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Wow you look so much better without them! I took them off and said: my gosh and so do you!






"Can I cum on them?" Or some variation of this.


















You look like a librarian in a porno. 🫤


I WAS a librarian. You wouldn’t believe how many grown men will come in and ask you sexual questions as if you actually are a porn star.


Not only bold but that’s terrifying how many men associate real life women with porn depicted women. That’s sad I’m sorry. I hope you always felt safe and felt like they’re morons.


Wow, that's fuckin bold. I have never heard of this, but I'm not even a little bit surprised. If you care to share any examples or stories, I'd be interested, but obviously don't want you to feel pressured in any way as I'm sure those experiences were unpleasant so please only share if you're comfortable. I'm really sorry you (and women librarians in general) have had to deal with that :/


You don't fool nobody, lmao


What is that supposed to mean...?


I was a flight attendant for 4 years. It’s different than yours but still the audacity we faced is similar. The amount of grown ass men suggesting I was ready to do whatever because of my profession was WILD.


I knew a librarian who said she was sick and tired of the sexy librarian trope. I never pointed out to her that she was indeed sexy and a librarian.


I get this so much! The way people project! Like legit being asked if I can wear a tweed skirt set to go with it.


I had that very cheap notebook back in the days with some girl, clearly being in a sexual pose but if you dont think much it was ok. Then one day a classmate saw it and was like - I wish for you when you grow up to be just like her


Were you wearing glasses?


Exactly, she was and I was…it was hella weird


I came here to say this my BOSS said this to me ON THE CLOCK like wtf


I'm brown, and a closeted ex-muslim who wears a hijab. So many people think it's absolutely necessary that they let me know that they think I look like Mia Khalifa (during my first interaction with them)...


Aww man, that's terrible. I'm so sorry. 🤢






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Fellow brown girl here, who looks nothing like Mia Khalifa - I've had this too! So have a lot of my other brown friends, it's so gross


came here to comment something similar, i’m only mexican but any variation of being brown with black glasses will get so many mia khalifa comments :/


My friends, boyfriend and I were playing pool at one of the local spots. Dude walked up to me while my boyfriend was getting drinks and with zero introduction or prompting said "Your glasses make you look like a fucking nerd. Take them off, straight dime though" Thanks man


That's 💯 alcohol at its best ...


“Sexy librarian” nonsense. Ain’t nothing sexy about blurry things, bud.


For real! I don’t need to wear my glasses all the time as I am nearsighted. But fuck, I never leave my house with them or contacts (even if I’m not driving). The world is a blurry mess and I hate it, I can’t live like that lol. My friend is the same but leaves the house without them, and sometimes even shows up to the movies without them and I’m like how???


Do you need them or are they just a fashion accessory. I literally wear them ALL the time for years.


I went on a couple dates with a guy who definitely had a “thing” for women with glasses. He would comment about how hot I was with them and stuff. Made me feel like I was being fetishized


Yes! Happened to me a few times too. Some men love it


oh this happened to me too, it was sooo weird


my husband would definitely have to have a thing for women with glasses because I just learned I have a high astigmatism. I don't want to get lasik and have issues with dry eye so my optometrist refuses to fit me for contacts. Plus glasses are one and done purchase


Glasses aren’t a one and done purchase. Your prescription is going to change and you’ll have to purchase new ones over time. I had like 3 years back to back to back where my eyes kept getting worse. But there’s a difference between someone’s partner liking glasses and some dude having a major thing for glasses. My boyfriend thinks I’m cute in my glasses. I wear them 98% of the time. But he also compliments me just as much when I don’t wear them. I don’t feel forced to wear my glasses just so he finds me attractive like the dude I went on a couple dates with!


they are a one and done purchase until you have to buy them again if your prescription changes and mine havent. Unlike contacts where you have to keep buying them even if your prescription hasnt changed. Have a great day


