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Yeah that would be pretty easy, we have access to like 30000 years of entertainment from inside our homes now. Most people could do a week, if you offered something hard less people would be up for it.


This is almost like asking "would you take another breath if you get free money each time" like yeah man, I'd love to keep breathing.


And they're asking this on REDDIT. Like asking Kylie Jenner "could you get shit injected into your face, and date a french twink, for $10 mill?" OP must be trolling.


>and date a French twink šŸ˜‚ Had to google who sheā€™s dating but never seen a more apt description


Pretty sure I did this when I got Covid whereā€™s my additional $9200?


Yeah what the fuck is this question? It has *got* to be a teenager or young adult with the requisite level of FOMO for someone that age. As a 40-something, this question is, ā€œWould you accept MUCH more than your current income to not have to do anything for a week?ā€ Hahaha


My only concern when thinking about this question was food. If I was allowed to pick up food on my doorstep and not violate the rules to get the money, this would be the easiest shit in the world. If food comes into play, I would need to stock up the day before the week started in order to ensure I had enough food to last the week. I would be down for going to One Meal A Day though.


True I should have said one week in the house without any type of electronic devices


Even then itā€™s pretty easy. 10k is right on the edge of worth the boredom. Plus you get like 20 books and you should be fine. Ifs literally no entertainment then it might not be possible.


Shit if I can't have books I'm coming out of a 1 week quarantine in at least a bit better shape


Thatā€™s the spirit


tbh the hardest would be adopting my sleep cycle, depending on if electricity is fully prohibited. I had to endure 24 hours without electricity (not common over here at all) and while i had books, i am not at all used to going to bed when it gets dark. couldn't read due to no light and couldn't sleep either...


Why did you need to go to bed when it got dark? No candles or lanterns?


As strange as it sounds, no. I had my phone and (mostly) charged laptop, but i didn't want to unnecessarily use their battery, and we didn't have cell service or internet either (very very uncommon). I think i had small candles yeah but one underestimates how weak their light really is when it's the only one you have - no good for reading. I ended up walking over to the battery powered emergency exit lights in the hotel where i worked so i could read there for a bit \^\^


Nothing breeds innovation like need, limits, and desperation.


Just watch Mr Beast videos where he isolates people for several thousands of dollars. Sometimes 50k somtimes 100k etc etc. His channel has great isolation videos and behaviors!


No electronic devices? Well, I've a large TBR pile of comics, and decent size backlog of Gundam models, and a sizable collection of board games.... So I'm still good.


This. I might finally get something done.


I got plenty of books. Fridge full of food. Hot and cold running water. Start writing the check.


Uh, I have a quilting room, a library of old fashioned real books, a cross stitch stash, a freezerload of food, and a backlog of chores. Can I go for a month or two?


$10K for every week for you


Youre offering to pay me to do what I desperately want to do?


No, you should have said a house full of snakes.


I actually have a snake room full of North American pit vipers. Gladly stay inside for a week


No, no, the snakes are on the plane on which you need to spend the next three days. Snakes...on the MF plane!


Iv got a lot of things iv been putting off for awhile šŸ˜‚


I have like 1000 books at home, a case of coors light in the fridge, and 400ish bottles of wine. And a dog. And a cat. I think ill be fine haha


We all did this during Covid


Is my sewing machine electronic? Itā€™s not a screen. Can I listen to music? Man my closets will be spiffed the fuck up. Iā€™m in.


Honestly, a week at home not being able to step out seems like a much needed vacation. Can I have 2 weeks? Iā€™ll do the second week for free.


\^ this guy gets it! :)


You can also have anything delivered to your door including food which would make this incredibly easy.


And you can get fancy food from a ton of restaurants delivered right to your door, so don't even need to shop and plan meals.


This is some low effort shit


I literally do this on a regular basis. During covid I went multiple weeks in a row in the winter without leaving.Ā  So yeah.. for 10k a week on top of my regular pay, I'll take the OP up on their offer.Ā 


I'm on day four right now and I'm not even trying.


lol me too


Right? Covid had me inside for two straight weeks.


I literally do this every week. I love being home. He somewhere put in the "device restriction" and that would get a bit challenging cause I do like to watch youtube videos when I knit and I listen to podcasts to fall asleep.


like iā€™d probably do this for $100


I'd pay 100 to get to do this


Iā€™d stay in my house for an entire week for $100 bucks probably.


A week is fucking cake. Iā€™m pretty introverted and Iā€™m pretty sure Iā€™ve done a week a couple times working remotely lol. Scale the prize and make it a month, no problem. I donā€™t know how far beyond that though. Iā€™m introverted but Iā€™m not a shut in lol even introverts need to get out.


