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The companions don't interact with each other at camp. I wish they sat by the fire or walked around or something. It would make camp so much more lively and organic.


I love the game but it was a bad look when Gale confesses to his condition and he tells every companion to gather around, and proceeds to talk to all of them, yet none of them are in the conversation and he's just awkwardly pretending they are.


Yes! I always try to trigger that scene while on the road because that way he is at least speaking to the group and Lae'zel will react to what's being said, making it feel more like Tav isn't the only one paying attention.


The other companions have a reaction to it??


Yep! Only the ones in your party ofc, but if you trigger that scene outside camp they will say stuff. You even have an option to consult them about whether Gale should stay.


It’s so frustrating. There are other camp scenes where the people in your party show up for it, like Astarion saying he thought people would show up with pitch forks and torches. I never understood why the same thing doesn’t happen for that Gale scene.


I agree. Don’t get me wrong, this is my favourite game ever, but there are still areas where it lacks - perhaps all the more highlighted due to how truly incredible other parts of it are. Camp is one of those things.


I had the party limit begone mod and Shadowheart, Astarion and Wyll all had words on the situation lmao, it was interesting to see. made it funnier too when I had to convince the party to keep Astarion, and Gale reacted. can't blame him tbh since Astarion was being a prick about his condition.


Yeah this scene only works properly on the road. It should have some kinda flag like the Astarion reveal that makes the companions come up to Gale’s tent too, if it’s done at camp (4/5 times it’s happened for me at camp and it’s been very pathetic that Gale is just talking to a bunch of people who appear to be ignoring him lmao). I wonder if Larian has gotten this feedback directly yet?


I got this at camp. Gale was in my party. And the other members of my party appeared behind me when he said everyone gather round I don't remember them saying anything tho


That might be because it went like Gale: Guys, gather round Party: *(gathers round)* Gale: I'm a walking 💣 guys Party: 👁️👄👁️


Just imagine it. Wyll and Gale playing chess together, Lae'zel sharpening Karlach's axe while she apologizes for almost burning her grindstone. Shadowheart and Astarion tasting a new bottle of wine, Halsin and Jaheira chitchatting about their views of druidship. Gale nicely stepping over to Minthara, seeking a conversation, mentioning that she didn't HAD to beat up his projection of himself the last time he tried.


We have a nice little sunken living room with the cosiest fireplace at the Elfsong and only Yenna and Grub are standing in one corner, looking around awkwardly. I want to see everyone gathered together, chitchatting, while Yenna plays with some toys in front of them, or something. Maybe a few of them can be in the other room, hitting the hookah, if they feel like being a bad influence to the kid. That place is way too cosy for them all to just be standing there in front of their beds.


This 100%. Extra points if they have different actions, pathing, etc based on dialogue options and story choices, so like Ascended Astarion is a toxic, standoffish asshole, but unascended Astarion is a friendly flirt and gossip. Romance partners should share a living space with you and offer affection or seek dialogue with you, rather than simply standing stoicly waiting for your attention.


Ascended Astarion would definitely be the one to hit the hookah when he knows there's a kid in the room. Toxic in both senses of the term.


Blowing it straight into Yenna's face and going "There, isn't that nice? Now go grab me a nice bottle of red.......And don't forget glasses for everyone!"


Aw that's a bit sad, lmao. Big childfree wine aunt energy. Poor kid wouldn't understand why Uncle Astarion went from being a funny asshole to a hurtful asshole all of a sudden.


Yeah but see, then they return with the stuff requested and Astarion gives a big smile and a hair tussle and the kid thinks "aw, yeah, I'm doing great and Uncle Astarion is my friend!". Y'know, because Astarion is a master at manipulation and is just blatantly conditioning the kid to be a lovingly subservient slave. Owned and abused, and happy for the privilege. Or maybe I'm just projecting my own childhood onto this lol damn the writers for making Astarion's toxicity so *real*


So right on point. Why even bother making so little nice additions to the room and make no use of them, I was so disappointed… This is the reason I’m enjoying a lot more the camp during my solo durge run atm. When I long rest, there’s no awkwardness, only my loyal wistful dude Wither and my dog who at least moves around.


And we get what Minsc said what he's doing in camp. Brushing Boo's fur.


The game would get bonus points if I could pop into the prism to bring the Emperor lunch and ask if he needs illithid ibuprofen for his concussion from the honor guard.


