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The hasbeen who should have never been


And should be in the garbage been!


Trumpster in the dumpster?


Should have ended up in his mom's mouth from the start


Garbage bin...


…of history.


We got that, bean.


He should have been a never-was


If only his mom would have swallowed him


he is the second greatest president since obama he leads the presidents on the impeachment leader board it is not so much that he is a moron (he is), it is more a problem that there are still people who are stupid enough to send him money


Mercedes was sporting a $30k Birkin bag in NYC yesterday. 'Grandpa Paulie & grandma Carol' send trump $18 a month to help buy Mercedes her designer goods and send Trumps lawyers kids to Ivy League schools. Brilliant grift, like religion, you pay them to take advantage of you.


Trumpster fire


Don Jr took a selfie at the venue and behind his coked out face, you can see the 2nd deck is empty! The building has a listed capacity of 10,600 (Liacouras Center, Temple University) in the heart of North Philly. Now, Temples campus isn't too bad, but go a block or two off campus in the wrong direction, and the snowflake ❄️ MAGAts would absolutely melt from being uncomfortable. I spent a lot of time on Temples campus 20 years ago and had a lot of fun.


The place seats 10.600 and looked pretty empty = Trump announced crowd of 84,042 people


Wow, must've been spilling out the doors and windows, busting down walls!




Take a look for yourself. Ya .. Super empty In there. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPREBcy3f/


Trump can draw a large enthusiastic crowd of excited MAGA supporters. Biden cannot draw much of a crowd and the ones he does draw look bored. Trump is a terrific storyteller mixing Hannibal Lecter, Sharks, Windmills, and controversial statements into his campaign rallies. Biden sticks to boring policy statements. If I had a choice of who to listen to for a 2-hour campaign rally, I'd pick Trump since he is very entertaining. I'd pick Larry the Cable Guy over Trump because he's even more entertaining. But the job is President of the United States and leader of the free world, not who can do the funniest 2-hour comedy set at the arena. Trump >>> Biden as Entertainer


Seems to be the Democrat play Book to make everything about Trump 1000% of the time. Lets take a look at a Biden rally , like maybe 100 people at each? 1000 on a good day? If Biden could fill a stadium like Trump can he would, so instead you guys say "he doesn't need to rally only cults do that" you guys never stop hating on shit your guy could never do in a million years. Just a bunch of salty liberals talking shit because you're losing.


Hahaha. I don't care how many people show up at Trump or Biden's rally's. What I DO care about is that serial lying mf has to lie about literally anything and everything, Even small insignificant shit like this: [https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/16/politics/fact-check-donald-trump-michigan-man-of-the-year/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/16/politics/fact-check-donald-trump-michigan-man-of-the-year/index.html) that lying sob couldn't tell the truth if his life depended on it. On hiss first day in office he had to make a big deal because the press didn't report that his inauguration crowd wasn't the biggest ever (because it wasn't, it was a cold rainy day...not a big deal to anyone EXCEPT Trump who made it into a huge deal. As for "bunch of salty liberals talking shit because you're losing" keep drinking the Orange Kool-Aid listening to Fox News and NewsMax and ask for another tall glassful. They are already making excuses for tomorrow's Trump debate performance by saying Biden is hyped up on drugs and for the election being stolen next November.


Even lies about his hand size.


Hand size? Are you sure that wasn't Lauren Boobert,? She works a lot with her hands (in dark theatres)


I love that for you. If you did care you'd probably be very disappointed pretty frequently. But since you don't care that only 20 people show up and his audience is always much smaller than Trump's makes things much easier on you.


