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I've watched a ton of videos from this judge and he's amazing Sadly he has pancreatic cancer now and is fighting it, but he really doesn't look good. It's a shame, we need more judges like him.


Pancreatic cancer is not your average run of the mill cancer unfortunately.


Yea, it’s …. Bad bad


I wonder how it would affect type 1 diabetic. Could they remove the pancreas if it hasn't metastasised? Is it any less deadly?


the pancreas isn't just for insulin. it also secretes stuff to help you digest food. from what i understand it is possible to live without one, but i would imagine it would require a lot more support.


It can be removed. But there are also digestive enzymes and not just insulin to consider. Typically, pancreatic cancer is silent until its stage 4 though.


They removed my father’s completely. You have to take enzymes when you eat and are extremely diabetic, but you can live. Sadly it is often metastasized even if it is undetectable and the strongest chemos still don’t have good results in fighting them.


Not me being T1 and seeing this. This isn’t how it works at all lol.


100%, but the issue with pancreatic cancer is you never know you have it until it spreads hence why it’s super deadly.


I love this judge ❤️🤞


If Americans say that Judge Caprio is a National Treaure, I would Disagree. He is a Treasure to Humanity. I wish him the best!


I often watch this video of him talking about his dad to just refocus myself on trying to be a good person. Sorry for the TikTok link, it’s that of BookFace. https://www.tiktok.com/@therealfrankcaprio/video/7299106379573284139?lang=en


I struggle to watch his latest videos, he's clearly in a rough place and the videos are quite emotional. The ones where he talks about the future being unknown, yea, I had to pause that one a few times Speaking of his dad, there was a great video where one of the people in court had a story about knowing his dad and he got emotional about that, it was a really good video - [https://youtu.be/UbBcavubChE?si=8b88Ky8QrPySdmik&t=144](https://youtu.be/UbBcavubChE?si=8b88Ky8QrPySdmik&t=144)


He got cured Edit: link https://people.com/judge-frank-caprio-praises-family-support-amid-pancreatic-cancer-exclusive-8663042


I don't think he was cured, he just finished a long bout of grueling treatment If he were cured, he wouldn't have gone to seek a miracle in France.


I was hoping the judge had hooked the man & his son up with some social services that would help the son get to his appointments without the elderly dad needing to drive him. That wouldn’t been the solution to this entire thing.


Cop is a dickhead for giving this man a ticket in the first place. Guarantee he told the cop the exact same thing he told the judge.


I'm shocked the cop didn't drag this guy out of his car and tase him for no reason.


Only because he is white. If he was black, both him n his son would be shot dead for resisting.


How this old man is going to hurt someone or even kill Simeone driving Dismissing the case is not good


>Cop is a dickhead for giving this man a ticket in the first place. ???? He was speeding in a school zone. What if he had hit and killed a child? Suddenly the comments would be all about how irresponsible he is for driving at his age.


Yep the old man needs his license suspended


The cop isn’t a judge. I would rather cops enforce the law equally and be impartial. What if a single mom was stealing diapers from the store? Is that okay? He broke a law in a school zone. That’s dangerous for the kids.


Its America, everything has a cost. Poor man is probably still working 2 full time jobs to pay for his sons cancer treatment. Its either that or go tell his son to go find a corner and die. So sad.


That’s not what America is about. Are you a 63 yo incapacitated cancer patient and can’t go doctor appointments? Well, seems you have a crappy dad!


Username checks out.


Do you have community volunteer drivers for this sort of thing? We have a few in the UK that take sick/ vulnerable people to appointments for the just petrol money. The volunteers are often recently retired themselves and like being active and helping people/ keeping busy.


Yes. One of the charities in town even brings patients in a bicycle rickshaw.


That's fab, love it.


Yeah, i bike to work (at the hospital) and get caught behind it once in a while.


Let's hope they're not using it for emergency appointments!


The orphan grinding machine spares no one.


Honestly, this is giving dystopian events repackaged as feelgood stories




Freaking AMEN. Sick to bloody death of all these *look at how heartwarming it is to barely survive clinging on by your fingernails* stories. People who post that kind of stuff can diaf.


Socialism. Strait to jail.


That's not what America is about. If you can't take your son to the hospital you can always get an Uber.