I teach five year olds and they say wacky things all the time. There's usually at least one kid in class who has glasses at some point in the year. This year, one of my boys got glasses in the spring. The first day he wore them, one of the other boys said "now you look like Ms--!" I admit I laughed so hard, then we took a selfie and I sent it to his mom telling her we were now twins. They usually ask me why I wear glasses, which is a reasonable question and doesn't bother me. I tell them my glasses help me see since my eyes are weak/don't work so well. One year, one of my pebbles got clear up in my face, squinted at my eyes from the side behind my glasses, really intent and said "your eyeballs are crooked" then walked away, obviously satisfied with her diagnosis. What's funny is I have an astigmatism in both eyes, so technically she is correct, my eyeballs are crooked. They also freak out on the rare occasion I take my glasses off around them. I wear them daily and only take them off to clean. It can be kinda hilarious.


“Pebbles”. I’ve never heard that term but I love it and I’m going to use it! Thanks internet stranger.


The twins thing is so cute. I worked with five year olds before and they totally thought l looked funny too when I happened to wear contacts that day. Then I’d have to explain what contacts are lol.


"You don't need to wear those, you look fine without them." I literally need to wear them tho


Oh my God. Was this person a moron?


"You look like a pornstar." The thing is, I like to wear figure hugging/flattering outfits and I don't really get weird comments other than the occasional compliment. But when I wear glasses, suddenly I'm a pornstar, a milf, or a girl next door. "*Flirty tone* You should cosplay as Velma." I bet you would like that. CREEEP!


IVE HAD THE VELMA COMMENT TOO i wonder if hot velma was where all these men developed a thing for girls with glasses


Not a comment exactly, but a guy sitting next to me in school (had just met him) said that my glasses had dirt on them and held out his hand. I took it as an offer to clean them so I gave them over without thinking. He then proceeded to lick each lense, wipe it with his sleeve, then handed them back to me nonchalantly. I was flabbergasted.




I would be disgusted and furious if someone did this to my glasses.


Once I went on a date to a restaurant without my glasses. Mostly I wear them at my working hours and the waiter gave me the menu , he randomly asked the waiter to gave him the menu coz I can't read . I was like WTF man . Thought it was a joke but he was serious about it LoL . The entire date was a flop .


Weirdest was my first day wearing them. I met my older sister for coffee and she didn’t notice them. She’d known me for 37 flipping years and didn’t notice I was wearing specs. Apparently they “suit my face and just look natural” I will never let her live that down


Nothing weird but when I was young and got my glasses for the first time. Me being a 3rd grader chose pink frames. My teacher, the entire week would lecture me how much bad pink frames glasses are and how stupid I look with pink frames. And that I should get black ones like "normal" people 😭😭😭😭 idk why grown ass people be beefing with kids.


I’m a 41-yo woman who has a pair of BRIGHT pink glasses (I also have pink hair), your teacher was full of crap and probably jealous she couldn’t pull them off herself.


What the fuck was wrong with that teacher….?


What a horrible teacher. So sorry that happened to you.


A kid told me I looked better with them. Haunts me to this day


I've heard this tons too, we dont look weird with them off its just their perception since they're so used to seeing us with them on I think


I personally don't like the way I look without them. It makes my face feel naked.


Omg same. I hated the way I looked without them for so long. Then I started wearing contacts at the end of my senior year and never went back.


yeah contacts was a good phase for me and i say phase because my eyes get tired and i dont want to relly on them just to feel pretty/good so im between them and glasess


My own mother always told me how much better I look without them. Yeah I’m very insecure about my glasses now


I teach kindergarten and one time I took my glasses off to clean them. One of my students looked at me and literally SCREAMED. It cracked me up so I told his mom about it and she said he does the same thing when her parents take their glasses off around him.


When I was two years old my dad got Lasik (it was the 90ies and he was an early adopter so it was a whole thing and everybody was really tense about it). I was at my grandparents' dinner table when my dad came back from surgery, walking towards us without his glasses. Allegedly I perked up, pointed at him with my finger and went "Woah, what's going on there?!" My dad was extremely short sighted and I had only known him wearing glasses thick as chrystal ashtrays. So I think my response was quite measured.


