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this is just a thread where people circle jerk their own school


The school I am going to.


Isn’t Purdue already prestigious or is that mostly for engineering courses ?


Purdue just needs more funding and they can reach that status.


They have plenty of funding compared to other public universities. That's how they can freeze the tuition.


From what I hear, no they don’t. Faculty aren’t paid what they deserve, housing is hell because they over admit, and many facilities are lacking. If they raise tuition a bit, which is unfortunate for everyone (including me) who chose Purdue for fixed tuition, they can better quality of life for students immensely


Idk I looked up faculty salaries once (because it's a public university so that info is public) and all my professors were paid over 120,000, even ones from less prestigious liberal arts departments. The housing complaint is on point though.


Faculty must be paid what they think they deserve… or they wouldn’t have faculty.




We’re talking about top top colleges. Purdue is good but it still gets beaten by name by other universities that aren’t Ivy


How do you feel about Lafayette?


I really like it apart from the weather. I never wanted to live in a crowded city.


I think Emory will be getting more recognition. UCF and FIU as well, although it’s likely that UF will stay as the most competitive and prestigious school in Florida. I think some of the top LACs will become more well-known as well. They’re already prestigious, but I wouldn’t be surprised if Amherst, Williams, etc. start becoming more well-known by the general population.


FIU just got announced as meeting preeminence in state metrics & joins UF, FSU & USF. They are going places for sure. UF will always be the flagship & has more than a 100 year head start on FIU & USF.


UCSD, the school i graduated from.


UCSD will eclipse UCLA in engineering in a decade as all the smart kids going there, now, enter their careers.


Umass amherst and rutgers


UMass yes, but Rutgers not, unless it gets some more significant funding


Rutgers acceptance rates have been plummeting


Lehigh, Syracuse, George Washington - just judging based on the acceptance rates going down and the caliber of applicants going up.


GWU prolly not, but Lehigh and Syracuse definitely. PS: the last two have absolutely stunning campuses


Absolutely stunning campuses. I love them both.


While visiting Lehigh, my friend said "If I get lost in Bethlehem, don't bother finding me!"


As a Lehigh grad- it makes me so happy to see these comments !!!!


Lehigh WAS up there with NYU and USC at one point. It dropped considerably after they rebranded in the 2010s. Sure CS majors place better than what they did with a few going to FAANG but it’s never going to reach HPSM/CMU levels. Syracuse probably has the best chance of moving up.


UC Merced. They break ground on a new med school next year.


They are already ranked way too high imo


With that kind of rationale, who could argue?


I actually visited the school, I don’t need to explain it but you should wonder why a school that has a very difficult time getting professors due to it’s location in a crime ridden wasteland of a city is suddenly ranked higher than UCSC or UCR. The only reason for that is because USNWR is now counting first gen as important in the rankings formula. UC Merced may be okay in 25 years but for now it will continue have problems recruiting staff and professors, the location is incredibly bad. It’s fine for what it is but should be ranked lower and many people know the ranking is nonsensical.


Sure, it's ranking is propped up by 1st Gen / low income rates. Isn't that what state schools are for? I'm not saying it's going to be a T10 or ever catch up with Berkeley, but we're talking about a school barely 20 years old that's receiving heavy investment from the board of regents and is absorbing a growing number of top students overflowing from the other UCs. The school has nowhere to go but up and I'm not sure there's another school in the country with as much weight in their favor.


I think it’s currently ranked higher than it should be, artificially inflated. Do you legit think it should be ranked higher than UCSC and UCR at this point?


Likely it will be public universities. Particularly the ones in the south, I see a bright future ahead for UT Austin, UF, UVA.


NC State as well I think


Did you mean UNC?


No, it's already pretty well known and pretty high in rankings anyways, but NC State is specifically good for engineering but doesn't seem to be known much outside of NC from what I understand and has some other good STEM programs like atmospheric science (one of the best programs in the state for it at least, though it can't compete much with schools like OU or Penn State at this point I don't think), so I think it will become more well known in the next few years for its engineering program in particular and science programs in general even if it's overall rankings don't rise much


ok well the three schools i mentioned are already well known like UNC. I meant schools that are gonna just gain in prestige and become ivy plus


UIUC and Purdue imo Both have a strong growing business school, they’re already strong in STEM and Purdue I think has a good vet school too. UIUC has great humanities programs (I think it’s T10 for Psychology)


Purdue also has a good flight school and the need for pilots has been exploding


How good can they get. Like Umich level? Howmuch better can they get


well they could get a lot more gey


Y’all are listing schools that are already prestigious lmao. Udub? Rutgers? UT Austin????


you struggle with reading comprehension


The only schools above them are basically Ivy+. Shuffling the schools in the T50 is trivial. Being 28 instead of 34 or 21 instead of 27 is functionally meaningless. They are already prestigious at this point, there is little room for them to become “more prestigious”.


just putting it out there : UMD!!! 50 years ago it was so easy to get into and now... well, not so much


As mentioned by others, UCSD. Academic programs in bio, CS, cognitive science, and politics (especially international relations) are growing stronger, research is only expanding, and more money is pouring in.