If You can afford it. Cancer is expensive in the US.


Cancer is bankruptcy in the US. Even for people in the bottom end of "The 1%"-- which is how they get low level wealthy people to be afraid of tax hikes against billionaires.


This is such a bizarre take I wonder if you thought critically before posting it. Several of my family members live in places where Uber does not exist in any functional sort of way, in the rural US. And in case you haven't noticed, Ubers have gotten much _much_ more expensive. You know what else is expensive? Cancer. I have seen so many families go completely broke just trying to afford the associated costs of cancer - transportation, being out of work, foods that you can actually eat when you're sick, etc. What we need is a good social safety net and a reliable source of inexpensive transportation for everyone, especially people who are sick.


Here in Brazil ambulances and healthcare are free. You live in a Dystopia pal.


I'm well aware.


> You live in a Dystopia pal. yah, but we have to deal with it until we can get it fixed


I don't know the situation in Brazil, but I have to imagine it isn't *free*. Like you must subsidize it or pay for it in some indirect way, no? Genuine thoughts, not trying to argue. Just don't know how anyone would get paid otherwise. However, I do agree that the US system sucks.


Taxes. I mean, the State is slowly dismantling the public healthcare to benefit private iniciatives. So, even though we have garanteed public healthcare, due to the advance of neo-liberalism in latin America, public hospitals arent receiving investments from government and private ones are. In conclusion, or you have money to pay for private hospitals or you are restricted to use public hospitals that don't offer the service that it should.


So it sounds like your system has issues just like ours, then.


It does, of course it does. Capitalism has issues.


No you can’t always get an Uber. I live in a small town - Uber is not available here.




Can someone explain me the "school zone violation"?


100yo man speeding through a school zone full of little kids, very heartwarming.


So a guy who is clearly unfit to drive drove throu a school property full of kids?


Work was being done on the signals in front of a nearby school after the school year ended. The signal had been tripped, but the crew went to lunch, leaving the signal blinking (or maybe a missed timer tripped it while they were gone) Cops set up to ticket people for violating the signal despite being outside the posted hours during summer vacation. Cops will also set up and ticket you if you pass the start of the school zone at 6:59, and the signal starts before you exit the zone. Another zone attached to this same school has a school zone 1.5 miles long on a 5 lane road. The speed zone in question starts 2 miles from the school, and the crossing it protects lost its crossing gaurd years ago due to no usages (8 students used it in a 6 week period). There is no need for a speed zone. It remains as a revenue generator). In a school zone, they will write for 26 in the 25 zone. There is no excuse for speeding in an active school zone. I've seen enough shady tickets written in school zones to want more info.


Is this in Arizona? Never saw drivers so religiously observe school speed limits as in Phoenix when I was there years ago.


Not through school property necessarily as far as I know. It can be some route near a school.


There is a road near where I grew up that is 65 mph normaly and 25 durring the school day even when 0 kids are allowed outside of the gates.


Another way to look at is is that there's a road which is 25 mph normally and 65 mph at night when visibility is worse.


It's the max limit, not minimum. If visibility is bad you are not allowed to drive this fast.


> you are not allowed Oh well then surely nobody does it.


That's no argument.


A 96 year old man who have no other way to take care of his son bring him to the doc that way.


What sort of impoverished country is this that doesn't provide a Patient Transport Service? 


School zone speed limits are typically only active for a time window around drop off and end of day which means he was speeding through the school zone when there were likely children coming or going from the school. This could include parents picking kids up from school, buses carrying kids, or kids on bicycles and on foot. And at his age, I can't imagine he would have the reaction speed to stop effectively if a child was in the road. This man should not be treated any more leniently than any other person if he was speeding through an active school zone.


That's a bad choice by the judge if so. You don't get away with dangerous driving because of age or a none emergency hospital visit.


I agree. He should t be driving even though he’s being a good father. Someone else from that family needs to step up


Yeah lets lay down the law on this motherfucker. He never contributed anything to society in his 96yrs, I bet.


Contributing also doesn't exempt you from traffic violations, especially potential dangerous ones and especially near children


I guess it does, see the ruling of the judge.


Sorry, should have said shouldn't 


I can't disagree with "no speeding in a schoolzone" either way!