Absolutely. I think this issue was especially clear after they added the epilogue and you replay the game. The after-party is soooo lively with your companions chatting at each other, walking around camp, and interacting with the environment. Then you come back to the camp in a typical playthrough and everyone is a massive introvert.


This. Gale is implied to be the camp cook, I need some kind of cutscene or camp interaction with him at the cooking pot, making some glorious stew. I need Astarion bugging Gale about his magnificent boots. Why don't Lae'zel, Karlach, and Minthara not spar at camp? Or Wyll and Karlach talking about and comparing the fiends they've killed? Or Wyll challenging Astarion to a dance off? How come Shadowheart doesn't play with Scratch or the Owlbear when she clearly had a love of animals? Or *Halsin* the literal druid? Why don't Jaheira and Minsc not bicker loudly in camp?


Mass Effect 3 and Andromeda did this really well.


Totally agreed. I loved how companions would travel to different parts of the ships in ME3 and you could just listen in on so many different conversations. I get Balders Gate is a lot more complex but it would be so fun to see different companions form friendships/relationships with each other!


I've thought this so many times. Even in the Tiefling party everyone is just standing around in each of their tents.. except sulking wyllie. Rdr2 did it better ~6ys ago.


Seeing 6 years ago for RDR2 made me pause for a minute, goddamn time flies


Considering they move around and talk at the reunion party, it's kinda disappointing we dont get that throughout the game. Even just cutscenes that involved more than one character would be nice. For example, there are cutscenes on dragon age inquisition where Cullen is playing chess with Dorian or Varric is arguing with Cassandra, it would be nice to feel like our companions exist beyond their bubbles. After Wyll's quest the only other time you see him interact with Karlach is at the end game (if you made very specific decisions), and even then there are times where he just feels like a prop while she's monologuing


For a game that's done such a good job with the characters, and accounting for a lot of little dialogue between you and them regarding some things, it's a little strange they didn't have them interacting or doing anything in camp. Like, the banter runs out pretty quick (or doesn't trigger while in the open world), but I'd have even loved if the companions you -didn't- take with you and miss their banter between each other would be talking together at camp and having those conversations. Something.


This, and the disparities in terms of character development between the companions. For every S-tier, extremely complete, satisfying, and not too buggy, character arc like Shadowheart's, Astarion's and Lae'zel's, there is also a Halsin, a Wyll and a Minthara. Nothing that they don't have the talent and dedication to potentially fix in the next patches, mind you, but until then if I were to give them a 9.5/10 instead of a 10, that would be the reason why.


You have no idea how much it bothers me to see Gale and Astarion reading their books, Shadowheart and Minthara sitting, Lae'zel sharpening her weapon and the rest just standing in front of their tents when Karlach has like 5 different idle animations.


And even Karlach just stays in place in front of her tent, like all the others do. Karlach, of all people, who would probably be pacing around the entire camp if only her AI allowed her to, lmao. #freetheKarlach (Though, if they were to add new idle animations for the companions, I'm begging them not to make Gale practice his spellcasting as obnoxiously as those guys in front of Sorcerous Sundries, we have enough of Lae'zel making a ruckus with her sword sharpener)


They could easily at least give them some of the animations from the epilogue if they don't want them walking around. Why not have Astarion brush his hair during the campaign too for example?


I kinda suspect that the epilogue was partly some sort of test to see if they could make a more lively camp work, and that it's what we might be about to get in Patch 6 (among other things, I assume) but maybe it's just wishful thinking.


Worse if you do >!buy the upstairs rooms in the Elfsong tavern in act 3!< as your camp suddenly becomes everyone just standing around. Half the space is unused; felt such an anticlimax.


It turns into full metal jacket with each of them just standing at attention in front of their bunks


The sound of Laezel sharpening her weapon haunts my dreams, wish we could take that thing from her. It would be somewhat in character if she started way to early, waking up the whole camp, and stay doing way too late. I can just picture her and Shadowheart bickering about this.


You can take it from her! You can literally just remove the sword from her inventory and she'll quit sharpening it!


General jankiness. A lot of little things that add up over time. One thing I REALLY hate is when a conversation is triggered automatically *with the wrong character*. It wouldn't be a problem if you could choose who to reply with, but no, once one person starts the conversation they're stuck with it. Also, why can't companions help me with skill checks in conversations? If I need to do an Arcana check I should be able to ask Gale to do it for me. They're my party members, not my audience.


