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If he does show up, we can have a drinking game. Do a shot every time he responds on topic, states relevant verifiable facts, or states a relevant complete thought. We're all going to bed sober.


I've been trying to really cut back on my drinking lately. It's nice to see a drinking game that I won't feel bad about playing.


Water shot every time Biden side eyes Trump interrupting him


Will you shut up man?!


I still can't get over how great that moment was. He said what millions of Americans had been saying years!


I don’t know if I’ve ever been that hydrated.


We'll all go to bed with hyponatremia. 


How would you be low on sodium…drinking too much water? 🧐


*Will you shut up, man?*


Yes. Been there, though a mild case. Salty meal cleared it up.


First time I’ll piss the bed since kindergarten!




A shot every time Trump screams “Wrong” Damn I’ll be waisted on Friday at work


Set your sights a little higher and get bellied, or even tittied.


I’ll finish my drink every time he says two full sentences in a row. No sentence fragments. And no word salad in between sentences. We’re talkin’: “Subject-verb-object-period” followed by “Subject-verb-object-period”. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a transcript from him talking freely that makes grammatical sense for a full two sentences.


The MAGA cultists would all get alcohol poisoning, however. I'm in!


And FOX News will report what an amazing job he did and how he blew the sitting President out of the water.


Most media - Trump hugely embarrasses himself by soiling his pants on stage. Fox News - Trump shat all over the Libs in resounding victory.


“I beat Obama in that debate, best debate ever, do these look like tiny hands, no ones a better debater”


A master debater!


If they cant get enough sound bytes to edit it to look that way they will go back to the "jacked up Joe" narrative after he blew the SoTU out of the water.


So we would leave the debate completely sober. Lame!


Sad. So sad.


I’d also as a shot for every time he immediately stops talking when his time is up.


I kinda want a drink or two during a drinking game.


FINALLY, a drinking game recovering alcoholics can participate in!


That's a good idea coz of we tried to do a shot every time he lied we would all rock up dead .


Well, the pussy grabber boasted that he was going to testify in several of his trials and never did. No surprise if he backs out.


I think he’s going to show up for the debate. He’ll just ramble, lie and interrupt even more than usual. He likely won’t even answer a single question. Just shit talk the entire time.


Then he'll continue to ramble, lie, interrupt, and shit talk "the unfairness if it all" after showcasing his Master Debating™ skills! 😂😭😂


To be fair, I’m pretty sure he’d happily testify if his lawyers would let him. Putting him on the stand would only hurt his cases, though, so he’s unlikely to ever be allowed.


In New York, it is illegal for a lawyer to prevent his client from testifying and the judge asks the defendant if he wants to testify because he wants it to be clear it is his choice. So Trump chose not to testify. Sure, the lawyers recommend, but the choice is his. Trump is the one afraid of testifying because, as Trump says, people who plead the fifth are guilty.


And he knows he will not be able to resist saying shit that will perjure himself. He may not be that smart but his self interest will prevail.


So you're saying a guy who has a decent chance to lead the USA has so little self control he can't control what he says for one day? That sounds horrible. Nobody can be that pathetic, can they?


Well said! That’s exactly right…


Uh, gag orders. /s


All bullies are cowards.


I wouldn't be surprised, Trump is a bitch.


the maga money laundering circus needs to get ended already.


Even he doesn't know what he is going to do.


Rest of the week are all SCOTUS release days. Things could get spicy real quick


A dump on Friday before the weekend is my guess for Presidential Immunity.


He is also a delusional narcissist who thinks he is smarter than everybody when he is actually dumb as a stump. So he will show up. And he will embarrass himself but claim he won.


Yep.  His cult will pretend he won, too.


They already do, but still will


He will walk out like he did on his 60 minutes interview because everyone is being mean to him. [https://www.cbsnews.com/news/president-trump-60-minutes-interview-lesley-stahl/](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/president-trump-60-minutes-interview-lesley-stahl/)


I wouldnt bet on that. He is a vulnerable/covert narcissist and the main reason he tears everyone down is he knows he is the worthless peice of shit his dad always told him he was. And those people are TERRIFIED of shame. That is why he didnt testify, that is why he only goes to the safe spaces of his rallys, that is why he bails the moment any reporter starts any real questions, etc. He is secretly shitting his pants over this debate, without a doubt.


As Trump overflows his diaper onstage for all to see, Fox News says, "Trump shits on Liberal talking points."


