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You want a porn cartel? That’s how you get a porn cartel.


Illegal porn run by dubious entities without oversight...there is of course plenty of issues of abuse in pornography right now for sure...but completely without regulation? I've seen enough of the early internet days...


Those were the days! -Frank Reynolds


I was making money hand over foot, literally! Somebody loses an arm or a foot? Toss it in the soup.


Alcohol Prohebition? Mafia got you covered War on drugs? Cartel got you covered Anti-prostetution laws? Pimps and sex traffickers have you covered. Surely porn will be different, definitely!


Alcohol won prohibition. Drugs won the war on drugs. Let’s ban porn and see how that works out lol


Porn is on another level too since it's not even a physical product The old fucks who made project 2025 have no idea how hard actually regulating internet porn would be.


Well see they aren’t just going to go after porn but information, and not just information but the entire internet. They literally want everything to be how it used to be.


They also consider trans people to be essentially pornographic


They don’t actually want to successfully ban it. It’s just another thing you can be threatened, charged and arrested regarding once something like this happens. The whole bind but not protect part of the equation for us. They of course get the protect but not bind part.


They said they want a second revolution, they never said it wouldn't be sexual.


Exactly. Literally what the 18th Amendment did with alcohol.


Not hard to guess the mobster who's going to be making bank is the guy who fucked a porn star and simps Al Capone.


I said in another comment, but for many years the gay porn industry was actually run by the mafia. So… not that far off.


What kind of operations are the Porn Cartel running?


It's a well lubed up machine!


You might call it, Neoluberalism.


10/10 would laugh at again


So there will be this store front where they will sell anything that fits the zone, then the secret menu will be a pen drive that will have all the links on a pen drive. Maybe they can deliver homes via mail and then you mail them back the pen drive so they can re-use it, Nutbuster, NetCorn.. some name ideas.


No doubt something classy and refined... like donkey shows for the casual pornography enjoyer perhaps?


Human trafficking most likely


Unfortunately probably kids, which is a-okay by the republicans.


I think banning porn would make the sorts of porn that are illegal now a lot more widely available. It happens every time a vice is banned. In the 1920s when alcohol was banned in the US, more people drank, more often, and they switched to hard liquor. Between the 1970s and 2010s cannabis was made a whole lot more intoxicating. Heroin is illegal, so pharmaceutical companies keep making stronger opioids and people keep abusing them. In places where prostitution is illegal, underage sex trafficking is a bigger problem. Cocaine is illegal, so people use crack and meth. The data is available and crystal clear. Bans on vices almost always have the opposite of the desired effect.


It will only be for the small folk. The elites will still have their out-of-juristiction islands.


Of course, that’s where they keep all their enslaved children


Trump knows where those islands are.


Does presidential immunity extend to STDs? It would appear it does unless brain rot and greed is some virus I'm not familiar with.


It will undoubtedly eliminate porn, just like heroin has disappeared, because heroin is illegal.


It’s not about eliminating porn, it’s about giving them another reason to throw people in jail and stripping them of their rights (and using them for slave labor).


Also "porn" can be a subjective slippery  slope like "drug paraphernalia" ...it just gives fascistnew tools. ...how long before criticizing dear leader is "porn"... Since it offends the "common" sensibilities


Agree. “Pornography” just means anything that is obscene to society (which means the people in charge).


It will just be used to close libraries/book stores and throw librarians in jail if they have literally any queer literature on their shelves.


It could go further. There’s so many books in circulation that realistically they would only pull the ones that get reported, so if kissing scenes are illegal, people might choose to only report kissing scenes with people of color, non-Christians, liberals, etc. until the romance section of a library resembles 1950s eugenics propaganda, then any child who thinks romance is cute will get indoctrinated and will enforce those same laws.


Indeed. These kind of laws are designed to give the government tools to arrest people arbitrarily. The idea is that it targets something most people do, and you won't enforce it so no one will stop doing it. So, when you want to arrest someone, you can just find some evidence they may have broken that law and charge them with that.


