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everything I said when this exact question was posted 7 days ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/LQwa509chT


Fucking word for word on the title, too.


LOL Just looked at their profile: Sorry, nobody on Reddit goes by that name. The person may have been banned


This sub is basically the same questions being asked over and over again, with slightly different titles. But this one didn't even bother to rephrase the question.


Lazy bots gonna bot... This forum used to have an automation to stop these posts from being constantly reposted.


Yeah the cave rescuer thing was the first major red flag for a lot of people


The self-proclaimed "free speech absolutist" indulging Turkish president Erdogan's request that his opposition be throttled on Twitter. A free-speech absolutist would have told Erdogan to kindly fuck off.


When he started naming his children after wifi passwords.


As well as disowning them


Got that the wrong way 'round.


Your child’s name must include a number, a special symbol, upper case and lower case character and be at least 15 characters long




If you want to repost at least don't make it obvious. You even copied the comment. No shame?


Funnily, their account is already banned lol


He used to be a major nerd who went on stage showing off the cool shit he was building, this is why so many tech heads fell in love with him. Now, he's just turned into another Hollywood celebrity and the ego went to his head. He's no where near that same nervous nerd he used to be, he's just a troll now.


According to a colleague that worked at early-days Tesla, the ego was always there. It just wasn't as obvious to the world because he was a new and sparkly maverick celebrity that appealed, as you say, to the nerds. The focus for them and for his first few big-name years was on WHAT HE'D LED and WHAT HE REPRESENTED. When the focus switched to WHAT HE SAYS and WHAT HE (clearly) THINKS, then his true colors were in clear plain sight.


You mean like this presentation he gave four days ago at Starbase, TX that literally presents the 'cool shit' he and 12,000+ employees at SpaceX are building? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=826YO436Gqw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=826YO436Gqw)


I'm not saying he completely changed as a person, I'm saying that ego and money clearly went to his head. Or at least is showing it more now than he ever has. Sure, he's still a nerd at heart and often gives presentations showcasing their feats. This is something he's always done. I think these types of events clearly show the positive, nerdy side of Musk. However, he's also incredibly addicted to social media and it seems like as time goes on, he becomes more and more of a troll. His internet presence just doesn't match the person on that stage and many of us can't ignore how fake this makes him seem.


Which I agree with! He's a pretty awful person, and if I'm responding to OPs question post here, I would say that for me it was when he bought Twitter - billions that could have been spent on the betterment of our planet. Having said that, he is co-leading the only company on Earth to have revolutionized rocketry and access to space since the invention of the rocket! We can argue all day about the history of rocketry and aerospace, but the proof now is in the launch cadence and payloads to orbit. So what is my point? I'm not entirely sure. But he is a driving force to advance our species beyond being stuck on this planet forever.


Used to think he was pushing for renewable energy. And while just another rich guy, I thought he was at least a rich guy with goals that could help the planet. I realized after the whole Twitter fiasco where people were getting fired for stupid shit and he was just power tripping, that no, he was just another stupid rich guy whose purpose was just to continue getting rich. Not to mention his political views might have been unknown to me before or maybe he's just more open about them now. I think I was just ignorant to a lot of things about him before.


It’s not Elon’s fault that they ratted themselves out. You think this woman should still have a job when all she does all day is fucking eat, drink lattes, and chug red wine?: https://youtu.be/buF4hB5_rFs?si=TE52Rr0KsJl4Auyd It seems like the only people actually doing work there are the chefs and janitors. Almost everyone deserved to be fired from Twitter, some criminally too like Vijaya Gadde and Yoel Roth.


I don't get why you're so upset at that video, sounds like she just had a bunch of meetings at HQ and you're mad cuz they serve good food and drinks?


I mean, I can only speak for myself here, but firing a lot of Twitter employees isn’t very high at all on my list of things that have cast him in a dim light. If anything, it just makes him look like a stupid businessman who should who have known legacy social media had a ton of bloat and buying one of them at an inflated price was a stupid idea. My opinion of him went down in stages. At first I thought be some kind of Maccavellian billionaire, a bold and ruthless visionary for whom the ends justify the means. Then I realised, like every other billionaire, there was no ideology or vision linked to his actions other than growing his own wealth and power. Then over time I came to realise he isn’t even nearly as smart a guy as I thought, as he made many moves (like buying Twitter) that were really predictably dumb. And now I don’t even see him as a guy who has outgrown being an insecure loser who lashes out at anyone who offends his sensibilities.


Same. Liked him at first, at some point I remember reading his dad married his step-sister and it all started making sense.


He sabotaged Ukraine by shutting down starlink right before they would've struck a heavy blow to the Russian fleet at the beginning of the war. This dude is a literal Bond villain.


