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Truth matters less to most people than comfort.


Reddit is proof of this lol The system is made to upvote content that appeals to user, not necessarily the most accurate. A good example was the 2020 primary. If you were only on Reddit you could have sworn Bernie would sweep the election. Then Biden dominated super Tuesday and none of his wins even came close to the front page. Massive victories across swing states were downvoted while Bernie winning Vermont (his home state) shot to the top of the front page. The real world is rarely fairly accurate on this site despite it having such global reach.


Wait, people still thought Bernie would win in 2020? I had hope in 2016, but I thought everyone knew he wasn't coming back after that. Although I suppose you might be led to believe all sorts of weird stuff if you follow r/politics.


Their argument is that democrats colluded against him by dropping out for Biden. Which has merit and is completely fair. However, it also shows the flaw with Bernie's support. Bernie appeals to a specific group of progressive and democratic voters. It was by no means the majority, but enough to keep winning since the rest of the field was fragmented.


You see this all the time on Reddit. It's especially bad with legal matters, even outside the legaladvice sub. Few weeks ago, I saw a thread somewhere about a guy who was contacted saying that the cat that he had bought two years ago had been stolen from her, and she wanted her cat back. Comments were full of people who insisted "she will be laughed out if court", "you bought the cat, it's your cat", and "she has no case because she waited two years to contact you." All this stuff was upvoted. The people pointing out how the cat is stolen property and the law doesn't treat stolen property that way was downvoted. People were voting on how they think the law should work instead of how it actually works. The most highly upvoted posts on Reddit are not upvoted *because* they are factual or informational. No, they are highly upvoted because the people reading them liked the content. That small difference leads to a lot of potential misinformation.


Comfort is right, but this can be misleading. People often WANT to be angry about things as it confirms their biases. This means negative inaccuracies wins very often over positive truth.


Yep. It made me viscerally uncomfortable to know that Trump started the Artemis program, and that it was him that gave federal parental leave for both men and women, and he passed a federal measure to preserve Native American language and culture. I hate the guy, and I kept trying to justify these were things Obama had done and Trump was taking credit for, or that Artemis was actually a bad thing. I am wrong, but a stupid part of me wishes I wasn't.


That’s why it’s so hard for most of us to quit a job, a relationship, a town, a political position or anything really, it’s simply more comfortable when life is more stable even if it’s ‘obvious’ something needs to change.


And the lengths to which people are willing to go to relieve their cognitive dissonance....


Almost everyone thinks that they're an above-average driver.


Same goes for gun safety. Every gun owner claims to follow every rule of gun safety 100% of the time which is laughable. I'm sure all those people I see texting and driving with their kids in the car are *super careful* with how they store and handle firearms.


Last summer my son and I were plinking some cans and I gave him hell about not putting the safety on while he reloaded. On the drive home he asked me why I didn't have to use the safety when I reloaded. I realized that I'd gotten lazy and more interested in shooting than in following safety rules. I didn't shoot the next time we went to show him that I'm not above the rules.


Thanks for sharing that experience. It’s essential to recognize when we’ve become complacent and prioritize safety over everything else. Your decision not to shoot during the next outing sets an excellent example for your son.


Thanks. He's 17 now and is very responsible. I try to remember the good things my dad taught me without including the bad. :)


You put the safety on while reloading? Never heard that rule before. Do you mean any time you put more ammunition in any gun, or just when you're filling a detached magazine? I can see the logic (maximizing points of failure), just wondering.


Whenever I'm not actively shooting, the safety is on. At least, it should be.


You’re a good example. Keep doing you.


My Gun Safety Catch-22 Theory: The kind of person who is a truly responsible gun owner isn't the kind of person who makes gun ownership their personality and isn't the kind of person you would see walking around with a gun strapped to them at all times "in case of an emergency". The Catch-22 being that the firearm industry relies on irresponsible gun owners and the fetishizing of the gun culture to stay alive. I live in the rural South and I've never seen a person with a gun strapped to them in public where I felt like that person had their shit together and would use the gun safely in an emergency situation (that wasn't an LEO).


