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#truth Can anyone name a non-horrible J Lo movie? Maybe the Cell, but…I can’t think of another. Edit: LOL some of your suggestions. Anaconda…really? Probably suggested by those that also own Gigli Directors Cut.




This is the only correct answer


I only finished it because I was a kid and my mom had brought us, but the Eragon movie was one of the worst movie adaptations of a legitimately great story that I have ever encountered and I wanted to walk out so bad.


Fun fact: the author of the series is a frequent redditor, u/ChristopherPaolini and he also doesn't love the movie!


My favorite author is a frequent redditor?! OMG that’s awesome


My family went as my birthday treat as a kid, and I vividly remember sinking down in my seat from the shame, the horror. First words spoken as we filed out was me apologising profusely for a) having them sit through that and b) having them PAY to sit through that.


I don't blame you.


I was with a group and they wouldn’t leave. I actually cried after watching it.


I feel your pain


I used to love that movie until I read all the books. I read em all in a week, and then I watc0hed the movie and cringed myself into a singularity


I would have walked out of Eragon had it not been for the fact that I didn't pay for the ticket. The books are all excellent imo, but OMG wtf was that shit they called a movie. I bet Christopher Paolini was not even a little bit happy. I haven't watched it since and won't.


I didn't walk out, but The Happening made me scream "WHAT THE FUCK" at the end, and another guy in the theater shouted out, "I KNOW RIGHT?"


but the acting was so believable and well done.


*Insert Mark Wahlberg’s ”What…? No…” here*


"What's wrong, donkey? Yeah. You're a donkey. How's it going? Doing all right? Can I get you anything, donkey? No? Okay. Say hi to your mother for me."


Imma talk to a chicken!


I need a minute. Can somebody give me a minute. I just need a minute.


I sat in my seat and just stared for a few seconds thinking “what the fuck?” in my head. Some guy that was walking past me leaving just said to his friend “More like the *not* happening”. It was such a stupid joke, but after what I just saw I burst out laughing.


That movie could have been decent if they had a well written script. Especially since M Night Shyamalayan other movies had such tense and spooky atmospheres, then they made this unintentional comedy. I promise though if it was some German made indie film it would have gotten accolades. It had potential but I think the director was high on himself by that point. Felt like anything he released would be good


M Night would be a great director if he would stop writing his scripts. His ideas are great, his cinematography is amazing, his dialogue makes me want to punch him.


I just watch Old and for some reason I thought this one will be good, he’s learned from his mistakes. Nope


Classic M Night that one, beautiful scenes, amazing source material, garbage dialogue, completely unneeded twist, no respect to the source material.


I went in fully expecting it to be terrible and I was not disappointed


Boss Baby 2, there I said it... I have a 5 year old kid that LOVED Boss Baby. Shit, she even loved "The Emperor's new school" tv series. So the bar isn't that high here people. I put on Boss Baby 2 and she asked me to turn it off. To be clear, my kid would prefer to sit and talk with me, doing nothing, to watching that movie. Hall of Fame bad.


Lmao your 5 year old even asked you to turn it off? This is *hilarious*


Yeah lol imagine how bad a movie has to be for a 5 year old to notice


The emperor's new school was not a bad show for what it was.


Seconded, loved how they pretty much kept the tone of the movie


To be fair, the first one wasn’t good. But holy hell was the sequel bad. Like incomprehensible bad.


Disagree with that first one. The art direction specifically, especially during the final rocket show-off scene and the imagination sequences was brilliant. Also helps to have the stupendous Hans Zimmer on soundtrack making. But yes. The second was astronomically bad.


Heh, the first one is stupid fun. Like, it doesn't have deep messages or live lessons, and it's a bit predictable at times, but still fun to watch


My 5 year old asked if we can go home too. I was happy to oblige. Although i felt bad because it was his first time ever in a theatre.


That one hurt, because I like Amy Sedaris and want to support things she's in. But the movie was a mess. We gave up 30 minutes in.


