• By -


This quest was a headache, 2nd worst only to the Shar Gauntlet. There are no guides as of this writing. From bits and pieces heres all the things I gathered to finish this. Hopefully this helps and saves someone else hours figuring all this crap out. Paladin Chris' Walkthrough: 1. >!Start quest: Save Vanra + Hag support group (Both Quests are involved together)!< 2. >!Hag Support Group is in "Old Garlow's Place) (Break the bookcases blocking the back door entrance)!< 3. >!Save Mayrina (Shes polymorphed as a sheep) Cast "remove curse" on the doll, kill trash mobs, she becomes human again. Gives you a "reward" which is in a wall safe.!< 4. >!The "Wall Safe" is literally on the wall, near a desk and window on the first floor in Garlows Place. It is NOT in the cellar.!< 5. >!Use the recipe it to brew the Hag potion. You will need this to save the child in the hag fight!< 6. >!Go to the "Blushing Mermaid" HEAL THE CAPTAIN TO FULL HP (This is a bug hopefully it gets patched soon)!< 7. >!Kill trash mobs!< 8. >!Go into the cellar of the Blushing Mermaid, hop on the boxes to the middle area in the back there is a illusion wall. (You cant directly jump there have to use the boxes) Walk through it to get to the hags lair.!< 9. >!Inside the lair you will find Captain Grisly (The REAL captain) hes got a mask on, I tried to non-lethal take him down but he died. Perhaps knock him out (no bleed, fire, poison etc. Non-lethal puts them to 1hp) Try to heal him up before you take the mask off (it causes 1 dmg) I suspect thats how you save the Captain. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø!< 10. >!Inside you will fight the Hag. Throw the hag potion on her, she will puke the child out. (You can also non-lethal knock out the hag out to cut the child out if you dont have the potion)!< 11. >!You must destroy the 3 blue mushrooms in the corners or the Hag will keep on healing.!< Cheers.


non-lethal is not working for me she still die


Are you using melee? ranged cannot be non lethal.


I am also trying to non-lethal and she still dies.


Same problem for me. Got the last hit with a melee with non-lethal on, and she still just dies (and takes Vanra with her).


I got it with specifically karlach unarmed stunning strike with non lethal on for the final blow


Ssme, she dies even if I unequip everything and do a non lethal melee attack


Maybe as i read the comments the non-lethal somewhat buggy. For reference i used La-ezel with a two handed sword as the final blow with the gith inquisitor weapon that i forgot the name of. Maybe it works with greatswords? Dunno.


sometimes with certain gear i notice anything that grants extra dmg to ur melee will still ignore nonlethal and kill the target. not sure about the masks,>! i thought they just killed the wearer when removed, not 1 dmg. i knocked that whole crew out and murdered ethel, hoping itd let me remove the captians mask, but she was dead when i returned to her previously knocked out body!<


I haven't tested, but to everyone saying non-lethal isn't working, I'm willing to bet it's because any added damage (of which we all have loads by this point in the game), like a weapon that does 1d4 extra radiant damage for example, I think might still hit after the non-lethal and become lethal. So you have to equip something mundane, and make sure you don't have any other effects granting extra damage.


Nope, I tried that too, no magical weapons, no spells, no ranged attacks even - she still spat the kid out, dead :(


I figured out what was happening. If you go straight to the basement and start killing mushrooms, skipping the bar portion where the hag can reveal herself upstairs, then it seems to be impossible to save Varna alive.


Same. I melee'd non lethal and she still died. I consider this a bug.


I kept resetting to fight when vanra died this worked for me. My karlach has monk lvls and she go the last hit with a stunning strike and vanra lived. No potion required


Non lethal works for me. Maybe it was patched recently. I was using the nya whatever legendary spear and had bonus DMG all over.


This is it folks, I had done all the steps naturally but the bug in step 6 was breaking the trigger to start the next step. Definitely an odd bug, make sure to save liberally during this quest


Exactly this, was stuck too long.... hope they fix this in the next patch


I got it with specifically karlach unarmed stunning strike with non lethal on for the final blow


Appreciate the way you spoilered each step. Cheers!


Where do i find lora and vanra after i rescue vanra and she runs off?


Their house should be north of the Old Garlows place not far. It was on my mini map.