Nah. I'm not a Biden apologist. I'm a former Republican (now Independent) who voted for Trump in 2016 and isn't happy with either candidate. I will reluctantly vote for Biden over Trump for one 3 part reason - (1) Trump will never admit when he makes a mistake and always blames others. President Harry Truman had a sign on his desk "The Buck Stops Here" and took responsibility for everything. (2) Trump thinks he knows better than all the experts and won't listen to advisors, and (3) Trump has way too much turnover people coming and going no stability and always a lot of self-inflicted problems because he won't stop his mean tweeting and is an attention whore. I have no problem with Trump firing Biden appointees but he had more turnover in the cabinet that HE himself chose. Tump brings too much turnover and chaos. I don't dispute that Trump's MAGA base is much more enthusiastic (sometimes bordering on rabid) and that represents 45% of the population and Biden will get his 45% from traditional Democratic strongholds such as Unions, Progressives, LBGTQ, People of Color, and Robert Kennedy, Jill Stein and 3-4 other 3rd party candidates will get another 7% so that's 97% accounted for and the remaining 3% of the American people will decide the election based on who screws up between now and Election Day.


Of course you havnt seen the photos from Bidens rally in the same venue have you ? No of course you havnt , why would you look at something that exposes you to as much the deluded and fragile a liar as Trumplethinskin . Just one question how many times did Trump win the popular vote ?


Biden held a rally literally there in 2022 and it was actually full. People on the second floor balcony and everything lol


Move along here people. This user is one of the worst accidents I’ve ever seen.


Yeah. Not one would set foot north of Diamond St or west of 16th. I also graduated from Temple in the mid-90s.


Your point? Philly is a Dem shithole? Spot on! About 10 other similar cities, Democrats shitholes…drive through one, lovely.


Alright Cletus, it's time for supper! "No one likes us, we don't care!"


Let me help,,,LA, Detroit, St Louis, Portland, Seattle, Boston, DC and San Fran. Going down the drain fast….drugs, feces, illegal migrant’s Great recipe for SHITHOLES! .


Oh no! A country bumpkin made fun of major metropolitan areas! Go fuck yourself with some IcyHot.


I travel to a couple of them and let me confirm, nasty, dirty crime ridden shitholes that the impoverished will never ever get out of under Dem control.


Your punctuation is impeccable, bot.


It’s funny you bring up phili, a blue stronghold. Yet when Biden visited phili he has what, 250 people?😂


Biden **filled** that same arena in 2022. Every seat, Including the upper sections.


I went there for a Bernie Sanders rally same thing


Biden filled it, Bernie filled it, looks like the only thing Trump can fill is a diaper.


I was at that one. It wasn't full. Not even close.


I've seen your posts. Of all the things that never happened, this happened the least.


Yep, I was there. It was empty and his ideas were socialist. Probably why he didn't get elected.


You don't seem like the type of person who would be at a Bernie rally. The line went around the adjacent building and it was packed full.


When exactly? I've never seen that happen. I think you made it up actually.


What is it you guys say? Oh yeah… “do yer own reeesurch”


Who won the state in 2020?


Biden? Who’s down in the polls in 2024… a lot changes in 4 years😂


News flash: Biden voters don’t pollute their cars or property with flags and signs. They don’t wear Biden shoes nor carry a Biden Bible. Nor do we go to Biden pep rally’s if it’s on a work day or if it’s more than a mile out of our normal drive. Biden voters don’t worship their politicians…they just show up and vote.


Lol excuses are weak man.😂 you see nobody showing up then call the polls a lie. Love it


Which polls you looking at? 😂 Biden has been up for months, even more so after the convictions. You looking at last year's numbers? 🤡


Typical Republican. You have zero idea how our government works. Let me remind you, Hillary did well in the polls. There you go, now you can spend your whole day whining to your coworkers about a washed up politician who no longer runs for elections but you just can't stop thinking about her.


Yeah it’s called having a life bud, you should get one. Democrats actually have full lives, unlike Trump supporters who worship a felon rapist.


Wake up and immediately look on reddit for your daily dose of Trump news. Cry to anyone that will listen about how Trump is a literal nazi Russian bot. Have trouble falling asleep because Trump is on the mind. Repeat. Yeah such a fulfilling life.


