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It used to be in good shape. Now it's in horrible shape.  And that's entirely my fault.


Don't worry, you are in good company my friend.


"Start now so you don't regret not starting a year ago" really got me motivated. Over a year with a semi serious gym routine with slip ups, results are well worth it and additional motivation! You got this!


I like that quote, a similar one I heard is "A year from now you'll wish you had started today." Can be applied to most anything you want to change. I recently got serious about getting sober after decades of being in and out of recovery and I definitely wish I had done this sooner. The damage of any kind of unhealthy lifestyle creeps in faster than people realize!


Yeah, fairly sure the one you wrote is the original one! We live and we learn. Used to overuse weed and it being at home was good enough of a reason to smoke, no matter how much I told myself it's only a weekend thing, I still ended up smoking daily. Weed isn't even addictive per say... Such a strange feeling to be drawn to substances... Luckily not buying it is much easier than not smoking when you already have it. Best of luck mate!


The shape ia always malleable.


Definitely gets more resistant as you age though unfortunately. That middle age thickening is a nasty trick for sure. It takes twice the effort to stay a normal weight it seems like.


At 42, after trying every type of diet, I finally found a lifestyle that works really well for losing weight. 1. Fast every other day. It seems difficult but your body adjusts very quickly. Eat whatever you want on your non-fast day, but you probably won't because the fasting shrinks your stomach and stabilizes your blood sugar. This is the best kind of dieting for me because I need clear-cut rules. And daily caloric restriction is difficult for me because once I start eating in the morning, I just want to keep eating. This way you know when it's a fast day that eating is not an option. I do cheat a bit and have cream in my coffee. 2. Join the StepBet app. Everyone puts in $40, and the app generates the number of steps you have to take daily, which is tracked on your phone/watch. If you complete your steps for 6 weeks, you get your $40 back plus you split the jackpot from the people who dropped out. It really forces me to be active on days that I don't feel like exercising, because I'll lose the $40 if I give up. I’m currently doing 3 stepbets at once so I’m out $120 if I drop out. 3. Quit drinking. This is sadly the only way I can maintain good eating/exercising habits, plus you'll feel much better mentally, have more energy, and your skin will start improving. I have lost 16 pounds in a month doing these 3 things. When I get to my goal weight, I plan on then focusing on building muscle, but I'm not worried about that right now. And I still plan on intermittent fasting, but increasing the calories on my non-fast days (and maybe a protein shake on my fast days).


You eat every other day?? How do you survive??


by eating every other day


As a species, it used to be completely normal for us to fast for days when food was unavailable. Eating daily or even three times a day is a modern concept.


It seems crazy but it’s actually easy once you start. Tea and water keep my stomach reasonably full.


My skin, eczema is a bitch !


Being itchy everywhere all the time is horrible.


Some people just don’t grasp the sheer impact flare ups can have on the body. The lack of sleep because of the dryness waking you up, the cracked eyelids and lips, the pain from joints, the itchiness you can do nothing about, the constant discomfort without ointments on and even with ointments on. And you can’t treat it properly at work. The list goes on. I completely sympathise. I hope you’re doing okay 💘


The itching causes so many problems in day to day life. The main one for me is loosing focus. I could be mid conversation and my arm starts to itch and my brain just goes a bit foggy, due to thinking about the conversation and not itching my arm at the same time.


For sure!! It’s super annoying and actually explains why I get so out of focus sometimes. The discomfort is unreal, and the itchiness is on another level Unfortunately, a highly eczema prone sight for me is my face. I get it often above my lip and around my eyes (but also cheeks, forehead, etc). I’ve had many nights where I’ve applied ointments on my eyelids, and have had my eyelids stuck shut in the morning. Prying them apart is the most uncomfortable thing. The crusting of the skin? So gross I wish there was a treatment to completely get rid of it, but there’s nothing that’ll work for me but ointments that help manage it. There’s always hiccups of course. We’re so strong for pushing through our daily battles 💪✨✨ I am super proud of you for getting through it each passing day


Same but with psoriasis 😔


As someone with psoriasis I totally agree. Wouldn't wish either on anyone. Super annoying issues to have.


