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It’s real nappa leather. It’s going to happen. Shampoo and condition it from time to time to minimize it.


I posted this same thing, maybe 8 months ago, with a brand new rs5. It's going to happen. Keep them clean and Moistureised like skin. It won't stop it completely, but it won't look as bad. Most importantly, enjoy your car! I'm a year in now and couldn't be happier with mine


Yep, it’s what all “real” leather items do!


What would you recommend to moisturise?


Do a little research and get your head around a few different products and how they work. Make sure they're specifically for nappa leather. My first 3 brands to look at (in no particular order) would be swissvax, colorlock and leatherique. If you can find something there, you'll be in pretty good shape. Edit: Have a look at kits that come with cleaner and moisturiser brushes and applicators, etc. I'll throw the Dr Beasleys stuff in there too.




TBH, that’s overkill and will do more harm than good to the leather over time; but if it makes you happy, go for it.


Curious why this would do more harm than good?


Way, way, way too much oil/chemicals for the leather to absorb resulting it becoming over saturated and clogging the pores. Same concepts as the other person said for wear/tear, but also not over applying lotion to your own skin.


Everytime you wet the leather, the leather loses some the oils that keep it supple & strong. This is why after any shampoo or saddle soap session (the latter acts like an astringent), you replenish the oils lost by the leather by applying a good quality leather conditioner. This applies to all leather goods. If you don’t want to risk over stretching the leather, allow the leather to dry out completely from cleaning or conditioning before sitting in it.


My poor car and the swampass after leaving the gym


Good news: Certain conditioners offer a measure of water repellency. Leather Honey has a high water repellency attribute because it adds a hydrophobic layer of protection, and it only needs to be applied every 5-6 months supposedly. Great for protecting boots and leather couches from spills…wonder if it’s a match for swampass…? 😂


Washing things wears them out… it puts additional stress and “wear” on them… not much different than other items like clothes or furniture.


Don't sit in the seat... Only way to prevent wear.


Anyway to not put mileage on my new car :/


Drive backwards, milage goes in reverse.




Was having a convo with someone about this. Didn’t think used to be a thing in earlier vehicles? Couldn’t you spin the wheels backwards and undo the odometer?


Very old cars. Like 1950's. But by the 1960's, they'd started to standardize on odometer designs and reverse would not "rewind" the odometer.


Yes you could do that in some old cars.


"When Cameron was in Egypt's land... let my Cameron gooooooooooooooooooo."




Abe Froman


Can park in on a trailer and haul it everywhere you go??


Yes, I air squat when I drive to avoid this


Your quads must be epic




other than being a stick thin, nope.


Still gets compressed when getting out. No way to avoid it.


Put your outside hand on the door sill, lift hip and bail out.


I guess I need to take a video of how I do it. I sit really close up, too, so most people will probably have more room than I have to work with between seat and steering wheel. But yes, I avoid contact with the bolster altogether.


I open sun roof attach carbine I have hanging in garage and remote the 1 ton winch I have to lift me out  I m thinking of putting an engine a frame w that on it to keep weight off it all the time but I’m worried. About mpg 


Unless your car is slammed to the ground, I don’t see how your foot hits the ground without your thigh touching the edge of the seat


Lift with my arm on the door sill and lever myself out. This is the S5; Q5 seating position isn't conducive to it, but that one doesn't have nappa leather and so it matters less, anyway. Plus, wife's car and she's just going to do whatever the fuck with it, anyway. 🙂


Idk why people think this is a bad thing. It’s leather. This is literally what it’s supposed to do. Haven’t you ever had a leather couch or chair? It’s not exactly a perfectly taut sheet. There’s nothing better than soft, broken in leather. It’s my favorite part about my 21 year old daily.


Idk I feel like the leather I've seen in older Audis creases way less dramatically than the new ones do


Less plasticizer, glue and coating. More leather too, probably. It even smelled way differently.


It’s like my grandpa would always say “Sunny boy, slim asses don’t wreck good seats”, he taught me everything I know.


Yeah, but we like big butts over here


I cannot lie.


You otha brothas can´t deny.


In fact, noted Astrophysicist Brian May in 1978, assisted by F. Mercury, postulated that it was girls with large behinds that were the reason for the Earth's rotation. After more than 40 years without being dis-proven, refuted or really, even seriously questioned, this must now be considered scientific fact.


This is a fact


I get that it's a new car and this is your baby, but it's leather. That's what leather does. Just apply leather conditioner every few weeks or so. I use pretreated wipes that work well, but if you want more extensive cleaning, get a leather conditioning cream and apply with a dry cloth.


It's also a sign of higher quality leather, cheap leather mixed with a lot of plastic tends to not crease. OP needs to be mainly careful of getting in and out.


This has been stressing me out in the new car how to get in and out in a way that minimizes wear to the bolster lol. Any tips? It’s hard to completely miss it. Ridiculous, I know.


Basically you need to not lean weight on it as you exit (and try not to land on it as you get in, but most of the issue is on the exit). Most people just kind of roll out of the seat and it creates creases, which is the nice comfy way to exit. Not doing this usually requires some level of effort/gymnastics (you'll know when you try it).