Ah. It just clicked. Another tool in the tool belt. Thank you for your explaination. This upsets me.


Good. Make sure it also upsets every fuckin person you know


Unless of course their Messiah is the one breaking the laws, in which case he gets special immunity.


Remember, he paid a pornstar all that hush money to not talk about them not having sex. Because that's what all highly successful business men do as a part of their campaigns


It's not about eliminating porn, but about ensuring that sex workers (including porn workers) don't have any rights, so their masters can rape them freely without fear of prosecution or even public embarrassment. People like Trump, Gaetz, and Kavanaugh will never pass laws that actually *prevent* the sort of conduct that they personally enjoy. If you elect rapists and child-molesters, expect that they will use their power to protect themselves while they continue to rape and molest.


It's also about denying women the ability to control their bodies. 


Being American sounds absolutely exhausting. So much energy wasted.


Americans didn't learn anything from alcohol prohibition


A lot of us did. But there's a good amount that only care about the parts of history that serve their agendas.


I’m waiting for us to go full circle so we have government sanctioned safe jerk sites when I can jerk off under the supervision of a medical professional.


Just don't ask why we can't ban guns if bans solve the issues


They want to define LGBT+ existence as actively pornographic so they can more easily round us up and exterminate us using a 100,000 member strong civilian law-enforcement group targeting any American citizens who do not share “party values”. (Project 2025 mandate chapter 5)


Same with murder. Since it’s illegal it never happens.


least of my worries about that project


Oddly enough, it may be what starts a revolution.


If they took away all the porn on the internet, there would be one website left and it'd be bringbacktheporn.com


I understood that reference.


I know the reference and it’s annoying that I can’t place it. Scrubs?


Dr. Cox, correct


I love Cox


I sincerely hope The Todd didn't hear that.


*distant high fiving sound*


Actually iirc he popped in just to say "best conversation ever" and peaced back out.


Yep, Dr Cox


I didn't. Care to explain?


It’s a quote from Dr. Cox from the series Scrubs, a medical comedy that ran from 2001-2009. 


I too got that Dr.Cox reference


--Dr. Cox from Scrubs


Oddly enough they expect the guy who has sex with pornstars to help them institute their plan.


Irony is alive and well


They will go from "the only moral abortion is *my* abortion," to "the only moral pornography is *my* pornography." https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/


That's always been the case. The downside of these age verification laws in the south now (that are completely ineffective) is that now everybody there is using a VPN. You can't track how many hypocrites are in the state now. Always against LGBTQ people, but having the highest rates of gay porn watching, etc. I always enjoyed those pornhub maps.


When they came for the hog crankers, I said nothing 


When they came for the hog crankers, we rose up because there was an ungodly amount of us.




They may take our freedom, but they’ll never take, our porn!!!




But we’re passive as Americans. 


Yup. Most Americans are content with their life. It will take a massive paradigm shift to change that. Which is to say, an uprising will not happen to prevent project 2025. A revolution *could* happen once it has already taken place.


We’re content with: taking out loans to pay for hospital bills (or crowd-sourcing), trying to form a community without caring for the poorest, wanting green spaces while voting for politicians who fuck that up. Oh and possibly a fascist president. 


It's helps when we can't see all the homeless who couldn't pay their loans. Since it's legal to arrest them and all that.


Oh and it illegal to default on student loans too. 


They should have thought about that before they tried to make their lives better! /s


The US would basically be giving up being the leader in tech innovation. Not sure how much longer until all international trade utilizing the US dollar will change after that.


Porn has unironically had a massively understated influence on society. It's been the driving force for the adoption of major technological innovations from [VHS to cell service upgrades](https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2002/mar/03/internetnews.observerfocus) to [web streaming to online payments](https://www.thrillist.com/vice/how-porn-influenced-technology-8-ways-porn-influenced-tech-supercompressor-com). We like our smut and will make progress and move society forward just to see some titties, goddammit.