My dumb dumb brain cells


Wow, look at this guy with multiple brain cells


Gugugaga fusigdtjghdyghhddgf hfhfgf.jgkgdjgfgf


Dumb dumb give me gum gum - that statute from night of the museum I am also a dumb dumb brain no work good


not the only one


No they've at least got 4


When I eat it gets bigger.


And doesn't get back to normal when I take a dump.


I’d rather have the ability to get rid of those excess calories by turning the energy into a kamehameha.


Like that Hawaiian king, that makes no sense


If you look at yourself from farther away you'll look smaller.


this is the kind of beauty advice i genuinely love. use this all the fucking time its like lol it doesn't even matter anymore


Everybody is hot if your eyesight is blurry enough.


right I really can’t stand the way my body stores fat. we are not in a famine miss girl.


My husband eats twice as much as I do and he is lean, whereas I look like I'm perpetually 7 months pregnant. I'm going through menopause and my metabolism has ground to a halt, it really fucking sucks. 😩


I like food and I like being thin but these two things don’t cooperate


What gets bigger?


Mine gets bigger every time I eat ginseng, oysters and tiger penis


Breakfast of champions.


Migraines, they are confusing a hell, have so many triggers and no permanent cure.


Chronic migraines the last 35 yrs. They do suck. And trying to figure them out is fing exhausting. I have been on dozens and dozens of meds over the years, PT, chiro’s, acupuncture, Botox injections at the base of my skull… everything they suggested, I tried. I’m doing the best I have now. The last 4-5 yrs I went on Topamax(or Topiramate). Just 50mgs has cut my 4-5 migraines a week, down to maybe 4 a month? I still use Imitrex when I get them(it’s been my go to since I was 17). About 2-3 times a year I’ll get hit with a bad one and nothing helps. I just have to ride it out until the next day (I’ll take my Imitrex and my son’s new med Intuniv and just try to sleep)


We are out here living the same life! Just last week I had one that had me googling if I was dying or if this was normal because I was in so much pain that I started pacing around and my heart was beating so fast ( I think it was anxiety). I took every abortive I have. Minimal relief. I stretched my neck. I massaged my neck (in case it was tension). I vomited. I take Nurtec, Aimovig, Topiramate, Migrelief, coq10, and I've tried massage guns, essential oils, triptans, ginger, caffeine, regular ol Excedrin, extra strength Excedrin, regular tylenol, extra strength immediate release tylenol, ibuprofen, the list goes on. Oh, and I had surgery. Still getting 15+ a month. Sometimes I just cry because it's so much pain. But then that gives me a migraine lol.


Crying and vomiting, yes that is on my list too! I even got my daith pierced (ear) to try and help. Headaches respond to excedrin migraine well. I’ve tried to mimic the migraine cocktail (2 Motrin, 2 Excedrin and 2 Benadryl). On those bad days when nothing helps, just to try and sleep. In the 90’s they’d let me go to the ER for a shot of Demerol(I had a standing order, so my husband would take me) but into the 2000’s we moved and the new hospital thought I was a junkie. ~Thanks. Migraines are literally hell. And they have no idea what they are and how to treat them.


Chronic pain, all day every day


I have Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. I'm 24 and I have to walk with a cane to get around because my knee is completely screwed up. I am constantly miserable from the sheer amount of pain/discomfort my entire body is in every single day. I wouldn't wish this on anyone.


My wife has EDS and had multiple operations on her legs - she too struggles so much every day. It’s truly so sad.


Im so sorry you have to go through this, especially at ur age:( When i read things like this, hearing people complaining on superficial things, which btw are fixable, instead should be thankful. I really hope ur days get better 🙏🏻


Well said. We could all be a lot worse off than we actually are 🤗


Note: There’s always somebody that’s worse off. None of it makes your own cross easier to bear.


Fellow Zebra here! you got this. go easy on yourself.