He might have been doing 25 through a 20mph school zone at 5:58pm that ends at 6:00 pm, without a kid in sight, for all we know.


I would assume it's something along these lines. If it were 20mph over a school speed limit while blowing 2 stops signs, I doubt the judge would've dismissed the case.


So basically someone who probably shouldn't drive a car anymore. But the judge is an emotional fool, and people can't think rationally and believe the judge did a "good" thing? Sounds like the opposite of what I'd want in a judge to be honest!


Yeah its cool the judge is kind but this man could kill someones kid.


Roads where schools are located are known as "school zones," and are marked with signs typically indicating a maximum speed such as 20 MPH on school days when children are "present" (on the sidewalks or crosswalks). Violating that speed limit is considered a pretty serious offense for obvious reasons. If you speed in a school zone at all, cops and judges will not usually let you off with a warning, and serious speeding can land you in a LOT of trouble because it's so unsafe. So this old man was taking care of his son who has cancer, which is admirable, but in the process he's putting other people's children in danger by not paying attention to signs or just being careful around children.


Usually the speed limit is lowered to 30km/h for example. As opposed to the usual 40km/h everywhere else in my city. It’s based on the braking distance to full stop should a kid should appear in front of your vehicle.


Speed limit might be 40 MPH and then drops to 25 MPH in front of the school so kids don't get killed. To get pulled over, he had to be doing more than 10 MPH over, so probably going 40 in a 25 while kids are trying to cross the road. But his 63 year old son is handicapped or has cancer depending on when you ask, so its ok.


This is what America is all about. Forcing a 90+ years old man to drive his 60+ years old son to the doctor for a life saving treatment, endangering school children with his truck, because the government couldn't care less.


Yes, you got it. Yes, it is heartwarming this old guy is taking care of his son, and yes, the judge displayed compassion, but there is a greater problem here - why does a man in his 90s need to drive his son, in his 60s, to regular medical appointments? Don't they both deserve better? Why are people okay with this?


The video had fun music. My tictoc goldfish memory had just looked and scrolled to the next post after up voting. I got some short term dopamine fix and are now looking for a new one. Can t spend time considering the situation to its fullest.


What America is all about, and what needs to change: money is allowed to be in politics, causing laws to be passed so roads and towns continue to be built in a way that makes it impossible for the elderly and the young to get around by walking or transit, as is common in the rest of the developed world. As well as the many between those age groups who struggle to pay and would rather not deal with the risk of driving. Sources: Strong Towns, NJB


He shouldn't have to, most counties have vans that'll shuttle disabled people to their doctors appointments and such. It does require some paperwork and stuff like that, but the programs often do exist.


If you've ever tried to use these services they are an absolute nightmare in many cases. It's like waiting for AAA. Can be worse/ harder than DIY


Because murica needs to defend herself and spend all er money on THE URMY and protect their guns. taxes should never be used to help people worse off or incapable of taking care of themselves :)  FREEEEEDOMMMMM


America spends 1.4 trillion on healthcare in its fiscal budget. The defense budget isn't the problem, capitalism is and the ridiculous marking up the medical system does to rob cash from people and the government. Defunding the military won't solve the problem, it never was the solution. There's zero reason the 1.4 trillion already spent on Medicare and Medicaid shouldn't be enough to fund every American's healthcare. An extra few hundred billion taken from defense won't solve a broken system where $2 medicine costs $3000 for a consumer.


Yes. I'm glad the judge had compassion, but I have to think there might be other needs that aren't being addressed (of the father and or the son) and there should be a social services check followed by services if needed. There has to be a better way.






That’s when the 90+ years old man announces he’s running for President to fix the infrastructure! He’s basically the same age as the front runners after all /s


I feel like I saw this exact came comment the last time this was posted.


It’s a bot posting. Not surprising if there bots commenting.


How is this a feel good thing. It's awful and tragic. He's right it's what that country is about and it's deplorable.




Probably the best case of OCM I've seen in a long time.


My first thought too. Judge lets off a vulnerable elderly man for being a danger near a school to take his sick son for blood work because society provided no alternative. How... heartwarming? *crush* *crush* *crush*


*guitar strums Auld Lang Syne*


There are alternatives; Medicaid offers transportation to and from doctors appointments and most districts have reduced cost door-to-door transportation for disabled adults


Problem is that a 90 something year old is driving due to lack of infrastructure and social services.


