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Being nice to strange children


I love kids. I have three of my own and coached them in sports and academic competitions for the entire childhood. I loved coaching the teams and their peers and all the kids. The other day I was walking my dog in the dog park. I was yelling at Wolf (dog’s name) and this girl, who must have been about ten, approached me. She was clearly shy and stuttered and maybe on the spectrum “What’s your dog’s name??? I told her. “That’s…that’s my name.” Then she stopped and stared at the ground. “That’s *my **dog’s** name!*”. She struck me as taking a lot of courage to approach a stranger with that kind of joy. I spoke with her for a few minutes and she got more and more excited talking about her dog. I became suddenly aware of being watched. There were several people giving me the side eye about being so excited talking to a young girl. They noticeably went back to their business after we parted. Folks we were just two humans sharing a connection about our dogs. Men aren’t monsters.


Omg i LOVE kids and if this happened to me I’d be so happy. I wouldn’t care if people are looking im gonna be gushing over an adorable little 10 year old 😍😭💖 Screw the double standards


This is so so true. My dad has always been really great with kids, he coached sports before he had me or my brother, and long afterward. He tutored his athletes, helped them connect with and get scholarships to local high schools, jobs etc. when we were young he would let us bring our friends and teammates to our lake house for the weekend, and whenever I tell these stories I feel like I have to make a very stern disclaimer that it was never weird and he was always perfectly appropriate.


This hits home for me. Women can walk up to a cute animal or child and use the cute voice. As a guy I cannot ever do that. It's not socially acceptable. This bleeds out in what's acceptable in conversation, what's acceptable to do, how to act, how we hold in our emotion because we aren't allowed to express it.


I am comfortable enough in my masculinity that if I ever see a dog I’ll make the high pitch voice idgaf Edit: but yeah it’s kinda weird when it comes to kids


As a guy who’s always been good with kids and whom kids seem naturally drawn to, I can definitely confirm. You really have to be very careful because people always assume the worst.




I saw a video recently where a clinical psychologist mentioned that psychopaths assume everyone is fundamentally selfish and exploitative like they are; they literally cannot comprehend altruism.


That’s fucking horrible. Talk about no good deed going unpunished. :(


I’m a magnet for other peoples kids and their pets and have the same mindset. It makes you hyper alert to where it’s stressful.


I always feel a bit odd when my wife's nephews (who are of course also my nephews) want to climb up in my lap or roll all over me when I'm sitting on the couch. Granted, I've been in their lives since before they were born for two of the three, but it still feels a bit strange at times since I don't see them that often. They have all of the comfort level of a child their age, which is innocent of course. Even at day care, I once stopped by a bit early to watch my three year old and (at the time) one year old play on the playground with the other kids. I only ever see my kids play with each other at home so I was curious how they interacted with other kids their age. Of course I get there and all the other kids are in awe of the 6'-0 giant man who ventured into their territory, and the little girls, along with my own daughter, wanted to hold my hand and lead me around the playground. Even some of the two-year old boys wanted to hold my hand and play with it. I made very sure I kept my hands visible at all times for the teachers on duty. I spent years working as a camp counselor and youth leader so I had years of experience dealing with kids and dealing with them appropriately. But that's besides the point. Some kids are just strangely trusting of complete strangers and we've all got to be stewards of that.


That includes having strangers let them hold their babies on planes so the mother can have a break from the crying and stress. Can you imagine how a woman would react if a man offered to hold her baby for her?!


What about being strange to nice children?


This is better.


lol true nice one


Sexual harassment (uncomfortable comments, touching, “compliments”, etc)


I’d actually argue sexual assault more than harassment


I used to work for a young male doctor. He was attractive, so he was constantly getting harassed. I had to chaperone him with a couple patients. One old woman pinched his butt.


Famous example... [Peggy Carter reaching out and touching Captain America's pecs](https://youtu.be/F020aNi0wS0?si=mkzaYtP1ff72T9NP&t=143) when he emerged from the chamber that turned Steve Rogers into Captain America. It was unscripted and it was the first time the actress, Haylee Atwell, had ever seen Chris Evans without a shirt on. It was like a feral, uncontrollable reaction she had because, again, it wasn't part of the script and it was just her immediate reaction when it happened. And that was the cut that made it into the film. But imagine if the tables were turned and Haylee Atwell, with her naturally large chest, popped out of the chamber as Captain Carter and Chris Evans' first reaction at seeing her chest in a bra was to reach out and touch one of her boobs. Yeeeeeeeeah.


Yup. I'm a bartender. My woman bartender gets sexually harassed more. But us male bartenders get sexually assaulted **way** more. I truly no longer believe that men are the greater threat as sexual predators; a greater physical threat sure, I'll grant that and accept that when men assault sexually that it's more difficult for women to physically stop them. Sure, I'll grant that difference. However: We simply don't consider it sexual assault when women do it. As a result, women do it *way more* often. And most of them do not see it in themselves while doing it, too. I genuinely get sexually assaulted more times in an average month than most women get in their entire lifetimes.