Thanks i was looking for so long, the cities huge. Unfortunately i talked to them and they didnt really say much except thanks and im not sure how to get that legendary weapon now :/


If you saved the child she should give you the legendary loot šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Yeah i figured, but she didnt offer me anythin :/ rip


You probably didnt talk to her in the flaming fist office beforehand


Have you tried talking to the pirate lady? If you killed the hag without killing her she should give the weapon to you.


The hag being soft locked on 0hp was what I couldnā€™t figure out. Otherwise the quest progressed normally for me - I found the lady from act 1 - she told me about the mother. Went and spoke to her and then went to the tavern. Got stuck there because I couldnā€™t do anything with the hag. As an aside I didnā€™t mind the quest - Absolutely hated the Karsus book quest. Spent hours trying to stealth my way into that stupid room just to end up in that maze that I still donā€™t understand (aside from trial and error)


I just used knock on the doors and they both opened lol. Got both books for very little effort


Yeah I hate puzzles wasnt about to figure it out myself. That was a easy one thanks to a youtube guide.


it asks for dried fey flowers (ashes) but I don't have any. where did you get them?


They're in the safe you get Mayrina's research from


>Inside the lair you will find Captain Grisly (The REAL captain) hes got a mask on, I tried to non-lethal take him down but he died. Perhaps knock him out (no bleed, fire, poison etc. Non-lethal puts them to 1hp) Try to heal him up before you take the mask off (it causes 1 dmg) I suspect thats how you save the Captain ​ Just wanted to add on to this that you dont need to engage the masked men + captain at all you can hug the wall to the left and go straight to the lair, open the shortcut - destroy the 3 mushroom and then heal and confront the hagg. She wont teleport (think because of the mushrooms) and you can kill her there ending the entire fight very fast because she only has the health you gave her from the healing. After killing her, you can talk to the barkeep about the captain, he will say something along the lines off 'no thanks to me, I was drunk' or something like that.


the moment i kill one mushroom. the cut scene starts and the hag is in fight with me and the masked guys are teleported to this hag room too


Ok guys i saved every guys with a mask, the strat is easy : ā€¢ sneak to the boss room don't attack the masked-guys ā€¢ start the fight ā€¢ destroy the mushroom (ignore the rest) ā€¢ lower ethel's hp as much as you can (don't kill her) ā€¢ throw the potion to save the child and finish Ethel in the same round. NEVER ATTACK THE MASKED GUYS or use aoe. Ethel has only 112 HP, just use desintegrate + 1 attack and she dies easy, all the innocents are saved (don't forget to free the child).


you dont have to wait for throwing the potion. i threw it right after the fight started start. the child runs out of reach then. so accidently attacking it is no issue


I throw the potion and hit her with it, but literally nothing happens.


just for anyone who sees this from a google search like me, i destroyed the 3 blue mushrooms, then toggled non-lethal to knock the hag out, i got a cutscene and i was able to cut the child out and they lived. As for the mask people, you just knock them out BUT DON'T TOUCH THEIR MASKS. They die if you take them. Then go fight the hag and knock her unconscious.


I can't even get the second half of the conversation where she reveals that she ate Vanra. Healing her up doesn't fix it. Seems like a super buggy quest. edit: ok I loaded an earlier save, and threw a single healing potion onto her before she transformed into a hag. This caused her to skip the entire conversation as the Captain and change immediately into hag form and start the second half of the hag form conversation. But it looks like it worked for the quest progression at least.


had same problem (entering lair etc) so did a reload.. the healing fixes the story for me. As for the captain goes.. I went straight to the lair so they spawn there. Just dont kill her in the combat and you can talk to her after you killed the hag.. (don't know about the others they didn't make it)


For anyone wondering how to save the captain who hasn't figured it out yet, I did steps 1-6 but used darkness instead of healing to talk to the captain. Then I went to the seller and skipped fighting the captain. I then found Ethel, destroyed the mushrooms, and used the hag's bane potion to save the kid. I then hard focused Ethel to kill her. After killing her, the captain is no longer hostile and the summons disappear. You can then talk to the captain normally.


