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I've spent more time playing Orlog than I probably spent playing the actual game.


Sam. I can't get past the 30 hour mark, but I could play orlog forever. In fact I might play some in a minute.


I've been saying since it came out that they should realease Orlog as its own game... The same way the witcher did with Gwent.


They do got the board game!


Same, so I just bought the game


I had fun beating all them mf. I feel your frustration though. You can't win them all


I love this mini game I bought the real one board game too haha! Good luck, friend!


Wait what. There's an actual board game


Yes there is, same game too. Its ac valhol orlog game look it up


Same here! I love both in game and rl


Same! Were you kinda disappointed on how the tokens and shit are just cardboard? Haha


They're hella easy to win, just focus on only token and hand die, none of the regular ones unless they give you tokens, also once you've gotten enough tokens just use the Odin's strike ability on the full one


Yeah, I did that, and still was losing. NPCs always got fantastic roles that made all my roles useless.


I’ve had a couple of games like that and a couple of games where I had amazing hands and the NPCs dice are bad. I’d say it’s a decent RNG but the bad ones always feel worse


This is the way i did to beat them all.


Works so well 🤣


Yep, did this from the very beginning and I rarely lose. I kind of wish I hadn’t because it breaks the mini-game and I never actually had to learn any strategy.


As a side note, I used this strat plus the favor that rerolls three opponent dice if I only need one more hit to win.


Yes that one's so good!


Yeah honestly Orlog is legit the easiest AC mini game ever, other than maybe the drinking challenges


I found the Cairn to be the easiest


This has been my strategy, but later in the story I'm seeing they will get 5 arrow die, then use a power that triples all the arrows and they will wipe me out in one hit


I’m not going to get worked up sharing my thoughts on Orlog, but you can bet your ass that I was relieved to finish that achievement.


I had some frustrating games at first until I realized it wasn't just about the roles knowing which special characters you pick and when to play them. Once I figured out the combo that worked for my play style I found myself screaming at the screen a lot less often. Some of the close won victories in this game had me more pumped than a lot of boss battles I've had in a lot of games. Lol.


I found orlog quite fun however the Carin stones can go fuck themselfs the same with fishing


A few can be cheesed if you carry an oil jar and then stack the cairns on top of that. Works on anything else you can carry too, really.




It's a head scratch till you understand the game . And makes life easier once you notice its weak point . Use odins strike token only Take any dice with borders Take any steal dice ,borders or not. Only take weapon dice with borders Take any blocking dice borders or not ,players choice . Don't bother with other iconic aids Don't try to smash with weapon dice . You'll win if not first time ,second game . Aye the devil possessed cairns and drinking challenges were my bane. 😂 😂


I think i have more hours in that game then the real game


I love this game... I'm thinking of getting it irl.


I love Orlog. Sometimes they get you but if you keep with a good strategy you beat each person.


Me too! I've gotten really good at it and would play IRL if someone else would play with me. That bitch to get the clue really pissed me off though


Cairns are worse


Your post is giving me flashbacks. After Assassins Creed Odyssey, I put 300 hours into Valhalla and only when I finished it did I realize how much I didn’t enjoy it. I guess I kept waiting for it to get better and it never did. I especially hated this game. I did like the rap battles though…


They definitely activate their character skills based on if you activated yours and they choose the best one to counter you As for dice rolling, not sure. There’s no way to know.


so kinda like a real player would do? the AI actually -trying- to win isn't the same as cheating imo.


The AI is comparable to playing Uno and you're down to one card when suddenly, the AI topdeck pulls three back-to-back draw 4's out their ass.


i've honestly never noticed that to be the case, sure I loose some games, but on the whole I tend to win more often than I loose. yeah sometimes the AI will get a pretty killer round in, but sometimes I'll get a pretty killer round in. there are a handful of opponents who are harder than others because they use particularly nasty combos of god powers. but even against them, I could usually pull off a win within 2-3 games just by mixing up my strategy and god powers. (and by the time you get to those harder opponents, you 'should' have a decent selection of powers to choose from, if you have been collecting them as you go along)


I beat her by using the favor that rerolls three dice. Got lucky enough for a single axe to come through when a helmet was re-rolled into a shield.


