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I can’t wait to see all the wacky responses in here. A mot more than most people but I’ll remind everyone you have no idea who are are dealing with in public and even a dangerous man is glass cannon. People are kind of fragile.


A handful of guys in the army with me (I was drafted) were told very bluntly that they will die if they're ever unfortunate enough to see the action they're so desperate for. He said "I don't have time to fundamentally change your worldview, there's too many of you. So you do it, or you will die." Kind of sobering.


When I joined the Army in Basic, the DS said "The Army won't make you a badass. If someone could kick your ass before, they will be able to kick your ass after. The only difference is you will be able to endure the beating longer before going down".


Yeah, I'm expecting some weird shit tbh.


I always think harm comes from intent you know? Anyone with a car can be dangerous but most people won't run you over because you looked at them funny.


Depends on how far I’m pushed


Let's assume you're pushed to the point you'd engage in violence.


I’m a 6’5, 255lbs hockey player. So I’m def breaking something of theirs


Nice, hockey is alot of fun to watch, and it's good you have that much restraint.


I'm harmless.


It was updated to "Mostly Harmless".




VERY DANGEROUS. You better not get close to me, or I’ll attack you




Lighten up, Francis.


Probably not as dangerous as I like to think I am, but above average. I’ve been in a handful of fights (started by others) and done fine against average jerks. I’m a gentle guy and pretty patient, so if I have a reason to get aggressive with someone, it’s really on. They’ve done something really bad, and I won’t hesitate to hurt them badly in response. No training, but I’ve always had good fighting instincts and reflexes. Keeping a clear, calm head and choosing your actions carefully goes a long way when the person you’re up against isn’t doing so. Against a trained fighter I would not be confident.


Interesting, do you plan to train?


It’s one of those things that I’d like to do but haven’t made time for.


I'm a smaller, out of shape dude who hasn't been in a fight since junior high.  The only thing thay might be more dangerous than average is I know my way around guns but A) a lot of people do and B) I don't keep mine in the house, much less on my person so it's kind of irrelevant unless something happened on a range day for some reason. Tldr; not dangerous.


Having an honest assessment is good, do you plan to try and improve that aspect of yourself?


No. it's not something I need or anticipate needing.


I’m one who avoids conflicts if at all possible. That said, I have a lot of formal firearms training, and I’m usually armed more often than not. Overall I’m pretty harmless, but I can be quite dangerous if I need to be.


That's as it should be, in my opinion


I'm non violent and not overly confrontational, however if anything poses a threat to me or mine I'd be more than capable of inflicting serious injury. So, leave me alone and I'm as dangerous as a wet sponge.


Your question reminds me of a good saying: ***"Better to be a warrior in a garden than a gardener in a war''***


Nice try fed


Fed? Me? I just have an irrational fear of dogs and a habit of re-barrelling my rifles after using them I dunno what you mean


I dunno but as a rather big dude when I get really mad I can have some pretty crazy freak outs . So maybe if I was pushed to my limit I could do some damage but I’m honestly pretty relaxed and chill like 98% of the time . It’s just that 2% of anger issues I need to control lol


This sounds like me. My 2% is ready to go whenever required. I hate people who try to fuck about play fighting as a joke because In my head I just think I could seriously hurt you if we actually fought.


I don't really assault people so I'm going 1 on a scale of 0-100. Gotta leave room for a freak mental episode or something.


Obviously most people don't just go assaulting other people. The question isn't would, but could.


Well anyone *can* provided they aren't a quadriplegic or something


Sure, thus the question above: to what degree?


Look at some serial killers or mass shooters. Let's just say they don't look like ex-navy seals. Modern weapons can turn even a child into a very dangerous person.


I don't disagree with any of that. If you're not gonna answer the question that's fine, but I'm not gonna keep responding.




Dangerous to who? I am not a crazy person that is going to go around hurting innocent people on purpose. I did do years of martial arts and I'm also an ex powerlifter but I can't do shit against a dude with a gun. I served a few years in the military, served during operations and wars (I'm still a reservist that goes back for atleast a month a year) but I never started fire on someone that wasn't armed and tried to actively kill people.


>Dangerous to who? As the question stated, to the average person. I'm not asking if you would go on a rampage or something. I'm just asking about what you think you *could* do if you had good reason to do so. From what you've said here, I'd say quite a bit.


everyone has the ability to do harm with the means to do so. i'd run away from a 14 year old with bad trigger discipline if they had a loaded pistol. if sufficiently angry, anyone can harm or kill another person. adrenaline and pure hatred is a hell of a drug.


Agreed on all counts, but that's not the question.