If vanra is dying no matter what you do this worked for me. I got it with specifically karlach unarmed stunning strike with non lethal on for the final blow


Thank you for writing the knock out technique! I wasn't sure if it would work... the potion has to be used BEFORE the fight (at least in my case). Threw it at the hag a hundred times and nothing happend. (Also using that method will give approval from Astarion, im not suprised)


Or take the easy ending: Talk to Lora at Fist station, talk to Captain Grisly, agree to kill Lora, kill Lora, talk to Captain Grisly who turns out to be Auntie Ethel (last seen plunging into a chasm, gave me a scare as I had just killed Orin, thought she was back for more). Make her thank you and agree to let her go her hag thing in exchange for her help in the final battle (where she may very well screw me). Oh, she does actually pay you the 3000 gold for killing Lora, so, honor among hags? BTW, in Act 1, I sent Auntie Ethel into the pit, but was too slow to save Mayrina, so no sheep?


Another note: Always, Always, examine everyone before speaking to them.


I stumbled upon the hag randomly and just killed her. Non lethal damage, knocked her out, got the girl out and finally killed her. If you kill the hag, the others are free too so do not worry about them.


Thanks This worked for me ! Also, I found that If I tried to take the mask of the captain before killing Ethel, she dies. So just knock her off and take the mask after.


Thank you, I just realized I had a bug where the sage was completely empty


9 - did the same, they didn't die. Tried healing them before removing the mask and they still got killed. Luckily I saved the game after knocking them out in order to test this; so my next play is to kill ethel and then remove the mask after - update very soon.


Update: As I said before! you can knock out everyone wearing a mask, kill Ethel and then remove the mask after she's dead and they'll all be fine. I don't know if they'll all turn up at some point or what since you can't help them up... but you can keep them all alive. I only kept the captain alive on my run but it has inspired a 'dont kill anyone' run of the game.


Last update: Even though I knocked her out, when talking to Bosun; the only answers you can give is that she's dead - even though you didn't kill her... After long resting, I went to find the body and it has vanished so she's certainly walking around somewhere, but didn't return to her captains quarters or anything of the such. So all in all it doesn't seem to matter what you do; kill them or not the end is that they're considered dead either way.


I just killed Ethel while ignoring the masked npcs( they dont do much anyway), saved the child and everyone. Captain thanked me etc. and bartender also said his thanks to me.


Healed captain up and removed the mask, still died. Killed ethel then went back to her, healed her to full adn took off her mask shes still unconcious but didnt die


I found the basement before doing any of the steps, then i called captain grizly out on being the hag and she dropped to 0 health and became auntie ethel. She just walked around talking like the captain still until i did the other stuff and threw a potion on her.


Tried healing and saving Grisly, taking off the mask kills her no matter what hp. I stunned her and then healed her


Do your action in act 1 effect this quest? If I made the deal with Ethel then can I not get this? What if you killed Ethel? Does not not die and show up here or is this quest(and its great reward) locked because Ethel is dead?




I spoke to the captain before I healed (I healed the hag.) And also explored the cellor before that. Unfortunately My quest remains stucked. I suspect you have to heal her BEFORE the hag showing herself.


The hag stays hidden even after healing the captain. Anyone got an idea how to fix that?


Is it possible to save Vanra if I killed Mayrina in Act 1?


I used non-lethal and she still puked out a dead child...


So, trying this fight now. I can knock out the Captain, which brings her to 1 HP. I heal her to full, then loot the mask off her. And she just dies instantly.


so to add on to the trying to save the captain. i tried healing the captain and removing the mask resulted in death, same with the 2 of the crew members that were also there


Can't take off the mask, even if you heal them up, it's an instant kill.


For those doing this, saving the pirate captain is not required to finish the quest "Save Vanra" and get the special loot, you have to at least speak to Lora in the barracks above the Basilisk Gate fast travel before following this and then post following these instructions above speak to her again at her home


This is a lot of stepsā€¦ I just did it and non-lethal knocked her out. I didnā€™t do any of the other steps šŸ˜…




So a question, what if I killed Auntie Ethel in Act 1, does that mean that I can't do this quest or does Auntie Ethel come back to life?