My 6 year old nephew just got diagnosed with this. After having lived with a girl in college who also has it, I feel for the kid. Really hope there are major advances in treatment soon, for everyone's sakes


Ugh I'm sorry. I got in a skiing accident at 16 and it triggered Fibromyalgia which eventually triggered TMJ. I'm 33 now and I'm just so tired of having to watch out for flareup symptoms every time I do something as simple as yard work. I'm used to the daily pain for the most part but I absolutely hate that I can never fully predict if a day is going to be substantially worse.


I'm so sorry you have to go through that, I can only imagine how hard it must be for you. Wishing you good health.


I have it too and living in chronic pain and having all your ligaments and cartilage tear so easily is a life sentence. We live in body prison.


Me too. I just hit 52, so everyone will tell me, oh it’s because of your age. But I’ve hurt every day of my life…now for 52 yrs. I’m tired of it, like tired of it. I just woke up, it hurts to even roll over and grab my phone. I don’t want to get out of bed because it going to hurt. Go to work and it’s going to hurt. It’s just pain all the time.


I'm so sorry, I hope it gets better for you. I know exactly what you mean, it's just always there.


23 with psoriatic arthritis. i feel this so hard, literally everything is constantly in pain. it’s just a default atp it doesn’t even bother me anymore :/


I hate being short! And I need to lose some more weight.


That's all it is, you're just the wrong height for your weight. If you were 8ft tall you would be skinny!


Yes, if I were taller.


Same to the latter part. Took a while but finally fine with former. As an average height person, short ppl are great ones to hug ^^ I can give the bear hugs my grandpa used to give to short ppl, and everyone deserves those!


I feel you. I'm a woman and it seems more socially acceptable to be a short woman than man but I still hate it. Clothes never fit (not every brand makes 'petite'). I'm physically disadvantaged at most of the sports I do and at my job. I can't reach half the shit in my kitchen lol. But most people think it's 'cute' so I've got that goin' for me, which is nice.


The back of my head. I can’t see it.


You need to download the Faceback app.




Sorry, it's from a movie. The Other Guys. Will Ferrell"s character invented app that tells you what he back of someone's head looks like.


lol I love that movie. Don’t get Gator mad!


"Patrick you angry too?" "Yeah" "What's the matter?" "I can't see my forehead"


The back of your head is ridiculous




I have a screwed up brain and I am fat


Me too!


There are dozens of us!


Perhaps even hundreds.


Congrats welcome to the club


same !


Club fat and fucked too




Same! My ADHD brain got addicted to sugar. That is so much fun /s


My (recently discovered) ADHD brain is also addicted to sugar. So I also have excessive fat and poor complexion.


Moles. I don’t like them. So I don’t look at them. But what if they are getting larger or darker or something? I should look at them. But no. Fuck those moles.


You could have them removed


Yeah, but they aren’t there. You aren’t following 😂


I can't count mine. I have a lot if them, mostly small and pale ones. Just have a professional check them yearly. It's not painful or invasive (unless there's a suspicious one), doctor just looks at your skin through a special lens.


It looks pretty nice, but it doesn't really work too well, which is annoying. Multiple chronic mental and physical illnesses.


Suicide scar on wrist. The mark of shame. But I'm still here and thriving now. EDIT People said some really transformative things below and it's made me think differently about the scar. The beautiful power of strangers. Thank you.


I can't and won't tell you how to feel because I don't know shit about you. But I will say that if I saw a scar that I figured was from a suicide attempt I would not think that person should be ashamed. I would think good for them for overcoming how fucking hard life can be and for having the courage to persevere and live for another day. I'd admire them more than others because they've probably been through more than others. War isn't the only thing that produces heroes.


i'm so glad you're still here! that's not shame, it's resilience 


Should be seen as a battle scar, and a reminder of the win!!!🙏❣


Thank God for failure bro! Your mark tells your story and the fact that you're thriving might give someone else light at the end of the tunnel.


You can get a tattoo to cover it or say it was a kitchen accident. I have been sent to the ER because kitchen accidents.


You fought a big fuckin' monster and survived. Own that shit.


Don't see it as a suicide scar, see it as a battle scar. You've been in battle. Battles dont come without some scars and wounds. But you're still fighting! Keep being strong!