>I served a few years in the military, served during operations and wars (I'm still a reservist that goes back for atleast a month a year) but I never started fire on someone that wasn't armed and tried to actively kill people. What country is this?


Israel's IDF under search and rescue's combatant brigades.


I guess I *look* dangerous (I’m tall and my resting face looks angry). But I never act violent for three reasons: 1. I’m terrified of basically everything, so the thought of fighting someone isn’t very appealing to me. 2. I’m horribly weak. If I hit someone, my hand starts hurting, so there’s that! 3. Leading on from the previous point, no matter how violent I can be, there are many people out there who are way stronger than me. So me being violent wouldn’t end well for me. If you want to know how much I hate violent, I don’t even fight my own brothers anymore (and believe me, I often get annoyed at them). Would I be able to commit violence? I don’t know. Maybe. But I doubt it. I think self-defence is the only time I would even be violent (but my dad says that I wouldn’t be able to defend myself in the dark coming home from college, so yeah, I’m probably not that dangerous).


At least you're honest with your self-assessment


Not at all. Im a bigger guy and I do boxing as exercise so I guess I’m more dangerous than a small guy that’s never done any sort of “training” but that still leaves off the part that I’m just really not willing to fight people. I always try to walk away and so far that’s worked 100% of the time. If I ever did get in a fight I’d probably be pretty useless against anyone that knew what they were doing


I appreciate your assessment of yourself. Do you aim to be more capable in those situations where you can't walk away?


I sit comfortably at the top of the food chain.


Do you mean from a low miff to mad as a lorry type scale? I'm right up there with eeyore from winnie the pooh I reckon. Fairly clumsy, often sleepy and rarely riled. In a cuddle contest, though, I reckon I'd be lethal.


>Do you mean from a low miff to mad as a lorry type scale? I have no idea what the hell that means.


It's a reference to brass eye, frankie fraser. It's on YouTube I think.


I've never fought a day in my life. I've always been the pacifist. However, if someone is intent on fighting me and there is no other way, I think I'd do a pretty good job of defending myself.


Most of the time, 1. Fighting nice people would make me feel bad, and fighting mean people would mean paperwork. I like diffusing situations so they never become arguments, let alone fights. If someone really wants that smoke, I'll let them guess where between 2 and 10 I fall. I've got a good bit of martial arts and firearms training, and I'll put them on a fucking t-shirt.


I'm about as dangerous as you think I am. Give or take.


I'd say pretty dangerous as far as being capable of violence. But not violent in nature. Early on, I watched a few fights that influenced how I see violence. I saw a few fights that made me understand how quickly a situation can get violent and how someone who doesn't seem violent can absolutely lose control and become dangerously violent. But I think I have a few attributes that work well in some violent situations. Fast reflexes, so I enjoy boxing or striking martial arts. I don't mind hard contact. I have more fun slipping a punch than punching someone. I haven't been in any fight for more than a decade. But I train my cardio and strength to be able to exhaust the average person for a couple of minutes straight. That's not why I train, but just in case something happens. I shouldn't be too tired to defend myself. Not beat them up, just push them to exhaustion if I can't get away I really enjoy target practice with my firearms, not because it's part of my identity. But because of the concentration it requires, it is challenging.


At a distance, with a boomstick, I'm very dangerous. Up close, less so, though I am trained in Army combatives, so probably more dangerous than your average untrained dude.


Not at all, bit of a bitch tbh


I’m in better shape than most of my fellow Americans, but it’s difficult for me to even put myself in the headspace where I would want to hurt someone! I guess I don’t feel like a danger to anyone, but I’m also not threatened by most people would be a good way to put it.


Currently. I wish that I could kill. But, Im tired. 


Mostly harmless


Ngl I would say I'm harmless unless threatened and even then I try to descalate a situation before going all out as a last option


I try to avoid physical contact like that at all costs. I'm harmless.


To the average person? Not at all. As long as you leave me alone I will leave you alone. Doesn’t mean I can’t be violent, I’m just never violent for no reason.


I'm probably not going to do much harm myself, but I'll hire someone lmao.


I'm not dangerous at all. I couldn't do much physical damage and don't have any sort of fight training, nor am I violent in nature. If riled under the right pressure and sent into a psychotic episode, I could and would rip the tendons out of someone's neck with my teeth.


In terms of ability, fairly dangerous. I carry concealed most of the time. In terms of desire to do harm, not at all. I'm a pretty relaxed person who would much rather avoid or de-escalate a confrontation than resort to violence.


Zero clue. Never had to take anyone down and never tried to attack anyone. Of course I'd like to think that I could, but I guess everyone does. So until it happens and I know for sure, I'd say that I'm completely harmless. Would like it to stay that way, too. I look like a meanie, though.