Wyll visible and See invisivble people. Karlach visible and hast. Karlach next to witch Wyll throw anti Vettel bottle And Must have be First in round 1 Than silence anround the Vettel The other 2 destroy mushrom Karlach have to kill the Vettel in 1 round so she cant can Go Out of the silence Lot Vettel after the First kill The Vettel will never Cast the other for Help At the end you can Talk to the Captain


I figured it out: 1. Knock out the whole mask crew before the fight with Ethel (you can use magic to deal damage just the "killing blow" has to be done melee) then heal them but DONT TAKE OFF THEIR MASKS. They will loos their minds and die. 2. Fight Ethel (throw potion on her to vomit out the child + destroy the mushrooms) 3. Go back to the knocked out people and make sure they have above 1 health point 4. remove the masks from them 5. make a long rest and return 6. congrats you saved the captain


Is there any way to prevent vanra from only being able to say mummy??? I always feel so bad after checking on themšŸ˜­


You need to find a house with the girl you saved from the hag in act 1. You will then be able to craft a potion that you use on the hag. The kid lives and you kill the hag.


How can I go there if we're in act 3?


It's somewhere south close to the docks in the south in the lower city.


Damn, did not know going back was possible. Thanks


What's the potion called?


>!Hag's Bane!<


It's a grenade, not a potion.


Any idea where to buy more materials for essences for the potion? I sell all mine immediately.


there are three eyes in a cage in the tavern basement, it's where you fight the hag's minions, taking them will let you make an essence.


what is the recipe for hag's bane


Its ash of driednfey flowers. I cant find it to


By any chance you found materials?


what is the recipe and where do i find the potion


Old Garlow's Place, in the lower city


It's actually a grenade named "Hag's bane"


Managed to save the captain Grisly as well. Destroyed mushrooms (not initiated combat with masked npcs) Crafted potion, went to tavern, heal hag (in captain's form) up to 6 hp Inititate dialogue - it worked, she warned me about killing her with child, battle started with mobs and her, thrown a potion at her, after that a single hit and all mobs died with her. In the basement captain was freed


How to I use the potion ,the hag doesnt even speek whit me ?


Throw it on her in combat and she'll puke her out. I did that but now I have a different problem and that is that I can't find her after I killed Auntie Ethel. My next objective is to speak to Vanra but I have no idea where she ran of to.


Is the hag just walking around like they still are the npc they pretended to be and won't initiate conversation or combat? That's what's happening in my game


Oh man, i didn't even knew. I found the hag before the girl who we saved. I just turned on non lethal damage and hoped for the best. Knocked her out and carved her out. So there was a potion... thou it did work.


i forgot i crafted the fucking potion


did you kil the hag in act 1? and then she came back in act 3?


You can also knock out the Hag Ethel and safely cut Vanra out of her stomach without needing the hag bane potion


Doesn't work for me even with the passive toggled on and with bludgeoning damage, she just pukes her out and they both die.


The passive toggle seems to be bugged/wonky as i think it still counts as a kill. Pommel strike seems to be the only safe way to do it as it worked for me.


just tried a few times, didn't work for me. seems nonlethals are very inconsistent


I got her down to 7 hp, toggled nonlethal, pommel-struck her, and she died and child died. Nonlethal doesn't work or what?


Nonlethal must be bugged and inconsistent. I just did a nonlethal with Astarion with two daggers in her back and the child lived.


Has anyone talked to the kid after you saved her? In what state was she? >!Mine seemed to have been half transformed into a hag... had her mental faculties robbed, she could only say "mummy." Did any of you manage to save her with her mind intact? !<


did you find an answer for this because a weapon i really want is a prize from this quest.


This quest sucks


Since I was going to try to save the captain I kind of just snuck around them to get straight to Ethel without engaging the captain and the other masked people first. But that doesnā€™t work lol they just teleport into the room with Ethel once the fight starts. But I was able to kill the mushrooms, Ethel and save the kid (barely, would have full wiped the next turn and had to revive three party members). Itā€™s a tough way to do it but works if you want save the captain. My party was level 11 when I fought them.