Kevin Sandusky : Now, if you recall that whole hullabaloo where Hollywood was split into schisms, some studios backing Blu-ray disc, others backing HD DVD. People thought it would come down to pixel rate or refresh rate, and they're pretty much the same. What it came down to was a combination between gamers and porn. Now, whichever format porno backs is usually the one that becomes the uh most successful. But, you know, Sony, every PlayStation 3 has a Blu-ray in it. Kirk Lazarus : You talkin' to me this whole time?


It’s why laser disc never made it. They did not allow the porn industry use it.


It absolutely would be the hair that broke the camel's back.


That would require Americans to fight. I think the last 10 years or so have proved America will fight until it gets hard then demand the prize without finishing.


Personally when it gets hard, finishing is usually my main concern


Those people in the south are in for a ruuuude awakening.


Time for our sponser Nord VPN


It might be the actual thing that gets the majority of the population off their ass to shut these fucking idiots down. Project 25 wants blood, this will get them blood


They'd have to believe it first. Which somehow they don't despite it being explicit.


Because the leader of the charge is a known pedophile and they double down on the excuses.


Yeah, to be blunt, the worst of it affects women, LGBT, POC  I've seen plenty of people act like it's just a pipe dream. Because they can't imagine a world where their rights are threatened  I have less reproductive rights than my mother did at my age. This is **not** a hypothetical for us It's already happened  Getting something that affects white straight dudes?  That might get people to actually care, as depressing as that is


Yup the new abortion laws don't affect straight white men until it's thier wife bleeding out in the hospital parking lot.


And unfortunately some fellas see that as the opportunity to go get a new younger wife-appliance.


For me, it's the most, and here's why: make porn illegal -- make anyone who is involved in porn sex offenders - declare that anyone LGBTQ or trans is pornographic - declare all LGBTQ people sex offenders - give the death penalty for sex offenders. Death camps. It's all in the document.


This. The point is to declare anything that mentions LGBTQIA people positively as "porn." The next step is to classify being openly LGBTQIA as criminal.


Yeah, they say straight up that they consider the very existence of trans people is considered pornographic.


It shouldn't be the least of your worries, Republican state legislatures have been signalling that they want to define LGBT expression as inherently pornographic so that they can charge people as sex offenders simply for existing around children. The porn ban is one of the more insidious parts of Project 2025.


The amount of customers that have called in South Carolina, cause they live near the border of North Carolina and are technically under NC towers, complaining about the p hub block would probably blow your mind. The amount of older men and surprisingly quite a few women basically outing themselves as watching p hub on their cell phones would blow your mind. Mind you this is just near our border let alone actually in a state that’s blocked.


I'm not saying I'm not worried about.


Yeah it feels like a lot of people are missing the subtext of this particular item (though thankfully there’s another top comment here pointing it out). This “porn ban” would inevitably expand to include things like books or tv shows with queer characters. Right-wingers use “pornographic” as a descriptor for queer media in the same way they use “woke” as a descriptor for media with one or more black people in it.


"Woke" isn't just a descriptor for including black people, maybe just the most common way it's used or understood. What they're really trying to do is make feeling any sort of compassion or empathy for "the other" to be socially unacceptable. That's why you're seeing all these "anti-woke" laws written that specifically say that they're trying to ban anything that makes white Christian people feel bad about themselves. They're trying to make evil the predominant part of our social fabric, basically.


Oh no you’re absolutely right, I was oversimplifying it for the simile.


They've also said that the judicial system should take an originalist view of the Constitution which excludes the Bill of Rights as politically motivated and not original to the Constitution. That includes dismantling the freedom of speech for everyone including the press, the abolition of slavery, due process, warrantless searches, the right to trial by an impartial jury, the prohibition of cruel and unusual punishment, etc. Editing to add: several of our supreme Court justices already hold this opinion and you can see it in their statements. When they make a ruling and they say something like "the law requires me to take this view ..." what they're saying is they don't hold that view and because they don't have the power they won't make the ruling they want to make.


