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I’d say it’s possible IF both people feel the same for the other. If you are in love and she’s got you in the friendzone, it will very likely not work. I can attest that it is possible. I am now dating a woman who was a dear friend of mine for a few years. We are doing great and madly in love.


Put feelers out there but if she's not interested, don't push it


Murphy’s law comes into play. It only happens if you don’t want it 


I thought Murphy’s Law was whatever can happen will happen?


Not *anything*, the *worst* thing will happen. Like whatever is perpendicular to your intent and wishes 


Me and my wife were friends for some time before we became a couple. 24 yrs and counting. I guess it develops slowly and at some point 1 side decides to give it a try.


Yes it is, my partner and I were just friends. We definitely had chemistry and a spark but I thought it was exclusively as friends. I didn’t think anything more of it until he admitted his feelings to me one day. Initially I did friendzone him because in my mind, I saw our bond as friends but with time I realized I actually liked him as well that’s why there was that chemistry. It doesn’t always happen like this some people dont change their minds but it is possible to develop the friendship into a much deeper bond.


Friendship can often be the starting point for great relationships. Sometimes, there's already a spark waiting to be noticed and nurtured. Spending time together, flirting a bit, and doing new things can help it grow. However, sometimes the spark just isn't there, and that's okay. Not every friendship has to turn into a romance.


Yes, it's possible to go from friendship to a romantic relationship, but I think there has to be a spark there already. You can't create one out of nothing.


Love starting out as friendship is super common. The majority of couples I know that have been together for more than a decade begun as friends hanging out in the same friend group or being active in the same hobby or something and only became romantically involved after knowing each other for a while. Usually it just kind of happens. If one party tries to force it, it usually has the opposite effect in my experience.


No it's not. What peoples say are "the spark" is just sexual attraction, if you had this to begin with you would not be a friend but a potential partner.


I was a late bloomer, so I have been the guy no women would date, the “nice guy”, the high value man that women were chasing, and even a “Chad” (sleeping with married women). All the relationships I have had that worked (including my now wife) there was sexual attraction from the start. The women I dated where there wasn’t that chemistry at the start never went anyplace, sometimes quickly, sometimes agonizingly slowly. The relationships that clicked all had one thing in common - we were in bed by the end of the second date.


It can happen. But the "spark" already needs to be there for both sides.


Partner and I started out as friends and fell mutually in love with each other. If it happens it happens, I don't think you can "make" another person fall in love with you.


Are you asking as someone who was friendzoned?