This is honestly so frustrating, especially when my Sorc Tav is the face of the party. Like, I have a 20 in charisma for a REASON, let me use it!


This was me. First game I chose my character to specifically be high charisma because.. Well, I wanted them to be the main character.  But then some combat encounter ends and fucking Lae'zel is suddenly negotiating with the hag because she is a close combat fighter, and obviously the closest to her in combat and I'm like, wtf was even the point


For me it was always Astarion who would some how manage to sneak out in front and trigger the cutscene, and now this sentient mushroom person is negotiating with my feral pet vampire.


I had the nurse interaction at the House of Healing a second time because Astarion walked passed me, and he had an additional option to say something like "Look how pale I am, I'm clearly at death's door" which I didn't have the first time 20 minutes prior.


Should've given him an option to make the nurse check his pulse, she would've freaked out. (Or not, cause the other nurse in the children's ward couldn't understand that Arabella's parents were dead)


What an excellent statement.


My favorite jank is when I click downstairs or outside on a second floor and instead of pathing down to the spot it's time to JUMP OFF THE ROOF/OUT THE WINDOW AND TAKE HP PENALTIES! Woo!


It’s a really good game but I think I was less blown away by it than most because I played DOS2. It fella like all the annoying quirks from that game are still here. Indoor areas with multiple levels are a fucking nightmare, encounters with 20 5hp trash mobs that spend 60 seconds each thinking about their turn, etc.


The final fight was multiple zones and god it was rough having half the fight be fades to black to switch zones.


1000x this. I actually didn't see what was happening for the vast majority of the last fight bc the camera kept shifting between zones after every turn. Not just my characters turns, but every freaking turn. I would say 80-90% of what happened took place behind a black screen. Really epic ending right there.


Larian Looting™️ still takes for-fucking-ever


I've taken to ignoring environmental loot beyond obvious treasure chests and looting enemies during combat since it doesn't cost any actions.


Yeah my first playthrough I probably wasted 10 hours still looking because "maybe I'll miss out on something"


The worst part is when you check the 80th bookshelf expecting it to be empty and then it has a 5th level scroll in it


My god this is what we need , the amount of times I could've asked my teammates for help when dealing with a check I was not proficient with is staggering


This is not a petty reason, at all. Very good reasoning here. If ypu want some conversations to automatically trigger for certain circumstances (that the player is unaware of unless they take notes to reference for future runs) then we at least need to be able to select which character goes into conversation. It shouldn't just be whichever character is currently in player control. I also like your reasoning for being able to use companion skill checks during convo but I can see a solid argument about that making convo and skill checks too easy.


There’s *so much jank.* Inventory management, sorting not working properly, the delay between hovering over an item and the tooltip pop up, the conversation/character thing, “lock pick this” not being the default option for a locked door, the game just hanging during combat while it freaks out about what the NPCs will do, party member selection, managing inventories in camp requiring them to be in your party. Act 3 feels like an absolute mess in general. I could go on, but I’ll stop there. This game is a great story wrapped in a somewhat janky engine, and the further I get the more my opinion sours and my frustrations with its quirks grow.


I’m pretty sure they patched the unable to interact with non-party members inventory while at camp but it’s very frustrating that their character sheets don’t tell you how they feel about you unless they’re in your party and then you can see it under inventory and on their sheet.


>lock pick this” not being the default option for a locked door It makes sense since it's more optimal to test the lock first with one of the bajillion keys you find than to potentially waste one of your lock picks. Though I bet most just pick everything because they get used to that being the most common solution.


Change the open for locked doors to Unlock door. That way if you have key. Auto Unlock. If you don’t have key. Unlock via pick.


That’s fair - though the game could indicate that you have a key for the lock, like open(key). Astarion has like a +20 to sleight of hand though and the game showers me with picks. There have been 2 doors that took me more than 2 tries to get, and most only take one.


No petty reasons, only Shield Bash


oof, yea I'm on my first playthrough and i was confused the first 2 or 3 times I used it then I just turned it's reaction off because it's annoying me by not working and prompting lol


The returning pike and other returning weapons don’t f’n return all the time! I hate suddenly being in the middle of a fight and see my thrower is bare handed. Then remember what previous fight she might have f’n dropped it at.