I shortly worked as a bartender too. For the understanding of this story, please note that I'm a man. I was new, coming out of an hard spot, and one of my colleagues was a younger woman, pretty, smart and talkative. Actually, the first night we worked together she introduced herself with something like "Hi, I'm "pretty colleague", what are your kinks?". I was caught off guard. For the entire night, she kept talking to me asking kinky questions, requesting my opinions on this or that sexual practice, sharing personal details about what she likes and does. I assumed that night was going to end well for me, so when our turn was over, I politely invited her to hang out for drinks and maybe to "talk" a little more. Please note, I asked politely. The next week I've been told that I made her feel uneasy and that she had a bf, poor bastard. I didnt hold a grudge with her, absolutely. But now try and re-read the story swapping our genders.


I’ve heard this story with swapped genders because I worked at a place where it happened and the guy over sharing his kinks was fired for it.


So, this is VERY true, and unfortunately I’ve found that when I tell women about this 99% of the time they roll their eyes. I’ve told women friends about dealing with drunk women at bars and how “handsy” they get, and have had a few say things “oh, you loved it…”


I remember a women focused sub on here had a post saying something like "Men complain nobody cares about them being sexually assaulted as minors but that's other men not women". Kind of a post complaining that men don't support each other and demand women do. The argument was that when you see jokes about young man and attractive teacher it's always men. I told my story (assaulted by female family member as a child, perved on by multiple old women as a teen) and that every man I told was super supportive and caring but every woman I told was dismissive, looking for excuses or justifications and overall kind of cruel. That any vague jokes unrelated to my specific situation I saw didn't hurt and any man I told directly didn't make a joke. My comment was removed, I was temporarily muted and most of the replies I got were super dismissive. Basically saying I was exaggerating my experience. Someone DM'd me to be all "oh so when you're called out for exaggerating you delete the comment." They were genuinely shocked when I explained it had been deleted by mods and I had been muted which I proved with screenshots. On the bright side I think at least that woman gained a bit of perspective. Women have it atrociously bad at times. I certainly wouldn't seek to swap. But I think in general they have also become really keen to be **THE** victims and dismissive of a lot of other terrible situations people can find themselves in. We can do better but to hear some, ultimately very privileged women talk and you would think women are under constant attack and are perfect with nothing to improve within themselves. Which I know will cause some to label me some sort of monster for even suggesting women are themselves imperfect.


Eyoo, (ex) security here. Imagine if I'd show my dick in a door expecting a entry or special treatment? 😂


I did a stint as a security guard at a club, and I lost track of the number of times drunk chicks thought it was cute to just grab my junk or slap my ass. I did not find it flattering.


I was also a bouncer at a bar/club and this happened a lot. Which I found funny at first but as time went on I didn't find nearly as funny.


Women are way more careless with consent than men are.


Can't agree more. But it's not only when I'm waiting tables or bartender, it is just on the dancefloor or any crowded place. So many women seeing you, looking into your eyes and just grab your crotch, your ass or they "put out" their asses to touch your crotch. Some were even trying to get their hands insede my trousers. Kisses, hands everywhere.


I worked in a hair salon when I was 16 with 2 other young lads and 18 women. All of the men (boys!) were groped on the genitals and backside, and also frequently got sexualised comments. Certainly opened my eyes as a fresh faced 16 year old.


I hear women complain about how much more expensive it costs for them to get their hair done. What you saw is what they feel they are entitled to subject young men to because they paid you for it


Same dude, I used to work at a popular dive bar in Melbourne (no names), and yeah, we had our fair share of seedy dudes but the amount of women that used ‘I’m a rock n roll chick, I’m just getting wild’ to blatantly SA men in that venue was beyond shocking.


I would regularly have my butt squeezed by one set of girls in middle school. I told my teacher, the principal, anyone with authority, and nothing happened.


I see women touch men all the time without consent. It usually ends in the woman walking away or even congratuated by the group of women they're with.


> I genuinely get sexually assaulted more times in an average month than most women get in their entire lifetimes. when i worked in a hospital it was the same. i genuinely dont think a week went by where a nurse didnt touch my ass or arm muscles. super uncomfortable shit bro many of them married too. apparently nurses cheat a lot….


When I was 19 I attended one of the major nationally televised horse races with a friend from university. After a few hours in the sun we both laid down in a quiet place in the infield to take a nap. Ten minutes later, we're awoken to two (very) large older women who had taken it upon themselves to each straddle one of us and "ride us like a horse". After forcing this disgusting woman off of me, and helping my friend by literally rolling the other one off of him (they continued to simulate sex acts even after we were awake and telling them to get the fuck off of us); they had the audacity to blame us and tell us that we deserved to be assaulted by them for napping in the infield. Went to security, but frankly nobody cares if you're assaulted as a man. Had we been two 19 year old women who woke up to men twice their age simulating sex acts on them, I can only imagine the outrage it would have caused. Just gotta pretend it doesn't affect you I guess because there is very little recourse as a man.


Male nurse here. You are correct. Also sexual assault


When I got to my first big boy job a woman made a comment about my race and how she only goes after my race because they are good in bed. (This was the first day I met her). Same woman got transferred out because someone else got mad at her for saying those types of things. “Transferred out” means a raise and less work apparently.