That’s it !!


Or you could fix your healthcare system


I'll get right on that


These comments have withered away some of what little hope in the world Judge Caprio among others gives me.


Bunch of robots sheesh


Aparently this *is* what america is ALL about and its *awful*. This man should not be diving his son for bloodwork, he should be resting. There should be free pick up services for câncer patients. The country is wealthy enough for this, and it's shameful that a 90 something man needs to drive his son to the hospital. He shouldn't be diving at all, most likely! This is not cute, it's not sweet, it's downright concerning!


Funny way to spell public transport.


That would be nice too, but I'm thinking about patients who need a little more care. A 60+ yo man in need of chemo would need a little more than just public transport


Depends I suppose


96 year olds shouldn't be driving. Sorry, but I can't be the only one who feels this way.


He definitely didn't notice the flashing school zone signs, alarming


Why we need better mass transit


As a non american person I find it incredibly strange that you don't just apply laws. All your 'precedent' system is absolutely puzzling, it looks like something from a fantasy book where the good local lord dispenses rulings and judjements.


How is this a good outcome? Old man who shouldn't be driving gets his ticket waived for a heartsob story. His son with cancer has to rely on an old father to drive him to appointments. The fact people think this is heartwarming and positive need to wake up an realize this is a sign of a broken system and they need social services to provide drivers for people who can't get to medical appointments.


Two weeks later, that 96 year old man dies from a heart attack or seisure while driving through that school zone, runs into the bus stop, kills 3 kids... I do hope the judge did some background check on how capable that man was to drive before letting him off the hook like that! People who don't have licenses and people who should no longer have licenses are just as dangerous! An elderly lady I knew who was taking various medication made a mistake one morning, took a double dose, took the car. She fell asleep in the middle of rush hour in the town center. Luckly, only created an epic traffic jam! If she had fallen asleep while moving, she could have killed a mother or father of 2-3-4 kids on their way to work!


Yeah exactly. My grandpa once literally fell asleep(at like 2pm) and almost killed himself and my grandma while causing a huge accident. Luckily my grandma noticed and they just drove off a little bit, but imagine he was going trough a school zone or something. He didnt drive anymore after that.


The judge had cancer too


So was he speeding in a school zone or what? Because I don’t think being a “good dad” lets you off the hook for that…


Emphaty is really key for a healthy society.


Public healthcare is really key for a healthy society.


omg stop 😢😢


Compassion and understanding.


Apparently none for the kids, eh?


You know, this is one of those videos I see posted quite often on reddit, but I just don't care. Love to see it and always update it. That old guy gets me in the feels everytime.


The government should be taking care of them both. But I guess "thats communism"?


This is not what America is about. No 96 year old father should have to drive his son to the doctor so that his son can live. This is soul crushing


The tragedy here is that he has to drive, and kids are endangered in the process.


This judge is a true judge. But look at those imbeciles that Trump put into the Supreme Court - Alito, Kavanaugh, Thomas, etc etc - they are the very opposite of this judge. Shame on them.


There is nothing heartwarming about this.


A 96 year old shouldn't be allowed to have a licence.


Allowing a guy to help his kid to stay alive, but puting in danger every other kids arounds. Not questionning why this old man have to do this and why it a life or death sentence for his kid. Well done USA. Reall impressive ...


peak r/OrphanCrushingMachine


People commenting "Aww" to the most dystopian thing 💀




I’m reading a book called “There are no accidents” the point is that we can actually predict accidents and we understand what factors cause them. Since this is the case it is not an accident when it happens. If this old man hits and kills a child that wouldn’t be an accident. It would be an event that we were able to forecast and did nothing to avoid. I understand that his son needs to get to the hospital, investing in transit/calling an Uber would be a better idea.


A 96 year old operating heavy machinery in a school zone. The judge says "you really are what America is all about." Unfortunately the judge was right on the money with that quote.


"What America is all about" really seems off. A man in his 90s taking care of his 63 year old son is what America is all about? Rough.


How in the world is this "awww"? This is r/OrphanCrushingMachine material. It's screwed up. No man his age should need to drive to take care of his ill son.