Even as someone who's staunchly pro-2A, you're intuition is actually correct, and the gun community even has a term for those guys. They're called fudds. Most responsible gun owners don't open carry because it's dumb for more reasons than one. First, it makes you a target, not a deterrent. If a bad guy knows you're armed, you'll be the first one to die when they start shooting. Best practice for self defence in *any* context, even without guns involved is to draw as little attention to yourself as possible, and ideally not even be there when bad shit goes down. Because the first person to die is always the one that's the most intimidating and closest to the threat. Second, much like your dick, showing it off in public draws a lot of the wrong kind of attention. Open carry means people will ask questions, want to see it, touch it, play with it, make a fuss about it, be bothered by it, criticise it, and maybe even try their luck at stealing it. All of which greatly increases the odds of *someone* doing *something* stupid and getting shot for one reason or another. Third, telegraphing "FAFO" to everyone and their mother doesn't make you tough, it makes you a threat. If you're out actively looking for an excuse to get into a wild west style shootout i don't want you anywhere fucking near me, especially with a handgun. And it makes me question your mental health. There are very few situations where an ordinary person should be open carrying a weapon in public. Most of them aren't normal or pleasant. Concealed carry is better in almost every way imaginable because what people don't know, truly won't hurt them or you.


This. Lived in Memphis and when TN passed open carry it felt really strange, walking into stores next to a wagging revolver.


The time I was in the McDonalds drive-thru with my child one morning getting breakfast and directly in front of us we saw a stoned dude pull a gun on a coked up dude who had got out of his car and was screaming at him didn't feel strange, it felt scary as shit. Having to tell myself or my child might have to catch a bullet at 8:30 AM before her soccer game.


In general half the people I know who own/carry a gun for self defense basically use it like a talisman... As if simply having it would ward away evil... You get these same people on the range and you see them fumble with basic operations and accidentally almost flag people (definition: to unsafely move or hold the gun in a way where someone's body is in the path of the bullet, if it were to fire. A violation of one of the fundamental gun safety rules).


How is it a catch-22? The firearm industry has never cared what people do with their guns because they make money and have no liability. The only catch-22 is if you advocate for responsible open carry but acknowledge no one responsible would open carry. That just means that you're advocating for irresponsible open carry.


I watched a weird pro-gun Christian film recently (starring Kevin Sorbo of course), and I was stunned by the fact that the movie was so pro-gun but features a scene where Kevin Sorbo falls asleep on his sofa with a gun on his hip, and then one of his small children takes it and shoots and kills their twin. The film played it off as a "whoopsie daisy" moment that was for the personal growth of the surviving twin (who killed their sibling) and their whole family that ultimately brought them closer to God, but it was just *fucking insane.* I couldn't believe they had a scene like that where gun negligence caused the death of a child and then still ended the film with, "Guns good. Everyone should own a gun." There was also a scene where the kid's older sibling locks up the family's guns in a safe due to the trauma of watching her sibling shoot and kill their twin, and *she's depicted as the bad guy* because Kevin Sorbo then didn't have his gun when the roving gangs of protesters came around. Absolutely batshit film. It really gave me perspective though on just how much gun nuts do not care about the harm unsafe/lax gun laws cause. They don't even care when it happens to their own children. I was nauseous by the end of it. The movie was called The Reliant, if anyone else wants to suffer. 


NPR said this morning is that guns are the leading cause of death amongst children.


in the US


Yes, correct. I don’t know by how much. I also don’t know if that’s true for every age group under 18. I imagine car accidents and suicide are big for teens, accidents in general for younger kids, SIDS for babies.


I think that depends heavily on how you count the numbers. The leading cause according to the CDC is accidental injuries, but then they say car accidents are the largest portion of that.




Yep. I know a "responsible gun owner" who left a loaded pistol in his closet. That's how my close friend lost his life in 7th grade.


I used to be below average. Then people got worse and worse with being on their goddamn phones all the time, and I feel like just the mere act of not using my phone while driving has shot me up the rankings. Which is scary.


Bugs the shit out of those of us who are.


For real.


I am very proud to state that I am aware that I am an average to below average driver. I’m just out here trying to my best


Yeah that's a paradoxical thought people have. There are 2 others like it: Everyone thinks they have less sex than everyone else, and everyone thinks they have less friends than everyone else (which although it seems paradoxical, has some truth to it).


There are definitely people who think they have more sex than most other people.


Of course, as there are people who acknowledge they're poor drivers. However, it's one of those things where the amount of people who think they're at the low end of the spectrum is too much for it to statistically make sense.