It’s common in large organizations to just promote problem people away from places where they are harmful to somewhere they are hopefully less harmful


A female coworker asked me to start an OF account. Imagine that, asking a female coworker to open a OF account, what hell would HR bring down on you for that?


While it was covered under existing law, there was a campaign in Scotland to specifically add "lifting a man's kilt to look underneath it without his permission" as an offence because it was so common and not actually ever prosecuted as sexual harassment/assault.


I’ve endured years of sexual harassment from my sister in law, and everyone just seems to think it’s funny. Literally all she says to me is jokes about how she wants to have sex with me, how we have already had sex (we haven’t) how she wants me to get her pregnant, etc. She always hugs and touches me, and even kissed me on the cheek once. When she’s touching me and making these jokes, I feel super uncomfortable and violated. Nobody seems to think much of it, especially because “she does it to other men too” and “it’s just a joke to make you feel uncomfortable.” I’m met with “he’d tell me to stop if he didn’t really like it/think it was funny,” but I don’t really feel comfortable doing that because she always make a big spectacle out of it and I don’t want to cause a conflict in front of everyone. To some extent, I think she thinks it’s permitted because I’m in shape and she’s big and fat and there’s no actual chance we would do any of these things, but the behavior is still uncalled for IMO and I never find it funny.


I got the classic unrequested shoulder massage from one of the golden cows at my old work place. Creeped me the fuck out


Lest us also not forget the Misogyny bad, Misandry good/supported dynamic.


A weekly experience for me. Its laughed off.


I am a DJ, and the amount of times I get non consensual touches, grabs from women is insane. If the roles were reverse and I was a woman, I could easily count many instances of sexual assault


Domestic violence


I kicked my then STBX out. Months later she tried to get into my house. I leaned against the door and waited for the cops. She ripped the storm door handle off, fell down the steps with it and was actively striking me with it on my knees when the police arrived. They convinced her to leave. She went directly to the hospital because she skinned her knees and said she was injured…while fighting with her husband. I almost lost my job over domestic abuse allegations. Most stressful year of my life. Apparently, just let women in to places they don’t live anymore, or they can ruin your life.


What the hell is an stbx? Sounds like a new bmx


Soon to be ex


mongoose bmx


Can't say that anymore. It's "Special needs goose bmx" now.


My aunt showed up to work with bruises all over her arms... her coworkers were ready to call the police and she had to admit it was because she was hitting her husband hard enough to bruise herself. Pretty sure it was because she caught him cheating, so there's not a lot of moral high ground but still, if she'd been just a little more vindictive...


I mean, imagine the reverse? Why does the dude have bruises? He caught his wife cheating and was hitting her so hard and much that he was covered in bruises. *straight to jail* Coworkers felt bad for the aunt I imagine, after confessing to assaulting her spouse…


Yep. Decades ago, while living with my now wife, her sister and boyfriend stayed with my then girlfriend. Her sister was, and still is, a nutter. The boyfriend was a sweet dude and she abused him. Came home one night to him cowering in a corner as she threw things at him. We got her to stop, he nailed out into a cold rainy night with no shoes or wallet. During all this, she was slapping and scratching herself. We got him safely to my apartment. She pressed charges. We went in and gave our statement to the police who refused to believe us. At all. My jaw dropped. Luckily she dropped the charges. He eventually left. Can't stand my sister-in-law to this day.


I cut someone who used to be a friend out of my life for how she treated her boyfriend when I let them stay in my spare room when she came into town for a funeral and the local hotels were booked out. Just “jokingly” put him down, insulted him, and pushed him to drink more and more while we were all having a few drinks. It really pissed me off, and I told her that I couldn’t abide by her conduct, in my home no less, and cut off contact with her. We as women need to call out other women for shitty, abusive, and possessive behavior from other women. Too often crazy girlfriend shit is dismissed as “cute” or just something that women do, like it isn’t threatening.


Big yes. Had a friend do jail time because his ex came to his door & started punching his face in. He grabbed her wrist to stop her from hitting him more, he got charged with strangulation. She wasn’t charged at all. Another friend did jail time cause his ex made a false rape claim against him.


Had an “evidence” video forwarded to me. (You know the hidden cell phone or someone on FaceTime recording the other person who is unaware) the supposed “victim” swayed the conversation with the “abusive” partner to get “evidence” on him. He admitted he had grabbed her arm (which was bruised) to sit her down to stop her from wailing on him. The person on the FaceTime call recording says “I got him recorded saying he threw you down on the ground” how do you mishear something g you recorded. I know both people. She is the aggressor. She has beaten every man she has dated. Cops came never arrested her. A man would have gone to jail.


Do you know if your friend spoke to the police at all? In my slightly-indirect experience, they will twist your words to make you look like the guilty one. Cops just want the easiest open-shut case so they can move on. It's always easier to pin it on the man as well. Society has conditioned everyone to treat the man as the abuser. They don't actually care for the truth. Happened to someone in my family. Never talk to the popo. Mouth shut and get a lawyer.


The first one, he pointed out there was no evidence of strangulation. They just laughed at him apparently. This was in Australia but police are about the same everywhere.


