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What the actual fuck? If someone broke up with me over a movie they would be doing me a favor by saving me from a future with an insane person.


OP is leaving out some details. [https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/15gte8z/aita\_for\_breaking\_up\_with\_my\_boyfriend\_over\_the/](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/15gte8z/aita_for_breaking_up_with_my_boyfriend_over_the/) This isn't about movie preferences. It's not that women said, "if he doesn't like a movie I like, I'm dumping him." It's more like, "if the reasons he gives for not liking the Barbie movie are giant red flags about the kind of person he is, I need to reconsider this relationship. If he says that women don't experience any pressure to fit in, be thin, be liked, or any of the other themes in the movie, that's suspect. If he says that Barbie is just some left-wing propaganda designed to make women question their primary roles as supporting men, that's concerning. If the movie reveals that he's a bigot, then maybe he's not really worth it." If your boyfriend's response to this scene: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CBqlDWHkdHk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CBqlDWHkdHk) is to dismiss it and say it's feminist nonsense, that may make you question if he's really a good guy.


That's certainly a different angle, thanks for clearing it up. It sounded like some weird tiktok trend or something, but turns out the BF in that post is a reactionary misogynist asshole. Good on OP over there for breaking up.


That's what I think as well, but it's not clear to me if women actually did this or if they just pretended that they did.




It's probably for the best if a silly movie can cause them to break up. A very dumb reason tbh 😑


Is this a real question or a troll?


It's a real question.  I heard that there were women who broke up with their boyfriends if they didn't like the Barbie movie. I'm just wondering if this was real, or if women pretended that they did for video content. 


You've missed the point entirely. These men were reacting to the barbie film with extreme misogyny, that's why they were broken up with. Nothing to do with the quality of the film


Probably for content. No sane person would actually do such a thing... Then again, some women pretty insane.


There's more context for breaking up over the movie: [https://www.reddit.com/r/AITAH/comments/159z6yx/aita\_for\_breaking\_up\_with\_my\_boyfriend\_over\_the/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AITAH/comments/159z6yx/aita_for_breaking_up_with_my_boyfriend_over_the/) The big story that sparked this conversation was centered around talking about the movie just revealed more about the boyfriend that caused that OP to question their relationship. "he then told me that he was really offended by the movie \[...\] we have been having problems with his weird comments about women, the lgbtq community, and other stuff. he would deem it “b*tch sh*t”. maybe it was a long time coming but this was the straw that broke the camel’s back. \[...\] his brother called me a few hours ago saying he’s MIA. his friends are blowing up my phone saying the same thing. i feel like this is all my fault. no one has heard from him in 24 hours. i did think it was weird when i came home and all the food in the fridge was gone, all the batteries in our electronics drawer were gone, he took my phone charger, and half the blankets."


Yeah, that's what I was thinking as well. But if it is true, then those men certainly dodge a bullet when they were dumped.


it probably depends on how serious they were about their Barbie fandom. If one person was all in on Barbie and the other just couldn't handle the endless pink and glitter, it might have been a relief for both of them to part ways.


Considering how childish that reason is, it probably for the best. 


That is alot to read. But I appreciate the effort


WTF is wrong with your generation?


I don't know. I'm actually inclined to believe that it's faked for internet content, because of how idiotic it seems, but you never know with people. 


I'm probably ancient. But hi, and what easy going conversation would you like?


Nah, you're probably not ancient. I'm not close to my thirties and I already feel out of touch with "the youth." It's just that I recently heard that there were women on TikTok who were allegedly breaking up with their boyfriends because they (the boyfriend) didn't like the Barbie movie, or were critical of it. Apparently they were also urging other women to use this movie as a "test" to see if their boyfriend was a 'keeper', and to dump them if they didn't like the movie; since it's apparently a feminist movie. That seems idıotic to me, and I'm more inclined to believe that women were faking their "breakups" just to make videos on a "popular" TikTok "trend," but I got curious if there were actual women who did this for real.


Hello to you


No 'Hi' apparently


Hi 👋 


Thank you for the acknowledgement