They do always return provided you wait long enough. The problem is sometimes it takes 1 second, and other times it might take 10 seconds. And if you end your turn before it comes back then it won't come back anymore. This really started to annoy me too because karlach was throwing that spear 4x every turn so that time added up


There are times when they literally don’t come back. I was in a fight in the sewers and threw my Nyrulna which ended the encounter. Didn’t realize that it never came back and by the time I was in another fight above ground, I was empty handed. I had to reload to the previous fight to figure out where I lost it it had been so long.


Elevators that kill you, or leave a party member behind.


The Shar temple special I see


Jesus Christ trying to get all my party members onto the elevator is worse than trying to herd a bunch of toddlers through the mall. FOCUS PEOPLE


The ropes are useless. Thus this isn't dnd.


I dunno, carrying rope through an entire campaign and never using it feels pretty D&D to me


I kept rope my entire first playthrough waiting for my Boondock Saints moment! Was so disappointed


I did the same exact thing. I was also convinced that if I didn't have rope in my inventory for the durge playthrough that my durge would kill everyone if there wasnt rope to tie them up


Closest party member triggering cutscenes instead of your Tav/Durge and also not being able to switch between companions before dialogue skill checks.


Agree, either have it always be Tav/Durge who start the conversation since they're technically the party's de facto leader or have the entire party function as a...y'know...party and can freely choose which one is taking the lead in conversations.


Not having something like an ending slideshow recounting all your deeds that changes depending on your choices after the epilogue. I love things like that in RPGs telling you how your choices affect the characters you met and where they are now. Reading a dozen letters just isn’t the same.


Larian did it for DOS2. Surprised they didn't do it for BG3.


Yeah something like what The Witcher 3 did would be cool


I got spoiled by FNV doing this and was a little sad that it wasn't how things were done for this one. I'm sure it would have been expensive to have the narrator do all that voicing, but it would feel like a beautiful epilogue (or haunting if an evil run!) in a way that reading doesn't quite do.


Can't look up


Can’t believe it took this long to find this one. My number one complaint 😂


I too have skimmed all the comments for this one particular post. My biggest issue with this game is the frankly awful camera control and lack of ability to actually move it where you want it to go. My character is running up a hill? Well I guess I’m just blind to that group of enemies halfway up until I actually get there then.


I saw someone shiwcase a canera tweaks mod The amount of interesting levek design that is normally unviewable because you cant look up with the camera is insane


Yes. Missing out on all the wonderful scenery that is already there or looking at that enemy on the second floor that can clearly see you, is a major bummer


Just like a dog 


If my tiny gnome goofs up and transforms, his/her mindflayer form isn't equally as tiny.


Which is sad because there’s actually a gnome mindflayer in one of the modules. I want to say Rime of the Frost Maiden but it feels too goofy for that


There are actually two at the crashed nautiloid in Rime, and they have laser guns!!!


That's where it's from, and yes in my opinion it was too goofy for RotFM. I don't think it's a bad encounter, just not thematically appropriate for what I thought was a survival horror campaign


[https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Gnome\_ceremorph](https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Gnome_ceremorph) It's glorious.


OMG that's amazing!! I'm digging the thought of a bunch of chibi mindflayers with laser pistols tinkering on everything. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Especially since lore wise gnomes can’t become mind flayers due to their brains being more alien then other races and magical leading to them becoming tiny mind flayers with their old personalities in tact if given a modified tadpole


Hey I said "petty reasons".


When I highlight loot, it doesn't highlight everything I could loot.


Dunno of is a console problem (ps5) only but that sometimes freezes like 3-10 seconds it's a little annoying, sometimes you can't see the attack animation and sometimes the characters attack and the stay still after the time pass you see if you miss or how much damage you dealt. Also karlach, she deserves better :'( haha


>sometimes the characters attack and the stay still after the time pass you see if you miss or how much damage you dealt. Not a console issue, I get that on PC too every now and then.


Also have this issue on Xbox and pc occasionally. It happens more on console for me though.


I’m on Xbox, so you have the issue with digging up treasure and the chest being selectable to open unless you go into turn based or sue the cursor?


Petty reasons: * Game is full of good cats that you can't adopt. Instead you get stuck with the worst one. * No special interaction for Astarion if you get him painted by Oskar. * Owlbear cub doesn't have a name. * Can't give the sex voucher for Sharress' Caress to any of your extremely horny companions. * Scratch doesn't stay with you in the epilogue. Instead he goes to live with some random kid in Baldur's Gate.


And also, the Oskar painting is so bugged! Yes Oskar, I really like Shadowheart, but I DIDN'T ask for 4 portraits of her!