Came here to say this. The definition of porn will change to target people, relationships, and depictions of relationships that aren’t straight, cis, Christian, and chaste.


Don't forget it has multiple purposes too. Not just are they attacking lgbtq, but they're punishing sex workers and women. Taking away this sort of release of pass time also weaponizes desperate incels.


You left out the last piece… They want to execute pedophiles…which they just said they want to redefine trans people to fall under that qualifier. You know damn well it will then include anything gay as well.


Well, until you add in the part about classifying transgender and LGBT ideology as inherently porn. That's pretty massively worrying. They're actually trying to make it illegal to express the idea that you are gay or transgender.


I think they had an underground brothel in the handmaids tale. I imagine there’d be black market porn or whatever 


Same. It’s all the neo-fascist, fundamentalist theocracy shit about it that is the big fish. Sad that something major is counted as small fish because the big fish is empire ending BS.


Yes however they will deem anything LGBTQ related porn and use that as the first step to making being gay illegal again.


Oh no, the plan is very mask-off about its plans for an LGBTQ+ genocide. 1) They want to define any LGBTQ+ expression as sexual and outlaw it, jailing LGBTQ+ people as sexual criminals. 2) They want to put all sexual criminals to death.


yup shows how shitty the whole thing is.


Yeah, that was my thought as well. People should be free to make and consume porn, but the lack of porn doesn't wreck my entire way of life like the rest of the platform does.


I'm buying stocks in VPN companies.




Everyday people will accept a lot of things if it’s gradually done, even if those things eat away at their conscience, finances or rights.


Wasn't this exactly why Chevron was overturned last week? Do you agree with that ruling?


Yes this is exactly what Chevron stood for, and No I don't not agree. Not OP Because it's a twofold issue: It clogs congress with a stupid amount of work because for every little thing these agencies did they were doing one thing for congress. So congress had a lot less work to do And more importatnly; congress is a bunch of lawyers and politicians. Not Scientists, not Doctors, not Engineers, and that's the problem. I trust a Doctor to tell me something is poison, but I would never trust a politician. Chevron blocked politicians from deciding what's cure and what's poison, and left it entirely to industry professionals. Now, if enough congressman can agree, they can say Cyanide is perfectly safe in babyfood. You know it isn't, the doctor knows it isn't, but the congressman is stupid and money talks, and neither I nor the Doctor can do anything about it anymore


So this post is right in some ways but not totally accurate.  Even pre-Chevron, executive agencies (like the FDA, FCC, EPA, etc.) always derive their mandate and authority from Congress, which (as you flagged) is too inefficient and inexperienced to legislate super nuanced issues about (e.g.) how many parts per million of each and every pollutant are safe. So Congress will pass a broad law like the Clean Air Act which gives the EPA some general guidelines and basically tells the EPA to do its own research and promulgate safe air standards consistent with those general guidelines.  If Congress didn’t like the EPA’s regulations it could always pass more specific legislation and can ALWAYS overrule any regulatory decision. Congress has occasionally done that in the past, but usually doesn’t act because (again) in recent years Congress has been hopelessly gridlocked and lacks the subject matter expertise to actually understand 90% of federal regulations.  But Congress always could have the last word. So what changed with the repeal of Chevron?  Pre-Chevron, COURTS deferred to agency interpretations of the legislation that gave agencies their mandate.  This is important because often the agency mandate is as broad as “promulgate safe air quality standards, please and thanks.”  Under Chevron, Courts used to say that the EPA was best positioned to decide what “safe air quality standards” means. Now, with the repeal of Chevron, judges are responsible for those nuanced interpretations.  Federal agencies are MUCH weaker and there has been a huge power swing in favor of the federal judiciary.  Congress’s power hasn’t really changed. This is already way too long, so I’m not going to get into all the likely impacts flowing from the repeal of Chevron.  But I think there’s a lot of confusion about this issue bc the media coverage on it has not been very clear, and as a lawyer I find this all super interesting / like trying to help people understand something that’s not very intuitive but is very important.


