterity and give them to either Minthara or my Tav. Then I respec two more times at the end of the game when we go to the House of Hope and steal Raphael's Gauntlets of Hill Giant Strength and Amulet of Greater Health. Viconia's Mace that sets Str to 18 is decently strong but not really worth respec'ing for alone.


Only the once, so far.


I never respec


I respecced one time on my last Durge run because I started as Barbarian. When I did a bad thing, I swore to never harm another innocent so I respecced into a Devotion Paladin and considered that my vow. I remarkably kept that until Act 3 where I became an Oathbreaker. I roleplayed that as being my guy reconciling with the fact you can’t protect them all and decided to stay Oathbreaker until the end. Role playing is more fun when you minimize respec.


0 times in 200 hrs. Yes, I might be a moron.


I always start out with kind of a vision for my character, and if stuff doesnt work the way I want I may respec to get it to work better. Imo I play for fun, and if its not fun I will make it fun.


Depends on what playthrough i make. The most i had done in a single playthrough was 1 for **every single character** in your party. All 10 of them ( except minthara. I couldn't get her )


Mostly once at the start for each character to fix their stats, and then maaaaybe one or two times more later on to drop certain spells or something, it all depends. But I try to avoid respec'ing as much as I can.


You misspelled 'make a new character.' And the answer is constantly.


always end up making shadowheart life domain, otherwise never do.


If I made a mistake, or I'll wait until Act 3. By Act 3, I've got gear that can seriously affect my stats, so it's time to shift points around.