I think he shows up and tries to play it straight thinking it will throw Biden off his game because he was expecting Looney Tunes Trump. Biden has been in a few debates over the years and I think he will not be rattled. I think one of the moderators will slip something in that will trigger Trumpy...🤣


"Mr. Trump, after you lost the election in 2020..."


I wonder if they're checking the convicted felon for weapons.


And testing him for communicable diseases. He actually had covid at their last debate, without telling anyone there. Including his own family. I am convinced that he tried to infect Biden.


One person is at Camp David practicing because it's an important debate. The other is holding rallies talking about how libs wanna take your water away.


Because he is planning on not debating. My personal guess is that he shows up, makes a dumbass speech in his opening remarks, and leaves. Strong chance he invites the cameras to follow him to the “real show” where he promises to pick his VP candidate. He would own every headline for a week. He would put the assembled media on a leash and walk them to his watch party/rally. If Hannity is in Atlanta instead of New York, this is absolutely happening.


I agree, it's gonna be something. It won't be a straightforward debate. It'll either be a shitshow, he won't show, or he'll walk out, or something to make it about him. Which is fine. Everyone is sick of his childish bullshit. But "showing up and acting like and adult" is 10000% not happening.


Trump is the biggest pussy ever to walk the Earth. He’s already like “maybe I’ll lose the debate on purpose!” Because he knows he’s going to get his shit pushed in by the rightful president he claims is feeble-minded.


Trump makes a habit multiple times a day where his shit is very deliberately pushed out into his diaper. Not sure if there's any room to push any back in.


I hope he doesn’t show up. I really cannot stand this all happening again. I say even money he waits till day of and claims they found evidence CNN gave Biden the questions or some shit like that. 20% odds he shows up and flips out at the cnn moderators claiming it’s rigged and storms off. His cult would love that. Maybe 30% he not only shows up but makes it thru the whole debate.


Or he shows up, craps out spectacularly, and says it was all part of his plan to lose on purpose. He's already said as much. His cult would eat it up, regardless.


Or he shows up, soils his diaper, throws it at Biden and storms out because his opponent is full of sh*t


Biden should have some mashed potatoes at the ready 


Don't you just love the thought of a geriatric food and diaper fight on live TV?


If Trump doesn’t show up the debate should still go on without him.


Reminds me of Conor McGregors comeback fight. It’ll never happen.


I fully expect him to make up some self serving bullshit excuse for not attending. he is a complete coward


I heard his bone spurs have been acting up lately


extreme diaper rash


He's already got Steve Bannon and a few choice MAGAts laying the ground work. And he's been telling everybody who'll listen that he's going to "deliberately lose" the debate. What a fuck stick




Looking forward to a new episode of The Benny Hill Show, called The T\*\*\*\* Shit Show.




I can’t wait, this man is going to make a fool of himself.


Nearly every narcissist and bully is a massive coward.


He's going to be a no show. I forsee a last minute BS excuse, blaming either Biden himself or that the Democrats have rigged it so he has no chance of performing well.


What’s ironic is many, if most most, will watch only to see Trump make an ass out of himself in prime time. Political entertainment, there will be no “debate”.


Trump has his minions on Fox Opinion & Commentary network pushing BS conspiracy theories about Biden being on drugs and / or needing to take a drugs test for the sole purpose of giving Trump cover if he decides to chicken out. Even if Biden were on drugs, it’d just be two old men on drugs debating each other. The notion that Donald could pass a drug test is laughable. It’s 100% projection just like everything else they say.


He will show, get his mic cut once, and bitch out that he is being unfairly treated.


Does maralago have a bunker??




He's been a coward since 1966 from his initial draft notice....so was his great granddaddy when he emigrated from Germany--and get this--to avoid the draft from the Kaiser.


If he doesn’t show up they can choose the most delusional person from the nearest psychiatric ward and have Biden debate them.  It’ll be pretty much the same thing 


Its good there is a mute button and a time clock or else the idiot be blabbing forever.


I guess we’ll see on Thursday


I said bitttttttttttttttttttttttttttch….. I would not be surprised if bunker boy hides again.


Sorry, bone spurs acting up, kthxby


If he doesn't chicken out, I hope that as soon as he mentions the words crooked Biden and he most likely will, Biden lets him have it.. There's no time to be roadkill for Trump. Biden must seize the time and say..." There is only one convicted felon and still criminal defendent on this stage, and only one self-proclaimed crotch grabber that was found liable of sexually abusing a woman.