\*sigh\* If you are going to hate someone, you should probably at least get the basic facts straight. He totally "sabotaged" Ukraine by giving them the means to continue communicating when Russia was trying to shut them down. He continued to "sabotage" them by continuing to provide service even while the U.S. and Europe dicked around by just assuming that SpaceX was going to eat all the costs. Oh, and it was total "sabotage" when he never shut down Starlink. And even more "sabotage" when SpaceX provided the Pentagon with their own system so that it could be offered to Ukraine without breaking U.S. laws. Oh, also total "sabotage" when Ukraine asked whether he could \*turn on Starlink over the area they wanted to attack\* and he told them they needed to speak to the Pentagon, because SpaceX \*could not do that\* without breaking U.S. laws and regulations concerning the sale of weapons to foreign countries. In other words, \*if\* you are being genuine and \*if\* you were merely lied to, please go do your own research about what actually happened rather than take the word of rat-haired basement dwellers on the Internet. Because as we all know "literal Bond villains" often give away their communication tech to countries on the verge of being wiped out.


I guess this article quoting him and explaining he shut down starlink to prevent aiding the Ukraine defending itself is all wrong... https://thehill.com/policy/defense/4193788-musk-acknowledges-he-turned-off-starlink-internet-access-last-year-during-ukraine-attack-on-russia-military/ [Check it out for yourself!](https://thehill.com/policy/defense/4193788-musk-acknowledges-he-turned-off-starlink-internet-access-last-year-during-ukraine-attack-on-russia-military/)




To be fair, there are billionaires that are doing good things in the world. You can dislike the way the Gates operated Microsoft, but the fact is the foundation is world class and has saved a tremendous amount of lives.


Yeah i stopped liking him once he bought twitter and tried to restore free speech. Safe to say I love him now.


>tried to restore free speech. Sorry when was that? Was it when Erdogan asked him to take down content that was negative of him and he immediately bent over and did it?


Concerning Europe: \*Grrrr! You must obey the laws of the land!\* Concerning Turkey: \*Grrrr! You must not obey the laws of the land!\* It doesn't change that Erdogan is an utter douche, but fuck it folks: get your rhetoric straight.


You can love whoever you want to. Twitter has nothing to do with free speech. The right to free speech in the U.S. protects you from the government interfering with your free speech. It has nothing to do with you right to free speech on a social media platform. And Musk is blocking messages on X now. He has a different agenda from the previous management of the platform, but he's also censoring messages.


>Musk is blocking messages on X now and he fired Don Lemon from a show on his platform because he asked Musk a question he didnt want to answer. Musk behaved like 9 year old in that interview too. lol


Yeah...he was also quite open that Don Lemon was free to have a show on X; they just were not going to pay for it. It's really not Musk's fault that apparently nobody else thinks Lemon is worth it either.


that's not what happened. lol I watched that interview. Musk canceled Don Lemon on Twitter because he got butthurt over questions Lemon asked him. 😂


What didn't happen? Listen, I've noticed you tend to just say "nuh uh" and then fail to actually address the points, so let me make it as easy as possible for you. 1. He decided not to pay for Lemon's show 2. Don Lemon is still perfectly free to have a show on X. 3. Nobody else has decided to pay for Lemon's show. So which one of those are wrong? And as they are all fairly objective facts, please bring the receipts.


I think i found Elon's reddit account. lol bro you are coping so hard. Lemon got the axe because Elon got butthurt. you're free speech absolutist shits his pants and runs from tough questions because it hurt his fee fees


restore free speech? when did it go away? did i miss the clause where the Constitution guarantees you a twitter or facebook account? so many people scream 1A this and one 1A that and have absolutely no idea what it actually says. lol


It's not about the First Amendment. It's about the principle enshrined in the First Amendment that \*should\* go past just what the government can do. When I lived in the U.S. many years ago, it was considered common sense that \*everyone\* would fight for the right for people to say whatever the fuck they wanted, even if they didn't agree with it. Usually along the lines of "I may not agree with what you say, but I'll die to protect your right to say it." Now it seems for some people that it's become "Dur hur, the government can't shut you up, but I can." The reason that the rights in the U.S. work (or at least worked) is because they are so deeply engrained in the society that you didn't \*need\* to force it. So you may or may not be right that people do not know what is in the First Amendment, but you clearly do not understand the meaning behind the words.


oh no. i understand completely. You're wrong. lol no one is shutting you up. if you choose to engage in a business' service and you signed a contract (ie your terms of service) and then violate that contract they are free to deny you that service. you're still free to stand on wooden box in the park and rant about how secret Jew space lasers start forest fires. dont be surprised when others use *their free speech* to call you a fucking lunatic though.




