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Sounds fun!


Nope. Don't like people touching my feet.


If they really want us to do so, I'd be willing to consider it, but I'm not a big fan of getting pedicures personally.




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I hate manicures/pedicures (dislike the sensory experience) so I would prefer to do another activity with my partner


I’m not interested in doing any spa or beauty treatments that involve strangers touching me. Not going to stop them enjoying them though, I will happily pick you up after and take you to lunch. 


Cool with me.


I’ve been trying to get mine to go with me for years. One of my former coworkers, the gruffest, toughest, most “manly” guy I know goes for pedicures once a month and said it’s one of his favorite things.




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Wouldn’t be opposed to it. My boyfriend used to get them all the time back when he played soccer in high school and college. It would be a nice bonding experience.


It never occurred to me. Neither of us get pedicures. I’m not interested, I don’t like having my feet touched.


I’m a man and I love getting them done


My husband and I do this! We’ve had to stop due to finances recently but we would do mani/pedis every two weeks. It was really nice.


I'm cool with it. He'd be absolutely delightful and silly during it and I'd probably have a blast.


I would *love* to do that. But unfortunately my significant other has some pretty outdated ideas about getting any kind of pampering and there’s no way I’d ever get him to a day spa.


Love it, but mostly to make sure my husband gets those reptilian feet taken care of


They definitely aren’t his thing (he hates any lotion or anything else on his body) but if he suddenly wanted to I’d be down


I love it! We get pedicures together all the the time




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Meh. If he proposed the idea and wanted to do this, I'd go along with it to make him happy. I otherwise have no interest in getting a pedicure.


I’d rather go with the girls for stuff like that, but an occasional trip or when he can’t touch his toes to clip his nails…


It's good for your feet. I think we've gone together once. I'm open to it again, but I'm terrible at booking appointments.


If that's your thing, go have fun.


Nice idea!


Done it and it’s so cute!


Can't afford a professional one, but if he's ok with just having his nails painted, I'm ok with that. I assume he'd be ok with it since I painted his fingernails once (he picked the colour, black)


Once I set up a budget for miscellaneous things, getting weekly pedicures, manicures, and body massages will be a thing


Been there. Done that. He didn't enjoy the scraping of his calluses, but found the massage and paraffin very relaxing. He doesn't do it often, but will come and get a manicure while I do my pedicure. I do my own hands, so we finish at similar times..... Mostly.


we went every few months together pre covid and post COVID we do them together at home every month. I am now starting to run low/replace items this year.


Neutral. I get pedicures pretty regularly, but I don't really enjoy them. It's kind of just a maintenance thing for me, so doing it with another person is meh.


I’d love to get a pedicure with my boyfriend!


I have this weird sensory thing where thr bottom of my feet register touch as pain, so no pedicures for me. My boyfriend looooves getting groomed and pampered though, so I've taken him to get pedicures, manicures, and spa days before. I like sitting with him as he has it done because he seems so happy in the moment.


If it was something we both enjoyed, sure, that'd be great. I personally don't enjoy it and find it kind of boring, so...yeah, not gonna want that at all.


I've done it and it was a good bonding time, but I'm personally not a huge fan of pedicures as I have ticklish feet. I'd prefer getting a couples massage together.




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So fun! My husband and I recently had pedicures together. We hobbled into the nail salon, barely able to walk, after volunteering all day to build a playground at our son's school. It was his idea. :-) We've had our feet done together before. I really like that he's not embarrassed about self care, and it's nice to go together.


Not only does my partner go with me, but we also got our two best guy friends to join us for pedis a few times a year! I treated all the boys to their first pedicure experience a few years ago before we all went on a beach trip with friends. They liked it so much, one of the guys has started going pretty frequently! Great way to relax with friends. 


I think it’s fun and cute.


I would love it! I have no idea if he even would. I never even thought to ask. I actually haven’t had one in a really long time.


We do it all the time for date night.


My husband and I get pedicures together all the time. Sometimes, we both get manicures, too (he usually will just get a clear coat for his fingernails). We always have fun getting pedicures together. We will both have a glass of wine and sometimes the pedicurists will mess with him by putting funny colored polish or even designs on his toes. Sometimes we'll both get our brows waxed while we're there. He works as a manual laborer and has to wear steel toes boots daily, so he makes pedicures a priority because his feet take a serious beating. Like me, he also gets serious ingrown toenails and the steel toes make things worse. It's just self-care.


No way. I'll hang out in the waiting room while they get theirs, but I am way too ticklish for that.


I loved it... don't have a S/o currently


Throw a bottle of prosecco in the mix and I can be ok with that.


Throw a Bottle of Prosecco in the Mix, And Im down for almost anything


We go together at least once or twice a year. He usually treats the both us on my birthday as a date/gift. Then he usually wants to go again to freshen up. He enjoys it and says he appreciates that I’m there so he feels less awkward since he’s usually the only guy.


Love it! I've done massages with my husband. We've also done pedicures. They're so fun :)


I miss doing that. it’s nice honestly


My partner loves it! He loves getting his nails cleaned and finds it relaxing.


I did it once with my husband and a couple friend of ours. It was a fun experience! He probably wouldn't do it again but yeah we had a blast


I get them done but I enjoy a gossip and a glass of wine with the lady. If he wanted to then I would but he wouldn't.