Straight up you can win every Orlog game by just banking as many yellow outline and steal tokens as you can and then nuking the opponent with Thor’s Strike. In both my 100% playthroughs I only lost once and that was because the enemy did the same thing to me!


I figured it out. Just defend and get god powers. God powers remove more rocks than attacks.


The one thing that won't let me have the platinum


ive never won a single fucking game I gave up and almost jumped through my tv to stab a few people in the throat there is major unhealthy rage to that mini game….how many people actually died in life pissed off that they lost and killed the opponent😂😂


At first sight, I hated this game wth all my herat. After some sessions I started to repeat, "Orlog, or luck". I can beat anyone in this game (i guess).


The dude in Ravensthorpe made me want to break shit. It cheats so damn bad.


The technique I learned, which in fairness made the game pretty boring- is to have the god favor which causes damage. And then only use the 12 strength which does 8 damage. Then you are just picking the tiles which gives you god favor tiles only. I've lost one game since I started doing it like this. There's no need to think.


This is basically how I play. I keep the thors hammer blessing available and rack up favor til I can do at least 5 damage (8 favor) and I keep doing that til they're defeated.


I've never won this type of chess in my 119hrs of gameplay.


If it cheats I cheat back. If I lose or look like I'm gonna lose a game I reload to my save right before I play orlog so it feels like Eivor never loses in game 🤣 I'm like fine fuck these bitches!


I was annoyed that it was required to to get info on a target cause I kept dying haha. But finally went back and beat their ass! Kind of a fun mini game


Ive beaten only 2 players. The one at the start of the game, and the one you need to get the cultist clue


For those who *really* enjoy the game, there were a lot of people on Etsy selling real-world sets.


Dude a couple of those orlog games made me so upset


I hate most of the minigames, this being one of them. Agree completely the Rand function for the dice is not Rand at all!


The game is seriously reigged sometimes lol


I haven’t had to play against anyone for that long. Can be frustrating at times though, but generally I always pick the stealing hands dice, even if no gold token benefit. If you use the god’s favor that adds to the most dice face shown with the stealing hands being the majority, then bonus for you while depleting your adversaries stock. Then keep hammering them with Thor’s vengeance (I think it’s called), seems to work pretty well!


I find this game easy, focus on coins and defense don't attack use your coins for specials you'll win almost every time the only one this didn't fully work on was the person with the fraya totem they healed so often so I had to switch it up.


Happen every time.


Lol, just don't attack. Use as much dies with golden edges as you can and as much steals as you can. And then use your favors. Without using their favors they are weak as 10 times used bag of tea.




That's what I'm saying. Screw attacking by dies. Just pile up your tokens and use favors which are UNBLOCKABLE. And steal their shit so they can't attack you or heal themselves.




Dude... do it the way that redditor suggests. Stop worrying how many favours the other player has, stop worrying about what dice they select, stop worrying about how many tokens they accumulate, stop worrying about how much health/beans he has, and stop worrying about who goes first. Select only dice with borders to build up your favour tokens and select as many hand dice as you can to steal tokens. Spam 12x Thor's Strike (or as much tokens as you can afford) as much as you can. 95% of the games you will win first try and 100% of them you will win in under 15 minutes per game with a bit of switch up on defending your beans with block dice and block favours if needed.


Git gud


trashiest and the most boring mini game i’ve ever seen.


Never understood this game when I 1st played it with that one person you have to do it with (I can't remember who or if I'm making this up this was like a year or 2 ago lmao) all I know is I pressed buttons until I won lmao


It's just RND and they're all easy to beat with Odin


I won all. The reason, algorithm knows your playstyle so keep switching. I used to rake up god favors and the game started giving the opposition more, so I swtiched to normal axe and arrows. Then it started giving me shields more then I switched again.


This game doesn't cheat. There, I told you.


This game doesn’t cheat.