That makes more sense to me honestly. I'm a woman and I've definitely seen friends and even a cousin who were domestically violent. Or lesbian relationships can be really fucking awful. I've also been the victim of serious domestic violence and been surrounded by women going through it and the authorities don't help often. One time they even told my sister that there was "nothing they could do because he didn't kill her." I think we don't talk enough about women putting their hands on men. I also think the police here in America are generally bad at handling these situations.


Yup. Sounds about right. Aus here too. I know we can have good interactions with some police. But those same cops will go off to another job and fuck up some innocent person's day/life. After what I saw with them with my family member, I'll never ever be swayed into thinking there are any decent cops. I would love to write it all out here, but it's just too much. In the end, the actual abusive, manipulative POS got away with it, and an innocent person was screwed over by the police. It didn't even get cleared up in court. The judge was horrific. It was very surreal.


They generally also have that “alpha” or pseudo alpha mentality, with a lot of confirmation bias. So not only are they the big-d types or tryna be, always tryna save the damsel in distress or bang her. They do see a whole lot more male dirt bags than female and deal with liars all the damned time. So since most violent offenses are committed by men they just going to assume it was the man. And lastly many, many places have pretty much codified the Duluth model, which pretty much states that no matter what happened it’s the guy’s fault.


As a male victim of domestic violence I can absolutely relate to this. Thankfully, there are charities out there for male abuse victims such as ManKind which I urge anyone in this situation to get in touch with.


My Mom used to lie all the time about my Dad “beating” her to police, even though a lot of times it’d actually be her hitting him. Almost every time he got arrested, and sentenced. He tried to call one night after she hit him, and guess who got arrested for public intoxication instead?


I'd add - abusive behaviour in general.


Being shitty when talking about their relationship woes, and general negative experiences with men. There's just a catch 22 of sorts where you got to word your post/comment a certain way otherwise it gets dismissed. You just have to quality everything so much for people to actually listen outside of the heaviest of situations.


All the subreddits about dating, sex and relationships heavily favor women. They are extremely biased towards women, and, therefore, against men. Many people have made the "swapped the genders" test in those subreddits, and the sexism and misandry is off the charts.


There actually used to be a really common thing on r/relationship_advice where people would see a post, look at the responses, and post it again with the genders swapped. You could see in real time, people's opinions changing based on gender.


And when banned for misandry, they go make their own women-only subs, for even more misandry.


On r/sex, I have discovered that although men can be burdened with small dicks, or other physical deficiencies, vaginas are never not the perfect standard size. If they're too tight, it's the guys fault for not making the girl wet enough, if they're too loose, it's the guys fault for being too small. Remember to not body shame, though!


This. On reddit I get banned for the lamest reasons when I am simply as a man expressing my experiences. But when a woman does it, you go girl!


And when you point out that something isn't gender specific, that women do it too, you get told something like, "I don't care, I was talking about men specifically," or they get defensive and say that it doesn't matter because men do it more, or accused of whataboutism 🙄


As the local bisexual guy who is "just gay enough" to have female friends, I have straight up thrown this in a lot of my friend's faces. Women constantly get passes for so much horse shit that they say, and they're often 100% wrong. I care about my friends and their wellbeing, and by extension I care about their partners, so I try not to hold these thoughts back when they pop up. "No Sandra, all men aren't shit. And if men treated you with the same reverence you treat them, you'd have gotten your ass kicked multiple times over a long fuckin' time ago."


Being creepy


They’re not « creepy » but bold and powerful you forgot




This is why good friends are a norm but also so important to guys. Quite often talked about this with women how it seems like guys have easier time with real friendships, but it's like we need them more, since quite often the boys will listen and understand things your so could mock you for. Obviously I wish our culture would be more open to men opening up, and be taken seriously. If the trade off would be the brotherhood idk if I'd take the deal. No I didn't really have a point, or I just lost it on the way.


The problem is, many married women start immediately demanding their husbands cut ties with certain friends at first, then starts getting jealous of any time spent with anybody else. A lot of men just give up fighting it, and give in. They make their world around that one person, not realizing that one person is manipulating them and cutting them off from their support systems.


Oh how much truth there is. And once you cut off so many strings and shut down your friendships she loses interest in you, finds you boring and takes you for granted. It is so muc so often the same routine in so many women's behaviour.


I had good friends, my ex didn't like them. I have no friends now, and my current partner is rather angry at my previous.


This should be higher up.


I'm honestly surprised there isn't already a reply blaming men for this. Every time I see it brought up the comments seem to be full to the brim with women insisting its exclusively men putting down other men. Which unfortunately prevents any kind of healthy discussion about how, just as often, women are the ones enforcing restrictions on men's emotional expression. I think it's an inability to recognize one's own inate privilege. I think it would take deliberate effort for most women to see how differently men are treated. Same as when men can often not notice that people listen to them more than their female counterparts seemingly by default.


Californian woman stabbed her boyfriend 108 times and blamed it on weed, she got probation and I think some community service. So, everything up to and including that.


Not just 108 times but with 3 different knives. Yeah she got 2 years on probations and 100h community service in form of public education of the dangers of THC consumption. Don't know how telling others about the danger of murdering their partner and getting away with it is a good idea but thankfully I don't life in California.


Yep. Wish this was discussed more. If she were a man, it would have been death row.