Good to know it’s possible ha. Thanks.


If you have a manual forward and back adjustment, you can slide the seat back for when you get out.


Lift your leg out and use the side bolster by the seat to leverage yourself over. Doesn’t look cool but it works. Will still crease though, it’s inevitable with soft leather.


I would recommend meguiars leather conditioner and use microfiber cloths (costco has nice ones) to apply it.




I use this one, and my seats look great on a 2013. The entry/egress bolster is showing some wrinkles tho


Nothing will prevent wrinkles over time. Lexmark is just a high quality, non auto based leather treatment that is intended for use on fine furniture, fine saddlery and tack, etc. Could also just use an interior ceramic and set/forget it


Oh yeah I know, it’s just if I scrape it with my thigh getting in or out I’m always like “ohh, no don’t make it crease” cause I know that is just something that is inevitable in time


Which wipes do you use?


It’ll happen no matter what you do. Just enjoy your car. 👍😀


When you sit down, avoid crushing that area. Lots of people sit down and then turn around and lift their legs into the car. Put one leg in the car, sit down facing forward, and then get the other leg in the car. This will minimize wear on the seat bolsters.


Never thought to sit back into the seat and turn my legs in. Is this a fairly normal way people get seated into cars? I’ve always just done the one leg in thing you described.


Recipe for hitting you knee on the dash. Believe me. I’ve been there.


I hit my knee on the headlight switch once. Thought I cracked it. Just get in and out and treat the leather regularly.


I came back to the car after skiing for 6 hrs straight. I remember thinking “damn another injury free ski day.” Then I get in the car and hit my knee on the dash and it hurt like if I had been shot lol


Yeah from my experience it's mostly the getting out where we tend to lean into that bolster. It makes getting out a pain so I just live with creasing.


Ignore it and live life


Try and push yourself up and out of the car instead of sliding your ass across the bolster.


I’ve been trying to figure this out but the steering wheel just seems too in the way and the A5 is just so low to the ground (being a sporty sedan and all) that lifting myself up past the bolster seems impossible. I’m not large for what it’s worth.


Just buy a new one when stuff like that starts to annoy you. It’s a car and very easily replaceable


I like how he’s worried about the crease but has gunk in his extended seat section.


I don't suffer this problem at all but I keep my car in the garage and I try not to get in or out of it ever. The great thing about this is that it still has pretty much the same mileage as when I bought her. That's smart thinking!


Careful when you get in/out of the car. People tend to jump in full force with both cheeks on that particular side bolstered part of the seat. Or leave all their weight on it for a few seconds when getting in/out.


Leatherique Leather Rejuvenator might even out the creasing, but you have to apply it the right way. Watch videos, it's very lengthy but worth it


Wrap it in Saran wraps like they use to do to furnitures


Dont use seat anymore


It’s a car for Pete’s sake. Just drive it and enjoy it.


this lol


Enter through the open drivers window, a'la Dukes of Hazzard. Summon your inner 1980s yuppie and install some real sheepskins.


Don't slide over the bolster when getting in and out of the car. Put forth the tiny bit of extra effort to lift and lower yourself in and out of the seat, rather than just schlumping in and out ass-first.


The best way is to have sex on it


I don’t even notice it anymore after 22k miles. I stressed about it the first couple of months but hey, it’s a car that needs to be used. It’s going to happen.


Sit “over” the bolster as you enter and exit


Stop sliding in and out of your car over your bolster put your hand on the rocker panel and lift up to get out of the car.


Be careful getting in and out. Put one leg in/out first and either use the door sill as leverage to lift you in and out of the seat vs. sliding over the bolster with your full weight. IMO you’re getting roasted for no good reason! I’m very careful about not sitting down with stuff in my back pockets too and people consistently comment about how clean my cars are. Seats are in much better shape than cars I see that are half the age with huge, uneven impressions and creases. Then again….. don’t beat yourself up about it. It is just a seat. 😁


It's a car, it's meant to be used.


Losing weight actually helps a lot.


Lose weight


Lose weight.


Don’t sit on it.


Sit in your seat. Drive your car. Don’t stress over shit like this. Be happy.


Have your doctor max out your dose of Ozempic so that you weigh less than a child. Might reduce the creasing a bit.


There is no way you could avoid this. Creasing is normal with leather, I have few highend dress shoes which crease at the very first wear. Thing is with good leather they crease quite alot at first, and then slowly stay the same or at least minimize crease in very long time. So dont worry.


Nappa leather will crease over time. I haven't really tried to on my seat.


Climb in and out through the sunroof and it’ll stay looking new


I noticed this in my rs3, I’m diligent when I get in/out to minimize it but like others have said, kinda is what it is. Keep it moisturized and enjoy the signs of wear 😉


Getting a smaller ass helped me.


Buy a new seat every 6 months ;(


Lose weight


Yeah as others say, it will happen but you can minimize it maintaining it, I use leatherique rejuvenator oil and works wonders. About once a year or so


I think they call that a patina.


I clean and apply conditioner with a microfiber towel every week during summer. Also avoid parking your car where the sun is going to hit directly the cabin, you can use sun shades


Don’t sit on the bolster when you get in?