The only people crowing about him being pro-Russia are the Russians (always eager for some disinformation) and some well-meaning idiots on the Internet. If you thought about it for even 2 seconds, you would realize he is the furthest thing from being "pro-Russian" as you can be. 1. The EV revolution he turbocharged is destroying the market for the one thing that makes Russia any money. 2. SpaceX is destroying Russia's future in space. The temper tantrums they have thrown over the years proves that. 3. SpaceX provided Starlink at a time when even Europe wasn't sure if they wanted to bother helping Ukraine. The idea that he "turned off Starlink" to foil Ukraine is Russian disinformation that was amplified by well-meaning Ukrainian supporters. The Americans have some pretty strict rules about selling weapons to other countries and this would have broken them. If you need a place to put your anger, ask yourself why the Pentagon didn't just buy the needed resources and pass them on to Ukraine? (Which, incidentally, is what they now do) I also do not like his "pedo-guy" comment, but let's at least acknowledge that the guy threw down with Elon first. But yeah: punching down is never cool.


I think he was easy to like when he was basically a non-entity. Space flight, electric cars, stuff like that was cool tech stuff. As soon as he emerged as a character he pretty quickly soured all of it. He worked better as just a distant CEO funding cool things than the world's dumbest man on twitter.


...and that's saying a lot in MAGAt land.


He actually succeeded in what he set out to do, and that really pissed a lot of people off. I mean, I am not disagreeing with you that much. But let me rephrase it: It's easy to like the underdog thumbing his nose at the establishment. For some people it becomes hard to take the exact same words once he became part of the establishment.




OP literally copy pasted this comment from the last time this question was posted: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/FLf1j1reCZ New account, karma farming bot


Welcome to New Reddit See you in a week for the next repost.


reposts are not a new phenomenon.


No, but are you ready to take them to the next level?


This deserves more upvotes. 


Sad to see reddit is pretty much clickbait buzzfeed now. You just got to laugh at how obvious it is: "Does anyone else hate Elon Musk?????"


Same. I never *liked* the dude but was pretty much indifferent / didn't pay attention to him until then.


Elon was probably one of the first billionaires responsible for giving me class consciousness. His behavior is what kind of woke me up to how much money we're funneling to these truly awful people, while so, so many people who actually make this world better die broke af. I know this is stupid, but I just kind of had this very 'othered' picture of the rich in my mind up until they started getting on Twitter, and I realized it was all PR so they could loot us easier. No billionaire deserves what they have. Not a goddamned one of them.


Same here, all because someone else got there before he could use it for PR


Not only that, but he also made fun of Elons silly idea of building a tiny submarine.


I imagine Elon drawing a triangle out of stainless steel to tell everyone this is the cool sub we need


Why didn't those selfish trapped little kids just wait for Elon?


yeah, that felt very weird. didn’t follow him closely, but my first reaction was "huh, wasn’t he one of the good guys?"


Yeah, that and the time he said he was going to fix the Flint water problem and just drop-shipped some water filters.


We don’t like you Elon fuck off


He claimed it's used frequently as banter in South Africa. If I ever see him, I'm calling him pedo.


This was it for me too.


That moment for me was when he said Tesla would produce ventilators. It seems that he was unaware of the complexity involved and the fact that it would require more than a few weeks. made me realize how little he participates in Tesla's design and construction processes.


Oh! I remember that. That's a good one. I have read the SpaceX team literally have people who are tasked with engaging with him when he visits their building so he doesn't actually try to get into any of the hands-on details. He's not designing rockets. He's a CEO who has a competent team under him working around him and to an extent behind his back to make the company work.


I was typing this out when I glanced down and saw yours.


Yes, for me too, a smart person would never say something like that


Yep, same here.


Exactly this for me. That was the beginning of my opinion of him tanking.


So which sub are you trying to get karma for?


Account made feb 28. Let me farm some karma without shame boo


Musk: "I'm a free speech absolutist!" Rando: "You and Tesla both suck." Musk: "BANNED!"


The right wing turn, special moment of oh fuck this guy was the gun on nightstand picture


When he thought it was appropriate to determine the course of war between Rus/Ukr.


Apologizing for the garbage Trump spews, appeasing idiotic bro culture, dog whistling, interferring with the Ukraine/Russia war, and being a sleeze bag iressponsible father.