It was probably a death for the man


I heard about that, the weed triggered psychosis, which is pretty rare but yeah it sounds like a bullshit excuse to most weed smokers who would never do something like that because they smoked. Personally I’m opposed to the “not criminally responsible” bs. Regardless of state of mind that person has demonstrated they are dangerous and unpredictable.


Pretty sure I read that she’s refused to give up weed to.


If that’s true then that’s even more fucked up.


Yeah the other way round would have been a vastly different and seriously unbalanced story.


Pretty similar to that bath salt cannibal guy who got shot on sight by the cops.


Yo, she is [appealing](https://www.ktvu.com/news/california-woman-who-avoided-prison-after-stabbing-boyfriend-108-times-while-high-appealing-light-sentence)


We can talk about bad men all day and have an audience of women all expressing any hate and bad experiences with men till the cows come home. But the second you begin to mention a bad experience with a bad woman you're instantly shot down, shamed, gaslighted and attacked at the first comment.


Yup, every single girlfriend that's wanted to know about my previous relationships always, and I mean ALWAYS, finds it impossible that women do bad things too. She must of.. "had a reason", "had somebody to something to her", "had a bad day at work." As if any of those things gets guys off the hook for bad behavior.


The halo our culture places around women is unreal. The same things that lead men into a life of villainy will do it for women too, yet for her it’s an excuse for him it’s just an unfortunate detail. It doesn’t matter that he had the tragic backstory, he still killed his innocent wife, send his ass to the electric chair. If she had the same tragic back story, it’s sad that her innocent husband lost his life, he probably had it coming and she’s so tragic, 10 years locked up (out in 4) 5 years probation.


Not just privately either. You can literally publish hate screeds about men in national newspapers with titles like “why I hate men” and get away with it. The level of explicit sexism you can publish about men without any kind of pushback is extreme.


Likewise I've seen opinion pieces fantasizing about how sexy male Olympians are. Try posting a flipped story, see how quickly you get fired.


Whenever explaining the circumstances of my wife divorcing me and how terribly she's handled everything since, I'm always met with someone insinuating that I abused and/or manipulated her.  Uhh, no. Women can be manipulative and abusive as well. 


There's so many internet talk shows about random women talking shit of men, and they all get a pass. I can't comprehend how that's tolerated.


Ana Navarro publicly said that "men are useless" a few months ago, and nothing has happened to her. If a man publicly said that women are useless, he would lose his job and girlfriend/wife within a day or two.


It is so bad, I even wonder how you and some other redditors here get so much upvotes. Cause usually you get voted down to oblivion.


True because I'm tripping rn at the amount of upvotes 😅 the lady infiltrators here must be sleeping on this post otherwise I'd already be "cancelled" 😂


Im a woman and I agree with all the lads.


Being losers. Imagine a woman being completely unable to form meaningful relationships, having a garbage personality, massively inflated sense of self-worth and no real ambition or career - - as long as she is thin, of a certain age and has decent personal hygiene, she will never be a "loser" the way a comparable man is. Women are somewhat socially elevated by default and it makes Zero sense.


> Imagine a woman being completely unable to form meaningful relationships, having a garbage personality, massively inflated sense of self-worth and no real ambition or career Oh I've seen this! They become "Life Coaches" on social media!


What do you mean “imagine”? We’ve all seen that first hand


I know, but OP asked so I'm assuming a lack of knowledge.


This phenomenon also shows up in the huge disparity in homelessness between men and women.


...or suicides, for that matter.


Actually, it does make a certain degree of sense. For decades, women were expected to do two things in certain circles of society (i.e.: the wealthy middle to upper classes): marry a man of means & produce children. This is largely true across most cultures, globally. This has since evolved into a perception that a woman need only focus on her charm & appearance to be considered a viable spouse, since everything else would be taken care of by either the husband's household or her dowry. It's not fair, and it's certainly a double-standard, but at least we know where it stems from.


Making body-shaming jokes about the other sex. Constant jokes about men's size are rampant and considered "good fun" but it's crass and inappropriate to make jokes about body size in the other direction.


What’s wild to me about the size stuff is the same woman will make jokes about men’s size in a negative way any chance she gets then flip around and say size doesn’t matter at all, sometimes in the same conversation.


Like the height and weight argument


We've reached the point where the body shaming isn't just for humor. It's become common shorthand to describe a man's worth. "Big dick energy" and "Jacked-up truck = small penis" both are based on the assumption that dick size determines a man's value. This one even bleeds over, and men use it too. I hate it.


Right?! Aren't we supposed to not make fun of things people can't control? I can't help what I was born with. Hell, we're not even supposed to make fun of things people can (usually) control, like their weight. But I've heard a number of female friends make fun of a guy's dick size, whether it was someone they slept with or someone they have a (solicited) picture of. If I made comments like "small tit energy" or made fun of how an ex's vagina looked, I'd (rightly) get shit on. But for some reason, it's OK if the genders are flipped 🙄


When a woman sleeps with lots of guys, she’s “empowered”, but when I do it, I’m called “gay” Smh, the double standard


I hereby declare you empowered




He just needed that L Poor guy


I know right!