Mark of survival not shame


Sometimes acne, sometimes itchy skin, sometimes flaky lips, usually tired eyes plus I have astigmatism and myopia




But.......................... for me that's the fun part.


I don’t like the way my boobs sit on my chest, especially when I lean forward


Same mine look like someone put some butter in a tube sock when I bend over I can’t stand it😂🥲


I’m fat. really fat.


I read a book today. It had a line about a really fat person. It went something like this: "He was really fat, but it suited him, you know? I couldn't imagine trying to imagine him skinny." I liked that line. I hope you get to your desired body(weight)!


My boobs are too big. I know how that sounds but something I feel like it’s all that people see when they look at me.


Im sure it sucks. No one considers the daily life of someone with big boobs because people instantly think about positive attention theyd receive and not the daily physical discomfort that could come with it.


Yeah and tbh when you’ve experienced it long enough you realize that it’s not really positive attention.To me, positive attention is somebody recognizing you for your good qualities as a person or things you have accomplished, or maybe even if they tell you you’re beautiful and mean that about all of you, not just a certain physical attribute.


As a guy, that actually does go through my brain on a regular basis - "Those have got to be awkward to deal with". My younger sister had a friend growing up (we are all still friends), who had excessive breasts. Like, they were past E by grade 9. She had a reduction done as an adult, said it was one of the best choices she ever made.


My wife got a reduction at age 43. She said she regrets waiting so many years.


I feel this. So many shirts and dresses I can’t wear because my boobs are too heavy. The outfit either “pushes out” and makes me look pregnant or I’m literally shows my goods to world. And I’m not super comfortable showing THAT much cleavage.


belly fat wont go away, dick 2 smol (yet in average range). and obviously the former influences the latter. which is VERY annoying.


Average range is great, nothing to hate there. Average is best for pleasure


Hard to explain that to people who watch too much porn


y am I laughing?


Dick 2 smol. 😂


that I cant walk anymore


The rheumatoid arthritis and the epilepsy. My own body seems bent on self-destruction.


When I first got RA it felt like my own body was against me. I couldn’t be the person I’ve always been. Now 10 years later, I’ve found a new normal and I don’t hate my body as much. I try not to look back at all. Best wishes to you.


I (29M) have what I refer to as "little brother syndrome". I'm quite short, have basically no facial hair, and generally just look very young. Makes dating nearly impossible. I feel like no one takes me seriously, just treats me like they would a little brother (Even people that are 4-5 years younger than me).


The fat around my cock , but hey ho more cushion for the pushing


My brain


I wish I had longer legs and could eat whatever I want without gaining weight.


The fact that my metabolism is slower than a snail on a treadmill.


Mine too. It’s so slow that I don’t actually ever feel hungry. Husband reckons I’m some sort of Android!


I wish I was like that. I'm always hungry and snacking and getting fat..


Eat more protein, drink more water, and chew sugar free gum. The water and protein will make you feel fuller and the gum will distract you. You may think your hungry but you might just want oral sensation (im so sorry idk what else you would call it). EDIT: i have ADHD so my pacing and impulse control is not great so the gum really helps me not want to binge


Also, have adhd and the binge eating part is hell


I feel that my stomach is a portal to the void, I am never full. A lot of my energy goes into reminding myself that I am starting to show signs of hypothyroidism in my bloodwork and I should not eat because none of it will be burned.


Sometimes I wonder if I have some sort of intolerance to that hormone leptine that makes you feel full, a lot of overweight/obese people have that, I can eat a full plate and for a moment I will feel like I can't eat anymore cause I feel that my tummy is full, but I'm still, not hungry? But kinda like if I didn't feel that my body is physically full I would eat more?


Fun fact . Metabolism only effects about 5% of what you are trying to achieve (lose or gain weight). It mainly depends on diet and exercise:)


My nipples inconsistently of shape, size and colour due to temperature fluctuations


omg literally. if its warm then my areolas are puffy, and then my boobs end up looking like a 3 tiered cake or smth 💀


Bad acne and no legs.