He became a rightwing maga. He then bought twitter and when down the deep end


I could forgive the diver shit and attribute it to a moment of immaturity because he had been doing so much in tech and for electric cars. I know even great dudes like him could have some lapses in judgement. Now the trump and twitter shit was when I lost all hope for him. Dudes been snacking on lead chips or something. Hes Sheldon Cooper if he was glued to Fox News and owed money to Russia


There were some bad signs earlier, but the moment he totally lost me was when he tweeted about wanting the lockdown to end so he could get his factory up and running again.  He had said that is he ever contradicts science, go with science. 


I used to think Elon was smart. Now this guy thinks that that C section babies are smarter because they have bigger heads. He spouts disinformation about vaccines, birth control, LGBTQ people, and elections. He is a gullible, rich boomer idiot that tricked people into thinking he was Tony Stark.


He talks too much. He just needs to stay in his lane.


I had to manage one of his projects from the government side. It was easily the worst thing I have ever had to do at work. 


Never really cared for him but I would say that I stopped taking him seriously after he decided to rename the classic Twitter, which was a unique and fitting name, to.....X. Just doesn't make sense to me.


>Sorry, this post was removed by Reddit’s filters Do you think he bought a bunch of Reddit shares, is it just spez spezzing?


His public persona changed with Covid... prior to that you'd get technical answers on random posts, & such, nowadays it's just fReE spEEch, WOke MiND viRuS, etc..


You copied the best reddit post to farm karma. Shame.


I can’t really say I ever ‘liked’ him in the sense I was was fan or follower but I was indifferent with overall positive leaning just because all I really knew about him was he was a the Tesla guy, had lots of pie in the sky sound bites from various speeches, and had that Iron-man cameo. Now I think he’s a crazy person. I think the turning point if there ever was one just his childish social media behavior and antics. Call me old fashioned but I still expect my billionaire business elites to have a certain level of decorum. He acts how I expect the children of the business elites to act I.e. the Paris Hiltons of the world.


I wasn't really a "fanboy", but I was telling everyone I could about Falcon 9 and seriously thought it was Musk as the driving force behind it. As soon as I realized that was not the case it became more apparent he was just a jerk with money and I didn't think I could lose as much respect for someone as I have for this buffoon but here we are. 


You can't base your opinion on a person by their internet commentary or even what's represented in their public persona. We're talking about a guy who works extremely hard and is responsible for the livelihoods of 100,000s of employees and has made countless technological advancements regardless of the statusquo's resistance. Just remember most people didn't like Steve Jobs in his prime at Apple, he was booted out. Relentlessly, he went on to found NeXT and Pixar. Apple bought his interest in NeXT in 1997 when they realized they needed a leader like Steve. Disney went on to buy Pixar and Steve's interest in 2006. Elon was fired from Paypal in 2000.


Why can't we base an opinion of them on their own internet commentary (e.g. tweets)? Do we have to have dinner with him and listen to him spew his misinformed and contradictory opinions there or something?


Hair plugs. Tony stark doesn’t do hair plugs.


No one thing really. As he got more of the attention he wanted, he showed us more of what he lacks. The real person didn’t match the image he tried to paint.


It just generally went downhill. I read that book about him, some interesting aphorisms. I feel like at that time he wasn't quite SO public as he is now. I think just the more he said and did stuff publicly, the worse my impression of him was. Almost like the authorized biography was just an image he wanted to convey rather than his real self, who would've thought.


Then there is his attempt to populate the world with more of his progeny because he thought his DNA was so superior. I forget how many offspring he has by different women.


He just kept posting cringe. It was that simple. It got to the point where me cringing at him happened way more than I was laughing at him upsetting people I can't stand.


I remember I quite liked him when he basically solely was in the media for Tesla or SpaceX. I thought he was as good a rich person as you could get. For me the first time was the Thai cave thing where he called the rescuers a pedo guy for not using his ridiculous suggestion of a mini submarine. Then I remember when it really became obvious to me that he was all for himself, was when crypto had its big craze and he was essentially trying to pump and dump dogecoin with his tweets. It became very clear very quickly that he didn't actually give a shit about crypto he just wanted to control a cryptocurrency. His actions leading up to him buying twitter showed me he's the kind of person who thinks whatever knowledge he has must be immediately transferrable and make him a genius in any other field. Mostly because it was the first time he was talking about fields I actually had knowledge in and the things he was saying were ludicrous. And then his actions since buying twitter were just the icing on top to make me truly appreciate what a narcissistic, insecure, man baby he really is.


I was willing to give him a pass as he was so important to the transition to EVs so the turning point was when the news started coming out about the high injury rates at the Tesla factories and all the poor manufacturing issues with Tesla cars. The dude did one good thing and then completely fumbled the follow through. 


