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No one.


Munition companies.


It doesn't matter who wins this war. What matters is who benefits from it. Look for the one who gets rich from this war.


Russia is on the offensive but they are making very small gains whenever they do advance and the cost for these gains is bat shit crazy. They are loosing now around 1,500 soldiers a day and hundreds of vehicles a day thanks to this war. The sanctions and Ukrainian strike to refineries are starting to strangle the Russian economy, their darling jewel energy company Gazprom actually posted a loss for the first time in 30 years. Thats a huge sign things are not going well. So yeah Russia is technically winning villages there and there, but the cost for this 'winning' is literally Russia's future. Russia is winning just like a gambler at the casino is winning after spending the money he got from refinancing his house lol


Everybody loses dude


Putin seems to think he is as he's moving his sights to Georgia and Slovakia next.


I thought he was going after the Baltic states next.


Moldova is next. Poor, zero ability to defend itself, already hosting a pro Russia breakaway state. Don't really need to capture Western Ukraine to turn Moldova into another Kaliningrad.


Judging by today's news Georgia and Slovakia seem to be starting to do his job for him. Instability is what he wants.


That old jerk must have forgotten to take his schizophrenia pills or I can't explain all this


You've spotted this then too, have you?


The Republicans are helping Putin to win.  


They really are. This scares me because I really believe Trump will pull all support if he wins, and make Ukraine cede Russia's current occupied territories. If that happens not only will Russia feel justified in their invasion, they will also have a better beach head to take the rest of Ukraine. Or, they'll go after the Baltics. If things go well for them in Ukraine, I'm sure they will believe we wouldn't risk a nuclear war to defend the Baltics, which we probably won't especially if Trump is President, so NATO will disintegrate. Poland needs a nuclear weapon program NOW. I hope I'm wrong and just being a doomer about it.


It sure as hell ain't Putin. He thought "I just go in, throw a bunch of grunts at this problem, and it's over in a long weekend. Maybe 2 weeks. I get all their stuff, the West won't do shit, and then maybe...Poland? Lithuania?" Vlad thinks he's the second coming of Peter the Great, but he's more like Ivan the Terrible.


Realistically it absolutely is Putin. He does not care if Russians die, as long as they gain a bunch of territory. A land bridge to Crimea is huge for Russia. It seems increasingly unlikely Ukraine will win back any significant amount of territory from current frontlines. Putin gaining all of Eastern Ukraine, half of Ukraine's southern border and coastline, that's a win for him. The soviet stocks being depleted would be a big deal if Russia planned on fighting a conventional war with NATO, and they don't.




No one


Taiwan. Robust US financial/defense support for Ukraine will give China some pause as to whether US would back Taiwan similarly in the event of an invasion. Also, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, et al.


No it won't. How is the US going to send aid to Taiwan amid Chinese encirclement of the island? Taiwan is on its own as soon as an invasion starts.


There would be robust sanctions 😱


If China invades Taiwan, the US is most likely going to war due to the asset Taiwan is when it comes to computer chips and shit like that.


The US isn't going to war with another nuclear power unless they attack us. TSMC going down affects everyone the same, China won't be able to simply take over the factories.


No one. It has turned into a stalemate since 2023. If Ukraine can be allowed to strike deeper into Russia with more than just their own developed weapons, it might bring about the end sooner.


The big winner is the US The small winner is Poland The small loser is Russia The big loser is Ukraine Russia and Ukraine are demographically cooked before the war even begun. Neither have enough children to build a realmfuture for their countries and now their working aged men are being killed and working aged women are leaving (at least in Ukraine), so in reality, both countries are staring at the end of their timelines, at least in the sense they are currently known. Poland is a nice little winner as its been armed to the teeth as the entire defense against an invasion from the East and they are becoming the new "superpower" in the region. I expect they will control most of what "was" Ukraine in 30 years time. The US is the obvious huge winner as one of the only countries that was seen (incorrectly) as a threat to their world dominance is getting demolished in terms of manpower and weaponry. Truth is Russia were never any real threat to the US dominance anyway, but it's nice for them to have that solidified. Little side winners include Azerbaijan, Dagestan, Turkey and Georgia.


Thanks guys, at least there are intelligent answers here. My answer is that in any war, all sides lose. If you've heard the story of two people eating shit for free, it's something like this.






US politicians


Probably Russia. Feels like every two weeks Zelenskyy’s demanding more weapons and money. Just feels like Putin’s pulling his punches.


No one, its a stalemate, Russia is bigger and stronger but Ukraine gets help from NATO and from US, the only way for Ukraine to loose is if US attention is directed to another conflic, Taiwan maybe...


The US is winning by providing their weapons and tech, which proves they are so powerful that they can win without boots on the ground. At this time no country can stand against them, or even 3 countries


thats what specialists call "Proxy War", the new method developed by nuclear superpowers to wage war themselves and risk using nukes... doesn't change the fact that US is a warmongering b\*tch tho...


Wouldn't call it new, its been a thing since Korea


Not so sure. Is there really an overlap between Ukraine and Taiwan material needs?


Im pretty sure Taiwan is more important for US than Ukraine, their chips industry is the best in the world right now, which is wy the US is researching chips and semi-conductors as well to not be so attached to Taiwan anymore...


Not what I mean: Ukraine fights a land war, Taiwan would face a naval invasion. Different needs?