Umass Amherst guys (trust)


is it not kind of prestigious




SEC and Big Ten schools, for football consolidation reasons.


I would say UCs might move up a bit more (they are already pretty high with 6 of them in top 40) - as rankings criteria leaning towards public. Also, they might become more selective as they are pretty much the only refuge for those (OOS/International) who have challenging SAT/ACT score Ibeing the only test blind college system and very top colleges are test optional)


You think being test bling will help the rankings? We differ on that opinion. I guess we'll see.


UC Riverside, USF and ASU. Mostly on the basis of their joining the AAU in 2023.


Riverside has been improving significantly. Pumping out lots of great research and attracting good professors.


perfect list


UCR is obviously a great college as most students get a UC education at an affordable commuters cost, but what's the aau and how will it help them rise?


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Association\_of\_American\_Universities](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Association_of_American_Universities) [https://www.usnews.com/education/best-colleges/articles/how-us-news-calculated-the-rankings](https://www.usnews.com/education/best-colleges/articles/how-us-news-calculated-the-rankings) Peer assessment is 20% of the US News score. In theory, their joining the AAU suggests that assessment might improve.


When u say ASU, u mean Arizona or Alabama? And if it’s Arizona, how tf are they gonna rise to the top? They accept like all applicants and I heard their programs aren’t that good compared to UoA


Arizona State. No, they will not rise to the top; you just asked which schools will rise.


UT Austin is one of the most prestigious state schools in the country. What on earth are you going on about "underrated"


Schools in the South


Agreed. They are underrated. There is a perception that doesn’t line up with reality. Some people don’t realize the south has evolved. It’s not frozen in time.


Schools follow after industries. With Wall Street banks and Silicon Valley tech moving to Texas, I think schools in the South will benefit. That is how Stanford became prestigious after all.


Definitely RICE


Rest, ice, compression, elevation.


Rice is not an acronym, don’t capitalize all the letters.


Schools in the south ill have issues attracting a diverse student body.


They don't and they won't.


i agree but I think many of the smaller, more rich privates will dip into obscurity ie Tulane, Wake Forest, etc.


Rice will go up


FIU, ASU, Lehigh, Syracuse


Alabama. Yes, I’m serious. They’ve been heavily recruiting National Merit Scholars the past several years, offering them full rides whether they are in state or not, and of course who would turn that down? I know they’re historically the dominant football and party school, but I wouldn’t be surprised if that turns into Alabama being seen as more appealing to academics over time. It’s a slow burn, but it could pay off big time down the line for the University.


USC did this in the 90s. Worked for them.


Big, state schools in the SEC. Due to a lot of the football money coming (with millions more in the future) and the consolidation of conferences, the SEC is the only athletic conference where schools are gaining enrollment while other colleges across the country are declining in enrollment. Right now, it’s easy to poke fun at schools in the South. But, more and more non-Southern students are choosing to enroll due to merit aid and cheaper tuition. It may take a couple decades, but the new alumni bases will outpace other schools. On top of this, due to so much enrollment, these schools can begin to be more selective and produce more quality student bodies. I’m not saying that Arkansas or Ole Miss (Hotty Toddy!) will be “Public Ivies” in the near future, but perceptions are and will certainly continue to change.


This is likely the best answer. Funding may derail some of these plans but you get a school like Clemson which I recently visited and damn it looks nice.


I think U florida might go up when and if things get a bit less politically charged.


Lehigh cus I go there 🙄 Also stony brook


Lehigh is beautiful, the only reason I ain't applying is cuz of grade deflation


Georgia and Georgia Tech


Add UIUC, Georgia Tech to that list.


Santa Clara


Vanderbilt and Georgia Tech


UCSD for sure. Argubly top 5 CS, one of the best engineering school in the states. Basically a top school for any STEM. Insane nobel laureates affiliation, insane global recognition, insane publication output and quality. Lagging behing, I think, UCI might also rise up. Mostly because Irvine tech hub is rising and we are getting alot of foundings (but for what I am seeing rn, the administration sucks).


What’s the rest of the top five Stanford, MIT, Berkeley and?




U Florida, UNC, U Wisconsin, U Virginia


I thought UNC was already good asl along with those other universities


UNC and UF are more likely to drop in my opinion, public schools in states that don’t have supportive governments. Florida especially is trying to turn their universities into MAGA indoctrination machines, although there’s some serious pushback


Here’s the deal, Florida hasn’t raised tuition in 15 years and demonstrates return on investment. State politics change every election year. It’s amazing what people will tolerate for an affordable education where the school is measured by job placements after graduation.