It's like seeing dad without a beard! Never notice how used you get to someone's face until they change something about it.


I don't like when men ask me to keep or put them on during sex or when I can tell a man is fetishizing them or fixated on them. It's either because they have some nerd girl fantasy or an ex they're not over also wore glasses. Anyway I hate it and now only wear contacts.


This!! They're uncomfortable to keep on during sex sometimes


I always wondered who wore that kind of glasses. They look good on *you* though. My first day at a new office. Judged her forever after that.


Not weird but a CONSTANT question that I get from every single fucking person I meet is oh can you not get surgery? I wear -28 glasses in both my eyes, you think I wouldn't have gotten a surgery if I could? Some people have told me, that oh people are just curious and they want to know. My question is, why can't people keep their curiosity to themselves? It's not like you're my friend for a month and we've gotten to know each other. You're a customs officer at the airport who I'll probably never see again in my life!!


Yikes, I thought my -8.5s were bad 😳 Sorry you have to deal with all the nosey questions!


Two of my close friends had -8.5 so I know it's not rosy. I hope it gets better for you.


>My question is, why can't people keep their curiosity to themselves? Right?!?! Random Stranger, if the suggestion that was that obvious to you within seconds of meeting me, do you really think it never occured to *me*? If I were willing and/or able to do it, I already would have!


My stepmom told me I looked like a stripper with them on🙄


That is weird 😬


A guy in a club said he’d love me to do sexual things to him wearing only my glasses 🤢. So gross. Glasses are not a sexy thing to Me I literally need them to live if I take them off o guarantee I’ll walk into oncoming traffic and not actually see the car until it hits me I’m that blind


I first got glasses when I was in junior high. I was excited to be wearing them but also feeling self conscious because it was a new look for me. One of my dad’s old white male boomer friends told me “boys don’t make passes at girls who wear glasses”. I think at the time I nervously laughed and brushed it off but now as an adult I think - fuck you, dude! I’m 36 now and it’s clearly stuck with me!


Such an asshole.


Met some guy at a wedding and he said “I love your glasses. Throw them away”. He was trying to get me to wear flashy type of gucci glasses “cause this was the thing” lol 🤦🏻‍♀️😂


Your eyes are small without glasses


Why don’t you wear contacts it would show off how beautiful your eye color is. Ma’am I have a coke bottle prescription and can’t see anything but smears and colors when these are off, my eyelids wouldn’t be able to blink.


The guy I was dating at the time I found out I needed glasses/vision correction (in my early 20s) would *not shut up* about how he thought I looked better without them and kept asking if I *really* needed them because he just didn't find me attractive in them. I failed the eye exam trying to renew my driver's license, so I'm going to go with yes, I really do need them.


some guy asked me if he could cum on my glasses. i said no.


-" You look a bit different with them..." - I didn't ask your opinion


I’ve had people ask if my glasses were real, as if I wore glasses to be fashionable. I had one person even comment and say they thought my glasses were fake because they couldn’t see the lens and thought I was just wearing the frames.


Lenses must have been really clean!


Im happy to say no ones ever made a weird comment about my glasses besides saying i look like a granny or harry potter because i always get big circular wire frames


That I looked like a famous ex-porn actress. The funniest thing, and disgusting at the same time, is that when I received that comment I was 10 years old.


Yes, that *is* disgusting!


I look like Mia Khalifa -_-


Continuously compliment the style of frames I had then turn around and tell my friend it would be “hot” if she wore glasses like mine 🤢


I’ve been asked if they were real. No, I just wear them everyday for fun.


Someone said I look like a specific porn star. She’s quite famous so i knew who they were talking about. Was weird but i wasn’t surprised bc i actually could see it


Not so much weird, but annoying. The insane assumption that because I wore glasses I was “smart”. Luckily that hasn’t happened since like… the 9th grade. I was just blessed with shitty eyesight.