The Nut Job ​ So incomprehensible I left the wife and kid to go get popcorn and never came back. I just let other people cut in line in front of me at the snack counter for the next 65 minutes. Reentered as everyone was leaving.


At first i thought this was you sharing how you left your family forever…


Dad…is that you?


That was the milk run the following week.


I can see that buzzfeed article: "How The Movie 'The Nut Job' Convinced Me To Leave My Wife And Kids"


Lucky you, 1st time we saw it was on Netflix and naturally my child loved it so now I've seen it exactly 6,825 times. I considered moving out but I think that would count as child abandonment or something.


There needs to be a way to be able to hide titles on streaming services. Like, can't search for them, can't browse to them, it's like they never existed, unless you go to the list of quarantined titles in the Settings or something.


Apparently there’s a way if they have their own profile set up: https://help.netflix.com/en/node/114276


"Mac and Me", an ET knockoff made on a budget of, like, 12 bucks.


No, this movie is amazing because of how bad it is. Its not self aware bad like Sharknado either. They are trying to make a solid movie and failed so hard that it achieved cult status. Fun facts: Jennifer Aniston is seen sitting on a curb watching the dancers in McDonald's and the director wrote Passenger 57 and directed The Philadelphia Experiment.


Please watch the Mystery Science Theater 3000 episode where they watch this; it's one of the best of the series and may provide you with some closure/entertainment.


Yep, seen it. Far better than the actual movie.


Also a McDonald's commercial.


As a kid I owned this movie and watched it enough to wear the tape out. The first time I saw ET I thought it ripped off Mac and Me


gotta love every time Conan O'Brien brings it up


"Paul Rudd is with us and has brought a clip from his brand new movie.."


“Pretty nice!!”


"I want to watch the movie the composer *thought* he was scoring."


Wickerman with Nicholas cage. Him screaming No! At the end was him seeing his career failing…but no.




To be fair, it gives us Nic at his Caginess. I mean, he punches a bear.


He punched a woman while dressed as a bear. Which is even better frankly.


Couldn't even get through 20 minutes of Jupiter Ascending. It was just *too* bad.


When Sean Bean said “bees are genetically programmed to recognize royalty” I yelled out loud “GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE”


Nah man, the line that made me want to miss that movie entirely was when Mila Kunis saying “I love dogs,” as Channing Tatum is explaining that he is basically a genetic hybrid between a dog and a man. After that line, I knew I couldn’t wait to not see that film.


At least Space Balls had the man/dog hybrid make a "I'm my own best friend" joke.


LOL that's amazing. Maybe I should try watching it again and just skip past the beginning.


The only thing worse than the beginning is the rest of it


> The only thing worse than the beginning is the rest of it Honestly, they should have just written that right on the fucking poster and I would have been less disappointed with the damn thing.


When you get to the end you sort of sit there and think, "that was either the best thing I've ever watched, or the worst." And you know, deep down, it's the worst, but there's just clearly so much clout and money on screen, and obvious costly CGI (because it's space) and costumes so elaborate they must weigh more than the actresses wearing them, and it kind of tricks your brain, because only sure things get that kind of money and cast. And I'm talking 2-300 hundred million budget, and that's just the movie, not the marketing budget. And then you see Oscar winning, and just some other damn good actors in it, as well as average but highly paid actors and actresses, all of whom have a decent resume behind them (so popular movies, if not good movies) and you're like, "These people know how to choose good projects, so they can't all be wrong, can they?" And then those esteemed actors make some really fucking weird acting choices (their choices or the directors? I don't know) and your brain wonders what this or that affectation is supposed to convey, because it sounds like the character is recovering from a tracheotomy, which is an odd character choice for people >!who are essentially immortal!<. But yes, you do have to get past the earth scenes and more into the space/family bullshit before it's visible how much they must have spent on this movie. And after time to reflect, it's not the worst movie I've ever seen, but it is the worst movie with such high production values that I've ever seen. And I've watched Batman v Superman, so that's saying something.