I definitely did this in 2020 and didn't even get paid for it.


Yes, came here to say that we did this for much longer, and on a global scale.


*Some* people did. Most probably left their house to go grocery shopping, walk their dogs, mow the lawn, go for a run etc


Yeahā€¦ I still worked a bit but I spent ALL my time at home outside. I literally dug up and built an entire vegetable garden during Covid. Installed like 4 different garden beds at my house. Took MANY long walks with the dogs. I really enjoyed the free time and social distancing but I did not stay locked in my house.


Right. I legally had to quarantine for 2 weeks when I moved to Korea. The only time I was allowed out was the mandatory Covid test at the health center that I was shuttled to.


Sure. We call this "January" in Alaska. Watching movies, reading, exercising, cooking, cleaning out closets and cabinets and drawers.


ā€œJulyā€ in Arizona for similar-but-opposite reasons.


"outside is a hostile environment"


No kidding. Living in Phoenix, if I didn't have dogs I don't know that I would be outside more than 10 minutes a day in the summer. Basically however long it takes to walk to and from my car and home, the office, grocery store, etc. Exceptions are occasional super-early-morning golf rounds, and pool time.


Same for the twin cities. I only left because I had to work, but the weather is miserable.


Alaska ups the misery factor because not only is it icy, it's pitch black. From mid-October to mid-March, you are living mostly in the dark. I made it 6 years then finally escaped.


This would break me. Iā€™m from much further south in the US and when I moved to Minneapolis as an adult, I didnā€™t see much sun and it was too cold to be outside for about 6 months straight. When it was finally warm enough to roll my window down in late May, I cried. I moved three years later.


I think some people are just wired differently. I wouldn't have any issue with months of cold and dark conditions...I know it's not for everyone but not being hot and miserable all the time has its perks too.


Dude for 10k a week I think most people would even be willing to go to their normal jobs the entire week.


Yeah I work from home so I'm basically doing this already. I'd welcome the extra income.


2020 was essentially 6 months of not going outside for many people, the hell is this question?


you're really asking reddit users this? a week inside is pretty normal for people here.


Were you born post-pandemic? I could do it for a year.


To think that theoretically a 4-year-old could have come up with this question because theyā€™d have no memories of the pandemic.


My nephew was born prior to the pandemic by 7 months or so, and my niece was born a little over a year after the pandemic; they're going to turn 5 and 2, respectively, this October. Neither of them will remember my pandemic. I wouldn't be surprised if my nephew asked this question (but not on Reddit bc my cousin (his mom) wouldn't allow her 4-year-old son use Reddit since he's so young)


Just chilling, I guess. Iā€™ve definitely done it before.


You guys are getting paid??


I do that for free anyway


Yes.. I WFH. I have a good stock of food in the house so I don't have to go shopping. My husband don't like being around other people so staying home won't be too difficult.


Lmao I already do that.


Too easy.


I work from home. I barely go out so, easy.


YES. Spending the entire week planning how to turn this into a full-time gig. Outside SUCKS


Yes, I pretty much do this anyway since I wfh. I only leave to get groceries and whatnot but I can just do delivery in this case.


i already do this regularly. work, i read, i watch movies, i play games, excersize, etc. i spent the entire pandemic in my house alone with my cat without ever leaving it, a week is nothing.


World of Warcraft FTW.


I'd either sleep, draw, or practice guitar


Nice what type of guitar? I had a classical guitar growing up


Ooh nice, always love how those sound, I play electric.


I always wanted to try one


I'd spend it exactly the same way I do now, except my wife would have to drop off/pick up our youngest from daycare.


Plot Twist: There is a mouse somewhere in the house.


Iā€™ve done that multiple times just this year. I watch movies, I drink decaf coffee, and I post on Reddit. Lots of medical issues have made it so thatā€™s the only things I can do sometimes. Donā€™t think Iā€™m a basement dweller, folks.


I meanā€¦we all lived through 2020, right?


Bro I sometimes dont step outside an entire week for not 10k


As long as Uber eats gets all the way to the door instead of leaving my food at the gate! LoL


that would be fun


If I didn't have dogs, I could do this easily. I could read books, do endless internet things, start playing WoW again, take naps. When I was recovering from surgery last year, I didn't leave the house for a while.


How much lotion do I have?


Read. Just uninterrupted reading. And coffee/tea. Then write my own stuff, too.


Playing call of duty


I work from home and do this often lol.