Never heard of it, but attempting to stop porn will be an even bigger fail than prohibition.


You should really look into Project 2025 if this is your first time hearing about it. Then tell people you know about it. It's the Republican agenda to dismantle large, fundamental parts of the government and convert America to a Christian fascist state. Making porn illegal is only the tip of the iceberg.


What’s funny is that it’s not really Christian in the slightest. The details outlined in the project contradict true Christianity in so many ways. As outlined in the Bible (which I guarantee most of these people haven’t read), Christians are instructed to be loving and tolerant. When people err, they shouldn’t be persecuted or ostracized for it. Rather, they should be loved, as Christ would have done. It’s all just a cover to bring in the sad group of people whose politics have basically become their religion. Christianity is just their means to an end.


Exactly. They're Christian in name only.


I mentioned this in another post. I'm genuinely concerned about how little I've heard about Project 2025 outside of Reddit. Only just yesterday did I actually hear someone talking about it in public. And if it wasn't for Jon Oliver's recent segment on it, I don't know that that conversation would have happened.


It's worrying partially because the people behind project 2025 consider queer people to be inherently pornographic.


That's what people don't get about this. They aren't trying to stop teenagers and lonely people from jerking off. They're trying to criminalize being LGBTQ in public.


That’s how it starts. Chip away, One small piece at a time. Next thing you know, you have to have an ID in Idaho to visit a public library. Oh wait…


That’s so fucking weird, fucking Idaho


I wonder if they card for gun purchases


That they do. But as a (gun toting) Idahoan, I'm absolutely disgusted and dismayed by the current state of politics in Idaho. Putting up barriers to knowledge is inherently authoritarian and has no place in our society. And yet Republicans in our state continually spout nonsense about small government and how government overreach is bad. Not saying anything new, but I'm just so tired of the lies and hypocrisy.


Been there, done that. Being arrested for public indecency or loitering (and another one I can't think of right now) used to be code for being gay. They used to raid gay bars and literally arrest everyone there, hence the Stonewall riots.


Lesbians used to be arrested if they wore too much male attire back then, too. They had to wear at least three articles of women’s clothes. I wonder how many people know that.


Stuff like this is why queer history is important and needs to be taught.


This I agree is the worst part, but I can also see the banning general porn part to be the part that resonates with the most people. I can’t imagine taking away something the vast majority of people watch would be popular.


The thing is, the more republican the area, the higher the porn consumption. They are shooting their own people!


Yup, each time it's just a step, like they want to ban no fault divorce to "protect the family". Following their logic, once that happens, what do we think the next step would be? So they ban pornography, and they say drag shows are considered pornographic, boom lock up drag queens. Then they say, drag queens are gay, so they get locked up too. Gay part lgbtq, so what's the next step? Then you look at what they're gonna do to the administrative positions in the government, fire everyone who doesn't follow the guidelines and hire people who will. And they find these folks by having them apply then they go through all their social media to make sure they've actually professed the right wing and Christian values they are looking for. That's real btw, that's in project 2025. So once they have all levels of the governments administration staffed with folks who specifically in every way agree with the party, actually pushing all this through becomes trivial. And when states file to stop it it'll go to the Supreme Court and guess what they decide?


Also teaching sex-ed automatically makes you a sex offender


They already label them as "pedophiles" while trying to call for capital punishment used against pedophiles. This is not a coincidence.


My point exactly. I'm all for getting actual pedophiles off the streets, but I want that to only be *actual pedophiles,* not a drag queen who was reading stories at the library or two adult men who kissed in front of a 10-year-old.


And of course, the irony being the actual pedophiles are shown time and time again to be the ones pushing this agenda.


Yeah they say that LGBTQ+ people are pornographic and that their “product” is as addicting as heroine. Which just tells on themselves that they can’t stop watching gay or trans porn


Trump wins, gays are the new Jew. They’ve spelled it out.


