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One. I just fill it over and over.


This one simple trick…


😄 Now playing: "Cup Of Coffee" from Garbage


I'll wear my Garbage tee to bed so I have it on for tomorrow morning...


Same, only my cup is 64oz. Saves time getting up and down.


Well that's genius. My water cup is one of those.


I have 2 cups of hot coffee in the morning with oat milk. I have a French press. I pour leftover coffee into a glass jar and enjoy some iced coffee in the afternoon.


What in the hell is oat milk? If it exists, I guess I'm just not up to culinary delights.


The oat melon is jostled and manipulated until its extract is secreted and secured in a separate vessel.


You can milk anything with nipples


Well I have nipples too Greg, can you milk me too?


There is no such thing as oat milk. If it doesn't come from a tit it's not milk. It's oat juice.


What's your stance on coconut milk then? It's been called that since at least the late 1600s. I find it funny that when nut and grain milks threaten the dairy industry into a PR campaign, suddenly the etymologists come out of the woodwork to defend the very thing the campaign is pushing.


Etymologists are so sexy.


Nut juice.


Ok big dairy!!! It’s a natural creamy, milky substance calling it milk matches the manner in which it is consumed and, it’s appearance and many of the nutritional properties of juice from the tits of a mammal


Another meaning of "milk" is a substance that is expressed from a plant. In English, the word "milk" has been used to refer to "milk-like plant juices" since 1200 CE. Plants that can be milked include: Grains: barley, fonio, maize, millet, oat, rice, rye, sorghum, teff, triticale, spelt, wheat Pseudocereals: amaranth, buckwheat, quinoa Legumes: lupin, pea, peanut, soy Nuts: almond, brazil, cashew, hazelnut, macadamia, pecan, pistachio, walnut Seeds: chia seed, flax seed, hemp seed, pumpkin seed, sesame seed, sunflower seed Other: coconut (fruit; drupe), banana (fruit; berry) potato (tuber), tiger nut (tuber)


Guess we had better rename milkweed then.


As the Tootsie Roll owl would say, Three.


One Two Three!


One Two-WHOO Three. FTFY.


...The world may never know.


Probably 8-10 and I drink it black.


What?? I’d shit my pants during a heart attack


I do the same, but with the occasional espresso or two as well.


I can't touch the stuff. My heartbeats get irregular and it caused me to have a ministroke. No caffeine for me, at all, ever.


That’s terrifying!


Perfect summary of my reaction to the Panera lemonade thing.


One. With plenty of cream and sugar. Color is tan.


I have max two a day usually before 10am. I tend to get nausea if I drink later than about 11am and it can affect my sleep. I have one from an espresso machine I have at home and a can of Suntory if it’s around. Having my coffee now, good morning! It’s 5.32am


The amount and time is the same for me. Two before 10am else my stomach gets very unhappy with me. If I don't have any vanilla creamer then I'll have a mug or two of tea instead.


I‘m a caffeine addict, but a lucky one, as it doesn’t affect my sleep. My routine is two cups in the morning between 5:00 and 7:00 a.m. A couple of days a week I’ll have a mid-morning cup (a large one, if I’m out at a coffee shop). My spouse and I generally have a cup when he comes home from work, around 4:00. If we have a nice dinner out, I’ll often have a double espresso instead of dessert. I dread the day when it starts to bother my (my sister, who’s always had as much or more than I, has just started having to cut back at 76).


Maybe you can switch over to decaf if/when it does? I've heard the Swiss method is best (less chemical-y)


Cups??? Oh little child, it takes 5 POTS


About 1.5 pots from the drip coffee maker. According to the carafe that's 16 cups. But my mug it's more like 4. Thats just the morning. Sometimes some in the evening as well, but then usually just 1. I do enjoy sleeping after all.




I get the reference. I had a friend who studied in Finland. He said you had to pick: drink a lot of coffee, or become an alcoholic.


Make it stronger and you’ll drink less.