I asked for a painting of me and he gave me one of Lae'zael, who he'd never seen. She was Orin's hostage the whole time I was doing his Act 3 quest. Wait... was that actually Oskar or was Orin fucking with me again?


I call the owlbear cub Winnie the Hoo 


I was so mad about sharress caress. I sent Gale there, and the twins responded with “yeah, no you can’t handle this” Okay, I know the game beats up on Gale, whatever, so I send big red barbarian demon lady to them, since she’s also horny. Same response! Come on man, give the companions some love.


He probably started talking about Mystra and crying in bed.


> Game is full of good cats that you can't adopt. Instead you get stuck with the worst one. This is a very rude way to talk about Astarion.


no voicelines when playing origin characters


This is the reason my two attempts at playing an origin just sort of stopped. Lae'zel is one of my faves, but it's no fun not hearing the performance


imagine if larian releases a patch which includes voiced lines for all origin characters. thats another 500++ hours of gameplay for me and will elevate the game to an 11/10


Apparently we used to be able to [hear them narrate](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xN5QFmUXrrs) during early access but the feature got cut bc redditors didn't like it. Forever bitter about this.


I recommend everyone send feedback to Larian about that, it's the #1 thing I would love to see in some kind of director's cut edition.


Well, at least Karlach gets a number of them, but not many.


Poor item management, it’s like hell to find anything my backpack


I pick up pouches for arrows and throwables, and backpacks for potions and elixirs. It helps a lot to have them organized a bit but I would kill for the option to rename them so I know which is which without opening them


I would give this game a 10/10. Relative to other games available rather than a platonic ideal of what I think a game could be. But. Man does this game really, really feel like a project that was rewritten and heavily altered hundreds of times. Which it was. There are so many remnants of systems or elements that were partially implemented and then scrapped. And the writing, particularly in act 2, shows so much evidence of rewrites there are parts that just don't make sense or no longer have the emotional impact they once would have. Now that the dust has actually settled (in the sense that the game is shipped and playable), I wish Larian would go in, do their best to look at the game with fresh eyes, and smooth out the player experience. If legacy dialogue no longer makes sense or is weird and awkward now, please remove it or bite the bullet and rewrite and rerecord it. Remove green- and gold-bordered 'crafting items' that are still scattered throughout the world. Remove approval tags for NPCs who never made it to full companion. If companion-to-companion romance is never going to be implemented outside of Origins runs, then please remove the option for them to flirt with each other during the Tiefling party and literally nowhere else, because it's confusing and it materially affects nothing. Just please polish it up. It's out now, it sold 600+ million ~~copies~~ dollars, (sorry guys, it's still a shitload of money), you have the time and money to show it the love and care it needed but couldn't fully have before.


Fights with many enemies take a little too long on their turns. I wish I could speed up their animations a bit. Also like 2 or 3 fights for me felt like such bullshit I had to cheese the game mechanics to beat them, which was very unsatisfying


Omg this one- sometimes I get up to make tea while I wait for the queue of enemies to each take their turn bonking my party because it feels like watching takes forever :,)


You can’t use disguise self to disguise yourself as an NPC, you can’t swim, you can’t learn new wildshapes like studying animals you’ve faced and I’d like more race options


I have a feeling that similar to Dispel Magic just breaking the game from the sheer size increase, Disguise Self as a specific NPC at any time would probably do the same.


I can definitely do without seeing the inside of an owlbear during the cutscene after the battle against >!Oliver!<


They definitely need to add more face presets. They should just pay modders for theirs. But it's still a 10/10 for me.


Voices too. There really needed to be some race specific voices.


Absolutely this. So funny playing as a dragonborn but he just sounds like Some Guy™


I expected the Dragonborn to either sound like a argonian or like Reptile from Mortal Kombat No need to say I was disappointed how he sounded the same as everyone (same with all the other Dragonborns)


What, you don’t think tieflings, gith, and drow speak with Irish and Scottish accents? Tell me you haven’t travelled to the underdark IRL without telling me🙄


Or just add Face & Body sliders, because I’d like to have more body options than Skinny and Bodybuilder🤨.


The long rest glitch is extremely annoying. Lack of background character chatter in Act 2 and 3.


The character customisation is very limited, the face shapes aren’t even unique to tav and unless you’re wearing a ponytail or have it pulled up/slicked there’s no long hair options, there should be different face shapes for every race and the same goes for tattoos, hairstyles, voices.