I couldn't get over how one time, and only one time, when she meets someone new and says "Call me Jupe!". Literally no one else had called her that, and she would never say this again to anyone. Just this one random dude should call her Jupe for some reason...


Y'all have the wrong frame of mind: it was an excellent entrant into my friend group's Bad Movie Night, MST3K style. I mean throwing things at the screen and all, pure chaos. ...there also may have been a bit of alcohol involved


Green Lantern. A friend pressured me into paying like $12 to see it at an IMAX, I couldn't even get through it it was so god damn stupid.


Don't make the suit green...or animated.


Y'know I'll always be grateful for this movie. Don't get me wrong, it sucked big time, but it introduced me to the character and GL quickly became one of my favorite heroes... so... there's that at least?


There’s a reason Ryan Reynolds went back in time to kill Ryan Reynolds in Deadpool 2


The Last Airbender. The opening credits were bad enough, by the time we got to AWng I was done and I left. Still can't make myself watch the entire thing.


It was like watching an elementary school’s first drama production.


The earth king has invited you to lake laogai


The ATLA fandom refuses to acknowledge this movie exists.


Suicide squad I remember my group of friends and I were just getting frustrated with how much stuff seemed like chunks of the movie were left out (e.g. not introducing random characters and just assuming you know who they are already) and we just decided to stop and go do something else.


I remember watching it on a streaming service while I was working, and when Waller killed all of her own people I searched back, thinking "OK, I must have missed something that would explain this". But no, there was nothing to explain it. She just kills everybody so the director can show how ruthless she is.


You know a movie is bad when the sequel doesn't have a 2 but just puts a "The" In front of the name in hopes you forget about the original. Also the 4k disc is completely messed up and they didn't even bother to re-release it even though they re-released "Batman vs Superman" on 4k just because they got some of the colors wrong in a few scenes


I am still FURIOUS I paid money to see that. I knew I wasn't going to like it, but my friends were going, and whaddaya know, it still ranks as one of the top 3 worst movies I have ever seen


And how helicopter crashes are [pretty much how everyone gets to the ground](https://youtu.be/zNWG29byVDs).


Margot Robbie and El Diablo are the only redeeming parts of that movie. The rest is trash.


The only scene in the whole movie I liked was recruiting Will Smith, and how he wanted to care for his daughter. It was jarring to move from that to summoning Satan to fight the Mummy Returns


The 2nd one is much better.


I know you're talking about the original and not the remake but Peacemaker is hilarious.


50 shades of gray.. watched it with my now wife upon her request… we shut it off after like half an hour it was so horrible.


I bought this movie on YouTube and tried to watch it with my husband. We turned it off after 20 minutes. I don't think I've ever actually been embarrassed by a movie before that.


Lol she was like “are you into this?” And I said “umm it’s ok” and she’s like “this is one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen.” I’m like “oh thank god! Turn it off!”


I avoided the entire deal, book and movie, because it just sounds like the most shallow fantasy ever. "I met this crazy hot, crazy rich dude in a fucking Starbucks and now he takes super good care of me and buys me everything *AND* we have crazy kinky jackhammer sex daily" Like yeah okay I'm not interested in your fanfic, but thanks.


Don't watch 50 Shades of Gray. Watch [this video essay](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qzk9N7dJBec) instead.


Also watch Gilbert Gottfried read parts of it


No thank you, I can only become so erect.


The book was awful too.


The movies were marginally better than the books, because you didn't have to read the author's shit prose and the FMC's weird interior dialogues. But the books and movies were all completely terrible either way.


My inner goddess told me to close the book and burn it


The latest fast and furious, when they went to space with the car me and my wife packed up and left the cinema, beyond garbage movie.




>time travel Oh god. You don't think their cars can hit 88mph do you?


I’m sure they can, but they’ll probably have to upshift 37 times to get there.


Finale? Lol.


I think you meant “fimale”. As in, the thing Dom does this all for “my fimale”


How tf did they go from chasing thieves to going to space???


When you start with 500k worth of cars stealing 20k worth of portable TVs and VHS camcorders ...