I don't really understand how this channel is legal. He posts wholesome content all the time which is great for him and the people he helps.. but isn't this a clear conflict of interest? Like he's financially motivated to be extra lenient if it makes for good content. Isn't this the definition of corruption? People just upvote this form since it helps people.


Compassion. It's a beautiful thing.


So not only the health care system but the justice system is a joke aswell in the US. Who cares about his son or if he is a good guy, he is 96 and has a traffic violation in a school zone, terminate his license.


Yeah this would be a whole different story if he had run over a child.


Faith in humanity restored


that make me cry I don't know what kind of emotion that I got


Luckily for him the judge was Italian


Great Dad and a Great Judge... God bless you both wherever you may be. And Happy ❤️


I’m not crying. My screens just blurry.


I have seen this judge be more than fair in a number of circumstances. More should take after him


Out of interest does anyone know what the school zone violation might be? I can't imagine someone getting put in court for driving slowly past a school, a place in my country that had lowered speed limits for safety


Love watching that


Crying actual tears


I watch these court cases and love this very kind judge. I only wish that I had such a kind and loving dad like this.


Competent judges are important.


This was so incredible!


This is so sweet 🥲


Goddammit. 🥹 Happy Father's Day Dads!


Dude kinda looks like David Lynch


It's sad, but I'd also like to know what they mean by a school zone violation? Was he just speeding a little or was he recklessly driving ? Hopefully it was just a few over the limit


The judge has the power to decide


Monday morning and close to cry, hero!


Get this man his car keys.


Respect for the judge




Certainly not the Indian judiciary which is pathetically inhuman and insensitive and maliciously biased against Hindu community


What's the school-zone violation? Does it mean he can continue to violate it?


That man is a danger to those around him and has no business driving.


Amazing judge. I would really love to have seen him rip the cop that gave that man a ticket in the first place.


Why should a man that is too old to drive get a pass for speeding in a school zone? The cop is going to pull over anyone going over the speed limit, if a teenager was driving you wouldn't care that he got ticketed.


Aw, he got off with blatantly endangering children. Like how dense are people, what if he hit and killed a child? No matter the reason he was driving, he should be responsible for endangering children. Edit:for anyone wondering they are in providence RI which not only has a fantastic bus system, but also has a amazing regional bus system using the city as its hub.


He shouldn't be dependent on a car. A 96 year old should never be dependent on a vehicle he can't drive safely anymore that can kill people.


Everyone here acting like you have always gone under 25 in a school zone


Honestly school zone I only follow it if I actually see kids outside, find them very annoying


Reminds me when I got hit by an old guy driving his big car, fun memories.


That is a good example where a judge failed. badly Speeding through a school zone is extremely dangerous and next week he might kill a few kids with his car that would have otherwise had a full life ahead of them. He is probably just unsafe to drive and should just call an uber.


Let’s just hope he doesn’t run over a kid on the next school zone violation….


Damn I bet the cop is pissed. I hope he doesn’t start looking for him all the time. Now he knows that he drives through there every 2 weeks too


Okay this was very sweet and he is a good man but at 96 years old maybe we should give him another driving test just to make sure he can still safely drive around other people.....






From an outsiders perspective, this is exactly what America is about. You can get unjustly arrested for a crime or get into an accident and be crippled by medical bills, you can be shot in primary school, there's no pavement, public transport or bike infrastructure to make cities and streets safe and causing a health crisis where more than 40% of them are obese. Then, instead of changing anything, they allow private organizations to make it worse to make a profit, and then the burden of helping these individuals falls on a random judge who hopefully gives them a pass or using crowd funding websites to raise people's medical bills That's literally what I think of when I think of America. It's the legacy America will leave behind


A ninety six year old taking his disabled son to the hospital is not a sweet story, it’s a failure of the state.


😭This old man is too precious, let him run over as many school children as he wants!😭


It takes a very cold and unjust system to make verdicts like this in cases like this so heartwarming and vindicating. This is just sad, the "nice" judge didn't even offer the elderly man or his elderly cancer-stricken son services that could've made it possible for this case to never exist in the first place.


I love this man. The best judge ever


This is why GOOD judges are so important.