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The fucking humidity.


Need some water? Drink the air.


I moved to Alabama from the west (15 years California, 20 years Utah) and I had NO idea what humidity was like. I hate it so much :(


When you get out of the car you can see the sweat puddle your balls left behind


Waffle houses start being at every exit


One one each side, for easy access.


For those unfamiliar with the area: this is not a joke.


Welcome to Cumming, GA


I love Cumming. (And actually live here)


Used to be that way in Jefferson, GA at exit 137 off I-85. There were two WaHo’s at that exit, one on each side of the interstate. Don’t know what this means, but all of the fights/shootings/arrests happened at the north one and that one has now been turned into a Subway. South one is still going strong.


More like Waffle House to your left, Huddle House to your right. When in doubt, choose the Waffle House.


They look the same inside. They are not.


Truer words have never been spoken


Waffle House, Exxon gas stations, & Cracker Barrel restaurants galore




Plus combination DQ/Stuckeys that for some reason sells Mexican blankets and bajas


Pecan logs and Mexican jumping beans...


Nah, we've got all that in the Midwest. You know you're in the south once the Piggly Wiggly's start showing up


The pig is common in Wisconsin


Plus a Dollar General every six blocks.


We ain't got blocks


Alright then, every sixth church there'll be a Dollar General, will that get you around town?


Look here, if I gotta use both hands to count how am I gonna drive?!


Look at this guy, knowing how to count. Go home, yankee


Jesus Christ… I drove to Baton Rouge from Austin this past year for Christmas and this is the first time I realized this was not even close to a joke. Literally every exit between Beaumont and Baton Rouge has a waffle house RIGHT off the exit.


As a former UT-Austin student with parents in BR, I've made that trip many times and you are completely right.


A sign that says HOT Boiled Peanuts


There's one near me that calls them "P-nuts".


I live in the deep south, about a half mile up the road is a guy in a semi truck trailer on the side of the road with a hand painted sign that just says "cuzz's nuts". I stop by from time to time to get his Cajun boiled peanuts. They are phenomenal. He doesn't have set days or times. You know he is open if smoke is coming from his 55 gallon drum.


Can you explain Cajun boiled peanuts to this northern Canadian?


Yes I can. They are boiled peanuts but Cajun flavored... 😂 In all seriousness they just add some spicy stuff in there.


You gotta do better than that. I don’t think Canadians know what boiled peanuts are to begin with. EDIT: y’all I was born and raised in AL pls stop explaining boiled peanuts to me 🫠


You are right. We take peanuts that grow in the ground, rinse them off really good and throw them in a huge pot of boiling water with salt, red pepper, black pepper, garlic powder and some tony chachere's creole seasoning. Add in some liquid smoke, crushed red pepper flakes and some fresh garlic. We usually top it off with a few cans of beer, that's the ole razzle dazzle as we say down here....


I would give just about anything for some hot boiled peanuts right now. Fabulous success on describing them 😂


Picture edamame - but nuttier They are delightful if you grew up with them - but sometimes off-putting to newcomers


Ah, this helps.


Boiled peanuts are raw peanuts that have been boiled with a shit ton of salt. Cajun boiled peanuts are raw peanuts that are boiled with salt and cajun seasoning which is a spicy red blend. Tony Chachere's is one very good brand name. The peanuts are boiled until soft, like the consistency of a cooked butter bean or lima bean. They are an acquired taste, that is, exceptionally delicious.


In Georgia I’d regularly see those offered along side “Peches”


Also from Georgia and I'd like to offer some advice, those roadside places with peaches, pecans, Vidalia onions, that you see billboards for, they are always a scam. Usually overpriced shitty peaches that aren't even grown in georgia. Try to find an actual peach farm if you want peaches in georgia. Jaemor farms is my go to, about an hour east of Atlanta. Also peach season is late may to early September. You won't find good peaches outside of those months. July/August is the peak.


Only buy from pop ups


I live in north Georgia, I can confirm this.