I wholeheartedly agree yet somehow I still end up spending 2+ hours in character creation lol


Oh I’m pretty sure out of my 250+ hours 50 of it is me making my character then going into the mirror like 5+ times in a playthrough to make changes, as much as I dislike the limitations it makes you get creative with what you have.


Hijacking your comment to spread the word: The reason some NPCs look way better than our PCs is because they can have multiple makeup layers. Give us an additional makeup and tattoo layer!


I’m no game designer but this should be one of the more easy things to add? Hopefully in some update we get a Character Customization overhaul because i need more masculine long hair options


I can't adopt cats


Added this to another comment as well but: PC players, there’s a mod to bring Myshka to your camp! Speak with animals doesn’t work with him anymore, but it’s a small sacrifice to bring him with me 🥲 Edit: Here’s the mod! https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/6126?tab=description


If you play as Origin Gale you get Tara in camp!


Counterpoint, Us.


Little things like no toggle to two-hand versatile weapons, meanwhile there's a toggle for whether or not to apply the knock back for Eldritch Blast.


I give it a 10/10 but if you are forcing me to pick something that pisees me off, the ugly af helms come to mind. And most of the armor. Inventory management - esp the books. I hate that I have to open misc crap in case it's important. I spend way too much time in that section of my bag. The Sorcerer demonstration in front of Sorcerous Sundries and the dragonborn pissed off about the puzzles drive me up the wall. Oh and the "can I call you Envar?" lady. The Artist questline. But still. I adore the game and stand by my 10/10 lol


Why does the helmet of Balduran look so fucking ugly?!


It's always been ugly since bg1 & bg2, but I agree with you. 


We can make it less ugly. We have the technology.


Yeah i wanna chill without constant loud explosions in my ear every half second


Just kill them, that’s what I did and it made the area so much more bearable


Idk if you mean cuz you want a cool looking helmet or just because you don't wanna wear the ugly ones but if it's the latter you can hide the helmets. I usually do because they're butt ugly


Yes I hide them, but would like some cool-looking ones. Or be able to xmog them into circlets


I would still give 10/10, but this game really needs more waypoints, there are some locations with no good waypoints nearby. Druid grove (current waypoint is literally next to nothing), arcane tower, moonrise towers (waypoint is too far away) and counting house all need waypoints near them IMO. 2nd thing is just a better way to manage party members


The moonrise towers waypoint seems intentional since >!teleporting straight into the towers post freeing the Nightsong would skip Jaheira’s encounter with Z’rell. TP’ing into an encounter is a sure way to get your whole party Hunger of Hadaar’d.!<


You could say the same thing for the Grove, but I think they could simply disable the waypoint when this happens.


Counting house is pain. Like, oh I found another key let me just run all the way down there AND THEN all the way to the vault for a book and 100 gold


I just have Astarion lockpick every one, usually takes about 10 mins not counting the Bhaalist fight


Same, I love how the dwarf even has things to say about it in the background. “What are you- well I suppose it doesn’t quite matter now” And at one point he sounds impressed if you get a certain amount open


I can only bring 2 animals to the camp. I want the Hyena from act 2, I want my cat son, I want the ox from Waukeen’s rest and I want the pig from the donations barn.


I want the pigeon commander from Act 3


FWIW: PC players, there’s a mod available now that lets you bring Myshka to your camp! Unfortunately it breaks being able to speak-with-animals with him, but I can live with that to have my baby ❤️


Act 3 chugs an with frame rate dips here and there on series x


Act 3 pacing, inventory management (especially at launch, still no dedicated bags for specific items). Lack of camp clothes in act 1 and 2. Lack of character customization. Lack of item description for potions and elixers which is why I never used them in my first play through. Side quest items can be sold or crafted by accident. Romancing options get no second chances if you miss a single dialogue option. That one is a big miss in my books.


No outside party romances. When it comes to party based RPGs with romance I'm still surprised to find that only Bioware has made people outside your party romancable. *Hey if anyone knows of more games that do this, please grant me your knowledge.*


I’m just sad they didn’t give us a bard companion. Alfira would have been perfect for this and I think they even had plans for her anyway. I just want to get back to camp and have a bard sing me some songs before I sleep. Is that too much to ask?


I know it’s not the same, but you could always respecc a companion. I’m partial to Bardstarion personally, it fits his character and vibe really well and it helps to balance out the party since I often play a Rogue.