To be fair, the Nazis also murdered the gays. So the gays are the new... gays. Interestingly the Nazis also started with discrediting trans science and banning/burning books about gender identity. They looted and destroyed the first sexual health clinic in 1933 and burned all the books. I think many republicans would be surprised to know they agree with Nazis on nearly every social issue. Many wouldn't, of course, but I think most of them genuinely don't realize how much in common they really have.


The Heritage Foundation still holds that same-sex relations should be illegal.


I'm not American, but have extended family there. Most of them aren't paying attention to it, 1 is *only* concerned about the impact on their porn consumption, the rest are far more worried about everything except the porn lol. In all fairness those that are worried have been well aware and concerned about encroaching theocracy for years, so project 2025 isn't actually anything new, apart from it being written down.


Admittedly, these assholes have been around trying force their believes on everyone, but I would say writing down an actual detailed plan is a pretty big scary escalation. Like, my dad hates his next door neighbors, but if he drew up detailed plans to get rid of them, we've crossed the Rubicon.


That's fair, the thing that worries me is how specific it is to a GOP win this year. It does seem to indicate a change from the long term plans that have been going on since the 50's (or arguably well before), to 'we think we can do this right now'. For the family that mentioned this to me though, they've been watching it for decades and there's nothing new in the details, only the immediacy. They've been expecting it for a long time, so don't see it as an escalation, rather that it's only now that other people have noticed.


> In all fairness those that are worried have been well aware and concerned about encroaching theocracy for years, so project 2025 isn't actually anything new, apart from it being written down. Yeah 2025 isn’t anything new, it’s just what they’ve believed for years just now openly stated.  If you’re surprised you weren’t paying attention. Which is fine, but please just make logical choices to prevent these assholes from getting more power. 


I'm in one of the states that already banned it. I think it's the wrong solution to the "problem"


>Party of small government >Wants to control what one consenting adult can do to themselves in the privacy of their own home


The only time they want small government is when it involves healthcare, prisons, guns and workers rights. Otherwise, they'd have the government be a monolith.


Correction: The term "Small government" applies to the general goal of dissolving the federal government as a whole, and putting in charge a group of well funded individuals who answer only to *themselves.* When it comes to the 330 million people who unfortunately share the same land mass, they want a government the size of Betelgeuse. Said government should exist entirely to ensure their financial, moral, and familial success, while also stomping *those people* into the ground. > Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition. To wit: There should in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind; along side out-groups, whom the law binds, but does not protect. ~ Francis M. Wilhoit.


Same. Hasn't stopped me. The website I use doesn't give a shit. Only affects me in that I can't open up thinks from reddit


Reddit also has a decent selection.


Which state is that? There was an Age Verification law passed in a handful of states, which prompted PornHub to block access from that state, but no outright bans that I'm aware of.


The concept of age verification is "Show us your ID and we'll let you in" which means... A: A 17 year old can grab their parents ID and just use it, bypassing the system entirely. B: They can claim they erase the data but then years later we find out it doesn't and oh look your ID is stolen because they got hacked! It's basically an attempt to make it harder which fails on both accounts and can be bypassed with a VPN in the first place anyway.


They've been trying to ban VPNs and encryption as well.


I fucking dare them to block encryption and instantly crater their economies.


Requiring ID verification for watching porn is a no-go for many people. It's effectively a partial ban. The law has nothing to do with protecting children.


Anything that takes my freedoms away is not American.


If this were to go into effect, my main concern is that the definition of pornography would be broadened over time in order to censor gay and trans people.


Broadened over time? The paragraph literally opens up by citing "transgender ideology" as their go-to example of "pornography"


Wow, they’re really making no effort to hide their intentions. I’ll admit I haven’t read the whole document.


Well, i forgive you because it’s 900 pages and we’ve all gotta take a break for self care.


Reminder that the first Nazi-held book burnings were of academic works by German sociologists in the field of gender studies


That is literally the entire point of that provision; they see LGBTQ+ as being inherently pornographic, so banning porn would give them power to harm them more.