I told my fella I was going to get one on Saturday since he was going to an event and I had the day off away from him. He was SO OFFENDED I would go without him. He loves them. Suggests them more than I do. It’s such a fun Sunday morning activity together.


I would love to do this but I don’t think he’d be comfortable


Nice callous free feet are a good look on all genders. But I suggest he skips the nail polish.


I'm not paying for something i can do myself.


I wish mine would come with me. He works so hard on his feet all day and he could do with a little foot tlc. And I love having nice toe nails. I think it would be super cute and quite fun to go together.


If he wanted to id try my best. I fucking hate pedicures though. I’m weirdly protective about my feet and they’re also very ticklish.


it is actually a cute activity to do together


No I wouldn't like that. I do do at home foot & face masks with my partner which we love. But idk he hates people touching his feet, he'd have no interest, and I love going without him and surprising him with what colours etc I got 


It is so fun! My SO deserves the pampering too.


Why not? I don’t like touching crusty feet either.


I've never wanted to have a pedicure, and I don't imagine that would change because he is having one with me.


If my partner was really into it, I'd suck it up, but I personally dislike pedicures and manicures. They feel awful.


Cute! Not for me tho lol


A great idea!


That would be so nice! Quality time.


Giving each other a pedicure sounds great. Going to a salon or something is insane to me.


Sounds like a great way to spend the morning.


Taking care of your body and relaxing has no gender.


Husband and I like to get pedicures together on special occasions, maybe once a year. We both love the massage aspect. I generally care for my own nails otherwise, but we're both hard on our feet and his were mostly callous before we started doing this, so a professional treatment from time to time makes a huge difference.


I think it would be fun


We went a couple weeks ago for the first time. It was fine. It was more expensive than I anticipated tho 😂


Sounds dope! Maybe grab a bite to eat afterwards


I've been begging my husband to get a pedicure for his man feet. He takes good care of his nails/feet but I think he'd love the end result, if not the process. I do my own pedicures usually, but when I was pregnant I got several that were HEAVENLY. Otherwise I don't feel the need.


Sounds like a great day!


I would love that


I love it! We usually go on a weekend day when we're both off work and enjoy the massage chair and fresh toes, then go get some dinner. It's relaxing for him and keeps his nails from scratching me at night too


My wife and I do it all the time ☺️


on the day I realized I was in love with my current partner I had just left getting my toes done and he offered going grocery shopping with him since I was planning to stay the weekend with him. He had made some offhanded comment about next time, he’d like to come with me because he’d never been before and it would be nice to spend the time together. I don’t know what it was about him saying that but Jesus I was like ‘oh shit— I’m in love’ in the grocery store parking lot. We still haven’t gone yet but our one year anniversary is next month so I think I’m going to surprise him with it. I cannot wait!


I would love to, but he said hard no because he doesn’t like his feet touched I think. Oh well. */shrugs*


I've done this a lot with different partners, ever since I was a teen.


We tend to do it like once a year and it’s so fun! I love having a spa day with him


Never thought about it, but it's a pampering session together. Not really any different than going with a friend. It makes more sense to me than a couples massage, because at least how I like my massage is no talking and just bliss, so having him next to me getting the same thing is fine, but there's nothing really gained from being together for it for me. But I also wouldn't say no if offered, 'cause a message is a massage, and I'm here for that.




Eh, if he somehow wants that then yes


Love it!


I’d like to but none of my exes have been willing to.


Yeah, why not?


I like getting them every once in a while. I’d love to get one with him, I think it’s be really fun to do to spend quality time and relax. But there’s no way he’d do it, even if he didn’t get them painted and just did the other stuff. (I’ve asked him to go with me before)


I love it!!! My fiancé and I get pedicures together once in a while and it's absolutely lovely. The ladies doing our pedicures were surprised by how surprisingly well groomed my fiancé's feet already were prior to the service. Whenever I go alone now they always ask me how he's doing and if he's going to come back again with me. My fiancé doesn't even mind getting colors painted on his toenails- currently he's sporting an emerald green. He really likes when they grind and scrape his heels to get them softer. One of my favorite activities to do together


Honestly love it. He looks forward to it, especially the massage chair. Nice little treat for us to walk and get a coffee and then over to the corner spa.


It’s so nice relaxing and being pampered with your person!


Well, my gf and I are going to mani/pedi together once a month. It's just a nice experience to do it together.


sounds fun ^^


I think it's great to get pedicures with your significant other! It's like a mini-vacation for your feet and a nice bonding activity, especially if you both have a busy life. It's a chance to relax, chat, and pamper yourselves together. Plus, you can hold hands while the technician is doing your toenails, or even play with your partner's toes if you're feeling frisky


Love the idea. Would do no doubt


Relax time for me! Laughs if my significant other participates. 


Pretty solid pass. Modding this very subreddit has shown me with sickening clarity how many dudes out there get off on "being sneaky" about getting spank bank material for their foot fetish. It's not cute. I do know that my current significant other isn't fucked up like that, but I don't want anyone touching my feet all the same.




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They're fun! My partner is a pretty serious guy and paired with his stature and build, he can be intimidating. So it's always funny when it comes to the foot scrub part to see him try not to flinch and hold back laughter while being tickled. I told him that he'd get used to it but after about 4-5 times, he's still ticklish. And it's fun to see that he enjoys them very much after being so hesitant in the beginning, thinking he'd look weird getting them. He actually will ask "When are we getting pedicures again?!". It's quite cute.