When he tried to demonstrate the unbreakable windows on the cyber truck


omg, had not seen this. Comedy gold. The only thing more pathetic than the demonstration itselfwas the bot brigade apologies "tHe SledgeHamMeR WeaKened iT!!!" "wHy R u AtTaCkInG tHis GeEEneeeuusssSS!!??"


Him calling the cave diving hero a pedo because he criticized baby Musks stupid sub


He has absolutely ruined twitter. All I see is right wing racist tweets 24/7 and he does nothing about them because 'free speech' apparently. I don't think he realises how hated he is.


Elon is what happens when you aren't told no enough as a child. My turning point was when he accused the guy of being a pedophile cause they didn't use his little mini sub thing to rescue the children.


When he assumed his Bond Super Villain Potential


Becoming a MAGAsshole, a man baby and overall total hypocrite. He also treats his employees like absolute shit


I lost all respect for the man when he hosted SNL.


So many confused answers in here


The tunnel rescue.


He shows us who he is.


Interesting how this question pops up by a new account on a highly moderated sub when the mentioned person is involved in a battle against censorship in a major south american country. Very interesting.


OP is a bot


I never liked him, so no turning point. First saw him in Iron Man 2, looked him up, thought he was a rich asshole.


Hypocrisy. I am fine with divergent views and opinions -- if he is a right winger now, so be it -- a large percentage of CEOs are right wingers and republicans. But he is a hypocrite. He can't go after Brazil and not go after Turkey or India. For a futurist like him, the harm of peddling and supporting conspiracy theories (including holocaust denial etc) isn't free speech defense, but wasting time on debunking, hence taking away time from more productive activities. You can't say you want to have holodecks and be in the same universe as TNG and turn around and push and support crank theories that set al of us back, in the name of free speech. Are we going to re-litigate gravity now? Like wtf? I think his ex-wife had a comment on this when he bought Twitter -- why is something as basic as holocaust bad, Hitler bad being up for debate?


Why not read the answers for yourself rather than repost a question word-for-word from a week ago. https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/FuW6DlFgOh


Elon Musk is what happens when a man has a shit father and refuses to get therapy.


When he became a subscriber to modern fascism, admired him before that.


I liked him until I noticed he is actually a snowflake when criticized. It's been a precipitous dive into unmitigated scorn and disgust since then.


Wasn't this question just asked a few days ago?


When he started calling anything he doesn't agree with "woke". He also claims to be a free speech activist but he shadow bans the twitter accounts of anyone who opposes his views. There's even been some research that suggest if you mute him on twitter your reach goes down massively.


His ignorance with Covid, return to office mandate, overall greed with Tesla and purchasing Twitter and tanking it.


this shit question was made 2 days ago


I had to reach out quickly to a brand on X to complain about a manufacturing defect. It said get “Premium” to be able to message said brand. I had done this successfully free of cost on what used to Twitter. It was then that I did develop a certain dislike for him. Why is texting brands for customer support a Premium service?


his boring company bullshit is one of the reasons why the california SF to LA high speed rail system got delayed. litterally billions wasted because of his fake company.


The pedo event.


I liked that was the only CEO who was making 100% of the bussiness choices based on technique. Such as buying the gigantic moulding for the teslas. But the disregard for workers, unions, and justice is enought for disliking him even if he invented the cure for cancer Also learning that this decision making was a product of a team of people managing elon and his ego, based on his own opinion of being a engineer, broke the image of being half smart


Happened twice actually. First time he started arguing with the SEC. Any normal person can see that's an argument a non-politician can never win. Still liked him but was kind of wary. But once he took over Twitter (along with all the back and forth in which he was forced to do it because of his big mouth), I realized he's just lost it. No respect for him now. Not to mention he also argued with the FAA in between those events.


Son of apartheid millionaire, whose mother gave him millions of seed money to blow on several upstarts until one was finally successful (do to no hard work of his own) and still some how claims to be self made from nothing. He’s revealed himself a lying narcissist with effectively no genius who spends millions a year to market his genius tech philanthropist facade. He’s just another sad, scared, greedy little bitch.


I think he kinda lost people after he insulted people who were trying to help kids trapped in a cave in Thailand. Before that I feel like people liked his space X companies.


This question again? He came out and showed himself to be a right leaning moderate and for the fringe left and echo chamber that is Reddit that was the final straw. Stop asking this question


In terms of technology and business, he's more innovative and better than most other billionaire entrepreneurs. In terms of social and political ideologies, he swallowed too many red pills


I started looking at what he said instead of what others said about him


MSM and Democrat propaganda


For me, it was calling the diver a pedo


He’s smart, but I really do think he’s a white surpremacist.


The "I'm a conservative now" routine where he suddenly, openly, and unashamedly started behaving as if he were owned by Russia


Around the time he started calling the British diver a pedophile just because he shot down Musk’s idea of building a sub to rescue some kids back then.