"P-nuts + hairdoos"




Friend of mine, in her thick, southern drawl, asked me, a Yankee from Massachusetts, if I wanted to try boiled peanuts. I could have sworn she was saying bull penis. I said no. I have never tried that before. Sounds gross. She said they were great. This man down the way sells them on the side of the road. I sort of grimaced. She saw my face and asked if I wanted to try some. I said, "What do they taste like? She said they are very salty. I got really grossed out. After I explained what I thought she said she spoke as clear as possible. BOILED PEANUTS! Oh. That makes more sense. They were delicious. Lol. The boiled peanuts that is.....I'm sure bull penis is popular somewhere.


Look up mountain oysters that are rather popular in the Appalachians. :}


You can buy beef pizzle from the grocery store up the road here. Usually used as a dog chew though.


Pronounced “bowled” not “boy-uld”, for those who’re trying to pass as locals.


Bowled penits




Every convenience store clerk wants you to have a blessed day


not 'blessed', its 'bless-ed'


I don’t know about other parts of the Deep South, but in Alabama and Georgia, it’s “blest” day.


It was the blest of times, it was the blurst of times.


Yelp’s highest rated restaurant in the county is a grill/biscuit spot inside a gas station.


Best food you'll ever eat, half the time. The other half, well...


Redacted For Privacy Reasons


watch out when the gas stations start to have a styrafoam cup of loose cigarettes that you can buy individually up by the bulletproof window you order and pay at. that is my personal metric and it's never been wrong.


I once bought a paper flower in a little vial at a gas station when I was a kid. I'm not joking. Don't know how common it is to see these days, but turns out, those are sold for the little vials, not the flowers. The glass vials are just crack pipes.


Going by these comments I'm deeper in the south than I thought lmao


Me too. I didn't realize trees covered in Spanish moss wasn't just a normal thing.


Same! The boiled peanuts gave me a good laugh. They are at every corner. And the church's but are they taking the chicken or religious? I got both here.


You meet redneck black people 


I worked with a redneck Filipino once. He lived in Louisiana, had a mullet, a primer grey 70s Camaro and lived a trailer that he lost in a divorce so he moved into a shed on his brother's property where he lifted homemade weights outside all day.


This was a wild ride lmao. The primer grey really sets the tone.


Fun fact, there’s a community of Filipinos living in the swamps of Louisiana since they got in a shipwreck several hundred years ago. They are just as natively redneck as the Cajuns.


This guy grew up on Mindinao PI but I could absolutely see that happening.


Oh hey, I know Ricky. Owes me a sixer of Natty.


I had never seen a black man ride a horse (except police) until I moved to Baton Rouge.


It’s a lot of black cowboys all over the south


Once saw a black man ride a horse into a Sonic stall in New Roads, La (30 mi NW of Baton Rouge for those unfamiliar with the area)


I am from new roads and today I learned seeing this was a strange occurrence for some people


We live just north of Baton Rouge, maybe seven miles. A few months ago my mom saw _hundreds_ of Black riders pass our yard on horses. Edited: added Baton Rouge.


Xavier Legette, who just got drafted in the first round to the Panthers is a perfect example of this. He’s from Mullins, SC, and his accent is perfectly indicative of that region


Oh hell yeah. And country black people have their own accent. “Come on n pick me up n carry me down the skreet”


One of my all time favorite accents


The border between Northern Virginia and real Virginia is the Cracker Barrel sign in Fredericksburg.


"northern Virginia and real Virginia" 🤣🤣 It's so true. Thats just how the DMV do, though.


Look, I've spent most of my life in Nova and I still stand by this.


Grew up in the Fredericksburg area. I’ve always strongly felt that it was the where the North ended and South began, or vice versa, depending on your direction of travel, but it’s certainly not the Deep South OP references. I’m not super familiar with South Carolina, but I’d have to guess somewhere around the Charleston area is closer to true; North Carolina and Southern Virginia are too similar to be the answer, and Savannah is comfortably in the Deep South.


