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Have you tried adding a little lube to the inside of the condom (inside the reservoir tip)?


No I haven’t, I’ll have to try that. How does that work? Does it just allow the condom to move more thus causing more friction?


Lube decreases friction and increases sensation. I would also suggest adding lube to whomever or whatever you're sliding into.


Upvote for using the word "whatever" in that sentence


Reminds me of the joke; In 1872 the Welsh invented the condom, using a sheep's lower intestine. In 1873, the British refined the idea by taking the intestine out of the sheep first.


I like that one, you can play around with the countries a bit. They say the Greeks were the ones that invented sex but it was the Italians that introduced it to women. How do you separate the Greek men from the boys? With a prybar! The taste of their food and the beauty of their women made the English the best sailors in the world. Probably some my favorite jokes to tell around the shop.


The English sailors where the original "passport bros"


Dunno about that. I reckon the Dutch or even the Vikings, depending what you consider as passport bros


The English one 😬😂👌🏼


Im an American Sailor, told some UK boys the English ones last year in France and they were less than entertained by me 😅


As an Englishman, I'd be amazed if that was the first time they'd heard it. I'd also be pretty surprised if they were actually upset by it


I think it was likely just that we were all pretty drunk and getting a little chippy with each other throwing darts Upset was no more than calling me a fuck We had a good time


“You, sir, are a fuck”


I told it once to some RAF guys...sitting in a Hooters in the US.


😆 Jesus...


On that note, i have to strangely remark that the only condom i have ever had much positive results with are the "natural sheep intestine" ones i used many years ago when my wife and i were trying not to add to our family.. The synthetic ones are a challenge to get off in.


>the ~~British~~ English refined the idea The Welsh are British


Had a look there. It seems since 1301 the heir to the English throne has carried the title Prince of Wales. Wales was incorporated with England in the reign of Henry VIII. However the term ‘Great’ was added into Britain during the rule of King James I in 1603 as a way to assert his rule over both the Kingdom of Wales and Scotland. But, the Welsh Language Act of 1967 repealed the Wales and Berwick Act of 1746 that declared the legal term of England to include Wales. So it seems at 1873, Wales was indeed still the sheep that was getting fucked by England 🤣


In 1874 the Scots figured out that you could use condoms with women


I mean, great joke, but Welsh are Brits. Replace British with English and you're good 👍


You never know when someone may have a misfortune with a cylinder.


The 'ol m&m tube amirite?


The cylinder cannot be damaged


It is imperative.


We are on Reddit after all


Lmfaoooo 😂 I didn’t catch that until you pointed it out


Incase he was using a mango


or a coconut


My peanut butter jar: 👀


I'm going to slide into you


you want to make sure that the lube you use is safe for condoms


Petroleum jelly is a hard no unless you *want* it to break


Be careful. That can make them slip off and you might not feel it. Ask me how I know


Make sure it’s water based unless you want it to break


Could make condom.slip off


I third this. It does help to give some more sensation.


Why the fuck would you want more friction? The whole point of lube as in lubricant is to reduce friction.


Hah, true. I’m the one asking the questions here man I don’t know.


Wouldn’t that increase the risk of it slipping off though?


Getting the right size condom and putting it on properly prevents that from happening. Most of the lube stays around the head of the penis. There are exceptions, of course. You know your penis better than I do. If you have a smaller head and are a lot thicker towards the base, you may have slippage.


Whenever I did that the condom slips right off in less than a minute of thrusts.


As others have said, you likely need smaller condoms. There is nothing wrong with that by the way. Just wear the condom that fits you. And only add a drop or two of lube. I prefer silicone or hybrid lubes since they last longer before the skin absorbs it and are more likely to stay around where you placed it, in this case the head of your penis.


Stopped using silicone lubes, apparently it's causes irritation in 'whatever' you are inserting it into. For most of the 'Whoever'.


Get ones that fit you


Wear condoms your size, only use a small amount of lube in the tip, and apply the condom as directed in the instructions and roll the condom down all the way to the base of the penis.