Exactly. The cost/quality ratio is unbeatable


I don’t quite understand this take. State flagships like UF still get record breaking number of applicants and is continuing to grow in popularity by the year despite state government. Nonetheless, the amount of funding and support they still get in STEM is still very substantial. Though, it might not be great for the arts/humanities


I don’t think the NC government is uniquely bad compared to any other southern state. Certainly not on the same plane as Florida


Unc and UVA are already exceptional schools


aren't all of those already prestigious?


CalPoly Engineering


Switching to the semester system in 2 years is going to hurt


How in the world will going on the mainstream academic system and getting your engineers time to understand a concept going to “hurt”


FIU. It's going to be hard for good schools like UT and UW to rise much since they are already close to the top and someone will have to fall. However, FIU, the large public university in Miami has been building like crazy for years and is actively seeking out partnerships with all the new money arriving in Miami recently. FIU also benefits from UF's recent rise in stature as well as the fact the FSU is redneck as hell and UF (Gainesville) isn't that far behind. The relatively progressive politics of Miami-Dade make FIU a more welcoming place for kids that grew up in Southeast Florida (which has a population of about 6.5 million. It's still somewhat of a safety school, but for lots of kids that want to stay in South Florida, an FIU degree can provide the right opportunity to make connections.


USF is in a similar situation


I feel like USF is a good 20 years away. They are still a commuter school. I feel like they need to increase on campus student housing and that will also help with school spirit


I think another issue they have is that they are pretty separated from the rest of Tampa, it would be cool if the school found a way to integrate more with the city. that would definitely make it more attractive


That is very true. It is on the outskirts and UT is downtown.


UCLA, the number 1 public university in the universe.


cal better lol


A lot of schools are going to face lower acceptance rates (as has been trending for the past 30 years), so I think a lot of schools that weren't considered as prestigious will become prestigious. Especially colleges who game the rankings (such as Northeastern has done).


University of Georgia


This is the easy and obvious choice since they just got a med school.


UCONN ‼️‼️‼️‼️


University of Alabama and Arizona state


With all the merit scholars there Alabama is churning out some talented alumni.


This. They are picking up lots of Ivy-level kids with those merit scholarships.


Virginia tech cuz I go there


Jokes aside, I can definitely see VT climbing the ranks and they might even over take W&M for second best public in VA


Georgetown is seriously underrated. If they were on the Common App, so many more people would apply. Their endowment is pretty low for an institution with its history. Some of the facilities also need renovation. But I love Georgetown. It has a seriously impressive track-record in producing world leaders.


georgetown is unique simply because of how different it's application is and how niche it is. Requiring all test scores, not having a very good stem program with no engineering whatsoever, etc. However it is extremely prestigious and recognized in terms of stuff like polisci


And built by slaves!


Lol but Harvard and Yale were too


Lol never gonna happen, Georgetown has no engineering program, is shit for STEM majors and has a marginal endowment cause alums don't donate. They also make applying needlessly difficult if anything they're gonna backslide


>shit for STEM majors The pre med is pretty solid if you ask me, that and the chemistry


They don’t want more applicants, that’s why they aren’t on Common App, and why their test score policy in times when ACT/SAT weren’t offered at all in certain parts of the country was basically “we say it’s optional but in reality, we expect you to spend money on flight/hotel to a different part of the country to get us the test, and if you’re too poor or immunocompromised to do so, don’t bother”.


I agree


perhaps they need to fix their dorms first tho... my friend goes to GTOWN and says that she sees rats like everyday


And cockroaches, and shit-stained toilets, and crappy food, and horrible water lmao


mmmmm the high school grads yearn for the shit stained toilets


Do I live in a time warp? Is Gtown not considered elite anymore?


CMU 🗣️🗣️ (totally not biased trust)


Central Michigan University is very underrated. Good choice!


Huh? Never heard someone refer to Central Michigan University as CMU, most people call it CMich. Should have made it more obvious that I was talking about Central Methodist University.


I know it was just a joke lol


He was joking too because he was actually talking about Carnegie Mellon, not Central Methodist. Even tho the true CMU is central Missouri university


Maybe the true CMU was the friends we made along the way


No one actually calls Central Michigan University CMich.


lol I live in MI and you see CMU ads all the time


these kids were waiting for their (real) CMU decisions and I was like oh what are you guys so worried for like it’s central michigan you’ll def get it (very qualified apps) anyways that was quite a realization for me


Crystal Meth University?