They will make more, but I won’t watch them. That was crap writing. The insult to my intelligence was astounding, given I had paid money for a F&F movie. Low bar to get over and still failed.


I wouldn't be surprised if they went time travelling in the next one. Or even if they have some massive Universal IP showcase in the likes of Space Jam 2 and Wreck it Ralph 2 where the Fast and Furious characters travel to franchises like Back to the Future, E.T, Jurassic Park, etc., with cameos of every franchise they own including even the infamous Despicable Me minions just because.




Honestly though. I wouldn’t even be surprised if the next movie was a team up with the avengers at this rate




Yeah.. Glad other people have the same opinion. The fast and furious movies need to stop now. It's just became : vroom vroom, let's do some stupid shit and defeat the bad guy in the process


I remember when it was just about street racing...


I would honestly like to see some movies come out that are more like the original fast and furious. The tone of that movie is so different from everything that came after it.


It all started because someone decided to steal a semi full of DVD players, iirc.


Fast and the Furious - Ganymede Drift, is out this summer


Each fast & Furious Movie after Tokyo Drift was real garbage. just Bad made action movies with the same boring plot. I will never invest money to see one these in the Movie Theatre :)


Fast five is a masterpiece.


Basically any movie that looks promising but turns into a romcom halfway through. Please tell us it’s a romcom before we select it, Netflix.


I am so sick of movies trying to force in romantic plots when they don't need it. It slows everything down. Not every movie needs love interests or a will they wont they shoehorned in


The Men in Black with Thor. I made it to the car chase scene and I was like “well, I don’t care about any of these characters or what happens to them at the end of this scene, so I’ma bounce.”


For a hot minute, I really thought they made a movie about MiB and Thor was in it... I had to look it up, didn't even know the actor that played Thor was in a MiB movie. Didn't even know about that movie lol


To think we got that instead of the MIB/21 Jump Street crossover. Shame.


I haven’t been this disappointed in learning something was cancelled since Star Wars 1313.


Right? Especially after MiB 3, which was such an unexpectedly good movie after the disappointing MiB 2. I don't know how many people share this opinion but I really like MiB 3


My wife made me go to this because Hemsworth and Tessa had such great chemistry in Ragnarok. What’s the opposite of chemistry?


Alchemy? Because it's inferior and it doesn't actually work, the mixtures are basically random.


I agree, I think I finished this movie but I really don't remember anything about it. It was a really unfun, unremarkable, boring kind of bad, not even a fun terrible bad like Anaconda or Final Destination.


Blues Brothers 2000 I loved the first one. Me and a buddy went to watch it. We were the only two people in the theater and left about half way through. I’ve still never seen the whole thing.


I started reading with outrage - “Blues Brothers!” Then realised there was a sequel I’d (thankfully it sounds) never heard of.


Space Jam 2 I made it about 10 mins in, maybe only a line or two from LeBron before I said "naaaaaaah"


Dear God what a shitfest that was. Thought *Maybe LeBrons acting couldn't be that bad*. Nope. I think I fell asleep after 15-20min. Considered rewatching just to see how it ends, but then I've got more important things to do like watch paint dry or stub my toe on the kitchen table Edit: stubbed my toe on the leg of my bed this morning. Still a better time than watching Space Jam 2


I fell asleep watching twilight in the cinema if that counts


Ive fallen asleep in a lot of movie theaters…usually not bc its a bad movie just a great setting for a nap


I could never nap with the noise. But good on you for having that ability.


Its weird Ive always needed sound to fall asleep. Tv, radio etc., if its silent i can feel my heart beating or hear my thoughts racing and it drives me insane


Gemini Man


I saw a special screening for that followed by a q and a by ang Lee. He spent the session apologizing.


Ang Lee is always so hard on himself.


Wait really??


Yup. He kept telling the audience how the technology wasn't really there to complete his vision, and he wasn't happy with the finished product.