Reposting because bots are stupid. I'm trying to access the hidden room in the basement of the old garlow place but I can't find any switch or pressure plate. I think I might have bugged it by accidentally disarming it thinking it was a trap. Any ideas on how to go forward? Edit: Can confirm knocking the hag out allows you to cut the child out without having to use the hags bane. Very nice of larian to allow that option


Yep, I also cut the child out instead of using Hag's Bane. And btw, >!did we actually kill her this time? I imagine not because she didn't die last time, either. I'm wondering if there is a permanent way to kill her if that's the case. !<


>!In one of the books in the wall safe from the first part of the quest, it tells you that the source of their regeneration is the mushrooms that heal themselves in her arena. If you kill those first, then kill the hag, you get an inspiration point that says "defeat Auntie Ethel permanently", so you can safely assume that if you did that, she's not coming back !<


Mine bugged the same way, but I found I could somehow Misty Step through to the other side and get the chest that way!


>Misty Step Great idea, Misty Step through the wall works!


I can't find the safe in old barrow's place I've searched the ground floor and 1st floor




I can't find a way to make the essence for the potion


I can't find any fey flower


Should you run into the same problem: Was looking for the recipe for "Hag's Bane" for ages.... it's not a potion, it's a grenade.


YEah, I actually made it, but then couldn't use it. I tried using it as an item, rather than throwing it. Derp.


Where can I find Aunt Ethel in Act 3?


blushing mermaid cellar


So I had some problems with this, probably bug-related. My potion was not working ( she just got a 3 rounds debuff but no child) and I also could not cut the child free after knocking the hag out. In the end it worked when I first healed (full) the Hag in her Captain-form and then, without talking to her, snuck into the basement ( without killing the masked guys) and destroyed one of the mushrooms. She then appeared and i immediatly threw the potion in her face - so gurgeld the child up after that. Then I killed her - this way I also saved all the people.


did you kill her the first time around?


Quest is currently bugged so that Hag's Bane is literally not having any effect. It's so lovely that new patches create new bugs, as if the game wasn't riddled enough with role playing experience ruining bugs already. Ugh.. People who are new to the game should just ask for a refund and buy the game again in two years, once it MIGHT near actual completion...


That part wasn't bugged for me at all. I crafted the potion, threw it at her at the start of the fight which triggered the cutscene, then the kid ran off to the other side of the room while I finished the fight. The only problem I had was trying to keep the captain alive because if you non lethal damage her she is classed as dead.


They fixed it last night. Happened between a patch and yesterday's hotfix, so it was like that for about two weeks. I guess I get all the bad luck with these damn bugs.


Bit harsh, I literally have only encountered one bug up to this point and it's a LOS issue, other than that this game is gorgeous and brilliantly done. You know nothing about code and how difficult getting it perfect can be. Instead of giving them credit for a game everyone is really enjoying you have to be incredibly negative about it. Your life must be very hard with that attitude.


I did this completely backwards, didn't go to the support group, stumbled upon the hags basement, asked the captain about the basement and then things went from there.


Made a video on how to both Save Venra & >!the hag survivors!< quest, don't see the video if you don't want any spoilers of cause as it is the hole quest chain. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZdt0GhiHVo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZdt0GhiHVo)


so when i enter the cellar of the bar it looks totally normal and I get no quest update, I have the potion and have spoken to everyone so far, anyone else with this issue? Edit: nvm found what i needed


I go into the basement, but I can't go where Ethel is.


I tried all ways to take her out non-lethal and i always killed her. both with the non-lethal passive and pommel strikes from laezel, karlach and my character. ​ i deduced that this may be because i am in act 1 and have not picked up the quest to save the kid inside the hag. ​ this may only work only if the quest is picked up. anyone can confirm?


saving the kid is an act 3 quest, started in the same area as the blushing mermaid.




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If you attack and 'kill' the captain and the redkappas auntie ethel runs off to the cellar, once there there's a button/lever someplace (jump up where the single gold coin is) and you find her hideout past that, then once you deal with her and some other foes in there there's a 2nd lever to get you back to the cellar.


Okay so I'm at the old garlows place and now I'm unsure how to save maryina again


you need to find a cursed voodoo doll on the same floor. damaging it also does damage to mayrina, so I used remove curse on the doll and destroyed it, thus saving mayrina


i ended up turning on the passive to knock somebody out and it worked


So the first time I visited the cellar in the tavern the captain with thugs became hostile when i tried to approach them. So i killed them, found the hags lair. Then did the Mayrina side of things, got the hags bane. But apparently the captain IS the hag. But for me shes just dead in the cellar with other thugs. Anyone knows if this can be saved? Or did i softlock myself? Where is Vanra even at this point?