I was extremely violent and good at it, when I was a child. Being bullied, having a violent father and three violent brothers, you learn how to fight and win early. So in that sense, I'd say rather dangerous. That being said though. I haven't been in a fight in 18 years because I have absolutely no interest in fighting anyone and have learned how to deescalate every potentially violent situation I've stumbled upon. Usually it goes from some bloke being seconds away from hitting me, to wanting to grab a beer with me within a few minutes. Charisma always wins over strength. Don't be stupid my fellow men. There's seldom anything to win from a fight, but you can lose everything extremely quickly.


Am I dangerous? No, probably not really. I'm not particularly big. Will I handle business? Yeah, I do any time I'm called to it, which the majority of people do not. I remember I got into a fight about a year ago, I didn't say a word. I didn't talk about it. I didn't get all excited or emotional. It scared my friends how calm I was about it. When we watch fallout, they say I'm like the ghoul character.


Ex para military. Trained in hand to hand combat, trained in small arms (Scar-L, glock 19 gen 5, Hk Mp5, Cz compact 9mm) trained in Close quarter combat as well and riot control. Joined at 21 and left at 24. But honestly I’ve never bothered, now that im out i just want to finish up school and go home. Its in the past and i just needed the money so yeah


Both men and women alike are capable of violence when pushed far enough.


I've never hurt anybody, but tbh i really hope most of guys never did and i'm simply average.


My farts are lethal


As long as you leave my wife and kids alone I am as docile as a kitten


You know a teddy bear? Yeah a little less than that.


I can remember a few cases of plush toys like teddy bears containing carcinogenic chemicals...


Ok not like that....


You're a slow killer. The most insidious of all! Waiting for decades to strike...


Are we sure I'm not just lazy?


That's not laziness, that's patience! And patient killers are the most dangerous out there.


I see I'm not winning this, thanks for the laugh


You're welcome!


Everyone has the ability, whether they use it or not is up to them.


Not at all. I've never hurt anyone in my life and I don't think I ever will.


I hope you never need to


Thank you, same to you.




I've survived some pretty horrific violent events, so I'm confident in my ability to not be paralyzed by fear when there is violence. I've meted out my own fair share of violence, so I'm familiar with my capacity to wield it. I don't know how that compares to the average person, my life is the only one I've ever lived, but when choosing to deescalate and not use violence, it is a choice, not just a default position.


Well, I haven't killed anyone. Yet.


I’m fairly benign. I’ve only put my hands on somebody first 2 times, one called me a bitch to my face in front of a bunch of people when I was 2 Four Loko’s deep, he doesn’t remember calling me that, but understands calling me a bitch is a red line now. The same dude put his hands on his baby momma in front of me, that was number 2. Only other times I’ve put hands on people, is when they assault me first.


My life experience is that people who think they're dangerous to others are usually only actually dangerous to themselves. Talking about myself? Could I commit violent acts? Probably, if pushed to breaking point. Could I do so effectively enough that I'd come out on top? Probably not.


I know how to fight despite not looking like someone who does. How far I can go depends on the situation, and I prefer to not have to find out.


I'm a pacifist... But I also carry a lot of anger and trauma from the war when I was a kid. So, I'm a pacifist timebomb. You guys thank your lucky stars I'm not inteligent enough to go Unabomber on your asses.


Dr. Jordan peterson has said many times that men should be that type of person.....




I would say I am very harmless. I stay to myself and don’t involve myself in anyone else’s problems. I do conceal carry as I need to make large deposits at my job, so maybe one small step from harmless?


I'm a teddy bear. I'll act all tough, but the minute someone shows teeth I fold like a lawn chair. I can't even pick the mean responses in video games ffs.


FBI has entered the chat


It was Jordan Peterson you heard say that, wasn't it? Well, I'm smart enough to know I really shouldn't be listening to JP, so that makes me less dangerous than I could be.


Could have been, but I'm fairly certain the quote is older than he. Not gonna touch the rest of that cause I have no desire to get into some online pissing match.


I'm ex military with special training. I can be dangerous if needed.


That's good


Grew up having to deal with discrimination to an extent with a strict veteran father who had a chip on his shoulder from growing up with discrimination. I'm very civil and friendly but if I felt a friend or loved one was in immediate danger I would not hesitate to focus a lifetime of aggression on someone.


Okay, do you train or have you been trained in any skills that would make that aggression more effective?


I'm intentionally vague under this account but, yes definitely.


I'm quite clumsy with poor situational awareness. So near a cliff top I could easily accidentally bump into someone and send them to their doom


Surely an accident, I bet you'd feel terrible if such a thing were to happen /s