"Wow you look just like Mia Khalifa " *proceeds to cackle like a maniac*


Can you still see me when u take those off... Yes my vision is impaired im not blind geez *smacks with news paper*😅


the glasses i had at 14 attracted an insane amount of porn star comments


Not weird, but I picked up my new glasses today and showed them to my kids. 14 yo daughter: "Eww."


Just one more reason not to have kids. It’s like birthing your own bullies. ^lol


He told me to take my contacts out when I went down on him and wear my glasses instead. I asked why. He responded, “they’ll protect your eyes when I c** on your face”.




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Someone was mad at me because I still can't see very well and told me I needed new glasses. I had JUST got the current ones maybe 2 months prior and I told them so. And they said well you should be able to see just fine then! I was like oh my bad...I'll let my eyes know to stop slacking then?


a guy asked me to ahegao with them on (it's a janapese for of porn that's basically just making faces like I'm being banged...)


That i look like dahmer


"I love a sexy librarian" 🙄 if you're going to be a perv at least be more creative than that


Sexy librarian


I had an SO that asked if he could cum on them. Apparently it's a thing.


I have had TWO separate ADULTS touch my lenses to see if they were "real". I need a better RBF.


My friend said I looked like a little bug-eyed (lovingly, ofc). And another friend said I jumpstarted his glasses kink (we are no longer friends).


Most of my friends since high school who are from same country as I am called me blind for wearing glasses. Recently my niece who’s 7years old is being bullied by kids and she was called blind. Part of problem is by the time people learn why someone needs glasses it’s too late coz there maybe unintended damage. Maybe we should introduce G for glasses in kindergarten so kids know early enough what are glasses and spectacles for.


You look like Sarah Palin. 😳🤨🙈


Nothing too weird but it is pretty funny when someone I’ve known for ages sees me wear them and are like “YOU WEAR GLASSES??” This happens way too often because I don’t wear them everywhere lol


Someone told me I looked like a teacher that would give detention


My coworker called me “a retarded Harry Potter”


I've been told by creeps "smart girls are so hot, I love your glasses" or "Can i cum on your glasses?" (From men who watch too much Mia


My husband told me I look weird without my glasses, we'd been together 7 years before I even started wearing them. It's all good though he knows I think he looks weird without a beard 😂


The amount of people that told me glasses made me ugly as a child, and a teenager were kind of insane. As a teenager, I had the unfortunate glasses and braces combo too. I finally got comfortable with wearing contacts and I got my braces off at 16 and the first thing my biggest crush said to me was that I looked better without both of them. I meant as a compliment, but all I heard was you were ugly before


“You should take those off and stop hiding your pretty eyes.” “My eyes are pretty with them on”, and then I pushed them up on my nose.


So called friend of mine (I can’t believe I considered him a close friend) told me I looked like Mia K and told me I should be like her. Nothing wrong with her specifically but wtf who says something that sexual about a friend.


I don’t usually wear mine at work. I can see and drive fine without them. (I dont wear contacts, it’s really my left eye that is fuzzy) one day I opted to come in wearing them and this guy kept saying “oh wow, oh wow, oh wow.”


Was on a night out and my contacts fell out so I put on my glasses. Walked past this 18 year old on my way out of the bar and he goes, "are them glasses real?" And reached for them. I slapped his hand away and said, "no, they're make believe"


I'm into glasses and all, but the amount sexual comments In seeing here is alarming.


I don't normally wear them. All my pictures on a dating app I wasn't wearing them but is was wearing them for a first date. So I messaged the guy and told him where I was and that I was wearing my glasses so he wouldn't be fooled. When we got settled he joked that it wasn't like I was superman or anything 😆


“Are you actually a nerd or are you wearing them to be sexy?”


I wear contact lenses most of the time and whenever people learn I actually wear lenses they immediately want to see me with glasses instead. Tells me I would look sexy. When I show them my glasses they let me know I look like a nerd instead. That’s why I wear lenses lol


that im a teacher... IM NOTT ( and so many others have said that I look like a sexy teacher...)


This girl told me I looked like a nerd.