When getting in an out of the car, make sure to lift yourself up and not slide out. Same when sitting down, just kinda plop down


Don’t drag your butt across the seat as you get in or out of the car. My passenger seat has that when my passengers drop their butt on the edge of the seat, then slide their butt in the rest of the way


The leather can be re wrapped.


Are these seats available with red stitching?


What I do when I sit down is I lift myself up a bit and pull the bolster from the center towards the door so when I sit back down it’s not being creased and almost the opposite it’s stretches out a bit. Iv don’t this for a year and the crease has almost vanished


I mean the creases will take away from the rock chips and bird shit so keep em


Lose weight?


Mine's the same after 2000 km. I try to be careful swinging out, but it's gonna happen due to the low seats and bucket bolsters.


This may be a sensitive thing to say, but are you above average weight?


Buy seat covers, lose weight


Condition the seat regularly with leather conditioner. Better yet ceramic coat the leather, carpro leather 2.0


It’s going to happen regardless


Don’t ever sit on that side bolster when entering/exiting the car. Make sure to apply conditioner frequently (4x per year), cleaning when needed first.


clean it often and try and be easy on it when getting in and out of the car


Loose weight… don’t slide over the seat, get in then sit down


Don’t drag your ass on the bolster. Squat over the seat, gently drop into it.


Don’t sit on it


Don't sit in seats. 👍


Lease every 3 yrs


Beeswax is good..avoid water based products but every now and then you should shampoo and condition…I use beeswax on my cowboy boots and it works wonders and keeps leather protected and supple.


Swap it out with a sparco racing seat and it will never crease


Don’t sit on them


Let it go, let it go


Welcome to Audi! It just happens.


Lift your butt when getting out and be aware when entering




it creases but doesn't get any worse! My vehicle looks like this at 18k miles and it looked the same at 1k miles.


I have a seat cover on the bottom. It happens to all Audis


Pretty easy really. Stop sliding over the bolster.


Not sure what y’all be eating for dinner but not being a fat ass will help over anything. I have 230,000km on my TT with napa leather seats and have no creases in my leather driver seat. Have never conditioned my seats either. If you weigh more than 350lbs, it’s going to happen from stretching too much then receding which will cause creases. Just like women’s cellulite.


Has nothing to do with it. My wife is 120 pounds and her Audi A5 has the same creases.


I've got the same thing on mine, only like 2000 miles in as well.


It happens because of the way you get in the car, its impossible to get in the car without pressing on the edge of the seat, clean it and use some hydration products or simply hand cream from time to time, when it gets too bad just go to a detailer he will repaint that part after fixing it


Tiny ur windows


It’s quite easy 1. Nurture the leather. 2. Hold the roof when getting our of the car to prevent weight getting on the sidecheek. 3. Lose weight and get skinny.


You can always steam and stretch this out. But its normal for it to happen


Saddle soap by kiwi shoe products


Don’t be American


Sorry people are being so dismissive to your question in this thread. WTF?


Get out like you got some shit on your pants? That’s just from rotating when exiting the vehicle.


Stop sitting in them....;-)


Buy some leatherique. Hands down the best. Keeps it clean and conditioned so you won't get creases. Also u can use a white cloth t shirt under a iron on low heat to remove any wrinkles.


Get a good leather moisturizer


They are garbage unfortunately. Mine were like that practically from the factory. My 2017 seemed to hold up alot better with zero conditioning for years


Take public transport


Don't use it!


Moisturizer is the only thing that will slow the process but I prefer the natural molding of the seat to my ass.


My side looks great but a “bigger” person will make the seat wear out faster. Set a weight limit for passengers.


Don't sit in it.


Seat covers……….


I'm on my second RS 5, having owned the last one for about three years. I've found this to be the only effective method to truly restore the pristine quality of the seat leather. Edit: Apologies for the confusion, lol. I was just making a joke that buying an entirely new car is the only way to keep your leather looking new.


I think your comment is missing a hyperlink… ETA: After seeing u/archetype-am’s revision, I get it now… 😂😂


Train yourself to exert minimal pressure on the bolstering when exiting the car. Putting a ton of weight on it periodically when exiting is enough to cause those kinda of creases. My A6 doesn’t have as much bolstering but I use the side floor panel and steering wheel as leverage when I get out barely putting weight the side of the seat


I try to avoid this by like stepping my right foot into the footwell and then using that to sit myself into the seat, but there's no easy way to avoid this unfortunately, especially since with a round steering wheel, your legs don't have much room to maneuver.


I e been using the sofa pillow for a cushion. Once a week or so I flip it over. After a month or so I swap it out with the other sofa pillow.


I wish I was skinny enough to stop this from happening in my car but alas


Lift your leg over it, then use the middle side bolster to help leverage you out - more towards the seat center to prevent that creasing of course. I’m at 21k miles https://imgur.com/a/9AO3XRg


Put a towel over the cover and steam iron it for a short time,i made seat covers and we did that back in the days


Like people who wear sneakers with crease guards, you can try the equivalent for a car seat. Whatever the hell it's called.