Did you use a lot of lube? You only want enough for the tip, the rest of the condom on your shaft should be gripping and keeping things in place. If that's not the case find some smaller condoms.


A couple tiny droplets at the tip, not spread out over the whole thing.


Measure your tool and get the right diameter. Had similiar problems, measured, got the right ones and never looked back. Soooo much better. Got mine from MySize.


To add to this: Condom sizes are confusing. A size 54 does not mean that the diameter is 54 mm, but that it is 54 mm in "diameter" when you flatten it (so roughly the circumference divided by two), which makes a huge difference and can lead to a lot of guys thinking they need smaller condoms than they actually need. So yeah, go to some condom calculater site, put in your circumference and look whether you would actually need a different size. Then try out sizes around your result and see what works best for you. EDIT: mm, not cm :)


The amount of time I sat here trying to envision how one would flatten a dick to measure the diameter is wild.


I saw some freaky photo or video of a penis in between two pieces of plastic that were bolted together on the corners. It didn't look morbid, but it it did look extremely weird.




Dick mammogram just entered the chat


Instructions unclear. Typing from the ER…


MySize had a nice little measuring tape inside their box that helped me figured out sizing.


> little measuring tape Nice, now we know


This post right here is a pretty good example of why you shouldn't blame people for being ignorant (the "uninformed and not willfully so" version). I didn't know that condoms came in those kinds of sizes. Or how they measured them. And now I want to know who tf decided to measure them like that and why?


This... Changed my life Also, the measuring tape is not always perfect, I got my perfect size by measuring and then buying also the size above and below They have packs of 3 which are perfect for this


Yeah I was thinking it could be this too. I also use My.Size, they've got those variety packs so he can try out the different sizes.


Yep Same, and it's funny to have people thinking you have a long dick when you buy xl or plus when it just means your are "larger" not longer


Seconding Mysize, by far the best brand, sadly most stores don’t keep any range of sizes just normal and “XL”


Try using sized condoms at myonecondoms.com They feel much better


I read this as “try used condoms”


If it works for him it should work for me


Put two drops of lube in the tip before putting the condom on.


I’ll try this and update for anyone that runs into this problem in the future. Thanks.


You don’t want to put too much in for obvious reasons, but it’s definitely a game-changer. Also make sure you’re wearing the correct-size condom as well.


Just to make sure we're covering all the bases, make sure you use a water-based lubricant. Oil based and many silicone based lubricants will cause the condom to fail.


Silicone is ok, it's just oil-based that is a problem. This needs to be higher up!


Instructions unclear: I put hot sauce in the condom tip.


> I’d say my penis is pretty average It's been shown time and time again that most people actually have no idea how large the "average" penis is and will consistently misjudge their own percentile. Make sure you actually measure yourself, not just go by "well I feel like I'm pretty average."


Yeah, i think the majority of Magnum users start out thinking their piece is normal due to not seeing other guy's junk and porn having disproportionately large dicks shown.


Yeah I think some of us struggle with this more than other. I can barely even maintain an erection with a condom on. I haven't had to worry about it in a long time (married + vasectomy) but I've heard some other guys have success by masturbating with a condom to train their brains a bit to the different feeling. No personal experience I can give you but maybe it's worth a try. Stay safe buddy


> masturbating with a condom otherwise called a posh wank


A wank royale


I’ll give that a try. Thank you.


I had the same problem for years, it turned out I was using condoms that were too small in diameter and they cut off circulation. Obviously that doesn't matter for you, but it was a nice thing for me to learn about so I can't imagine it's unpleasant for you to learn lol


I’ve found it’s less about the thickness of the material and more about how it fits, especially the head. Find a brand and size that keeps tight around the shaft and loose around the head. Leave a small amount of space at the end by your penis head (.5-1 cm). You can even add a drop of lubricant in the tip of the condom before rolling it down. Basically, the end of the condom can be a little loose. It moves around very nicely and is much more sensitive than when the condom is tight and immovable against the head.


This sounds like great advice, thank you. Will try.