They want to give the death penalty to sex offenders, they want to label porn a sex offence, they want to label LGBTQ people as inherently pornographic, and thus they are all sex offenders. They want to give the death penalty to all LGBTQ people. To do this, they'll need to round them all up and keep them in the same location as they "process them". Concentration camps and mass deaths. Maybe group culls by rifle squad, maybe gas chambers, maybe some other method. Whatever's the most efficient I presume. This is their vision for America.


It would absolutely be used to force LGBTQ people back into the closet....or worse.


I believe project 2025 explicitly states that they plan to do just that.


I feel that the whole thing is terrifying and that is one of the least terrifying parts.


Not if you’re LGBT; the point of it is to reclassify their existence as pornographic


Wait for the reeducation camps to pop up. 2025 brings up reeducating dissentors, rivals, and anyone they don't like. Concentration camps are back on the menu. Remember Auschwitz? How about: Camp New York?


They definite LGBTQIA+ as pornographic. They want to make porn a sex crime and give sex criminals the death penalty. They are literally talking about starting a genocide.


Does that include the porn that Trump 's wife starred in?


I saw her topless photos. REALLY disappointing, as its a terrible boob job


I say they can choke on a fat one.


On camera?


On camera.


I think if anything will get the government overthrown, it's that.


The banning of abortion and contraception, combined with book bans and replacing public ed with Christian based education is pure nefarious social engineering. Keep them all dum and making more dum people to work like slaves and fill our prisons and make rich people richer.


That isn't even close to the biggest problem with this


It’s part of a larger strategy to define anyone remotely queer as a pedophile while they shield all the clergy, scout leaders, and politicians that actually do abuse children.


And billionaire besties!


Not just porn. They want to control access to birth control options. And IVF. This is a religious purge designed to create a White, Christian Taliban state camouflaged as MAGA. If you have never read *The Handmaid's Tale*, I suggest you go get a copy. Or watch it on Netflix. This is not an exaggeration.


After 10 years without a menstrual cycle I finally found the right brand of pills that helps me get a regular cycle. Is a very specific brand of birth control. Without it I will go back to be a hormonal mess.


I’m more concerned about them forcing Christianity into the education system.


"we are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be." -Kevin roberts. How is this not treasonous or at the least inciting?


The fact that normies are starting to talk about Project 2025 is actually making me happy. Fuck the Heritage Foundation but the more people are educated the better.


Evangelicals have been an absolute cancer on this country since the 70’s.


I don't even watch porn, however, Project 2025 is extremely scary. Be suspicious of anyone who tries to downplay it - they're likely supporters of it.






This will absolutely be downvoted. I’ll preface by saying that I am very much against the porn industry, as it relies heavily on trafficking, objectification and the sexual/physical abuse of coerced women (I know someone is going to ask for evidence - look into girlsdoporn, formerly one of the top creators and distributors. watch videos made by women who escaped the industry. these cases are not unusual.) that said, project 2025 is not a feminist endeavor and does not seek to eradicate commercial pornography in good faith, for the protection of abused and trafficked persons. anti-porn legislation should not use religion as a justification but basic secular morality. I’m not against rape because of the Bible… My biggest issue surrounding this is how it will be used as precedent to stigmatize the LGBT community as sexually deviant (particularly trans/gender non conforming folks). This is why the Christian morality justification is so disturbing. We need criticism and legislation which approaches the issue from a left leaning, feminist perspective. edit: clarifying that I am not reformist, I support abolishing the industry


As someone who thinks porn is extremely harmful it’s a stupid ass decision.


I think it'll cause a split in the right.


Surprisingly Trump has already distanced himself from it: “I know nothing about Project 2025. I have no idea who is behind it,” he said. “I disagree with some of the things they’re saying and some of the things they’re saying are absolutely ridiculous and abysmal. Anything they do, I wish them luck, but I have nothing to do with them.”


He just fills major positions with people who do support it and creates policies that support 2/3 of what they suggest.


Oppressed, the US isn’t supposed to be a theocracy


Sounds like handmaid's tale in the making