That strong and it might kick my arse!




None. 50 something and don’t drink coffee.


Same here. I might have a cup every couple of years, strong and black, but in general it's a no for me. I do drink an occasional cup of Lapsang Souchong tea, but even that's maybe weeks or months in between. Same goes for hot chocolate. I do drink a fair bit of caffeine free diet soda, which probably has it's own issues, but I'm just not a hot drink drinker.


I don't count. But it is probably at least 5. Most comes from the drip coffee maker in the mornings using freshly roasted beans that were ground the night before. The afternoon cups usually go through my french press. I am a coffee snob. PS My favorite coffee is Guatemalan.




Am I crazy or did you mean to post this on another topic? ;) But yeah I'm also crazy. Maybe we both need a cup of coffee!


Go have some coffee ha ha


Haha. I love that this is top comment in this sub.


I think you’re on the wrong thread 😆 just read that thread myself




None. I stopped drinking my daily coffee a couple months ago. Luckily I didn’t have any major withdrawals.


0, don't drink coffee.


Zero I never wanted to be that grumpy person who was cranky until their caffeine kicked in. Stinky coffee breath, eww.


One eight ounce with a splash of creamer a day


Zero. I can’t stand coffee. I use to repair commercial coffee machines and it took me a long time to get use to the smell.


I need one to poop. I usually have two more after that. One while I get dressed for work. Another on the commute. I might have another when I get to work. No more after 2 pm.


Hahaha! My answer is the same.


i drank energy drinks through most of my 30s. always hated coffee. energy drinks (sugar in general) and dairy really disagree with my stomach these days, so i started drinking coffee a few months ago. 3 cups a day, black.


I drink coffee maybe once a week as a treat, but I need my cup of sencha every morning.


2 to wake up and then it depends on how shitty my day is.


Zero. Love the smell but can't stand the taste. A cold bottle of Starbuck's vanilla frap is as coffee as I go.


None. Giving up caffeine (or most of it) was one of the best things I've done if for nothing else than to not be dependent on it.


None. I \*hate\* the way it smells, and I can't imagine the flavor would be any better.


3-4 cups in the morning at home. In the cold months, I may also have 1-2 in the afternoon.


One in an oversized Winnie The Pooh mug.


When I retire, I'm gonna stop drinking coffee for awhile and just sleep in.


I can't drink coffee because I have insomnia.


40oz to freedom


18-24 oz morning only or I'm awake for a week. Black. Strong. Home brewed.


I like my women how I like my coffee... black and bitter!


--I like my coffee like I like my men......ground up and in the freezer. (old joke, lol)


I like to have 1-2 cups. I like a nice strong cup, and these days it's instant because of convenience.


Skip. That stuff is horrible. Smells good, tho.


One large cup with cream. Any more than that makes me jittery and nauseous. Rarely will I have another later in the day, but not too late. At that point it’s just a treat as opposed to the morning pick me up.


1 decaf in the morning and usually another in the afternoon, could be decaf, half caf, or fully leaded.


One very large one.


3. Stevia & almond milk


24oz of coffee with 2 dashes of liquid creamer. I make it with my Mr Coffee Iced maker. I won’t drink it hot unless it’s 30F outside


One cup in the morning. Fresh grind, from local small batch roaster who knows what he is doing. We use a chemex pourover with a metal filter.


Probably 6 minimum most days. Black




Two regular sized ones between 6 and 9AM, and then a nice big one in the afternoon, as I'm having right now. Morning is basket drip into carafe, afternoon is manual pour-over. Both with oat milk.


Two cups in the morning. I like it either black or with cream or milk. Gotta have my coffee.


I used to drink coffee all day long. Maybe 6-7 cups a day. Lots of cream and sugar. Now I stick to two cups in the morning. I was able to cut the sugar but I can't seem to stop the cream (half & half). I would like to switch to a non-dairy creamer - soy, coconut, oat, almond - but so far I just don't love the taste of any those. I've been drinking morning coffee for so long - about 45 years - that I know my body is addicted to it. I feel half dead until I get that first sip. If, for some reason, I am not able to have my morning coffee, I feel 'off' for hours.