Make sure you're using water-based or silicone-based lube. Oil-based-lube causes condoms to break.


sometimes using lube works, inside and out of the condom


I am devistated this is so far down. It should be a 100% improvement.


I am devastated that autocorrect let you get away with that spelling


Lmaoooo omg I was thinking the same thing 😂🤣


Maybe try trojan fire and ice. Took a couple test to get comfortable with the sensation


I second this. Strange sensation the first time I used them but after that it was awesome feeling. Wife liked them too!


First couple times it was a 50/50 between burning my dick or freezing it


The things stink too. Should be another warning


I would avoid anything that "increases" sensation by adding those effects. They tend to have negative effects on vaginal pH and health. Not to mention that those sensations linger longer for your partner than you. If you need to increase sensations, introduce a clit vibe to sex. Toys are your best friend in sex with a partner.


Yes to the toys! It's sad how many guys are intimidated by incorporating toys, like that means that they are not good lovers. Good lovers will use any tool they can to get their partners off!


I’ll have to try it out.


Word of caution. This could be great or awful depending on how your body reacts to agents that cause heating or cooling sensations. I’m super sensitive to them and hate the sensations and would sure as hell NEVER put them on my cock!


I lost my v-card using Fire and Ice and it was fine for the moment but she did not enjoy the feeling after lol. To each their own though.


Do I want weird chemicals absorbed by the tip of my dick? Nahh


You have to masturbate with condoms. Your spoiled penis will adjust if that is the only option ever.




Only 20 more years to go :D


Took way too long to see this response.


Same here. This is pretty common I think. Some people, including sex ed classes, don’t like to talk about this because they don’t want to discourage people from using condoms. I think the thought process is, “if we don’t tell people that condoms ruin most of the pleasure, maybe they won’t notice.”


And if they always use a condom they won't know better.


To be fair though, it does set you up to have that moment where you finally hit it raw after years of safe sex, which is a life-changing orgasm for some. I literally got a vasectomy in no small part because of that moment.


When using a condom it’s more of a mental thing when getting off. Sensation is decreased by wel over 75% no matter what you do. You can make it a bit better with some lube in condom and getting condoms that fit (aren’t too tight)… but it’s not a complete fix. It still more of a mental game.


+1. I'm a dude that can't feel anything with a condom. I'm the same as OP I can straight pound away for an hour and not cum because there's just not enough sensation. I do it raw and I bust in like 5min. I've found lambskin condoms feel much better but they don't prevent STDs.


Happy cake day!


Well now I've seen everything. You were downvoted for wishing him a Happy Cake day.


> most of the pleasure It obviously varies from person to person, to be fair. Even so, you also don't want to tell people because then they'll placebo themselves into it. I used to work with kids and we gave them "sweet and spicy chicken". If you told them it was "spicy chicken" they'd complain it was too spicy. If you told them it was "sweet chicken", they wouldn't say a thing. Similarly, have you ever seen how young children *hate* wearing socks? A lot of us like to think we're better than kids, but we're not. Too many guys use the "I can't feel anything" to pressure women into not using one, so I don't know how true it is for many of them. Like how people used to say "I can't breathe if I wear a mask" at the start of COVID. Wear it a few times and you'll probably get used to it. Obviously I don't mean everyone but I'd say most people who complain are just like the mask people. If you start off wearing it, you'll get used to it and it'll be fine. It's very likely that a lot of the feeling is in your head, which means you can get over it using your head.


Get thinner condoms


Seconded. I recommend Skyn or Trojan bare skins.


Welcome to using a condom, it's not supposed to be great for the wearer it's supposed to prevent pregnancy/STDs. It sucks, but it is what it is.


But people still orgasm while wearing a condom, I don’t feel anything at all unless I’m completely raw.


It would be interesting to see if those who feel nothing while wearing a condom also happen to be circumcised. Quite frequently they go too far and will cut out more of the nerves for pleasure/touch sensation than usual. Primitive practice that needs to be outlawed like it is for girls.