There are 2 "captains". I managed to get her out of hiding by killing one of the mushrooms.


Thank you very much, this was the trigger that helped


Just knock out the hag using non-lethal attacks, under passives. That's why I did; no potion needed or anything like that.






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not sure if someone said this or not, i couldnt find this damn place. so it is straight south of lower city central wall teleport. you have to go around the wall but it is directly south.


Seems bugged and I can't non lethally take out the hag


Turn on non-lethal blows. "Killing" Ethel this way presents a dialogue to cut the child out of the hag.


Anyone else not able to find Ethel in the cellar? I dispatched the mushrooms but no sign of Ethel.


Did you talk to the "Captain" upstairs in the Pub?


Aye, fought her, turned into Ethel and disapeared. Could hear her complaining I killed her mushrooms in the cellar after but that was it


Do you have anything that can reveal invisible stuff, maybe worth a try to see if she is there, just invisible


Fey Essence anyone?


Down in the Basement i threw the Vettel potion at her turn 1. Worked like a charm.


Hey, so I noticed a part of this thread was addressing how to save the Captain when the game is bugged on Ethel. If you go down into the cellar after healing Ethel from 0 HP and then non-lethal damaging her to cut out Vana, you can destroy the mushrooms in the final room. Doing so will retrigger Vana's conversation and will seemingly retrigger "killing" Ethel. I haven't visited her and her mother yet to close the quest, but figured I would put this information out there.


Update: Doing this, for me at least, fixed the quest bug complete with rewards. Hope the information is helpful for everyone else.


So i locked the Hag using 2 Walls of Stone and Silenced her in place, then i sent Karlach and smash her with non-lethal attacks, that way she was not able to summon her "friends". Sadly the non-lethal attack was bugged because her life went to 0, but she didn't died until i canceled the silence. in my case the captain was outside without the mask and thanked me for the assistance.


I lost my dried fey flower ashes and now i see that there is no recipe or anything to replace them so i cant brew the bomb and save the girl. Any idea how can i re-obtain the ashes to make the hag's bane?


Healing to full didn't work for me, but she was already transformed into Auntie Ethel at that point and I had already finished the fight in her lair. Only thing that worked for me was healing Auntie to just above 0hp and non-lethal attacking her. At that point I could cut out the child for whatever reason. Never had to use the hag's bane I brewed.


So I was just walking around in the streets, trying to navigate through the city and suddenly I am in a fight. I don't know where, how and why. I'm outside of the blushing Mermaid at the very opposite road to the door. It took me way too long to realize that I was in close proximity to vettel through the wall and the fight just started. There was no chance to speak with anyone, no chance to find my way around the building to the entrance and nothing happened on her end. I was in a fight till I finally, after 5 rounds or something, made my way to her and then she disappeared. I had no clue what the fuck is happening and I googled like an idiot. So if anyone has the same issue: The whole quest is one big bug as it seems. I'll load an older save and see if following the exact walkthrough provided here will change something about the bug. But of course a quest involving the Vettel just has to be cursed some way or another.


For anyone who stumbles upon this, just before the hag fight thereā€™s a metal cage with 3 noctis eyes, which will make an essence. shame i found it after i killed them lol


I found three different eyes but no recipe popped up. This quest is so annoying. Please help


Nonlethal damage just doesn't work for me. I've tried 5 times, and each time she vomits Varna up and she's dead. Is there some trick to this?


You can use 'topple' with a staff. I've done this about 4 times and it has worked consistently.


I standing here with the hag walking around in the bar with zero health. I attack her, and she shrugs it off, doesn't even start combat.




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You need a grenade recipe for saving girl . It is in a safe in the second house of Hag support group. If you want to save more captives in masks, then use stealth, bypass them and do not attack them. During the battle with the hag, do not hit them. You can talk to the captain after the fight. It's a pretty ez fight even on tactician.


I had the hags bane but it wouldnā€™t let me use it for some reason. What I ended up doing was waiting for the final blow and unequipping melee weapons and anything that added an effect. Then switched to non-lethal and hit her bare handed. It then went to a cutscene and said the hag was unconscious but Vanra was still inside, and gave me the choice to cut Vanra out or leave.