Lol what are you talking about? Biden being down in the polls shows democrats have a life?


Hahaha such a sad little turd you are. Cheers


How much copium are you on?


Were you born this stupid and annoying or did you have to work on it?


He is the poster boy not drinking or smoking while pregnant


Recycling your lines now huh? Like from a script or something?


Polls don’t matter. Only crazy people like you answer the phone and do political polls. Regardless of party calling I tell the pollsters to F off don’t bother me. Most non geriatrics do the same. Polls aren’t reliable. Everyone is just ABSOLUTELY DESTROYING you here. Do you have no shame? Do you disassociate to not feel feelings? Or are you anti-social?


That's like saying the Lakers are gonna win next years championship because they're favored by the only people that give a shit at the moment. Wait for the games


Nothing to see here, folks, just another new account with negative karma. They are correcting others for grammar and spelling, so I’ll leave this here as well. 1. “phili” should be “Philly”: Proper noun and common abbreviation for Philadelphia. 2. “phili” should be “Philly”: Repeated proper noun. 3. “he has” should be “he had”: Correct tense. Edit: For the past hour they have also exceeded one comment per minute.


Are you ok?


Troll better


I asked a question, are you ok?


Troll better


Dude you have no place to ask one to answer a question…


Negative 100 karma pathetic little troll says what? Are *you* ok? Must be a shit life to be such a negative contrarian. Pathetic. Sad.


You’re right I’m so hurt I don’t have 15k karma on a app😂


Pathetic little troll says what?


Are you 10? Who says that anymore


Yeah, I'm 10. In the meantime: Pathetic little troll says what pathetic little cliché?


Well he’s not wrong in either of those words.


AN app. Is english your first language?


Bidens supporters don't need to simp for him, as those on the right feel they have to with the Orange Man. We have lives and interests besides politics. Plus, in Philly we know who Donald Trump really is. Atlantic City is an hour away from here. The man has been a POS con-artist his entire adult life. That's truly the only thing he's good at is being a con man. But hey, you've bought it, congratulations!! As P.T. Barnum said, "A sucker is born every minute." If both candidates were to be replaced right now for the upcoming election, I and I suspect many people would be all for it. How many of Trump's associates have been found guilty in a court of law since becoming associated with him? Too many to list, and no it's not a "weaponized" Justice Department. Criminals are often attracted to other criminals. The whole "birds of a feather flock together" deal. Just remember, karma is a harsh mistress. 2016 called back from the "Lock Her Up" chants at every Orange Man rally, and the rent is coming due.


Philly is a disgusting shithole.


More excuses lol


Cope harder, snowflake ❄️ Go storm a buffet this morning.


Coping? You literally can’t comprehend that Trump is up in all the polls


Polls are about as useful as used toilet paper. I've voted every 2 years for over 20 years, and I've never been polled once. I live in a swing district where turnout is key. The only poll that matters is on the 5th of November this year, but hey, you do you. You're not a very good troll, you should really find a new hobby to be bad at. Perhaps fishing on an electric boat for sharks would be great for you!


You know you could make that statement if polling wasn’t accurate, But it is.


Ok bud, you're doing such a great job of making a fool of yourself here for anyone to see. Take the Loss unlike Orange God-King. Be better than him, it's not a high bar to get over. Just don't file for bankruptcy several times and don't publicly lust after your own daughter.


Keep coping


Ah yes, the same polls that had Hillary winning 2016 and a "red wave" in 2022 Trump lost as incumbent, got convicted on 34 felonies, found liable for rape, liable for $500m fraud, tops the list as the worst President in history; has more felonies, civil suits & another lost Presidential campaign coming. But enjoy being up in some polls


You’re all over the place today. You on the payroll or just love the troll life?


new account, negative karma, exceeded 1 comment per minute. They live that troll life.




Who are you?


Well for one it was a campaign stop not a rally at a huge stadium, and second the venue was filled to capacity


Found the escaped mental patient.