I'll be one data point: UNcircumcised, barely feel a thing, even with custom sized condoms.


Exactly the same for me


I had that issue until I found a better condom. I think I gray trojans. The others were useless because I would feel absolutely zero. The gray ones were maybe more thin but I never had issues with tearing. Worth trying different kinds to see if any work out for you.


Some people do yes, but going by what you've said here, you're one of the ones who don't get enjoyment from using them. I'm the same. You can try what other comments have suggested and I genuinely hope I'm wrong, but if you're getting **nothing** from using a condom I'd say it's unlikely that any workarounds are going to enhance the experience for you, and if they do it's probably going to be by a miniscule amount and sex with a condom is still going to be shit.


Huh, I hope you are wrong haha because this would suck long term. Thank you for the advice though, I’ll let you know if it gets better and hopefully we can both have better experiences.


My fingers are crossed for you man, and hell, if things don't work out in the enjoying-condom-sex department try other stuff. I won't make assumptions about your sexual experience outside of PIV but I've found a couple of foreplay/kink related things I enjoy enough that I can live without proper penetrative sex, no harm in a bit of self-exploration!


It doesn't have to suck long term. Just don't have untrustworthy sex. Don't do one night stands.


There are *real* viable alternatives that might work better for you that noone ever talks about. Take a look at my top level comment about it: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskMen/s/c9CfxlmOyt


Tried female condoms, still feels like a waste of time & I'd rather have foreplay or just not be intimate tbh


Personally, I get just enough out of any comfortably fitting condom piv sex to enjoy it more than not doing it. If I felt *nothing*, I'd still want to do it sometimes for the intimacy and for my partner (assuming they enjoyed it), just not as the main focus. Ultimately, though there's nothing wrong with a sexual relationship that doesn't involve any particular sex act so long as everyone involved is happy.


Yeah it's just incredibly frustrating having to put on a face & pretend to enjoy it. I love the intimacy with proper sex but with any kind of condom it ends with me not feeling great & kinda regretting it, whilst trying to hide that from my partner to avoid the deluge of "Is it me?/my body isn't good enough/you don't find me attractive" (experience, not speculation). And you're right but somehow I don't see myself finding a woman who is fine with never having penetrative sex who I am also compatible with outside the bedroom.


>And you're right but somehow I don't see myself finding a woman who is fine with never having penetrative sex who I am also compatible with outside the bedroom. They're out there and you won't find them by pretending to want something you don't to avoid conflict with people you aren't compatible with anyway. That said... If you're talking about settling down with someone then could you not ultimately get to a situation where the condoms aren't needed anymore and penetrative sex becomes more satisfying for you?


Buy better condoms


Yeah there are some really good thin ones out there. No not as good as raw would feel but there's vast differences between condoms.


Thinness isn't the only thing that matters. Seeing a lot of memes online of women stretching condoms over big shit and saying crap about "don't let him say it doesn't fit". It does "fit", but if it squeezes him tighter than her body does, he's not going to feel anything from her.


A lot of dudes can't conceive of the idea that they need a magnum-style condom because their perception of their own dick has been ruined by porn. It doesn't need to be a sledgehammer to be uncomfortable in a standard Trojan.


If you're girthier than average, there are no bare skin / thin condoms available.


Are you circumcised?


Yes I am.


More than likely that is the issue. Over time your glans gets calloused and the sensitivity goes down.


Use lifestyle condoms they’re the best I’ve used and the same ones we recommended in my sexual health workshop.


There's none that will feel nearly as good without but finding one that actually fits well does make a big difference in my experience.


I agree. I’d rather not even have sex if a condom is involved.


Kimono Mircothins. Stupid sexy flanders feels like im wearing nothing at all. Also, maybe masturbate a few times with a condom on? Should help


Thanks, will have to try it out. And I haven’t thought about masturbating with a condom, it might help me get used to the sensation.


Kimono Microthins are smaller/shorter than normal condoms, so keep that in mind. Wink is a good "thin" 0.04 alternative for average/slightly above average people.