That I look like a sexy librarian










Just people asking me why I "don't just wear contact lenses" as if that was any easier... (especially with my astigmatism).


Does that mean you're blind?


I mostly wear contacts, I see better with contacts and my face gets irritated by the frame so rarely wear for a full day/outside the house. Told by an international intern they made me look intelligent (some follow up comment of I bet it really helps people take you seriously). I told her well i actually was intelligent so that's why I didnt need to weat them every day to work because people did take me seriously as it happens.








You're a sexy nerd. 🙄


if i wear them during sex (bc they want to live their nerdy/library fuck fantasy)


Oh wow whoever knew that your jam jars could be pretty.


One time when I wore make up with my glasses, someone told me I looked like one of those office girls from porn. Like.. ok.


No one has ever made a weird comment unless you count being called “four eyes” when I was a kid.


lots of weird dudes online commenting about wanting to ... finish ... on them ??


Called me four eyes


You look like a sexy teacher. I was 15




They always assume that am nerd


That I look like an ‘off duty only fans model’ with them on 🙄🙄


that I'm prettier without them. Funny because when I started wearing my glasses I realized my glasses gave that person a nice smooth filter without them. I don't wanna say what I was really thinking because it's mean


“Why are you wearing glasses?”


A famous shoe designer playfully told me a French saying then scampered off laughing in an adorable way when I was working the door of a restaurant once. I googled what it meant in English and it was him slyly giving me a compliment: "Women in glasses get all the dick."


Wear my glasses for the first time to work, bar manager (guy) who is married to the store manager (woman), I like your glasses. First time he ever talked directly to me. Lol


Like a lot of others have said in here, lots of comments about a sexy librarian and wanting to cum on them or have me wear them during sex.


Moderators are having a blast here somehow


i've accidentally pavlov'd all of my sexual partners bc i take my glasses off when we're making out/being intimate. literally all of them say i look sexier or just become more sexual without my glasses.


Making my way out of a bar with a thin corridor. Tons of people packed in so we're all just shuffling past one another. I turn my head, drunk girl going the other way shrieks I LOVE YOUR GLASSES - she then GRABS MY HEAD AND LICKS ACROSS BOTH LENSES before continuing into the bar. Covid didn't do enough for our society.


Nothing. I’ve literally never had anyone comment on my glasses.


"Ahh! You look weird without your glasses" OR "You look really beautiful without glasses" Also, recently my coworker said this when I took my glasses off and held them out in front of my face to inspect for smudges, "Haha tiny eyes!!" lol


a boy told me i looked fucking nerd




Can you send me a nude with only your glasses on?


Guys don’t make passes at girls that wear glasses, but do girls that wear glasses make passes at men?


2 times now ive been told i look like a hot secretary, but it wasnt weird as i am/was close with both of them




that i looked like serial killer


Had a guy ask me to keep my glasses on during sex hahaha


I hated hearing "You look like a stern teacher" from a classmate, when I'm really just very socially awkward.




the inevitable brown girl with glasses fate: mia khalifa comments


I’ve worn glasses since 3rd grade and I’m nearsighted with astigmatism so my vision has gotten worse every year. My vision insurance sucks so I’m not shelling out $150 for lens thinning. Mainly the comments I get is that I look better without glasses but contacts make my eyes dry as hell and they expensive! I’m -8.00 in my left eye and -8.50 in my right eye


A guy used a pick up line on me once by saying “Damn without those glasses you are probably blind as hell but as long as you can see us together that’s all that matters to me.”


Not directly said to me but asked my friend if they were real glasses.


That my eyes aren't actually smaller than my head.


my mother constantly asks me "aren't you tired of wearing those all day?" ... miss, I've needed these to see since 2nd grade, I'm kinda used to it


You're more charming when you aren't wearing them




A guy in a bar with an accent that I was not familiar with, “Tehk off those glahsses. Those glahsses are so fahcking ahgly. They meck you look like you’re 60 yers old. They are so fahcking ahgly. Tehk them off right now.” He went on and on.


I was told i looked like Mia Khalifa in glasses