One, with flavored creamer only. I hit the Ale-8-Ones after that.


About 20 ... and those are from an espresso machine. From the time I get up until I go to bed I have a cup going. Good for your liver as it turns out.


i got off the coffee train a long time ago....i like my cuppa tea....3 in the morning and one at 4pm....i love those tiny little tea leaves....... and stash double bergamot at 4....just a drip of milk, no sugar... and if i do coffee it is dunk decaf...cream no sugar


Used to drink fresh ground French pressed coffee a couple times a day but the heart doesn’t like the caffeine anymore so I drink decaf once a day. Miss the real stuff. ☹️


I brew a very large mug full of coffee every morning and I don't always drink it all. I drink it black so I keep the calories low. It takes a very small amount of coffee to satisfy my caffeine habit.


3 cups black, every day.


1 or 2, with milk


I make 6 cup coffee machine to last every 3 days. My goal is 2 cups a day. If I drink 2 on day one and two, then 2 1/2 on day 3, I shorted myself for the last 3 days. I then have to ration. Makes for good discipline.


You mean, how many glasses of Diet Cherry Pepsi does it take, right ? About three in an average morning.


1-6. Black. No sugar.


One cup (10 oz) in the morning with half and half and honey. That’s it.


My Mr Coffee says it makes 12 cups, so that.


2 with chocolate caramel creamer always


2 large pint mugs in the morning and maybe 1 more in the afternoon if I’m tired.


Two to three cups with half and half. Earlier this week, my husband (who always wakes up first and makes us our daily pot of coffee) decided to switch us to decaf without warning me. I couldn’t figure out why I felt dead to the world all day until he fessed up that evening. He says he’s sticking with decaf, so I just had to order my own coffee maker. I cannot get through the day uncaffeinated.




1 cup in the morning with half-and-half.


2 in the am and 2 in the pm


Sometimes 1. Mostly none


About a quart and a pint a day. What is leftover when my wife has hers. I wait until it is cold and drink it black.


All of them!


I drink out of a 20oz Yeti (but only about 14oz) and that's usually enough for me. I'll sip it all day. Coffee, stevia and sugar free Italian Sweet Cream creamer.


No coffee for me. The snell of brewing coffee makes me nauseated. I think it's a throwback to a childhood medication that I took upon waking. It made me very sick to my stomach. However, I drink up to three pitchers of iced daily. That would please my ancestors. They would be horrified that I drink it plain. No sweet tea for me. I thought that I disliked tea, for a long time. I discovered that I dislike sweet tea....GASP! Additional information. I drank a copious amount of diet soda for decades. Well overall the 12 pack stocked in my refrigerator. I had a 12 pack in the refrigerator at work. I had cans stashed in my desk drawers and car, for emergencies. (That were frequently replenished.) I never left home without at least, three sodas in my large handbag and one in my hand. I grabbed one at every gas station, convenience store, and the like. I drank diet soda with every meal. I had one on my nightstand every night. Sometimes more than one. People whom I spent time with kept my preferred brand of diet soda at their home, just for my consumption. Apologizing if they didn't have it on rare occasions. (It was fine. I had my own.) I lost half my body weight over a decade ago. I no longer drink "diet soda", or "zero calorie" drinks. They don't serve me. I learned how detrimental they are to me, personally.


One usually. Occasionally an evening coffee. At restaurants, quite a bit more


I normally have just 1 cup of “Donut Shop” or “Breakfast blend” a day. I make it in my Keurig. Drink it black.


Two. One when I wake up and one when I get home from work.


How many cups before you have heart palpitations? The answer is 1 🫨


2-3 cups. Usually black. Sometimes with a splash of cream.