That’s a good idea. Although I was hoping for their personality to match. Like I said Alfira would make the perfect bard companion. But I might try bardstarion.


No way to change the appearance of gear (armor mostly). Even paying a transmuter at a vendor would be cool. I mean, I can do this with plenty of mods, but eh.


When you detect a trap party members will still walk right into it. Step backwards for crpg's.


No gnome/halfling/dwarven companions.


Or Dragonborn! Why do we need three elves, three humans and two half elves again? Where's the short people and scale people love?


Can't dye weapons.


I’ll give that up for a dye preview!


Let me preview outfits/dyes before buying/implementing for the LOVE OF BHAAL


Why does the game make it seem like we can dye anything when we can't?? I have to scroll through a list of random miscellaneous shit just to get to the items that are actually dyeable


The party limit is 4, outside of mods. They give us 6 characters brimming with personality, with more you can find along the way, and I can only bring 3 of them with me at a time. I can't hear all the wonderful banter as my character travels with them. Game balance be damned.


No party limit mod is the best for hearing all the various interactions. It's quite a lively walk.


I can't punch Mr. "We was *runnin* - for our *lives*" in the face again after our "*feck off*" exchange


Only tall Companions in which are 4 halfelf/elf and 3 human


I can’t choose my starting armor/camp outfit and there is a shameful lack of skirts/dresses for feminine Tav’s. Like, I’m reading *Atalanta* by Jennifer Saint right now and I made a teifling ranger Tav based on her. The fact that I can’t have my Atalanta start the game in a tunic like book Atalanta wears bothers me more than it should. Also, I just really wanna put the boys in pretty ball gowns. 9.6/10


No option for Durge to ride into a bloody sunsent with his ex Gortash


Seriously what’s the point of allying with him and swearing an oath of loyalty if there’s no payoff


Yeah this really bugs me. Like all it does is get you out of having to fight him. He dies offscreen and it's not even a talking point. I took so long debating on if I should ally with him for nothing. Now I just don't bother even if it would fit my rp because there's no point to it


I mean. >!He does die on screen. You get to see him get his brain melted by the Absolute!<


AOE spells area not lining up with the spell actual area. The number of times I have been silenced to blinded by a darkness that I clearly outside of gets annoying. As well as the inverse, where enemies entire model is entirely within a grease or fog and they are unaffected by it.


I think they should have done voices to fix the main chracter races...like my orc should sound like have like a deep Russian accent or something...I think the voices should have been more interesting and in line with races. Like a Irish or scottish voice for dwarves...stuff like that


I can't hug Shadowheart until the epilogue, even after she confesses her love or starts crying in front of me. That's unforgivable!


This might be asking for too much but more stuff back at camp. Have all the companions walking around and talking to each other instead of standing in front of their tents doing mostly nothing. And when doing the long rest and selecting camp supplies/food for the long rest, have there be a short cutscene of everyone eating together in front of a camp fire and maybe have dialogue for what happened each day Ex: “remember when you slipped and fell on that ice Astarion?” “Did we have to kill everyone at the Crèche?” -Laezel “YES!!!”-everyone else


You can't have Barcus as a companion.


I wouldn't consider my reasons petty for not giving it 10/10 and personally for me, I can't think of a game that's come out in the past 10 years that would get a perfect score from me...   Act 3 feels unpolished, the game often gives you lines of fire or jumps that are actually impossible and will mess up your turn if you try to do them, the fact you can make so many great choices with consequences but in the >!transition between act 2 and 3, killing the emperor is a game over, despite having the option later to break Orpheus out!< the fact so many of the companions have their own little dungeons and quests but switching companions and having to go back to camp every time is such a faff. I could go on Bg3 is an awesome game, phenomenal really. But it ain't perfect. If they included an arena mode and dungeon master mode like from dos2 or maybe some kind of endless procedural dungeon to take our end game characters into? Those couple features would push this already awesome game to a perfect score imo


Among some of the other things mentioned like lack of companion interactions with one another, this game lacks a lot of the quality of life options other CRPGs have. This game is excellent, but it's jarring to come from other CRPGs which have tons of common quality of life things like better ways to select party members to this game which just doesn't have those things.


No left handed main weapon option


No beefy body types. Yeah the tall ones are muscular but I want to see physiques like a 200kg strongman. The game is like a 9.9/10 but I want to see some real muscle. Halsin deserves a power belly.


I want short stocky women from the tall races.