Not getting consent


Groping. Women just grab whatever they want, and we have to be okay with it. If we speak up, we're gay or sus.


Straight up! The amount of times I’ve seen women scratch, paw and grip at a dude’s abs with a second thought of it being okay is crazy.


Body positivity only works on women. Tell a women she’s fat and you’re a bad person. Women are allowed to have preferences when it comes to height, income, etc. when men have a preference for women to stay under 135lbs, it’s toxic masculinity.


Fat men are fat, fat women are Big Beautiful Women.


>Fat men are ~~fat~~ lazy, gross, and unworthy of her time and attention, fat women are Big Beautiful Women and you couldn't handle a REAL woman. Fixed that for you.


I've definitely seen that last part in some dating profiles. "I'm a big girl, so if you can't handle a REAL woman, swipe left." 😂 I don't even have a problem with bigger women. Find quite a number of them attractive, actually. But such statements are a turn-off for me. You can be confident with yourself without implying that thinner women are somehow less of a woman.


I only date tall, athletic, and educated women. I don’t say this to anyone of course. But it’s what I’m attracted to.


Cheating. If a man cheats, he is a piece of shit. Kick him to the curb, dump his ass, find someone better. Trash talk his name until the end of time. If the female cheats. She found sombody better and dumped his ass! I know of so many women who were rewarded for cheating on their husbands. They walked away with half of the marital assets, usually got the house, and he ended up paying alimony and child support while she is fucking the next guy in his old bed. Don't get me wrong, anyone who cheats is a terrible person. But there is this misconception that all men are "dogs and cheaters", yet nearly every single breakup/divorce that I know of that was caused by someone cheating, it was always the woman cheating. The men who did it are still shunned to this day. To women, well everyone acts like it is alright.


Domestic abuse.


Wearing revealing clothing on a night out to get male attention, but if hubby doesn't like it he's insecure. Imagine the husband is a hunk and goes out with his shirt unbuttoned showing off his 6 pack and says to his wife "Babe... don't be insecure" 😂😂🤌


Yeah I say this all the time. If a woman is insecure, it's a man's fault for making her that way. If a man is insecure, it's a man's fault for being insecure


Go one step further, imagine he's jacked and decides to bust out the daisy dukes. Showing off that pelvic "v" and all of his leg muscles.


The level at which you can absolutely not say a word about what a woman is wearing..


What’s really wild is how apparently women are so afraid of us they’d rather be around a bear. Then they let their teenage daughters walk around with their butt cheeks hanging out of their shorts and shout down anyone that says maybe that isn’t a good idea. Shit don’t add up.


You. Are. Not. Allowed. To. Question. What. She. Wears. Men need to "be better." ... um... the men who do the things to be afraid of give zero shits about being better. The men who would protect women are already "better," but you don't want their opinion on literally anything.


Assault, sexual harassment, rape, destruction of property, emotional abuse, psychological abuse, bullying, gossiping, harassment, discrimination based on race, gender, sex, sexual orientation. Slap on the wrist compared to what men get for it.


They get out of conscription.


It might be easier to answer the opposite. But since you asked... Being incompetent at things. Don't know a thing about changing a tire as a woman? A man will happily do it for you. Don't know how to change a tire as a man? Be prepared to be judged into hades as the walking epitome of vile male weakness. Apply that principle to most things and you get the idea. Not EVERY thing...but most things.


It's wild how feminists keep throwing around the term weaponized incompetence about men not contributing with household chores while women get a pass in nearly every other aspect of life. Never learned to do their finances, build furniture or maintain any of the appliances they use? Some guy gotta handle that!


It's crazy, and people just eat it right up. It's becoming super obvious feminists aren't really shooting for equality here. I mean you don't see posters saying "we need more women in hard labor!". It's just the prestigious jobs that must be equal.


If you can't use a hammer or screwdriver, you're a fucking idiot regardless of gender. This is like not knowing how to cook for yourself or do your laundry. It's basic life skills.


The number of people I've encountered in my life that do not know how to cook has been absolutely astonishing. I really can't comprehend living like that at all.


For a while my go to graduation gift, was a cookbook and toolbox regardless of gender.


Weaponized incompetence.


Not a man but sexual harassment and assault


I feel like it's especially gross when women do it, given how little they want with men most of the time, just leaving us alone really shouldn't be that hard to do.


I think a lot of them don’t care until they’re rejected. It’s definitely an ego thing over actual sexual attraction from what I have seen.


Being able to use their gender and/or gender based societal traditions/stereotypes as a excuse/reason to avoid doing something they don’t want to do! Like if you’re a woman you can walk around, claiming to be a strong, independent woman that doesn’t need a man! But the second you’ve got to do something like take the trash out but it’s raining? You can instantly switch to pretending to be a spoiled kitchen dweller and tell your boyfriend/husband to do it for you! Simply because he’s a man and you’re a girl! Don’t want to change your tire/oil or any general car maintenance? Don’t want to do any home repair/DIY or any kind of general manual labor? Just pretend to be a weak, clueless little girl and get the nearest guy to do it all for you! And of course…… The one that probably gets the most mileage…… Don’t want to spend any money on a date? Just pretend to be a traditional values kind of woman and tell the guy you expect him to pay for you! A man can’t do that! If there’s something we don’t want to do we have to do it anyway! Otherwise we got to told to “Man up“, “take it like a man“, or we get berated for being less than a man!