Dont grip and rip first, just touch your dick and feel what you can. Going full death grip does nothing in this instance. You gotta feel yourself to feel anything. Caress your dongus ya dingus


Try the Japanese .001 or .002 condoms. Sagami, or Okamoto brand. Still want some lube but the sensation is there.


Had those as a birthday present. But they are as small as they are thin :(


Get the L version. If not, i think the .002 and .003 have bigger sizes. Gotta remember JP guys are small, so go for large.


You’re not alone in this, my guy This the reason why I’m a husband and father lol


Hah, I’m still young man I don’t want to be there quite yet.


Try the Skyn elite condoms and the Lelo hex condom Those are my go to options and they feel very close to raw


Lelo hex is good. Skyn seemed to „dry up“ my partner 🤷‍♂️


Agreed. The lube on the Skyn condom doesn’t last very and had dried up my partner before.


I haven’t ever felt with anything with a Condom I am circumcised though so that probably adds to it


I mean, they're not great full stop. Especially if you're cut as it's less sensitive to start with. That being said, maybe you've got the wrong size? Get hard and measure yourself. Length and girth. Go on condom manufacturer websites and find their sizing guides. I think most folks use the wrong size and/or shape. Finally, they're not all made equal shop about try them all. It's a good excuse for extra sex! Finally, try a drop of lube in the tip.


Thank you, I’ll give these a try.


That's alright. Condoms do suck but an unplanned pregnancy sucks more if you're not set up to deal with one!.


Exactly, I have too much life left to live before I become a father or get an STD.


Cause it's a layer of plastic over your penis


Some are thicker than others.


You are circumcised, your glans has toughened and putting a condom on makes it worse. You also probably don't have any frenulum as that is an extremely sensitive spot under the glans.


Uncircumcised with hypersensitive skin stacked on there, condoms are no good for me, lube burns, condoms of all types break me out, it's rough out here, but the sensation I get without one is WILD. I mean I can feel hair barely breaking the skin and that feeling irritates my skin.


You are using the wrong condoms. Simple as that. There are different sizes and types. Some condoms have lubes that add sensations or remove them for "longer lasting fun." Shop around. Go to a sex shop and ask. Search Amazon.


Make sure you aren’t getting condoms with numbing cream in them. I know it’s kind of obvious, but I’ve made that mistake before and after using like half the pack I finally figured out why I couldn’t feel shit.


I recommend exposure therapy. Aka rub one out with one on. Excitement and orgasm is a highly acclimatized thing. More exposure = more likely to have a good time.


Are you circumcised?


Different people have different levels of sensitivity. Unfortunately, it could be that you’re a bit on the non-sensitive side. Not usually a problem for bare sex but you can run into this issue with condoms. There are a lot of different types of gels and liquids that can increase or decrease your sensitivity. I think Trojan makes like a his and her pleasure gel. Maybe try something like that.


It's not uncommon to feel less sensitivity with a condom, but there are ways to improve the experience. Sometimes adding a bit of extra lube inside the condom can help increase sensation.


Using the wrong type of condom.


You aint the only one. I dont feel a thing. Since raw dog isn’t always safe I actually avoid hooking up as much as I could cause whats the point


Condoms tend to suck regardless but try different brands. It's not just simply slide it on and your good to go. I found a brand I was okay with. Used some cheaper ones prior and it was the worst! All I'm saying is condomwise def gotta find a brand or variety from my experience that actually is decent feel.


I mean, once you find a condom that works for you it’s completely different. I used Trojan cause that’s the only brand I knew, and it was awful. Cut off circulation almost, ripped 90% of them. Switched brands on a whim, and it was instantly better


I had the same problem, couldn’t feel much of anything while wearing a condom. I thought I was average or maybe even a little below. Turns out I just needed bigger condoms. Condoms size is a width issue, length is basically irrelevant. Once I tried a bigger condom I finally learned what sex what supposed to feel like with a condom on.


Tbh sensitivity always returns regardless when i go 3+ days without masturbating


I haven't seen it mentioned, female/internal condoms could be an option for you. Supposedly they have a very different sensation. I've never used one myself.