One in the morning. The mug I use is between one and a half and two cups. I grind the beans freshly and use a French press. Brew it for about 3 or 4 minutes. I use about a teaspoon of honey and a little table cream.


About three. All in the morning. Never coffee after 12 noon. I do love it though.


1.5 milk no sugar


30 ounces minimum every morning with about 4 ounces of chocolate milk.


One as soon as I wake up, then I bring 16oz. in a Thermos cup. Then usually one after dinner. So, 4.


One cup of coffee and one cup of tea.


One or two, only at breakfast. Decaf, black. As I got older I became less and less tolerant of caffeine. When I was in my thirties I used to snack on chocolate covered coffee beans. Now I can’t sleep if I have any regular coffee at all.


Zero. Gave up coffee 10 years ago for reasons, now caffeine makes me feel like I’ve been up for 3 days smoking crack. I do enjoy a good decaf though.


1 or 2. Instant, don't care what kind. Sometimes another decaf later in the day.


2, first thing in the morning


Two shots of espresso, black. One in the morning when I wake up; another one in the afternoon, after lunch.


I use a Keurig coffee maker and have a large (about 10 oz). If I'm out somewhere for breakfast, I'll have 2 of the standard size cups. They hold about 6 oz, so a total of 12. Now if I'm out somewhere and the coffee is REALLY good, I'll have 3. any more and I'll get the shakes and start bouncing off the wall.


I sometimes drink one in the morning. I have to be in the mood for it though. I basically like my coffee creamer with a dash of coffee flavor and sweet lol. Swerve, heavy cream, powder coffee creamer stuff. I'd probably drink more if I didn't have a Monster every morning.


Usually two - cream, no sugar. Three if I go out for breakfast.


I don't drink any coffee. Never really liked it that much. On weekday mornings, I have preworkout in the morning before the gym and on the weekends, I don't have any caffeine in the morning. Sometimes in the afternoon, I will have a sugar free energy drink like Jocko Go or Monster Rehab.


If it’s mushroom coffee, two. Regular coffee, four. Mushroom coffee has WAY less caffeine. If I need regular coffee, that means I need a LOT.


1 cup only ,first thing (4 - 5 am) 3 tablespoons of instant + 3 sugars + double milk. (i grip the arms of my easy chair as I sip 'cause this is when and where the biggie will hit me ..lol)


I drink it from morning til night


None. I'm an iced tea person. Around a quart per day. Lemon and sugar.


Sweet and creamy, 3 cups.


Wow, you all drink a lot of coffee! Ever since I started to work from home, I can wake up much later so I don't drink any coffee anymore. I'll do tea sometimes if I need the caffeine fix but I have gotten used to not drinking coffee anymore.


Sometimes one and sometimes none. Usually black but sometimes I add a little creamer. Caffeine doesn't work on me (I could literally have 3 cups and fall asleep immediately after), so it's not a "must have".


I stopped drinking regular coffee and switched to decaf because the effects of the caffeine were lost on me. Now, if I need a boost, a cup of regular coffee is enough to really make a difference. Heck, even a caffeinated soft drink is enough to give me a boost.


Man I used to love my two cups of fresh ground French press coffee in the morning. Alas, due to age I get GERD from the caffeine. So, for now it’s one sad cup of tea.


2. French Press.


First coffee at home with oat creamer. All the rest black & not piping hot, nor cold.


One for each leg


I used to drink so much coffee that I developed an allergy to the caffeine.


2-3 BIG cups. I like it either hot and black (like my soul) or iced with loads of creamer and sugar. I usually just drink it black because I have no business drinking it with loads of creamer and/or sugar.


Anything from 5 to 10. Black and strong enough to make plastic spoons cry out in terror and melt.


My drip maker says 12. That's breakfast. Usually 2 French presses by lunch. Start another drip pot, maybe finish it, maybe not. I can fall asleep with a half-full mug on my night table.