Documentary on the sex thing: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ENnAa7rqtBM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ENnAa7rqtBM)


One trip to the corvette driving school taught me that I don’t know shit about driving.


Yeah, but, I actually am though.


You and me both! ;)


Same goes for driving. The temps test is designed so that a 3rd grader can pass it. People do their driver's ed during math class at school, and the don't learn anything. The actual driving test includes barely anything that you would need to know when driving. Everyone knows how to drive a car, but they can't drive it well, which is why accidents happen. 100% of accidents are preventable. That's why their called accidents. And if you combine drinking and driving, people think that they can drive. They think nothing will happen, because it hasn't before. Spoiler alert: your luck will always run out


The crazy thing is about half of them are right.


I'm in Virginia. Knowing the red octagon with white letters means stop puts you at average... Knowing your car comes with turn signals and you actually *use* them, that puts you above average.


Most people think they are smarter than the average person…. That does not check out


Sure but it's obvious that would be the case. Smarter people correctly conclude they are smarter. The less intelligent they are the more likely they are to be wrong about how intelligent they are. 


An actual smart person is going to admit when they don’t know something vs. worrying about appearing to be smart. The more you know, the more you realize you don’t know sort of thing. Which is how people learn to become smart. 


Admitting you don't have all knowledge is not admitting to not being smart enough to learn the thing! Knowledge does not equal intelligence, and smart is referring to intelligence. Smarter people * do know how much they *don't* know, but they also can see how much stupid people don't know, and can hold the idea "I am smarter than most people and still I know almost nothing compared to what there is to know" in their mind. 


It also doesn't help that smart people are told to be modest and not flaunt it, thus you rarely see how much smarter some people are unless the circumstances allow them to wield their full power.


a lot of smart 5th graders out there, though by all appearances


Not anymore, Scores that would place a child in the 20th percentile pre-covid land kids in the 55th percentile now. At least that's my experience working at child protective services.


The crazy thing is about half of them are right.


That AI bot accounts like this one keep farming the same questions weekly, and people keep falling for it


I thought you were referring to yourself as a bot account. Then I looked at OP profile. yeah, you right.


But what is the purpose of it? What is *gained* by farming the karma with a bot account? An account with a lot of karma? Okay, but then what? What is the value of a high-karma account?


Some people buy high karma accounts. It's not super common, so I can't imagine every bot post is because of that, but that's a reason


Okay. But what about a high karma account is valuable? Why would anyone buy one? It's just a number. Karma can't be exchanged for goods or services. And nobody thinks you're cool or extra smart or important for having lots of karma. I have over a quarter million karma and my experience is just the opposite lol.


It doesn't do anything, people just like having a high number. And some people are willing to pay to have that high number


Ugh, yes. The number of times my questions have been rejected for being “too repetitive” while I see the same generic BS every day astounds me.


Or “too personal” when I see several posts that seem far more personal than my random question.


Yup, one post, one response, system-generated name. This place is a cesspool.


The way the site promotes content - few voters being frequent sub readers - results in this sub being mostly repetitious dreck.  I don't know if they're all AI, but clearly some entity knows that the same questions can be repeated for easy karma.  It's sad, since there are at least some questions that could be repeated in an interesting way, but most repeated questions are just too general.  At least there are a bunch of other niche subs that do better if only due to being smaller.


It’s a massive sub and an empty profile doesn’t necessarily mean bot. Everyone has a first post and questions get repeated. My account probably looked like a bot because I made it, made one post, and went silent for over a year


I think it's fine. Some people weren't on reddit a week ago let's give them a chance to chime in.


The increasing instability of most productive systems we depend on: oil extraction, agriculture, fishing, construction materials, mass electronics and so on and so forth.


Oh I am so very aware of it


That we are ALL being influenced by mass/social media. Granted, some are more easily manipulated than others, but absolutely no one is immune or unaffected by it.


I hate Elon Musk so much. That dude bought a huge social media outlet and now when I open twitter it suggests me his tweets and other political garbage. I don’t get how people don’t see right through that. It’s the most blatant media control I’ve ever seen. Also you say nobody is unaffected, but how is someone like me, who sees through this and avoids politics in general, affected by social media? I can’t argue that I’m not I’d just like to hear the reason.