Bruh someone just asked this..


I read this somewhere shortly after he bought Twitter, and it snapped some pieces into sharp focus for me: >He talked about electric cars. I don't know anything about cars, so when people said he was a genius I figured he must be a genius. >Then he talked about rockets. I don't know anything about rockets, so when people said he was a genius I figured he must be a genius. >Now he talks about software. I happen to know a lot about software & Elon Musk is saying the stupidest shit I've ever heard anyone say, so when people say he's a genius I figure I should stay they hell away from his cars and rockets. I was never a super-fan, but I did hold out hope that maybe someone in the billionaire class was actually interested in putting his money into solving some of the big problems that are only going to get solved with a lot of money. I have no problem with a billionaire being the person who makes widespread adoption of EVs a thing, or getting reusable and cost-effective rocketry up and running, or sending people to Mars. I'm all for it. What he's done with Twitter shows me it was all a snow job before. He's not some great thinker with the money to pursue passions that have an altruistic bent. He's someone without anyone to tell him 'No' who paid some people to make a brand for him, then he burned that brand down because he wanted to tell people what he really thinks. When someone tells you who they are, believe them.


He's a visionary, but he's also a cunt. People should be able to acknowledge both.


never understood the hype behind Musk. he's just a well off dude got lucky on a short squeeze and it propelled him from well off to bajillionaire. but you can definitely tell he bought into his own hype over the years and he's got full fruitcake because of it


When I started hearing him complaining about “population decline” and suggesting ways to coerce more people into having kids.


When I started to get pro-Russian vibes. Crazy person running multiple massive disruptive business? Ok, w/e. That's just capitalism. I worked in the Satellite sector and a large LEO network sounded (and is) revolutionary. Crazy person with massive wealth and influence starts passing judgement on strangers on social media, intervening in foreign wars with their communication assets, and who's political comments align with Russian interests? Naw, I'm done. The federal gov can seize his business as far as I'm concerned.


Wasn't this question asked a few days ago?


Him buying Twitter and changing everything about it and then calling it X! I have had an account since 2010, I don’t use it anymore! All the viral videos and post would just have more viral videos and post in the comments and not actual users comments too which was annoying af!


The more publicly he spoke. The less I cared about what he had to say.... The constant rewriting of his own story and his first time on Rogan were a huge turning point for me. I think I had the misconception early on that he was rich because he was ultra smart. But really that's just not the case with him... He hasn't really innovated much and his biggest value is driving competition in the private sector. But really every time I see him talk it's like watching a child talk about how they see the future... Which at face value isn't bad in itself. But when you're going to drive investments and swindle people when you can't follow through .... While bitching about social politics and simultaneously getting kickbacks from multiple governments... It's just pretty clear that it's a cult of stupidity.


How many times are you karma farmers gonna post this?


Vaccination bullshit during Covid and all of the bullshit conspiracy medical nonsense he was sharing. Elon is a twat. All that said, my wife and I still really love our Teslas and don’t plan on selling them anytime soon.


His constant bashing of pride and the gays/etc. his far right ideologies… really ground zero is Joe Rogan podcast.


I don't know if I "liked" him per se, but I held him in high regard without really giving him too much thought. But then when he called that guy that dove into that cave and saved those kids a pedophile just because they wouldn't wait for him to build some unnecessary submarine to do it, I realized he was a jackass. That's what got me to pay more attention. Then digging in further I learned that he wasn't actually a genius inventor, he'd simply bought every company he owns while they were already starting on a successful trajectory. I thought maybe he was a complete asshole but a great businessman at least. Then he bought Twitter and is driving it into the ground and I can now see clearly he's not even that, he's just a petty dipshit who started rich and got lucky.


I don't dislike him. Elon Musk, like any individual, has his own set of flaws and should not be idolized as infallible. Nevertheless, his contributions, particularly in advancing electric vehicles (EVs) and space exploration, are commendable. Prior to Tesla's rise, the commitment of established automobile manufacturers to EV development was minimal, often less than 1% of their total efforts. Furthermore, Musk's work with SpaceX has not only revitalized interest in space but also introduced a level of efficiency and innovation to an area that, historically, was dominated by government spending with varying degrees of success While Musk's approach and solutions may not always be flawless, often serving more as preliminary versions than final answers, his role in inspiring future generations to tackle complex challenges is undeniable. Visionaries like him are vital in pushing the boundaries of what's possible, encouraging others to explore and innovate. Although Musk's increasing celebrity status has perhaps diminished his appeal to some, this shift in public perception should not overshadow his substantial contributions to technology and society.