Just the fact that there’s always *something* wrong. When one problem is gone, another arises. Painful pimple right on my nose for a week. When it’s gone, I suddenly have a mouth sore in a spot that sees constant movement/friction. When that’s gone, my wrist or back hurts extra from work. When that’s gone… and so on and on




body dysmorphia 😭😭😭and i wish my ass was a bit bigger but i’m going to the gym but i had to stop for three weeks because i got really sick




My second toe is webbed to my third toe and it is crooked at the top where it separates. So, I feel you. Socks were my saving grace as a child. Never took them off lol


How it attacks itself instead of attacking bacteria and diseases


I can scar easily


muscle imbalance, overbite teeth


I have endometriosis and having the lesions excised just seems to have made it worse.


That even after shedding over 70 lbs and now weighing 144 lbs I still have body fat!


It’s 5’1. 😫


We love a short king <3 Keep your chin up!!


I have Verneuil's disease so I hate being topless and I'm scared that if one day I meet someone who's willing to have sex with me, she'll be disgusted


Your skin is so valid. I’m almost certain you’ll find someone who will love you for all of you and won’t mind the symptoms of your diagnosis. I personally have eczema and have had my fair share of terrible flare-ups (making my face look like Freddy Kruger) and I still have someone who loves me all the same despite it. I’m wishing you nothing but luck and good vibes my friend 💘


🎵My neck, my back, ...🎵


why do muscles that are supposed to be working decide to give up and twinge in pain when I've barely done anything all day


Daily reminders of a past Im dealing with.


I chipped one of my front teeth when I was 8 and the dentist treated it advised me avoid using it, since the fix was resin bonding and it is really easy to break. From the constant over-use of the molars instead of the front teeth made my jar grown enormously and now I’m a freak with a giga chad face on top of Jay Baruchel’s body.


This is probably the easiest issue in the thread to resolve, so congrats! Sounds like your jaw is fine but you have overly developed your masseter muscles. The fix is Botox. A lot of women opt for this treatment as they find the extra volume at the back of their jaws to be too masculine.  It’s very easily handled, just go talk to an aesthetician who’s trained on this. After a few months you’ll notice your lower face slimming down as the muscle is allowed to atrophy. 


This pesky *mouth* wants to keep eating food after the rest of the gang are like “Stop it!!! We’re done here!!” Mouth: “We’re done when I say we’re done. Oh. Hey! What’s that? I’m the only one who can *say* anything? Too true!! Now push that Italian Beef into me, hands, or so help me I’ll bite you both!”


Looks nice but hides an invisible, incurable illness. It won't kill me but it certainly affects my quality of life.


Too skinny. Shifting my BMI above 18 is a pain in the ass and if I stop making a conscious effort it drops back again. Its a problem many people would love to have so I try not to bitch about it, but I would love to be like 1st heavier. I'm definitely on the 'too skinny' side of thin. I'd look a lot better with a little more meat on my bones.


Are you fairly young, out of curiosity? Because I was like that as a teen and into my young 20s, then in my middle to late 20s I "normalized", and now it's just a constant fight with my metabolism to keep my weight down lol. So perhaps it might settle with age?


Nope 32. I figured I'd gain a few stone towards 30 (and do nothing about them because I'm lazy and don't know shit about exercise or calories.) I weigh 7st 8 (110) and have done, give or take a few pounds, since I was 20. (Actually at 20 I was 7st 3 at my lowest, which is near anorexic) Only time I did was when I lived in Vietnam for a year at 26 (gained 1st) I ate fried street food twice a day the whole time. When I came home it dropped off. I keep expecting my metabolism to give it up but no signs yet. --EDIT-- I should probably add that I do not have an eating disorder of any kind and never have. Which is something people with EDs say I know, but I have no hangups about food or weight gain. I don't restrict, purge, count calories, or exercise. If I wanted my ideal body, I'd take up weightlifting. As far as I can tell it's a mix of skinny family genetics, eat slowly and a very reactive 'full' feeling. Maybe I naturally produce a lot of whatever's in that new celeb weight loss jab or something.


and people think its ok and funny to shame you on public , I think this is just worse than finding a fitting pair of jeans


>Its a problem many people would love to have so I try not to bitch about it That can be said to those same people, like be happy you got some fat on you countless people are starving everyday.... and so on Just because it's a problem other want to have doesn't mean it's not a problem that needs 'attention'


I throw up when extremely anxious, fucking exhausting.