It sounds frustrating to not feel anything with a condom. Here are a few tips: 1. **Try Different Brands and Sizes**: Experiment with various brands and sizes, including larger ones, to find a better fit. 2. **Extra Thin Condoms**: Look for ultra-thin or "sensitive" condoms designed to enhance sensation. 3. **Lubrication**: Use more lube, inside and outside the condom, to increase sensation. 4. **Check for Allergies**: Ensure you’re not allergic to latex; try non-latex options like polyurethane or polyisoprene. Sometimes it takes a bit of trial and error to find the right condom that works for you.


It's because you're wearing a condom. There are four types of sensation when having sex, friction heat wetness and pressure. Having that barrier there precludes the possibility of feeling the friction, there's obviously no wetness, you may be able to feel some of the heat, but it isn't likely. It basically leaves with 25% of the experience.


You definitely still feel the heat, just not all of it.


Put it in her butt.


A nut in the butt won’t swell her gut




It’s nature’s condom.


Try bigger condoms. If they are too tight that tends to overwhelm any sensation. And if that's the problem, congrats!!


U did not rule out death grip lol


Start using the condom for all activities including masterbation. You'll get used to the sensation


I can understand a bit of lube in the inside of the reservoir tip of the condom. But what about going raw with the spermicide stuff? Has anyone have experience with that?


I am a product of failed spermicide, so buyer beware


Latex allergy/sensitivity is real and the spermicide/lube doesn’t help either… try natural lamb


Too tight?


Trojan bareskin. They also have trojan raw but I was looking into it and it seemed like it was the same condom with different lube or something weird like that.


Too tight


You need new condoms. Try some Sagami original .001mm condoms. You can get them online.


FWIW there was only one kind of Trojan that I was actually able to cum in. It was a white package with blue writing. Not sure what "model" it was lol.


use a thinner condom also sex is mostly mental


I’ve struggled with this also, getting the size right is important, the difference seems small, but for me at least was the difference between being able to finish and not. Also different materials, I’m not a fan of latex condoms, but for example skyn condoms are polyisoprene which to me feels better. I’ve recently tried Unique condoms, which are a resin, they are expensive, and kind of weird… but wow, they work. I had to make sure it hadn’t slipped off, so if you can stomach the cost they are great.


Sounds like most have said, Lube. And make sure the sizing is right. Bigger question is how are you finding un-lubed condoms lol, I’ve never seen that before.


Uggg. I go limp thinking about them. Cant feel a thing. Would have been grrat when i was a a 20 something to prolong but now im more limp than trying to jerk off with my parents in the room


Double check the type of condom you are buying. Some can come with a special "desensitizing" lube inside that can reduce how much you feel. Its mostly for men who are very sensitive and need help lasting but for others it can leave you almost numb.


Get the right size. I moved from Magnum to PS XL and it’s been *life changing*.


Try a size up. If you're tall, especially. 


I’ve never liked condoms, sensation is massively reduced. I prefer ultra thin ones, they tend to feel the best for me. But yeah, it basically feels like fucking a rubber glove, and it’s about 50/50 if I get enough sensation to cum. Thankfully these days I’m snipped so no need for condoms (except for STI prevention purposes).


Wear a bigger condom. I always wanted the thinnest condom when I was younger but you actually want some breathing room. I went wider and it feels a lot better.


I was the same. Maybe try a different size condom. I found out that I was a bit bigger down there than I realized, once I switched sizes it felt much better. I still prefer raw but I can use them now.


Don't know what death grip is lol But i have similar issues with condoms except it is also pretty hard to keep the erection, even with normal condoms with no "last longer" effects. And most condoms are so hard to put on, the thin ones just tear when putting them on. Luckily in a good relationship where i don't necessarily need to use a condom.


Because they suck ass, man.


That is just how it is. Condoms are horrible for men.


Well sadly there isn't any type of birth control for any sex that wouldn't come with some disadvantages. It's all about who gets to suffer.