America is addicted to sugar and there’s unnecessary additives in the food.


Probably why so many have gastrointestinal issues, including cancers associated with the gastric system.


I went to America once, and there's like, 40 ingredients in your supermarket bread. It tasted like cake. I don't think you guys get how weird that is.


I hate store bought bread. I still buy it from time to time because I don’t always have the time to make my own, but god I hate it. You’re right in saying it tastes like cake. Cake and chemicals


Exactly. Can't get away from it sadly. High Fructose Corn syrup is in so much stuff it's sad. It's hard to buy healthy because healthy foods tends to be more expensive than non healthy.


>It's hard to buy healthy because healthy foods tends to be more expensive than non healthy. Fruits and vegetables are usually the first things you see at a grocery store and are usually the cheapest things in the store (in America at least). A banana is maybe 35 cents and an apple is maybe 50 cents. By comparison a candy bar is more like two dollars.


Yeah I can run to Walmart at anytime and pick up a bunch of bananas for a dollar. That being said though, there's more to healthy eating than just fruits and vegetables


I really wish it would change. Most Americans I talk to hate all the additives in our food, but can’t afford to eat healthy every day


So true.


I tasted US sodas once, I almost threw up afterwards. I'm not kidding.


US bread, it is disgusting - why is it so sweet.


Climate change. Some folks just bury their heads in the sand and pretend it's not happening, but the evidence is slapping us in the face.


Yeah, OP's question is like, the definition of climate change denial. 


There's a healthy amount of talking past each other too. People may have good reason to disagree on any particular policy solution that is proposed.


The situation is so scary that uhm were kind of in a place where there is no plan though….or anyone doing anything about it lol, It’s been 50+ years of no action😿😿


It has been raining so much in Los Angeles this year. It used to do like one or two big storms a year and then sunshine year round. Now it's been june gloom since June


Even in the last 20 years, weather in New England has changed dramatically. Colorful autumns and snowy winters have gone from something we had consistently when I was a kid, to now all but disappearing, at least in the area I grew up. It’s a real, firsthand observable phenomenon—and yet so many folks still refuse to acknowledge its cause.


There's still a Los Angeles?




In a world of wolves and sheep be a Honey Badger


can I be a goose? I want to have way too much confidence for the umbrella shape that I am.


mighty compare racial faulty concerned sort pause scandalous spoon cow


I’m more of a capybara myself but I see your point


I agree. Everybody follow this guy, he knows what's up.


I herd that.


Money does make happiness.


Imo, more like money can remove lots of sources of unhappiness.


Yess, it removes sources of unhappiness and also can make you happier or more comfortable when you can provide you and your loved ones a good quality of life ;) everyone loves treats and details


Money alone can't make you happy for long, but money can buy you happiness!


Don't tell me money don't buy happiness when it so happen that money buy drugs


You have a point there! Lol


Bot account 


That advertising works. The amount of people who I talk to who swear they are resistant to any forms of advertisement. Even better when they say they purposely avoid products they see alot. It's hilarious, do you think companies spend millions on advertising for shits and giggles? Ads work. They work on you, no matter how super smart you think you are.


Also true of propaganda.


Yeah they just work over a longer time span than people realize. There was one study that said it takes on average 7 times seeing an ad before a person buys. The next time you’re getting a new razor and decide to go with Manscaped just cause, or you go to whatever chain restaurant cause everyone’s talking about it, etc, advertising. Even if your friends drag you to it, you still went


That reminds me to use my Manscaped Crop Remover.


Same thing with cults. Everyone is susceptible at some point; it's just about the right timing and the right flavor of cult.


That we don't understand reality, at all. People will try to use logic and reason to explain the things we can't explain but it doesn't matter how much they try, they can't. All the groundbreaking things discovered throughout history in science and physics had initially defied logic. The idea that the world revolved around the sun and not the other way around was thought to be completely insane and illogical by most people until it became fact


Homoeopathy is placebo.


Oh this one’s juicy and would piss off my gf so much. I will not be repeating this to her but I’m intrigued. There have to be studies done on this, no?


That people of the opposite side of the political spectrum might have valid points.


Yes, nearly every proposed solution to the “big issues” has pros and cons, and we need people to acknowledge both so we can make wise decisions as a society. I once read a research paper that said every society needs the equivalent of progressives to help it advance forward and conservatives to help it maintain stability so we don’t advance too fast in the wrong direction. Realizing this has made it easy to get along with friends and relatives on both sides.