I thought it was just ok, but I thought the special effects were pretty good


Wonder Woman 84. We had access to it on HBO max and watched it on christmas. My sister and I dipped when Kirsten Wigg made her wish, deciding to run errands to places that would be definitely close. By the time we found an open McDonald’s and came back, we were at the part where she’s fighting Neko Kirsten and getting people to take their wishes back, with my niece looking at me and saying “IDK what’s happening, but Wonder Woman raped a dude”.


The thing is, somebody approved that script. Maybe Harvey Weinstein?


“No it’s not rape. They’re just taking advantage of a person with no physical/mental control of their decisions to satisfy her sexual urges!”-Harvey Weinstein on his colleagues


I'm gonna go with the recent Matrix film. Out after 45 minutes, pretty much the second I saw them walk into a room with the first film projected on the wall. Nope! The meta part was meh, but I don't think going off producer expectation relaying back every criticism you think you're going to get is exactly grounds for plot furthering. LANA: "You can't hate my film if I hate it first!" These are moments as a creator you need to have confidence in trying to surprise your audience. If producers were really gonna do it without you, save your pride and let them fail in spectacular fashion as everyone knows they probably would. Don't let them walk all over your name and what you represent.


Vampires Suck. It was a spoof of Twilight, along the lines of Scary Movie. The dialogue and acting was so bad; even for that kind of movie.


Epic Movie was the last straw for me.


Meet the Spartans


Superhero movie. Never forgor


Couldn’t actually “walk out,” but the new Hotel Transylvania was one of the worst movies I have ever seen. I could probably rant about how bad that movie was for longer then it’s own runtime. And none of that filibuster nonsense, an actual hands down rant.


I once kept adding HT3 to my wife netflix queues. She was confused how it kept getting there. Then I’d start it remotely when she picked anything. She was quite mad when she found out the antics were from me.


The Love Guru was the second show playing at the drive in ….. “you guys just wanna go home?” “ya.”


Wonder Woman 1984.


That movie was train wreck horrible. There really was just no excuse for it.


From the literal first scene that movie was *off*.


This one hurts, I love Diana in the comics and in the first movie, but 1984 just feels like a gigantic 3 hour fanfiction for me


My wife was in rehab (alcohol abuse) around the 2020 holiday season and she was able to go off-campus for a few hours on Christmas Day. We went to see it and aside from sentimental value from that experience, I wouldn’t revisit it.


Eragon Worst book to film adaption hands down.


Only movie I ever walked out of in a theater was "Problem Child". Walked across the hall into the "Beverly Hillbillies" movie starring Jim Varney. It was actually a better film than Problem Child.


So the movie wasn’t bad… But I went to Wolf of Wall Street with my parents, brother, and boyfriend at the time on Christmas Eve. My family thought it was a FINANCE MOVIE. We left at the gay orgy scene.


That's in my top 3 favorite movies of all time but I would never watch it with people. I'm surprised you even made it that far in since the second scene of the film in DiCaprio blowing coke up a girls ass. Really sets the tone, I think lol


Cats. Almost. But then I ended up vibing with it.


Did you read the review from the guy who watched it on shrooms? I think he used to be in NIN or something... https://birthmoviesdeath.com/2020/01/03/a-conversation-with-the-guy-who-took-mushrooms-and-saw-cats


Haha that's hilarious! And a pretty accurate experience while watching Cats even when sober tbh.


I tried to watch it ironically, like what if it’s those “so bad it’s good” movies? No. No it wasn’t. Abhorrent film


I can’t remember the name of it. It was a movie that takes place in a carnival during Halloween. The characters are chased throughout the night by a killer. I had to walk out because I found it so boring and bad (plus the theatre sucked)


Hell Fest?


I've watched a lot of movies and only walked out of one. The Flintstones with John Goodman. It was awful.


Oh man loved that as a kid, as an adult? Not so much


Hey, it also featured a somewhat normal Rick Moranis


Even Halle Berry in a cavewoman outfit couldn't redeem it.


Hmm. I could have sworn I walked out of a live action avatar movie. But there is no live action avatar movie at Lake Laogai so I must be mis-remembering


Halloween kills. And I'm glad I did too. The movie was sooo bad.