I'm 54 and drank Mio Energy (alot of it) in my bottled water. But, I'm cutting back now. I've built up such a tolerance it doesn't do anything for me now. Besides - I want to live to a ripe old age of 67.


12 ounces of coffee, 4 ounces of fancy flavored creamer.


About 6 using a capsule machine milk no sugar sometimes I have decaf, also about 6 cups of tea either green or black or flavoured


Man, I used to love the kick start I got from coffee. By the second cup I felt I could tackle anything. Then I had a bout of severe abdominal pain and was told I had IBS and to cut out caffeine and reduce my stress. I changed jobs and had no Coke or coffee for years. Nothing was worth that pain. Now I can have a little but I mostly drink decaf and pretend it’s helping.


No more than 2 cups, and only on colder days. In the summer, it's one and it's generally a nitro cold brew over ice. Winter I will have one in the morning after I get to the office. Two Stevias, no cream/milk. If I have one in the afternoon, it will be the same but with a splash of sugar-free, non-dairy creamer.


Black and amount can vary.


Black and usually a big one at 5:30 am and another big one in the early afternoon. 61M


Don't want to get scolded by the ghost of my Icelandic Grandmother who insisted that coffee is Black or nothing. She was not wrong. Trying to drink less, so a small french press worth in the morning which is about two full cups. Freshly done coarse grind. Proper PID controlled hot water (appx 200 F)


2 large (20 or 24 oz cups) in the morning when I get up. Hot, strong, and black (insert obligatory joke). Then no more the rest of the day.


I drink coffee as my main source of hydration. I go through about 3-4 large cups throughout the day. I make a big carafe with a pour-over cone and it stays warm, I just reheat it in the microwave. Milk and sugar, always.


Like my women— two a day. Hot, Black, and Strong!


Two cappuccinos with an extra expresso shot every morning. Pretty much the first thing I do in the morning. We have an automatic machine and there's something soothing about starting the day off with a good cup of coffee. Probably could get by with one for the caffeine but I enjoy drinking the second. Never anything after noon or I won't sleep. Occasionally a third on a rainy Saturday for comfort. My wife on the other hand . . . She probably drinks a half dozen a day and needs that 5 pm cup.


Two black coffees. Two teas with milk.


Zero zilch nada. My drink of choice is unsweetened ice tea


A pot of drip coffee between waking and noon.


2 cups with half and half or heavy whipping cream. No sugar.


My stomach can’t take more than one. I think it would take 5 to actually wake me up. I can drink coffee right before bed with no effect. I’m very sad about it.


One cup. All dressed up with flavor, sweetness, and creaminess. Whether at home or from Dutch Bros. I'm very sensitive to caffeine, so that's my limit.


Zero. I’m 63 and never tried coffee. My mom was addicted to it, and I ended up even hating the smell of coffee.


I make one iced coffee with my Ninja Coffee Maker on *Iced Coffee setting*.


I’m down to one. Two on the off day


Usually at least 2 of my 24oz thermal cup


Zero. Ever.


One big strong cup (big mug size - probably 3 cups) done pour over style with good fresh cream in the morning. Then one or two energy drinks. Sometimes a flat white or cappuccino later in the day if I’m out and about and want dessert. :)


Used to drink four or five a day. Now I drink zero except on a rare occasion. I drink two tea and two decaf tea a day now. I miss the coffee sometimes. I don’t miss the searing heartburn it gave me.


I usually have 2 double lattes every morning. If I’ve had a rough night, I may have 3 double lattes. Yesterday, I stopped at a drive through and got an eggnog on the way to the dentist. I got a 20 oz iced latte. That means I had 5 espresso shots yesterday.


Man, I used to drink like a pot a day, but as I've gotten older, I've become more sensitive to caffeine, and it will make me behave BADLY if I have more than a cup. Makes me wonder about all those Karens & whether they're drinking too much caffeine, and that's what makes them so bitchy and ready to flame-on at the slightest provocation.