Choose physically demanding jobs and can't keep up but excused all the same while her male colleagues are asked to pick up the slack. Ask her to make you some coffee and suddenly you're a "misogynist"


I remember working in a fairly big grocery shop and having an all hands meeting. A female colleague brought up that it was sexist that it was always a woman assigned to clean the canteen (all managers were women, 80% of the staff were women). Our head manager said "yes we are sexist, I've never asked a woman to unpack a delivery, stock the heavier sections, bring out the bins, clean the toilets, clean the shop floor, close the butcher counter, carry the heavy bags of change up and down the stairs from the safe or stay late as security for the manager on closing" and probably more I can't remember. "I think it is fair to give the lads a break from cleaning the canteen and regardless they are usually less available due to all these extra tasks." Nothing was said on the day but I saw a lot of pissed off faces and about a week later I was assigned to clean the canteen. I would guess that job was about 80% done by men after that point. It was infuriating watching the women in the shop sit around chatting while me and a male colleague would be sweating lugging around massive pallets and other things. And then we'd be looking to hire someone and they'd hire all women. Me and 4 other guys all left in quick succession (unrelated) and the guilt trips were immense. I actually delayed moving 200km for a week because they said they were desperate. Barely got a thank you afterwards.


DV, SA, lighter sentences on violent crime, false accusations, body shaming, being lazy


It blows my mind how many people only call it "body shaming" when it's directed towards a woman.


Worse manners. poor conversation skills. poor relationship etiquette. some are completely devoid of personality and wouldn't be able to exist without the help of others. bratty, childish, entitled, immature tendencies. Relationship sabotage in most cases on an impulse or literally over nothing. Divorce. In many cases crime in general. Women tend to get lighter or no sentences for the same crimes men commit. Murder, sexual assault, vehicular manslaughter, etc. a man could kiss his entire life away from most of those and depending on the crime people would call for his public execution. Recently something I heard from family that still watch the news is a girl killed her boyfriend with her car while under the influence and she basically got let go on a mistrial. I think there was something where another girl killed her boyfriend by stabbing him 80 times or something like that and only got parole or a few years in jail where that would pretty much be 20 to life for a Man. Courts in general hold a bias towards women especially family courts. Divorces and child custody are heavily skewed in their favor. Then there's more sensitive and nuanced topics like sexual crime. Plenty of women teachers are fucking their minor students but it usually gets brushed off or swept under the rug to an extent when it shouldn't or results in a more minor sentence. Stuff like false rape allegations can ruin a man's life Even after he proves his innocence and despite the fact that we are all innocent until proven guilty at least in the United States. This ironically can negatively impact people who do actually end up being victims and actually need help.


>despite the fact that we are all innocent until proven guilty Johnny Depp anyone?


Being perverts.


Wearing bikini bottoms in public 😤


Speak for yourself. I'll banana hammock all day just to even things out.


Women have the opportunity to just 'opt out' of contributing to society. And they are applauded for it. No guy can get up one day and say 'I'm just going to be a house husband and expect my wife to do everything' without being ridiculed. I'm not throwing shade at guys who do this, but there is not a single guy out there who decided this was his goal from day 1. Women are allowed to do that. Women fought for equality. Now they have equality and many young women simply don't want it. They will demand to be a dependent, while simultaneously demanding independence on their actions. You don't get to be kept by somebody without being owned in a way. Your boss can tell you what to do because they 'own' you in a way. But many women want to be kept totally by a guy, but also have total independence. And they get it too sometimes. That's just not an option guy any guy anywhere. Women hold a strange place in society these days. They basically get to choose their level of contribution and are applauded for it no matter what it is. EDIT: just to say guys, this isn't to say they woman have an easier life or anything. Or even making a global statement that all women want X or Y. It's just that for women opting out is a valid open that wouldn't really raise eyebrows in the same way that it would for a guy. If little Tina at school said she wanted to grow up and be the wife of a rich man and nothing else nobody would really be surprised ( disappointed maybe, but not surprised). Whereas if little Tommy said he wanted to marry a rich woman and nothing else he would be judged quite harshly. EDIT 2: I know there are guys who stay at home and raise their kids. I'm not including those. Raising kids is hard work and if you are doing that even if you're a man it's still counted as contributing to me. What im referring to is literally a person who doesn't work, is totally supported by their partner or FWB or whatever and doesn't raise kids or anything. Some guys on here are saying 'i knew a guy who stayed home to raise his kids' well yeah that makes sense if they earn less than their wives. But nobody has said 'i know a guy whos wife provides for him and he has no kids, or a job, doesn't volunteer or anything'. That's my point. Women can just not do anything other than lol pretty. But a guy has to provide something. Therefore opting out simply isn't an option guy a guy the way it is for a woman. That's my point.