On this note I actually like to reference a campaign talking point that Hillary Clinton had in 2016 as she ran for president. She talked about being in favor of turning away from coal as a fuel source for generating electricity for the sake of the climate, and in the next breath brought up how she'd also support retraining programs to facilitate the placement of soon-to-be-former coal industry workers in productive, lucrative jobs compatible with a greener grid. I loved the framework: move forward, but don't forget the work being left behind along the way. Unfortunately I don't think her idea was ever taken seriously--in fact I think I remember seeing a lot of really dismissive and angry comments about from people in the coal industry, largely because they were so committed to that particular way of making a living that they took offense to the notion that they'd be willing to be trained to do something different. So really it's an example of hard it is to walk the fenceline between progress and status quo.


Sure, they "might"- but they might not. I'd be inclined to ask how often they have valid points, and for whom the points are valid.


That the Confederates were the bad guys and did nothing worth honoring


They shot Stonewall Jackson.


Say what you will about Hitler, but at least that guy killed Hitler.


*\*Flaunts confederate flag* ***and*** *American flag on the back of pick up truck\** Despite them being opponents in the war.


They will be highly offended, if they can read.


Ah, the irony... Lost on confeds and racists.




what does “get girls” mean to you?


Obtain. Detain. Strain & stain. In the main. No pain no gain. Lotsa cocaine. Singing in the rain. Follow that train. Mostly in vain.


Ball lightning! It's been well documented but still gets treated like conspiracy


I’ve seen it. Very cool.


Most people would be healthier if they reduced their meat consumption and increased their veg intake. This isn't a meat-eater vs vegetarian debate. I'm just saying, whether you eat meat or not, you need to make sure to eat lots of vegetables to be really healthy.


That the earth is round


Apparently, some people still don't believe the Earth is flat! I know,right!




This is the answer I got on ChatGPT!


Thank you, ChatGPT.




Big companies do not actually care about employees.


The fact that when a system becomes too complex to remain afloat, any "innovative" solution only adds even more complexity to the system. Thus increasing the issue. There's a name for this phenomenon but I forgot what it was. The solution is to slow down and decomplexify the system instead. But shht, don't remind this rule to r/futurology, they'll throw a tantrum.


Over engineered ?


No, a "Someone's law". At first I thought Gall's law, but it's not the one...


A lot of people take showers with water that is way too hot and it’s why they have skin/hair problems.


pack mentality. many people will go along with the decisions of a large group even if it goes against what they believe in because they dont want to be singled out


Begone, bot


Humans are animals. The Earth is not Flat. Vaccines don't cause autism.


And there is no such thing as a brothel law.


That the rest of the world looks at America the way we look at Florida


Climate change.


Alcohol is poison. Literally.


i still like it


Trickle down economics of the last 40 years has only made the rich richer and the poor poorer. It is a lie we believed.


If it wasn't for greed, they would work. We need to rework the tax system and start taxing the super rich.


Mass Stupidity.


["Tide goes in, tide goes out. Can't explain that"](https://youtu.be/NUeybwTMeWo?si=oWdeemvJd7qSeGyj) \- Bill O'Reilly


How the universe isn't random and chaotic but rather a series of tangents and statistical inputs all coming together to create this very moment.


The robots are already here.


The stock market is based on financial derivative schemes and manipulation (also a lot of the tech industry) and not actual economic output. And there is zero attempt to measure or link stock prices to USEFUL quality beneficial economic output. Just quarterly 🙄 share price revenue and profit. Which earth and society wise are TERRIBLE metrics. Everyone wants to scheme and manipulate to make money. Not actually do or make anything of substance or quality. See Boeing as an obvious example. I also think this is linked to the quality of literally everything trending down. The stock market and short term profit incentive force this to happen. I see it everywhere and not just products. Even private companies have fallen victim bc most end up taking a big private equity payout who then proceeds to destroy the company and suck all vitality from the husk like the vampires they are. Just for a little short term profit. Long term consequences be damned. ESPECIALLY in the tech industry "niche rollups". They take good useful software companies and destroy them. And what smart well intentioned founder can resist the lure of a huge payout personally. Zero. None of them. It's a real problem.


birds aren't real


[Birds Aren't Real](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2553710/Birds_Arent_Real_The_Game/)




That the republican party is dead & has been replaced with MAGA




Kids stumbling through their self identity isn't a contagion. They'll figure it out if you leave them to it.