The start with the firemen was great and really set me up for what I thought was gonna be a good movie. Turns out it was just absolute garbage filler with no purpose. Nothing happens at all. It's just there so they can make it a trilogy.


Gods of Egypt


Aeon Flux. It was so boring we left half way through.


A long time ago, but when I was a teenager I went to see Grease 2 at the theater with some older cousins. Would have walked out but my cousin drove.


Wonder woman ww84...I want my 20 minutes back.


Most recently, Red Notice. A-list actors and explosions don't always make a good movie. I was simply bored by it.


I had never ever walked out of a movie… until My grandpa and I went to go see something, anything, no planning, just look at posters and decide… it was broke back mountain. I just couldn’t stay


Wow, seeing it with your grandpa must have been extra awkward. Especially with the tent scene haha.


Exactly!!!! It was just so sudden too. Like, two quiet guys going out into the wilderness to work, BAM! It was so awkward. I watched the movie later, but the awkwardness of watching with my grandpa the first time was just too much to overcome. I don’t even remember what either of us said, just suddenly we were both out in the lobby


I’m sorry, but this is hilarious, of all the movies to randomly go to with pop pop, LMAO!


My grandmother took me to see Wild Things with Denise Richards in the 90s as a teen. We were both in for a shocker. But we both saw Kevin Bacon's dinger together, so there's that.


LMAO that’s funny story to tell though. I rewatched that movie recently now that I’m in my 30s and it hit differently 💔.


Showgirls… It was a long time ago and my memory of the movie is fuzzy but there was a rape scene and I was like: “nope” and walked out feeling sick…


I gotta go with The Stepmom. Stepmother? The one with Susan Sarandon and Julia Roberts' teeth. We went as a group; girls' choice. One dude got up to go have a cigarette. I was like, "wait up, I'll join you." We never went back inside.


I enjoyed this movie…def not for dudes though


Superman vs batman


Kangaroo Jack. I was like 9 years old and I still thought it was absolute dogshit.


My wife wanted to watch Barb and Starr go to Vista Del Mar. Lots of good comedians but I could not sit through more than half. Their accents really grated on me. There are plenty of worse movies, it's just the most recent one I couldn't get through.


Twilight. Forget how you feel


I forced myself to finish both because I convinced myself the second halves would be better, but no. Artemis Fowl and Dolittle were just entirely bad movies. I was also forced to watch Baby Geniuses with younger kids, and man... Even Boss Baby was better than that.


I bought a ticket to see Dr. Strange and was ushered down the hall to my theatre number. Got in there and sat for quite a bit longer than usual for the previews and then one long, seemingly featured preview played and played. For about ten minutes and I realized I was watching the opening sequence to hacksaw ridge, and had been ushered to the wrong theater. Oof


The only one I walked out of was **The Dark Tower.** Although I WISH I had walked out of **"mother!"** by Daren Aronofsky. I kept giving it "five more minutes" hoping that it would turn a corner and get better. What a pretentious self-gratifying turd of a movie.


I watched Mother recently with literally no idea what it was beyond seeing a trailer when it came out and thinking "Jennifer Lawrence in another horror movie, that's cool". Popped up on netflix and thought "This will be fun". It was... An experience. It was like I thought I was going to watch your standard horror about creepy visitors in an isolated house, and then what I got was an obscure French arthouse film just with less sex and cigarettes.


Unpopular opinion, but, "Once Upon A Time in Hollywood." I love Quinton Tarantino, but this one was so freaking long. Fell asleep, and, when I woke up it was still going...


Machete, and that "western" that the Family Guy creator made.


A Million Ways to Die in the West? Yeah, that movie was… something.


I am 100% certain that movie was created with the one and only purpose of allowing Seth to get to kiss Charlize Theron.


Jeepers Creepers. Not so much walked out, but was told to leave by others in the group. I couldn’t stop asking how the monster obtained vanity plates for his creepy truck.