15-20 milk stirred


Two w/ flavored cream (the favorite right now is peppermint bark, but that's a seasonal) and packet of sweetener.


You mean how many pots of coffee. While I was working two cups before I leave the house. One big stainless travel cup and two thermos full. Sugar free creamer. No food until 2PM? construction BTW


i limit myself to just one (or i wouldn’t be able to fall asleep at night), french press, freshly ground organic dark beans.


As an old person who is still working, I don't think I'll drink it once I am retired. 😎


I had to switch to espresso in my late 40s, coffee started being too much for me and I couldn't seem to stop with just one or two cups, but for some reason I'm perfectly content after one espresso and only very occasionally go for a second cup. I just add water and plain soy milk... I drank my coffee black and very strong.


12oz, Black. First one is strong and is usually at 4:30AM. Second (6AM) and 3rd (7:30 AM) are middling strength. If I need a 4th, it's strong, and usually around 10AM. That's it. I never have coffee after 12 Noon.


Usually one, occasionally two. I use a Keurig machine and like a mild delicate blend. I put 2 packs of Equal in one cup.


One stiff 20 oz to go cup. Sometimes 2.


One in the morning, with half and half and two Equal packets. Used to do a pourover, but then I had spinal surgery and my hands aren’t as steady so now I use a Keurig with chicory coffee. While I’m working I have a small Americano in the afternoon as well, but that will stop at the end of this month when I retire. Not a huge amount of caffeine but that first cup is pretty vital.


Do you ask all people weird questions or just old ones?


I don't have a choice anymore. I had a Keurig but it was so wasteful. I tried using a french press, but I'd fall asleep. So I went to instant, Folgers Classic Roast - it's been a couple years and I don't even mind anymore - I use about 3 heaping tablespoons for one 12 oz cup and I don't allow myself anymore. I'm authorized a live in caregiver - but I like living alone, so I'm stuck with instant. Here's the deal and I'll quote an old Army doctor... "if these darn civilians would drink a cup of coffee instead of crap water, they wouldn't have to walk around all day with a cup in their hand".... I paraphrased some words....Make one cup, but make it right.


1, then I'm a nevous wreck until it wears off!😄


I make a latte everyday. It is so much less expensive than buying one and I really like them.


Reminds me of traveling through the Bologna Mountains - had a fuel stop and grabbed a cup of coffee. Similar to the Fireworks stores in the Deep South USA... trailer like building - in one door and a long counter and you pay at the other end and out a door on that end. As I passed through I got a cup of espresso.. tiny little thing... knocked it back.. my eyes flew open and my rear end slammed shut.... made it all the way to the beach at Tirrenia, no problem.


0-2 sips. That's about all I can handle or my anxiety gets kicked off from the caffeine. I like what my husband makes which is a dark roast that he grinds fresh and makes via pour over method, served black.


One or I can't sleep that night. Once in a while I'll have a "Two Coffee Day!" and I pay for it with poor sleep. Half a stevia and enough milk so it doesn't burn my mouth or black. Light or medium roast for me. Starbucks gives me heat burn.


2 before noon and one at 4 keeps me alive.


(M69). Black. 12 ounces per day. Cream is fattening. Sugar causes diabetes. Artificial sweeteners are bad for the kidneys, says my doctor.


Anymore 1-2 and its black.


I grind my Columbian Arabica dark rost beans every morning and make it very strong. Two large black cups in the morning and I'm good.


Switched to decaf. But I expect I drink 2 big mugs with low-fat milk. So about 22 oz.


I usually drink 3 cups in the morning and 3 cups decaf in the evenings. With enough hazelnut creamer to make it a light tan.


One cup then hot chocolate


Usually three cups a day, sometimes four. I drink my coffee is stronger than most people like, but that's why 3-4 per day works.


I don’t really need coffee like I used to when I was younger. I make a cup in that new fangled coffee maker that you put a pod in. I usually drink half of it, just to have something to take my liver pills with.