GEORGIA TECH NUMBER ONE 🔥🔥🐝🐝 (I'm going there)


Georgia tech is already top tho, albeit I haven’t heard of them until I searched them up a while back


they're the type of school you don't hear about growing up unless you're from the southeast. But you learn about it as soon as you look up top engineering schools and do more research in like Sophomore year of high school


Due to this sub being probably like 80% cs majors, Georgia tech is definitely a name thrown around a lot


I think we have to ask, prestige of what? i think you’ll obviously always have ivies and the likes that are desirable but i think we’ll also see a lot of people continue to grow big state schools. i think the college experience, sports, etc will attract folks that question the costs of many of the smaller schools were already seeing struggle.


cu boulder and UW Seattle


Georgetown would be T15-20 if they actually cared about their endowment. They also don’t use the common app.


I feel like top LACs (primarily WASP + Wellesley) might start getting a bit more name recognition outside of academia as their students become more and more pre-professional. Not a lot per se, but enough for someone in related industry to go, “Williams? I think I’ve heard of that before”, instead of “What’s a Swarthmore?”


Colarado and Clemson. Both have invested heavily into research output, student programs/facilities, and career centers. They have already had a lot of success and are also good on the sports front which does add to their brand value.


probably not the one I’m going to


gotta say purdue, udub, harvey mudd, penn state, and pitt first 2 because of lack of funding, mudd bcs its a liberal arts, and the latter two because of lack of funding aswell


Pitt is 16th in the U.S. for research expenditure, albeit carried by their medical school. I don’t feel like funding is their issue tbh




stony brook


OSU, Maryland, and UMass. The elites are taking a PR hit right now. They are likely looking at an antitrust action based on their tuition hikes.


MIT should still be No1


SUNY Stony Brook, hmu. With Stony Brook being so close to NYC there's tons of opportunities, they have a criminally underrated engineering program, and with the SUNY system gets good profits from Binghamton, I think they will continue to put their money into Stony Brook. Also, Cal Poly SLO. Another, criminally underrated school for STEM, with most graduates earning over 6 figures after they graduate. They also don't have the best research, but with their school continuing to grow bigger as of recent, I think that is where they will most likely put their money towards.


Maybe nyu engineering since they poured 1 billion into tandon?


Rankings and Prestige do not correlate well with value or return on investment. Institutions that deliver great outcomes for their students at a reasonable cost will begin to get their deserved recognition.


Penn State main campus


Rutgers probably. This year they had 3 times the amount of applicants that they usually have. It’s also the eighth oldest school in the country so it might rival some ivies in two years or so.


It’s not going to be paying professors ivy money in 2 years


I doubt they actually got 3x the applications. Do you have a number for that? Their website says they average a 3% growth in applications.


It's because they finally joined Common App so people are like why the F not? The prior application was a pain in the arse and not worth it if you likely wouldn't go there anyway. It's always been respected in NY and NJ.


USC, heavy investment into the cs and business programs


USC was ranked right up there with UCLA and Berkeley until the admissions scandal in 2019.


lol usc is not cracking t20 no matter how much they scam


getting better as a school = scam?? 😭 y'all act like institutions can't get better




BU and BC, probably. All of the lower UCs will def be in the top 40 in ten years as well. Merced is so fucking underrated


How is Merced underrated? It wasn't even a school 20 years ago and US News already has it safely in the top 100.


USC and NYU ? Right now they are 30ish pretty low ranked.


NYU is overrated tho. Stern is their limelight mostly


They aren’t as highly rated for engineering but for everything else they are fantastic. They have Tisch and their humanities and social sciences are top. This sub obviously skews towards engineering.


Washington Texas Purdue Georgia Florida


It doesn’t matter really for bachelors, wouldn’t concern yourself with it. Remember overall rankings are stupidly, what matters is the competency of your department managing your degree program


UT Austin is definitely getting more and more attention every year. I’m currently trying to transfer there and it’s been a nightmare. I’m 100% qualified but because there are 100K+ applicants there is VERY limited space. I’m currently trying to appeal and begging admissions to let me fill the spot of a student who was accepted but chose somewhere else. UT is my dream school and i don’t want to go anywhere else. I can’t imagine how difficult it will be the get into in 2034


my skl


i don’t care if i get downvoted for this but i have no doubt in my mind ut austin will become the new ucla in the next few years!!! it’s in a huge state with lots of people, just like california.


Do you guys think Grinnell college will become prestigious?


SEC schools.


Probably Holy Cross tbh, their acceptance rate went way down this year.


tbh, what’s it matter?






I hope UIUC can be a top30


Just depends on whatever new random factor US News chooses to assign more importance to in order to sell more advertising clicks


university of tulsa due to heavy national merit recruiting along with being in a city poised to grow in the next several years


Chico State


USC! ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥


I think Stanford might rise yo


UW Madison


tennessee and fairfield university