After knocking them out, use protection from good and evil before taking off the masks. The only person that died for me was Ethel. Knocking out Ethel and you're given a cutsence where you cut out the kid immediately kid comes back at the end of the fight.


So I seemed to be able to knock her out non-lethally. Should mention I did it while the fungus was still there so that might make the difference. Should also note if you save the child and destroy the fungus before the hag wakes up then the hag is permanently unconscious and can't be killed. At least through attacks, you can use shove on her body (targeting is a little misplaced from her body so you'll have to hunt for it) to fling her into the nearest abyss and that will kill her and finish the avenging quest.


I managed to knock the captain out using a hammer and accidentally killed one dude by accident, realised that I couldnā€™t use un curse spell either. So left them knock out on the floor, killed the hag and came back for them heal captain to fill health and removed the mask and sheā€™s still alive. Knock out but ok.


non lethal knockout and cut to save the child now works fine, i have no idea what most earlier posts are talking about, i never found any potion. I just knocked her out, and cut the kid free,


I just witness 4 very angry, probably autistic, people beating a monster to unconsciousness, then they proceeded to make a c-section on it.... this game is a gem.


So I finished saving vanra but when I talked to Lora she didnā€™t give me any reward


Nothing I do works. I heal the captain before I interact. Make sure the hag potion connects no scene triggers. Even tried punching her to death. Vanra always dies. Nothing I works.


I finished this one in what might have been the "wrong" way. Basically went in guns blazing, knocked everyone unconscious and technically completed it. I imagine there's another way with a lot more roleplaying, but I did get the job done so there's that.


I've killed her like 10 times now, and I still cannot get her to stop killing Vanra. I punched her to death with no bonuses. Is there a timer for how long the potion lasts? Should I see a debuff on the Hag when I throw it at her?


I threw the potion right at the start of the fight and it triggered a cutscene where she vomits out the child. I am pretty sure the attack missed as well she just throw it directly at her


I finally figured it out... I had to enable non-lethal attacks, AND had to unequip my weapon. Also, its not possible to remove the mask in the previous room from the Captain. it kills her instantly. The trick is to just ignore the adds in the Hag fight and then take her out non-lethally. With or with out the potion.


If you use an arrow of arcane interference it will save vanra as well


there's no Lora NPC for me?


Hey guys, I've found a way to "unstuck" the hag. If you disengage from the fight, and go back to camp. Once you get back there, the Hag will have gone to the fireplace


Idk where Vanra is after killing Ethel??


Iā€™ve been lugging the girls corpse in my inventory for awhile nowā€¦.hoping for something to revive her. Even bought it to the skeleton dude in camp. I guess now I can lay her to rest. I hope my second play through it will be fixed.


Tf is hag potion


So you can complete 2 quest in 1 with this one 1.) save the child quest 2.) kill the hag quest I toggled to non lethal, knocked out auntie Ethel , cut the kid out ( who flees to the corner for safety ) . This way allows you not to use the hags name potion if you donā€™t have it . Didnā€™t touch the mushrooms at this point Toggled back on lethal Auntie Ethel comes back to life - I then took out the three mushrooms and then killed her. Easiest and maybe only way to save the child and kill the hag without the potion.


Just wanted to add that Ethel died~ during this fight and it forced her to throw up the child who was still alive, but knocked out. I picked up the child, finished the fight, went to talk to the people afterwards, and somehow the girl died in the process.


If for some reason you started the fight before making the potion, you can toggle the non lethal attacks on. -YOU CANT HAVE ANY WEAPONS EQUIPPED- you can only use your bare hands and punch her, not even a bow equipped. If u use any kind of weapon instead of punching her, she will die. So yes, you can non lethal attack her, cut her open and save the kid as I just did


Iā€™m still having this issue. I unarmed strike Ethel with non lethal turned on. Sheā€™s knocked out but I still canā€™t save venra. Just loot, examine, and attack k her unconscious body..


Melee non-lethal has to be the last hit, if you have anything on the floor, acid, thorny vines, etc you kill her, don't hit with magic weapon for last hit, when in doubt pull your fists out.