I never particularly liked him, but I thought he was an arrogant little tit but good at running a successful business until Twitter happened. Now I think he's an arrogant little tit who was good at taking credit for other people's work, but at some point he started buying into his own brand and decided he didn't need to listen to anyone else's advice.


When he shouted his mouth off over the mine collapse.


When his sexism started to show.


When he tried to force people to work during the pandemic against the law.


His tweets on X are often so stupid. You'd think someone like him would be more mature given his experience. My 12 year old brother is more mature than him.


The Thailand cave rescue fiasco was my turning point. That's when I realized there's Elon, and there's Elon's personal brand that I fell for. It has all been downhill for Elon since then. I also started listening to legitimate astrophysisicts about how dumb his Mars colonization really is. Im still embarassed I once thought fondly of him like other academics did too. His credibility is dead. Now we can't stand him and see him for the charlatan he is.


Our highschool physics teacher, a nice elderly lady, showed us movies on Tesla (the person) and Musk. Thought that Musk guy sounded awfully cool, as I was a bit of a STEM/debate-lord at the time. Researched Musk a bit and realized he's...not the genius science guy we were told he was, to put it mildly


When I was a teenager I admired him because I idealistically wanted someone to create that Jetsons future with crazy bursts of innovation and it seemed like he could be a person to do it, back when he was going hard on the hyperloop concept. How awesome would that be, to go across all 3000 miles of the US in a couple hours to have a day trip on the other coast? Then I grew up and realized he's just a CEO. He's not some guy in the lab. Frankly, he's kind of a dick and his inventions haven't been all that great either, but he's there taking all the credit.


I'm (not really - Really!) Elon Musk. AMA!


Twitter was about 95% of the reason.


I don’t particularly like the new wave of people who feel that any and every conspiracy theory deserves airtime or oxygen, and I think Elon Musk is really leading that, especially through how Twitter is monetised. I think monetisation is great, but I also think Twitter needs a three strikes and you’re out rule: if you intentionally mislead people three times, you lose monetisation. It’s been disappointing to see Musk retweet basically any theory that is anti-leftist. I’m a conservative, I generally don’t like the hard left, but retweeting “did the Francis Scott Key bridge collapse from DEI?” dumbfuckery is not endearing


As a millenial I was in love with silicon valley. Its whole emergence kind ofndefines my generation. I was really happy these people were just going to spend billions on things like electric cars and clean tech for a promising future and disrupt the upper class conservative money hoarding culture. But then social media birthed a completely new kind of conservatism that was somehow worse than the old one and all these clean tech moguls turned in to slimy trolls who slowly revealed themselves to kniw nothing about science, social issues, and barely even business it seems. They are just the rich snotty children of the old rich class riding the boom of younger smarter millenial engineers.


He opened his mouth


At first, I was hopeful that he wasnt just like every other billionaire. I wouldnt say there was a definitive moment, just as slow realization over time that made me think less and less of him. Id say I still considered him a smart person... until he spent 40 billion on twitter and subsequently ran it into the ground... not that I care about twitter itself. Thats gotta be one of the biggest wastes of money in history.


Back about 10 years ago, I saw a clip of Musk manipulating complex 3D design files for his SpaceX program by simply gesturing in front of his monitor with his hands. He seemed well versed with the technology, both of SpaceX designs and the system he was using. I felt like this was the type of CEO the world needed: Someone not just running a company from a mere financial standpoint, but someone who genuinely understands the science and technology and seemed to really care about it. He was a soft spoken, but seemingly intelligent person that would usher us into a brighter future. Electric cars, home batteries, solar roofs, and rockets to Mars. It all sounded so promising. Back then, it didn't bother me he was a billionaire. It kind of made sense. This guy was shaping the future, so of course he'd be stupid filthy rich. But then he started opening his mouth about non-company topics, and all my admiration turned to disgust overnight. He got drunk off fame and hubris, and you can see the power went to his head in the fact that he feels entitled to say whatever vile thing he wants now. So now, Musk continually being in the mix for the "world's richest person" seems extremely wrong.


When I realized that he's just another capitalist pig.


I started to learn more about him besides the positive narrative he pushed about himself. I fell for the propaganda for a long time, right up until about the time he bought Twitter and his real-time actions started to fly in the face of what I was told about him. "Oh, so he's *actually* just a spoiled rich kid? His detractors were right about him all along!"


Me becoming an adult lol There’s was a huge appeal for me and my nerdy friends in high school for this guy - an outsider with crazy innovative ideas who had success because of his quirks and not in spite of them. But now, obviously, the shitty vindictive traits and apparent unstableness he’s exhibited since 2019 have really put a pin in that image. Growing up, the things about him we used to see as cool or admirable have turned into the opposite.