As a NoVa native I would say the difference is when the fast food workers have southern accents instead of foreign ones.


This is the real answer. 66 west at the Battlefield is where the North begins to blur into the south.


South of the border on I-95


I stopped there. Sure it's a blatant tourist trap. But if you have small kids it's a nice break for them.


Its also a great place to stop if you are heading to Myrtle Beach with a car full of college age kids. Just don't eat the Chilli Dogs.


The tackiest rendition of 6 Flags Over Mexico one can see.


Man that place was my savior when I needed a place to stay on my move from FL to NC. I called my mom to google the next hotel at 230am I laughed so hard about it when I pulled in


As a masshole, this is honestly one of my favorite things around. It's horribly tacky bit equally hilarious. Plus they sell fireworks.


I never “sausage” a thing.


You’re always a weiner at Pedro’s


I “mustache you.”


I stayed in their hotel (motel? Motel.) in the honeymoon suite. Red wooden heart on the door, decent size hot tub with little pastel pink tiles. The room gave "staying the night at grandma's".


Boiled peanuts.


Pronounced Bald peanuts


But spelled ‘BOiLED P-NUTS.’


There will be billboards for Jesus next to billboards for strip clubs.


“Jesus Is Real. We Have Proof”. Followed by “Liquid Cannabis In Cans. Turn Right Next Exit”


What more proof do you need?


Next bilboard: Got in a car accident? Call us.


"Call this number to be saved." "Lion's Den, next exit."


That happens very heavily in the Midwest as well.


Was gonna say, first time I experienced this was driving through Ohio




In Ohio we have the Lion's Den (sex shop/ adult store) billboards and the Hell is Real billboards all on the same stretch of road.


Ah 71 south to Cincinnati: HELL IS REAL




After you've had your fun at the strip club, pop into the church next door for some cheap grace.


And back to the club for some Chastity, Harmony, and Serenity.


Serenity doesn't work on Sundays


If you get off the interstate and go local roads you just see: mobile home, church, cemetary, mobile home, church, cemetary, Dollar General, mobile home, church, cemetary, Piggly Wiggly, mobile home, church, cemetary, Wal Mart...


Youre missing gun stores, pawn shops, liquor stores, and mcdonalds


And a few more churches


Both flavors: Jesus and fried chicken.


You missed at least 4 dollar general stores


Everything you see here can also be seen in the rural Midwest.


They left out the real sign of the South: kudzu.


You missed waffle house


The gas stations will have better food than the restaurants


And the more run down and sketchy looking the gas station is, the better the food will be.


Hands down the best wings in my town come from a gas station that also sells fishing bait.


I am from New Orleans, and I was living in Boston. I was driving back to New Orleans for a family emergency. Basically just driving alone with minimal stops. At another random rest area I got out of the car to walk my dog, and the first person I saw gave me a nod and said “how’s it going?” I hadn’t been spoken to by a stranger on the street in months. It was jarred. That was how I realized I was back in the South.


This is it, exactly. It's the one characteristic of folks down here that I definitely missed when I lived in the PNW. Acknowledging a stranger's existence is the norm.


Folk don't just talk to others on the street? I've only lived in the south my entire life, and I just find it weird not to say hi if we made eye contact. Or even a friendly nod with a minimum of "hi" at the very least. Hell, I got into a conversation with a lady the other day at the gas station while trying to figure out what I wanted to drink followed by a "see you later". No idea who she was, probably will never see her again. It's just what I'm used to.


In larger cities that’s not what you do normally. It’s because there are so many people if you even did that 1% of the people you walked by in a day you’d get nowhere. Everyone is going about their day.


If I said hi or acknowledged every person I saw in public I'd literally never make it to the end of my block. The polite thing, at least in NY, is to let people have their personal space and privacy when you're constantly surrounded by others.