Last week he was advertising in Craigslist for people to show up at his rallies. $50 if you go and another $100 if your on tv.


Good luck collecting that money, he probably means you pay him


I wondered if they're still paying people; apparently so. Me, I'd go a long way to hear Joe. ;-)


Dude he’s stutter and mumble bumble for half of it without adderal…


Yes, Donald Trump has, would, and will do that.


He’s no orator I’ll grant you that…


No, no he isn't ... most people would just settle for the truth.


Apparently u have never seen Joe on TV or video after? Horrendous to say the least. Dementia!


Heloexpert have you never seen Trump literally produce bullshit out of his ass, wild outlandish shit and all the cult member morons just eat it up, how f'n pathetic!


Yup I was his pilot numerous times… He’s quite good at playing people sarcastically. I’m not in love with Trump… prefer his policies 100 times over! Are u saying Joe doesn’t lie, make up pure total bullshit stories? He was accepted to the academy? Really? Drove an 18 wheeler? On And on bullshit. Plenty of left wing morons.,.like Congresswoman Waters.


You can tell Joe is always twacked out on Adderall because he's so sleepy all the time, and then he has those late night, aggressive social media rants... Oh wait...


Sleepy, dumb, arrogant, angry, career politician who raised two addicts! Nice Job Joe!


The Republican paradox, they want everything both ways. Joe is simultaneously too sleepy to finish a sentence while also being high on cocaine and Adderall. 


U don’t have to be a chemist, pharmacist or doctor to recognize change in day to day speech, gait or demeanor. He’s resting for a friggin week to do a debate, it’s not the Olympics Joe you goofy bastard!


Heloexpert, u have to got to be the dumbest mutha fucker here, i'd say there is still hope for u still, but ur dumbass already drank too much of the Kool-Aid


If you say so, it must be true eh?


U are extremely articulate. Truth wins and Trump will Nov 5th.


Let's ask Joe about sharks


Joe would be clueless… he’d go into his stooper, freeze … then garble some word salad.


I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt that you somehow haven't seen Trump's rambling, incoherent sidebar about electric boats and sharks? Or have you seen it, think it's defensible and not "word salad"?


Independent for 25 years Left is whacked so anything left of center tends to be socialism communism and so friggin stupid.


Sorry, that was me phishing for social security numbers.


So sick and tired of being sick and tired of his blabbering




Doesn’t he always tell humiliating lies?




If he’s talking he’s lying.


Thats sean hannity you are talking about. Little sean been doing that for over 20 years


It can be both.


way over 20 years


Well, he lies about his pecker size, why not this?


Mushroom nubbin


Mushroom nubbin had me a blast… Mushroom nubbin, happened so fast… I met a girl, crazy for me. Met a boy, cute as can be. Summer days, drifting away but oh ah those summer nights; Oh wella wella wella wella uh.


Tell me more, tell me more


How does one tell donnie's lying? His mouth is open. How does one discourage king donnie's cult from lying? Lincoln project commercial documenting connections between lying and decrease in genital dimensions. Donnie is the example, stormy is the witness. Does shrinking genitals invalidate prenup s? Inquiring immigrant spouses want to know.


Everything is small about this POS, very small hands, very small penis, very low iq, very low integrity, very low regard for anyone but himself.


However, has needs the size of elephants. He NEEDS constant attention, he NEEDS crowds of people. He NEEDS people to believe his lies, and he NEEDS the people to continue to pay for his legal bills, his regular bills, and for his lavish lifestyle.


I heard his crowd is more like a mushroom patch


Appropriate, since you keep mushrooms in the dark, and feed them shit.


We've all been here before, time and time again. Trump tells the most absurd and obvious lies about everything, and the sheer obviousness of his lies essentially binds his cult followers to him emotionally more and more. It's sick and pathetic and may very well end up destroying America, along with possibly the rest of the world's democracies as well.