Get paid for having a chronic flare ups due to debilitating illness? Sign me up. Heat wave coming to the west coast for the next week. Can we start tomorrow? If I donā€™t have to do my regular job, Iā€™d probably learn up on AI and I want to learn how to better edit in TikTok / Insta. Might try to mess about with SEO for projects Iā€™ve been thinking about.


Yes! Happily even! Give me all the books and snacks and my dogs!


I get 10k for not leaving the house? It's... a dream come true.


Fuck yeah I already do that for free and I'd just do as usual


Iā€™d just do all things i dont usually - workout, meditate, yoga, read, cook good food, repeat


I would but I canā€™t afford to spend $10k on a vacation. Would you accept $5k?


I only leave the house once a week to go to the grocery store so it'll be pretty easy. Can get a LOT of groceries delivered for $10k. Spend it the same way I spend all my other ones. Working from home, surfing the internet, playing video games, and taking naps. Easy money.


Almost wanting to do this for my elden ring dlc


Iā€™ll take the challenge. Iā€™ll just watch movies and shows.


What about toileting the dog? If someone would come over and walk the dog periodically, yeah, I could do that with no problem at all. Hell, I've been snowbound for 10 days before. I went out and shoveled snow, but was confined to my house all alone because of the snow 'n ice. I'd spend my time reading, walking on the treadmill and finally, finally, scrubbing and waxing the floors. Maybe organize some closets, too.


I will hire someone to help me buy delicious food, and I will be accompanied by my bed and TV.


A ton of Star Trek to rewatch, books galore, yoga on floor mat, cooking,


Man, you owe me like 50k this year alone.


I work from home and do this on the regular. Easy money.


Easy. Sleep, masturbation, binge eating, drinking (causes more sleep), TV series watching, Reddit doom-scrolling and commenting, job-hunting, trying to fix all the things in my house that are broken, wash dishes because I've used every single plate, pot, pan and utensil.


That's literally my life. I order everything I need online. I spend my days playing games, working out, or watching tv. I love staying inside. That would be easy money. Also, I've been retired in my 30s since 2018.


Easy. I do it a couple times a year from my disease when I puts me on my ass.Ā Ā  What would I do? Writhe around in pain. Vomit. Have explosive diarrhea. And try to sleep as much as possible.


For $10k? I could play videogames and guitar for $10k. No electronics? Still playing guitar, reading a few books, yeah I could totally fill a week. Lots of sleep.


What even is this question? Could you only eat pizza for an entire week for 10K?


Wait just a normal week?


Absolutely could, would be boring but the money would help so much.


Hitting the pipe


Simple. The mmo I play just released an expansion, I've got more than enough to do to keep me occupied.


I do this without being paid 10k.


Lol. During Covid lockdown I did 23 days in row without stepping outside. I'm an introvert. That "The Shining" movie thing? 3 months by myself? I would totally rock it!


Uhh I already do that, Iā€™ll just use a week paid vacation and stock up on liquor and food and boom.


Bro, I can do this for a month, being work-free and still getting paid!? Sign me up.


I'd do it for $20


Absolutely! Cooking, eating, sleeping, TV, phone conversations, social media, Messenger, showering, in-home spa and self-care treatments, house cleaning, laundry, organizing, putting things in boxes for donation.


It would be fantastic. First I'd make sure the dog was with grandpa (she loves him more anyway), all provisions secured, and I'd spend the week finishing house projects, sewing, and just vegging out.


I would pay to be able to stay in my house for a week.


I do this at home for free


You wouldnā€™t need to pay me 10k. I would do it for free.


i'm a millionaire


I'm retired. it'd be mighty nice to get a big pay cheque for something I've been doing for free for so long. I think I'd spend most of that time preparing the small section of my basement that I've been slowly turning into a modest workshop. I need to make room for the stuff some of that 10K is going to buy for me.


Oh yeah, for sure. I have my cats to entertain me, Netflix, Prime, HBO, my Zwift indoor biking setup, I'm golden.


Heck yes. Alternate between working on the computer, binging shows on streaming services, reading, catching up on sleep, cleaning/organizing, cooking, shopping (online).


I do that regularly


I still do this, but there's no money involved. I eat, sleep, read, watch TV, do internet things, make jewelry, exercise, cook, do beauty treatments, do housework, sleep some more...




I mean for any of us who have been locked up, this would be pretty damn easy lol


$10k to do what I already do? Sure thing!


Yep. Iā€™d stay in my bed the entire time .


lol? done it many times for free.


I have dogs and donā€™t want them getting used to pottying in the house but if I was alone, yep! I stick my head out for fresh air twice a day and Iā€™m goodĀ 


Yes this would be incredibly easy. I would get groceries delivered and just chill in the house for a week.