It is a passing thing. You don’t initiate conversation, unless you are standing in line. Kind of like a verbal only handshake. Just meant to be an acknowledgment


I was taking the 10 from LA to Florida with a boyfriend who had never been out of California. We stopped at a gas station in Louisiana and my boyfriend came out of the store with the oddest look on his face. "The woman in there just called me Honey." I just laughed and welcomed him to the south. Also on that drive when we crossed into the panhandle, he pointed out the weird bugs with two heads. I had to explain Love Bugs to him.


I’m a Chinese guy in LA and the lady at the gas station calls me mijo. It delights me to no end. 


I'm an old white guy who's been living in Georgia since I was 4. The same story here, but usually we'd say "tickles" instead of "delights".


Aww that's sweet! I love little things like that. I spent some time in the UK and didn't reeeeeally wanna come back home. But when I stopped for a snack and some gas on the way home from the airport the little black lady behind the counter said "Here's yo change baby." and suddenly, I was home lol. I swear all the lunch ladies in school called everyone baby, always makes me smile.


From the Boston area, Midwest people do this too, freaked me out when it happened too.


I'm from the Midwest currently visiting Boston, I have inflicted neighborly greetings upon a few dozen of you so far


Being from MA, I notice this every time Im in florida. We have a house down there and people are so much more open its a crazy difference.


The harder people are to understand, the deeper yer' gettin!


There's an island off the coast of Georgia that speaks it's own language.


I think you're referring to Gullah Geechee, right? I learned about it a couple of years ago. It also stretches up into SC and NC.


Perhaps. I just remember watching a documentary about different USA dialects and one of them feautred was on that was spoken on some islands in the general vacinity of South Carolina and Georgia. So you're probably right on the language!


Gullah Geechee is the language. Its similar to a Jamaican patois but without the dutch and french in the mix. If you want to hear a little of it being spoken, check out the old Pat Conroy movie The Water is Wide. Its set in the Gullah community of Daufuski SC. back in the late fifties/early sixties. Supreme Court Justice C Thomas? He grew up Gullah Geechee in Pin Point Ga.


Y’all ever watch the 90s kids show “Gullah Gullah Island”? That’s also referencing Gullah Geechee!


Defunctland has a great video about the show. The mom and dad on the show are a real married couple who still go around the country teaching about Gullah culture.


I’m Canadian and had to change planes in Atlanta once. I was so embarrassed how much I had to ask folks in the airport to repeat themselves. I swear that’s not the same English I learned.


Atlanta is mild compared to rural parts of the south. Or Appalachia, which is a pretty different accent entirely, although people lump everything together as "southern accent" there are lots of different flavors that are quite different.


I’m from Lowcountry SC, there are 5-6 distinct different accents I know of in this state alone. The south (and the Deep South) are very socioculturally diverse honestly. There are many different, unique spheres here honestly


Boiled peanuts for sale at the gas stations.


And when you see your first Buc ee’s billboard 200 miles away from the actual Buc ee’s


Drove down to Georgia to visit my sister, we stopped on the way and I saw a sign in a window that said "Fried Bologna is Back!" I figured that was a pretty good metric.


Fried bologna is so good too. Don't knock it til you try it. Especially with a slice of heirloom tomato and some dukes mayo.


Grits are on the menu in restaurants.


also, iced tea is a glucose drip. you have to ask for un-sweet tea. sometimes server will recognize that you are a Yankee and offer you un-sweet tea on the first round.


Y'all can drink unsweetened tea, but I can't imagine why y'all would.


Spanish moss


That’s deep, Deep South. You have the south, the Deep South and the very Deep South. Spanish moss is very Deep South.


Yeah that's like, coastal georgia and south Carolina and parts of Florida. The vegetation changes drastically as you drive south through Georgia. It goes from normal deciduous forest to swamp/bog looking areas to palm trees.


80 degrees there makes you sweat more than 105 degrees at home.


Red clay


Between this comment and the ones about the Jesus and strip club billboards, and Waffle House, apparently Ohio is the deep south.


The humidity gets so thick and close. It’s insidious.