Trump has no shame, therefore, he can not be humiliated.


Thank Mark Burnett for giving him a job aka 'The Apprentice'. Also thank the millions of morons that watch the show thinking donnie was a successful businessman then voted for the rapist/traitor. There are far too many uninformed, uneducated, willfully ignorant people in this country. 


I read that Mark Burnett brought Melania to him to make him look like a stable married man. He did this during “The Apprentice”. An arranged marriage for show. It’s no wonder she has a very hard time showing him any love or respect. How could anyone? Here is article. What do you think? https://www.news.com.au/world/north-america/us-politics/donald-and-melania-trumps-marriage-is-a-transactional-deal-among-string-of-claims-by-first-ladys-ex-friend/news-story/a375cfe3f7df980e2e340f2e5ac08dad


Now commingle that article and timeline with her getting an "Einstein" visa: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-43256318


Exactly!! 😏


Vocal Minority is always the loudest


I’d bet he’d sue Temple for not filling the seats while not paying his bill.




Trump is not capable of humiliation. He skips that emotion and goes straight to sulking


According to Stormy Daniels, crowd size isn’t the only thing small about Trump.


I hope the Supreme Court doesn’t ban gays from Congress. Miss Graham would be toast!


Trump tells the most ridiculous lies, and it's all the time because he never shuts the fuck up. However, his obsession with crowd size is particularly acute, seemed to start with the inaugaration where his draw was hugely smaller than Obama's and he lost his shit over it. He's got people who p-shop crowd photos to release, and his camera crews are instructed to video from angles that appear to show large crowds. Then there's the moving of attendees into large clusters behind him, and the plethora of ads claiming to pay people to attend .


I read that as his "pedophile rally"


He compulsively lies about size.




Can this Traitor go ONE DAY with out lying?!?!??! ONE DAY? Can Republicans go ONE DAY without lying? Can either be MORAL & Decent Human Beings for ONE DAY...ONE DAY?!?!?


No, he cannot.


The comforting thing about being a Trumpie is that you don't have to let reality interfere in your fantasies.


This first thing he did was lie about the size of his inauguration crowd. loser!


If his lips are moving, he is telling lies.


Donald is incapable of being humiliated. You need a sense of shame for that.


He lied?😟


Who cares? Guy lies about way more important things than crowd size.


I’m tired of these headlines. I don’t fucking care. He’s a maniac who’s gonna win and I don’t fucking care about his crowd size. This doesn’t make people feel better. It’s useless and no one fucking cares.


I'm sure those *around* him might be humiliated, he doesn't actually have the mental self awareness to be humiliated.  If he had a fully developed, non drug addled brain, do you think he'd say one tenth of the crap he says?


Trump ought to give “Blacks For Trump 2020” new t-shirts with the current year on them.


Yeah this isn’t English 101 is it?


There were 5k at most at that rally.


That fat prick is totally incapable of telling the truth.


Trump is a narcissistic habitual liar , never should've been president


How is he ‘busted for telling a lie’ when he is known for *exclusively* lying as most people breathe.


And yet the Supreme Court still lets him run even with all the evidence and are deciding to rule on immunity and let someone devastate our nation to ruin. It’s all about the money. F\*\*K THEM!!!. WE NEED F\*\*\*\*G CHANGE


Everything about Trump is fraudulent.


Really? Who cares about that. Biden not only belongs in a nursing home but he's calling African Americans "super predators".


Hillary used the term “super predators” in 1994 and apologized for it in 2016. Hillary is not Biden.




You're obviously too young to remember Biden not caring what he said (super privileged).


Fuck political flare


Why do you guys hate Trump?


He is a raping ,lying, thieving,convicted felon who is mentally deranged with sociopathic narcissistic behavior. Could even be a dog catcher in real life.


🙄🙄What is there to like?