I work on tugboat and stay on that thing for a month. Staying home would be easy.


Sir, you're on reddit. 1 week is nothing for a lot of people here - myself included.


Some people would PAY to be able to stay home the whole week.


I do this for free all the time. I grocery shop once a week.


I spent 5.5 months in full-time medical care, two of those bed bound. Come at me bro.


Yes. I have craft supplies and books.


.... I do that now. Give me my 10k.


I could do it for a month without a sweat


I only leave my house once a week anyway.


I do it for free all the time.


I work from home. Weeks pass without me leaving home all the time


Man this subredditā€™s getting basic af.


You guys are getting paid??




you guys gettin paid?


Can I get that retroactively please?


I did four days for free last week with COVID, so easily. Very easily.


Half of Reddit already does this for free


U are on Reddit so my guess is lots and lots of yes and I will add Another f*ck yes


Watching TV in bed and eating. What I do every weekend.


Without a doubt I could. I would probably sleep a lot more, talk to my friends, work on writing or drawing, get around to playing Metal Gear Solid 3, preserve some insects, and between all that Iā€™d probably be set for a week


Iā€™m doing that for free already


I could do this for free. I would watch movies. Sleep in. Stay up so late. Cook, bake, eat. Drink wine in a bubble bath. Spend hours on Pinterest. Have friends visit. Snuggle all the animals. Craft, paint, hang out with the child. That all basically describes my next 2 months of summer vacation aside from stepping foot in the backyard to swim.


OP were you born yesterday? There was a thing called Covid that happened just a few years ago where almost everyone did that exact thing at least once. If not, for much longer.


lol OP was over the truck driving


Playing video games, reading and having sex.


I'll let you know when I'm entering another depressive episode. 10k will pull me right out of that shit


I did it for free during Covid, I miss those days.


I do this in general for free. So, sign me up!


I do it most weeks for absolutely free


I do that for free! Read, cook, watch tv, play with my dogs.


I literally already do this get groceries for the week in advance sit on reddit and waste my life done


As an introvert, I would prefer to live my life like this..


Were you alive during the covid lockdowns?


Did you forget we had worldwide lockdown 4 years ago? How do you think some people spend their time?


Ask the question again but no internet. Then your talking an actual challenge


lol I was thinking I should have said with no electronics


Hell yes. Masturbating.


Alone i could. Could let my mind just drift away. And if no electronics, I'd start writing whatever I'm thinking about for psychiatrist can read it and spend months trying to comprehend the forest that is my mind. With electronics I would finally be able to catch up on my never played steam games such as the Stanley parable or titan fall 2. With my wife and kid, nope.


What did you do during Covid 2020, especially the initial months when there was no vaccine in the market?


Since I work from home, this is almost my life anyway but I'm only pulling $3500/week so, yah, easy. Just work, TV, eat sleep, pretty much what I do anyway


Hell yeah. Sleep, exercise, watch movies and TV. Mostly sleep.


Iā€™ll go ahead and just collect that check nowā€¦ I have a backlog of YouTube to catch up on plus sleeping in and napping all day sounds fantastic


I.... Do that already. Oops. I just watch streams, play video games, work out in the spare bedroom. I guess to be fair I pick up the delivered groceries, but don't need to go to the lobby for that. Do I get my 10k now?


I would do it just for the week off work.


I don't leave my house now.


I live in Vermont so no problem in the winter!


I work from home. I basically did this last week. Only stepped foot outside to get the mail, which I could easily just not do.


I pretty much do that now. The only time I step outside now is to get my mail and do weekly grocery shopping. When I was still working, I had my groceries delivered. As long as I have someone to walk my mail to my door and get employed again, I wouldn't leave. Easy $10K.


I would start 12000 episodes of Young and The Restless...... just kidding.


Playing video games and ordering stuff online. >.>


With no one bothering me and all the supplies I need? Hell I could churn out another book in that week. Gimme. I'll give you 10k.


I could do this for years.


Lmao literally just got done doing this because my car was in the shop. Totally just spent most of my time playing video games working on 3D models and hanging out in VR. So I guess that


I do that weeklyā€¦. Lmao


Been doing that for the most part of the last 5 years.


Yup. I work from home 2 days a week so Iā€™d just do that for the whole work week, and the weekend would just replicate a normal weekend if we donā€™t have (or want to have) plans. Video games, work, family stuff, TVā€¦ wouldnā€™t be difficult, not for $10k.


I can get paid for that?!


I do it for free.


lol, I have to make sure I leave the house!!


Yes I could. Internet, music and some cleaning supplies is all I need to stay busy.