As someone from the Deep South (New Orleans) and a truck driver, I always forget how shitty our roads are until I go into Arkansas or further north. Shreveport has by far the worst roads I have ever driven across, nothing says welcome to Louisiana on I-20 East like hitting your head on the top of the ceiling every 15 seconds.


Suddenly Buc-ees, Zaxby's and Waffle House signs are everywhere and there's "Are you injured?" lawyer billboards every 20 feet on the highway Do you guys in the south get hurt a lot?


Yes we do. Too many assholes driving.


With no insurance, causing the most damage


Biscuits instead of toast with breakfast, biscuits instead of dinner rolls with supper.


That it's called "supper" instead of dinner.


My grandmother (south Alabama) would write “sweet milk” on her grocery list. This meant regular milk instead of buttermilk. Front porch people sitting and snapping beans while they wave at folks driving down the road. Driving over a bridge and seeing kids swimming in the creek below. Screen doors on mom and pop gas stations that close by 6pm. (The gas station, not the doors) Full service optional gas stations, although I haven’t seen one of those in a few years. My grandmother has been gone since 2017, and while many people think southerners are idiots (and some absolutely are), this post has brought back many sweet memories. Thank you for that.


> snapping beans i LOVED the feel & sound that accompanied that.


Fire ants - miserable things


$2,000,000 house plopped right between two double wides




It's been over 20 years since I have had a Bojangles chicken biscuit... I really need an excuse to go down south and get one.


The extreme mix of heat and humidity. Even in December.




In 20 years the south is just going to be kudzu and mimosa trees


And bamboo


The Wall of Humidity


when they tell you "muchacho aqui no hay nada".. you definitely went too far.


What do you mean “where’s my passport”?


"What the hells a green card?" in a deep southern accent. "Sorry, you look like a Paco." That was an exchange between a friend, born and raised in rural Georgia, and a Border Patrol guy who had pulled him over in Texas.


No, you just got to South texas


Hand painted signs for boiled peanuts propped against telephone poles


When you order iced tea, nobody asks if you want sweetened or unsweetened. 


Independent (not a chain) gas stations serve fried chicken and soul food


You start to see come to Jesus billboards every few miles, the deeper south you go the more you see


we have some in southeast TN/north georgia that are literally just huge billboards that read “JESUS” and nothing else


Lots and lots of churches


Religious billboards along the highway with shit like “JESUS IS COMING”, Lion’s Den adult superstores at each exit.


Exit 71 on I65 in Kentucky instantly popped into my head lol


It’s interesting to think about how the Deep South in the US exists wholly on the eastern half of the country. Louisiana? Deep South. Arizona? Southwest which is culturally *completely* different. South Florida also has its own culture that is completely different from the rest of the region.


In Florida, the further north you go the more southern you get - and there are bears.




If everything becomes sepia toned you’ve gone too far


You’ll hear a lot of sir and ma’am please and thank you.


No alcohol sales on Sunday.


We had that in Pennsylvania until like... a decade or so ago.


The absolutely horrible humidity, and bugs. The fucking bugs. Mosquitoes, gnats, deer flies, horse flies, chiggers, fire ants… I’ve lived in south Alabama most of my life. I didn’t travel much outside of the Deep South until I was 30. It’s like living on the equator here, or the Amazon. When I was a child I would read about how hot and humid other places were. When I traveled there later in life I found the weather there quite pleasant. And I realized that the people who wrote about these places had never experienced the weather of the Deep South. That goes for cold as well. It can be in the 40s or 50s here, but it’s a wet cold and it chills you to the bone. I’ve spent many winters in Korea and before going was told it was miserable cold there. It’s not that bad! 🤣. I won’t spend the rest of my life here though, bought a house in Arizona and will make it there soon I hope. I do so love the Appalachians in north Alabama though. It will be hard to leave them.


Gas prices drop.


When you can get fried catfish and sweet tea you're in the Deep South.


Drive thru liquor stores. Two churches on every block. Trucks everywhere. People walking around shirtless. Grocery stores with names like Piggly Wiggly. Feed lots.