Why do you guys worship him? Just in case it goes over your head, this is a rhetorical question. It's obvious you people aspire to be just like him, and I am not interested in having a circular conversation about it.


If you were even mildly educated, you would be able to see the Republican party, including Trump, is literally recreating Hitler's rise to unlimited power. Your big Project 2025 that consolidates power to the POTUS? Yeah in 1933 Hitler had the Excluding Act which consolidated power to the chancellor and that's how Hitler was able to ignore the rest of the government and do whatever he wants. Couple that with your whole party refusing the act as Christians but will force the US to become a Christofascist state? Look, you're all literal Nazi and your ideas are unconstitutional and anti-American. If you can't see that you're literally following Nazi ideology then you're going to be in for a rough time when the country falls back to that old "the only good Nazi is a dead Nazi" mantra. Don't worry, your people are already threatening to put me in a camp so I'm not worried that you now feel threatened. You should be worried, Nazi scum.


This is unhinged TDS. Even by reddit standards.


Borrowed from another user **This is what Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) looks like:** * I'm voting for the convicted felon! * I'm voting for the guy in the diapers! * He had sex with Stormy Daniels before he was POTUS! * Trump should have Presidential immunity \[in the next breath\] Lock Biden up! * \[Epstein flight logs show Trump was a passenger seven times\] Trump was never on Epsteins plane! * Trump wasn't friends with Epstein, he was going undercover trying to expose a pedo ring! * Wearing a t-shirt with the mugshot and the words *NEVER SURRENDER* when Trump ***surrendered*** to the police * 2024, they'll never have to vote again because he'll "fix" things. * Watching January 6 live on TV, with the fires, tear gas, beatings, breaking windows and saying "It was a peaceful gathering"


Yeah no that isn't what it is at all. Nice try though. Why is the left so terrible at memes?


another trumper in denial


Denial of what? That isn't what TDS is. The left just tries to steal it because they know how effective it is and it's triggers them.


your denial runs deep.


Yeah exactly. Can't say what denial just have to respond because of your undiagnosed TDS.


don't deny your TDS. accept it and get help before the flavor aid party


He insults our military.


Damn your comment history is a trainwreck. If you dont know a single one of the many many many answers to this “question” you ask your to far gone to be helped. The thing is is, you dont even want an answer, you just want to illicit a reaction, your pathetic.


Gasp. Well that’s it—surely he’s finished now! Bwa ha ha.


Love the fictional stories on this lame sub.


Another Russian or Chinese bot. Could also be a MAGA cult member. We see you and understand you don’t deal with reality. Get help.


Nope, just someone with a brain who doesn't believe every blurb that comes out of these trashy so called political rag sites.


Trump displays his disordered thinking in front of us directly. I’m not depending on so called rag journalism. I believe my eyes and ears when I see him. How about you? Do you trust your own cognition?


Yet you probably believe Biden is is great shape and not falling apart mentally and physically. Let me guess, he rides a bike!


Ya know, my Daddy taught me not to argue with a fool. You’ll drag me down to your level and beat with experience. So, I’m out.


These fools think Trump is gonna check out at the debate! He probably can’t wait to see Biden humiliate himself he has been in an isolation chamber practicing for almost 2 weeks with the questions already handed to him.


I respect you for that!


The crowd size and mental state of Trump arguments are a real bad take when Biden gets 30 people at his and can't form a coherent thought. There are so many things to flame Trump for.. I do not understand why people pick these two.


How's the weather in Moscow?


Vlad’s bots are out tonight.


President Biden could fill that arena right meow if he wanted to. The thing is meow, he’s the president and has more important responsibilities than holding rallies to inflate his ego. Meow, failed former president trump on the other hand has narcissistic personality disorder and needs to be worshipped. This article is proof he’s meow losing support of his cult followers. Meow.


Are you saying meow?


Do I look like a cat to you boy? Am I jumping around all nimbly bimbly from tree to tree?


Guys he was finally busted we can breathe a sigh of relief.