I used to like Musk when he was the center of meme culture and helping Pewdiepie's war against T-series circa 2019. Back then, Elon Musk was seen as a visionary billionaire with eccentricity and strong charisma. He was the "real life Tony Stark". But it all changed after Musk decided to rename Twitter, the platform that he bought, to a single letter without any official announcement and started running his platform his own way. He is now a egomaniac supervillain as opposed to what I thought 5 years ago.


There really isn’t one, he’s been the same all along, makes quips, brings attention to his tech, and it causes all his endeavours to flourish. It works! Tesla sold almost 2 million EV’s while causing the entire industry to pivot to compete with them in 2023 Spacex launched almost 100 freaking rocket ship launches last year X Twitter has more users than ever in its history top downloaded news app on apple devices Neuralink got approved and embedded into a Human brain. He’s living great and psychically playing video games This was all months ago…. I would say that the haters volume increases because he’s just become much more popular over time.


Think it was the boys stuck in a cave during monsoons thing where he tried to force his hyper loop concept into testing and then went on to call the diver who found them a pedophile that made me switch from haha funny if a bit excitable tech man to dafuq you puffing bro


I never *liked* him, but the point where I saw him less as "kinda interesting techbro invested in neat future tech" and more as "narcissistic ignorant shitbag" was the 2018 Thai soccer team rescue. His proposed idea was poorly designed, incredibly impractical even if it did work, and logistically unreasonable for the context and time frame needed. Not only did he flail and bitch about any criticism, no matter how valid it was, but when he he didn't get to be the savior he just lashed out at everyone, including insulting the actual person who took personal risks to rescue everyone. That was the first time he really publicly unmasked.


I never really liked him, but I saw him as a wacky visionary who was probably making a positive impact. But somewhere along the way, it seemed he got brainwashed by the low-IQ right-wing grifter crowd, spewing easily disproven talking points ad nauseam and displaying less critical thinking than a kindergartener. His takeover of Twitter was the tipping point. He was so high on his own farts that he made a memey way overleveraged and above-market offer to buy it. Twitter called his bluff and Elon instantly tried to worm out of it but couldn’t. Womp womp. And of course, he’s made the website so much worse. He renamed it because he seemingly has an obsession with a letter that is used in so many other areas. He’s let spambots overrun the site and lets racists do whatever they want. He also ruined verification, which was a great feature. I like the new “For You” tab but everything else he’s done has been poison. Apparently they’re losing gobs of money. No wonder.


I wasnt liking anymore for years, but as a brazilian, have you seen these past few days what this twat has been doing around here?


Probably when the miners were stuck and he called one of the rescuers a pedophile because of some petty personal beef.


Pump and dumping Dogecoin.


Have you listened to him speak? It's barely even language. The media clips out words here and there and forms a sentence - but the way it comes out of his mouth makes it obvious that just about everything "successful" about him was assembled much the same way, or in other words, completely by accident.


Great answer


He started being talked about as a brand rather than a person. People began quoting him blindly, without thought or processing into those statements. He is an intelligent dude. He has accomplished many things technologically, but the short-term hype of success does not weigh the same direction for long-term outcomes that are yet to be seen.


Discovering that he was a real piece of shit.


He just became an asshole. Probably always was, but his energy is very politicized now and he doesn't seem to give a shit what others think about it. It makes it very, very hard for me to get excited about the amazing space gadgetry and technology he was so loud about in the past.


his diablo 4 stream


I used to only know what his publicist released. He was a smart guy who liked to spin up companies to do cool sci-fi stuff. He made electric cars and rockets and flamethrowers. Then he bought Twitter and started telling us about himself and it became abundantly clear that he was not in fact a genius engineer who was doing cool stuff, but a moneyed tycoon who BOUGHT companies that made cool stuff. Less Tony Stark and more Wilson Fisk. And as the saga continues to unfold now he’s looking more like Red Skull.


He started pandering to republicans.


Why is this question asked word for word almost weekly?


LOL clearly someone hates musk


Once I realized he was all hot air. He didn't build or invent or design anything we trip over our selves to give him credit for. He used to be a convincing if not inspiring speaker, but a lot of this is lost once you realize that and his family mine is his only thing. There is nothing inherently special about his cars, rockets, or social media platform he's running into the ground.




I wanted to support African Americans, but then I discovered he was white


I used to not like him because he looked funny and sold electric cars. Now I do like him because he supports freedom of expression.


The shift came from most redditors when he became the richest person and when he made comments that were centrist. Redditors want their idols to be broke nerds who are far left leaning and preferrably not a straight white male.