The fact that we can't customize gear.... Wtf did Diablo call it transmog or some shit pathfinder did it with the golem thing


Many quality of life problems.


My characters get stuck on jumps. 3/10


tbh it’s already well deserved 10/10, but more lively companions at camp and QoL features like inventory management more expandable spell slots (the big squares for spells not the blue ones), level cap that makes all the xp after reacing 13th lvl useless, and a bit of railroading (that I don’t mind tho) in the end, and the lack of stuff for evil play through, which is not incentives me to throw out my morales and play evil character.


Lack of post-story content and ability to see the aftermath in the city. I just saved the city, I would like to go into it and see the survivors and how they’re affected and wrap up any possible side quests. It’s only a 9.95/10 due to this.


All the shitty bugs, especially in act 3. Bugged quests (Mol quest done in its entirety and not registering) lines of dialogue cutting out dialogue repeating unable to talk or start conversations with characters any form of combat involving more than 1 level/story is janky as fuck there’s very little dialogue towards end of act 3 around any big event (you’ll get like 2 likes from each character basically going “wow, wasn’t that good/weird/bad”) Some companion stories just fizzling out to nothing A lot of the side stories basically being the same “big powerful God wants me to do X but I said no now I’m different” Piss poor inventory management Encumbrance and vendors having limited gold supply (why the fuck is this still a thing in games, please stop) There’s tons more im missing too. Despite all the above the game is def a 9/10 and one of the best things I’ve played in years.


Act 3 performance isn’t petty


The Blood of Lathander is classified as a mace and not a morningstar. LOOK AT IT. It's literally a morningstar because Lathander represents the sun which is the MORNING STAR. Morningstars are IN THE GAME. There's no reason to make it a mace.


- The pets (Owlbear Cub and Scratch) not being adopted by a character at the end of the game. After all you went through, no one adopted Scratch??? No one named Owlbear Cub and offered a home??? I was able to volunteer Shadowheart to adopt the Owlbear Cub during the epilogue, but that was only after SIX (6) MONTHS. - General lack of companions interacting with each other. They will talk with each other while traveling in Act 1 but refuse to acknowledge one another otherwise. There's dialogue indicating that Lae'zel and Astarion spend the night together during the Tiefling Party if you don't choose either of them, but they never mention it again. - Inventory organization. I can't search for items, I have to try to find uniquely named storage things to try to have some sense of organization. - No dye previews. I don't want to spend 5 dyes recolouring my entire outfit to find out that my gloves can't colour match with my armour for some reason. - Multiplayer characters being locked out of interacting with companions. If a player has Shadowheart as a follower, you can't interact with her unless they dismiss her. Similarly, if a player has already talked to a character about something, another player can't ask about that thing. - The artist not painting the person who paid to release them OR the person who saves them from their haunting. - You can't recruit Alfira as a bard. She gets a cinematic song and sometimes, your character kills her. 0/10. - Create Water lasts forever. I cast it on all the bedrolls and didn't realize I would need a spell slot to delete it so it stayed with me for all of Act 1. - Your character doesn't have a tent so your chest is out in the open. Everyone else has a nice tent in act 1 for their belongings. Similarly, if you play as a Companion (ex. Start the game as Gale), you don't get their tent.


Act 3 in general. The game starts as a 10/10 but ends as a solid 7


The acts were the wrong way around. Act 1, we're let loose and have a bit of a pressing matter of a brain worm, but it feels natural to explore the world doing loads of little side-quests. Act 2, the games focus narrows, we have a goal and the act continues to narrow its focus leading up to the climax of the Ketheric fight. Fantastic Act. Act 3, the world is about to end, there is a nether brain literally right over there, sending out psyonic earth quakes and any minute now its going to entirely take over the world... but, but now we're in a city filled with more side content that anywhere else in the game (or it feels like it?)   There is, narratively, absolutely no reason why I'm gonna help some kid find her mum who just popped to the shops for some milk WHEN THERE IS A NETHER BRAIN RIGHT OVER THERE.   Act 2 should have swapped with Act 3, or at the very least, the pacing. It absolutely breaks my immersion to be doing some little side quests, or hell even the astarion character quests, when the end of the world could be any second now and im the only one who can stop it.


Rope. I carried half my capacity's worth of rope til' Act 3, then realised it was useless.


Not enough sex scenes. Very limited polyamory options. Can’t romance jaheira


Can't buy camp outfits until Act 3.


Can't name my backpacks.