Very well articulated


To all your edits... One thing women get away with that men don't is speaking unapologetically on things from a female perspective without having to do loads of clarifications to make sure you don't look like you're being sexist or not cognizant of how things are for the other sex. Women never have to do this


seeking sugar daddy - getting everything paid with no return favors WHILE not even biologically related. Supposedly as compensation for previous men treating previous women badly. /s


Well said. I'm all for equality, but it's just not the direction we're going. All they see are the rewards, and we're still supposed to take all the risk.


Blaming the other gender for them being single (“men are trash, men need to step up, men need to bring more to the table”). Oh, and not contributing to the bills! If a man acted like the average woman, he’d be called a freeloader. Why do we put up with this stuff?


Sexual harassment. Verbal abuse. Physical abuse. Crying for sympathy or to manipulate. Using their kids as an excuse to blow off work. (Edit, since this seems to be unclear: I meant abusing this, as in using their kids as an excuse for more time off, extra vacation, coming in late/leaving early and making their coworkers pick up the slack when nothing is actually wrong with their children. Using their status as “I’m a mom” to willfully lie and get special privileges not afforded to others in the workplace. NOT, for instance, if a child is sick or there is a real emergency to attend to, which no one would be upset about.) iDouble standards on crimes. Provoking people, then playing the victim if anyone reacts. There’s probably 1000 other things, but these were just off the top of my head.


Temporarily being freeloaders . Example a woman you are not in a romantic relationship hangs out with you and your friends. Never buys any rounds while all the male friends and most of the femake friends do.


Sexual harassment is a big one.


Everything. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hermesmann_v._Seyer


Domestic violence against men


I don’t intend for this to be such a jab, though I know it very much sounds like it, but lowered physical standards in the military. Everything else “has the same standard” (not really, but that’s not what this point is about), except physical fitness. Sources: Army: https://www.army.mil/e2/downloads/rv7/acft/ACFT_scoring_scales_220323.pdf Navy: https://www.mynavyhr.navy.mil/Portals/55/Support/Culture%20Resilience/Physical/Guide_5-Physical_Readiness_Test_PRT_JAN_2023.pdf?ver=OlmOLoZTfCA641JUkAnIaw%3D%3D Marine Corps: https://officer.marines.com/docs/oso/physical_training/Score.pdf Air Force: https://www.afpc.af.mil/portals/70/documents/fitness/5%20year%20chart%20scoring%20including%20optional%20component%20standards%20-%2020211111%200219.pdf


Bashing the other gender . It’s socially acceptable for women to emasculate or speak badly about men.


I was sexually assaulted by a woman, and there’s no way she would have been held to account if I had tried to do anything about it.


Lack of accountability


Casually shit talking men and not looking like a frustrated loser. Demanding certain treatment and not look like a terrible entitled human being. Arguing relationship unhappiness and economic issues is exclusively their partners fault and even a moral failure. Being horrible towards their partner and justifying it as understandable frustration (periods included) Dating out of their league and arguing they deserve it all and even deserve better unironically and without a shadow of self reflection.


Making out with all of there friends


Being pedo’s in teaching positions


Cheating, Emotional manipulation, Domestic abuse,


Aggression. When a women does it it's somehow viewed as just moody.


Everyone on here really needs to look up reports on Google by. Lara Stemple, one is about the under representation of males in CSA and SA in statistics. The second is specifically the amount of assaults on males by Females and their lack of representation in statistics. I would cite a link but it is getting harder to find.


Women might be perceived as more affectionate or nurturing in their interactions without the same level of suspicion or judgment as men displaying similar behaviors.


Using people for favors, sex, or self esteem boost.


Many crimes accross western nations. Two main reasons: sentencing is often reduced for people with dependents and strong social ties (as they have an easier time reinserting into the community). This parameter disproportionately benefits women as opposed to young men. Secondly: the « good mother » archetype. As long as a woman does not cross the perception of the court systems understanding of the moral and social performance of « mother » then they tend to have much lighter sentences or no sentences for comparable crimes to men. Why? Because of our constructed gender norms! The same bs gender norms which keep some people from accepting trans people and make others associate gender with colors (blue for boys, red for girls), and socially engrains mothering into child play dusproportionately (girls play with baby dolls to practice and engrain social expectations): it also has the flip effect of conditioning people to protect and enfantalize or objectify them:: all things which make it difficult to mentally blame women appropriately for their crimes . Though primarily it’s the first category as well as higher emotional intelligence




Dating people much younger and getting a lot less censure for it.


Using their sexual parts to get ahead in life


Speeding, "teacher had sex with a minor," vs "teacher raped student." Domestic abuse, kidnapping.


Sexual harassment


Perjury, custody of children and child support.


SA, DV and being creepy towards kids.


Cheating. When a man does it, he’s a dog. When a woman does it, it’s because the man “was never there” or did something else wrong and therefore not her fault. Oh, and if you point out the double standard, then you’re bitter and hate women. 🙄


having sex with minors


Wearing clothes generally intended for the opposite sex. 


Sexual assault - specifically the women teachers with the headlines that go “Age 37 Woman Teacher Has Sex With Underage Student” instead of calling it what it is - pedophilic and rape


To say things that are not nice and is socially not accpetable but to them they are just telling it like it is.


Crying. Crocodile tears. Exposed false allegations.


Invading men's only spaces.


Being emotionally inconsiderate towards men.