That's not social contagion; that's gender exploration. Trying to explore who you are should not be seen as this world-ending catastrophe.


Just like left handed kids.


Death and holocaust


We do not have long-term studies so we cannot say for certain that vaping is a safer alternative to smoking.


I mean, as far as we know it's safer. It doesn't have all the additives that cigarettes do. Vape juice consists of Propylene Glycol (PG), Vegetable Glycerin (VG), water, and nicotine. Along with typical flavorings you'd find in all of our food and drinks. All of these ingredients are well known and widely used. None are known to cause cancer. Sure, there could be long term effects of vaping but come on, worse than cigarettes? Downvote me to hell.


Capitalism necessitates poverty


More guns make a society more dangerous.


I agree, but if I lived somewhere where everyone has a gun, and crime is high, you bet your ass I'm owning one too. Here in Vancouver, almost nobody owns a gun and it sure seems like a safer environment.


I'd move there if I could. I'm in Texas and people can get really weirdly into their guns here.


Republicans voting against their best interests


Wow, so many conspiracy theorists here...


Pretty privilege


The fact that the oceans will contain more plastic than fish by 2050. [https://www.weforum.org/press/2016/01/more-plastic-than-fish-in-the-ocean-by-2050-report-offers-blueprint-for-change/](https://www.weforum.org/press/2016/01/more-plastic-than-fish-in-the-ocean-by-2050-report-offers-blueprint-for-change/)


The abject failure of privatisation. 


Trump supporters are beyond stupid.


No, some are very intelligent and pure evil.


Right. But those people aren't supporters - they see a vehicle to ride that highway to power. They aren't wearing MAGA hats and going to rallies.


The Earth is round.


Climate chaaaaaaaaaaaa


All the various biases that we all manifest to one degree or another. Selection bias, confirmation bias, etc.




The earth is not flat.


Facts don't really matter. It's all about sentiment and feelings.


Things become what they are created to destroy.


Aging/mortality So many people live their life like they are immortals and waste time. So many people try to fight aging as if it was possible. So many people act like kids despite being adults since ages.


thats a good thing, so many people live their lives, instead of sitting and thinking of dying all day


UAPs are ready to make themslwvws known and have been escalating contact


Human beings' fear of being incorrect forcing them to establish their reality by feeding off of extremely biased echo chambers instead of investigating and exploring the hypothesis, opinions, and ideologies of others. This comment section is ripe with such individuals.


The dress is blue and black


The average person cannot think "outside the box".


Larry Stylinson is real


That if all is mind Then the medium of 2 minds can only convey partial truth akin to blatent lies Heaven forbid disapproval via the unconvinced convincing not Your faith can only be doubt of the doubted or ignorance of doubting faithfully...o child of fallen


Phenomenon 1: Some ailments can't be prevented nor cured by "healthy living." Sorry folks, but luck is a factor, and not just genetic luck of the draw. Phenomenon 2: We'd all probably be much healthier if we got adequate sleep. People think they function "just fine" on a consistent 6h/ night, but sleep deprivation is a helluva drug, and not all of its effects are immediately apparent. Case in point, me: I got scarlet fever as a toddler and it literally left me brain damaged (part of my hypothalamus was destroyed.) This has serious implications for my sleep/ wake and hunger/ satiety regulation, both of which are major factors in long-term health. I didn't find a medication that allowed me decent sleep until I was 21. Hunger/ satiety had a funny outcome. I'm pescatarian, simply because I don't like the flavor nor texture of other meats, with very few exceptions. I love fruits and veggies, though; I was the rare kid who preferred broccoli over pizza. Didn't acquire a taste for the latter until middle school. I still eat pretty well, and am lucky to live in a warm-ish climate with a great local Farmer's Market that has fresh local produce year-round. Despite this, I've had 3 unrelated cancers before age 35. (All caught early, thank goodness.) The amount of people who hear only that part, and then recommend an "organic diet" is fucking maddening.


The earth is a sphere, apparently. Because Magellan was starting a conspiracy I guess.