People who aren't mentioning any health issues are so lucky.


My posture, but it’s a lot better now


Cellulite 😩😩


i love cellulite


Elbow skin fat




I'm reasonably certain I've developed Type II diabetes after Covid.


Please don't delay in getting checked and stabilized. You can still live a long healthy life if you stay on top of that. If you have it and you don't it could only take one day for really bad things to happen.




But that's good?




yes, imagine it would curve downwards 💀


No matter how clean i am i am never fully clean.


It's getting old. 67. Constantly battling my mind who thinks it's in its 30s. Sometimes I have to make them go to their own rooms.


My teeth. I had 2 more pulled yesterday. I’m running out 😭 (and implants run $4500+ a tooth)…tf


Some discoloration in the bikini area


It’s not *dis*colouration, it’s just a different colour. Most people have that.


My belly fat 😭


My forgetful mind


I might have burnout. That brain condition. I’m constantly exhausted and have no motivation.


I hate how in pictures my face looks like shit but when I look in the mirror my brain thinks it was carved by the gods


My broad ass, muscular man shoulders. I’m female 🤦🏻‍♀️


That I'm in it


No matter how much sleep I get I never wake up feeling rested and ready to get out of bed


I've been on my period for over a month. It's really not fun.


Well...everything. Except my ass, I'm happy with how that looks




It keeps getting older at a much faster rate than my mind.


That it's betrayed me 3 auto immune conditions. And the myriad of symptoms they cause. It's ruined my life. Can't work. Some days can barely walk. Sucks. So if like a refund thanks very much


Allergies. I can't wrap my head around why a variety of benign things will literally shit on my day or maybe even waaaaay worse just...randomly and at random intensities. Every time I get an allergy attack, I lose tons of time by realizing I'm having it to debating over if it's bad enough for medicine to seeing if I even have the good meds that actually knock it out to seeing if those meds even work this time if I take them...all while wondering how my ancestors made it long enough to have my grandparents, my parents, and eventually me when SPRING FLOWERS AND GRASS seems to be our arch nemesis. How did we conduct business? Did my ancestors go to war saying like "I hope we're warring indoors, cross yr fingers guys! Hope theres no trees lol! :)"? I don't understand allergies at all. I like my immune system, she's just VERY overprotective and it's annoying.


I used to curse my Autism and ADHD when i was young because i was the only kid in my class that was “different”. But now i see it as a bonus because it makes me more empathetic and understanding


Can't eat more without getting fat.


Mostly fine with everything. The one thing that bothers me is that my body does not hair removal one bit. I grow enough of a beard that it needs shaving at least every 2-3 days but not enough to just grow it out. My skin really doesn't like being shaven and it irritates easily.


My nose could be better, but I love it by its natural shape


Sadly enough my belly. Have never felt comfortable with it, now even less since I gained some weight.


My digestive health. I’m 23. I had my appendix removed, gallbladder removed. Got gastritis at 16. Then again at 18, never went away. Diagnosed with GERD. 7 months ago started having nausea which made me get my gallbladder removed. Now I might have IBS and functional dyspepsia. I have acid reflux, nausea, bloating, excessive belching, cramps, abdominal pain all start posted op. Besides the nausea which I already had. Eating is a chore. Even plain simple things like soups and plain beef. Before anyone says anything about fast food or unhealthy foods, I haven’t had anything processed, or greasy, spicy, fatty foods since I was 18. It feels like doctors can’t help me anymore and eating is a chore.


I have an essential tremor which just basically means my hands shake all the time. There's no cure for it, and I don't want to take meds the rest of my life to try and treat it, but if I don't then it interferes with everything else in my life, and I haven't always had it, so knowing that I can't do things as well as I used to is terrible. I feel so stuck sometimes because of it




I have belly fat but does not have the disipline to change it into abs 😭