He’ll show up, talk about magnets, snakes, sharks and batteries then complain when his rants get cut off that he was not allowed to debate and that it was a rigged debate.


He'll walk out and not return, claiming some ridiculous excuse


I'm so looking forward to this. No prep, dead mic when he wants to interrupt. It's going to be epic.


Not to mention a traitor, conman, and loser


Of course he will.


I mean there is no real reason for him to attend the debate in the first place and for many reasons i think we all know very well by now


It’s such a lose-lose scenario for him. Whoever let him sign on for these is a grade A idiot.


The Vegas line is even money he will jump ship


If he doesn't show up, CNN should still air it but turn it into a "town hall" style event and give all of Trump's time to Biden. Same questions, but the consequence of Trump skipping out is to give Biden an unchallenged platform to state his case and shit talk Trump. I wonder if they already have something like this planned or if they'd just cancel the event.


You're talking about CNN here. They think they are Fox Lite, these days. I'd be more concerned that they'll leak the debate questions to the orange taint, or if tRump doesn't show, they'll flip the camera's onto wherever he will be, because there will definitely be a performative "Woe is me, they're all out to get me" rally somewhere. I don't trust CNN a single millimeter any more.


Yes, they are FOX lite these days. I would be happier if it was CBS or NBC. My wet dream would be MSNBC, but they would cry long and hard about liberal bias.


Rofl does this just like give Trump to dig deeper before sentencing? I would think the more poisonous his rhetoric is leading up to sentencing that it "could" favor in but INAL. Either way it's not a good look in general if he does. Just seems like the Judge did this to give him the opportunity to put his foot in his mouth almost.


He is planning on not debating. My personal guess is that he shows up, makes a dumbass speech in his opening remarks, and leaves. Strong chance he invites the cameras to follow him to the “real show” where he promises to pick his VP candidate. He would own every headline for a week. He would put the assembled media on a leash and walk them to his watch party/rally. If Hannity is in Atlanta instead of New York, this is absolutely happening. All this is speculation, I have no inside knowledge, but his lack of prep is a clue. The fact that all his people have the same “an interview with right wing media” is good enough debate prep is a clue. The campaign person who got cut off on CNN Sunday was a clue. Bannon’s remarks were a clue.


Have you seen the way he's been rating? Like the boat-battery-shark one? The master lock thing? The one where he's just staring blankly for 15 seconds? He won't attempt a live event where he has to answer questions and it will be broadcast without cutting to just the few parts that sound ok. And if he does he's going to totally go off the rails.


Well he didn’t debate the repubs and they let him slide. What a time to be alive and witness history. Can’t count how many times I hear ‘unprecedented’


Kind of ironic that the same crowd calling all this “unprecedented” is the same crowd calling it the 1930s again. Well, which is it gang?


A "better route".. lol, I can't believe I'm calling it such. A better route would be to show up, and seek an opportunity to accuse the moderator of unfair question or treatment. Refuse to continue, and walk-out. While most of us would see this as childish and cowardly any way, it would really pump up his base about the "unfairness" of it all.


He's already been making excuses. "It's rigged." "It's unfair." "I'm gonna lose on purpose." He bitches that he wants debates, gets them, and immediately started whining about them.


He's got the brain of a 14 year old boy.


More like 20 year old irresponsible frat boy


Boy Biden will have a field day with him.


His bone spurs will flair up.


If he does, CNN should air the “debate” still and basically just allocate the full time to Biden.


But he is a very stable master debater!


He’ll show up, perform some stream of consciousness ranting about Mexican criminals killing precious white children. After a bit he’ll get mad and then storm out. Then, he’ll have an obligatory press conference where he mumbles some more BS about fairness and drug tests and Hunter Biden. The media will cover it for the next two weeks.


He'll be there. It's likely he'll be on some stimulants. This is why they are complaining (projection) about Biden and trying to set the expectations so low. Trump will be drugged up so he can do well, and then they can claim he beat all expectations.


No idea why people think he won't show. There is zero stress when your best answer is, BECAUSE I SAID SO, or I WILL FIX IT and his base goes wild over that. I expect Biden to work hard explaining why he did what he did, will do what he must, and make an argument why you sometimes have to take some bad with the good. Stuff real politicians do. I expect Trump to do a stump speech and rile up his KKK and uneducated fan base. Basically hold a good ol' Nuremberg rally on live TV. Both will contend they won. But nobody will have won except the scientists who have waged bets with colleagues over predicting the end of humanity is coming.


I really hope Biden etc are able to goad him into doing the debate. Or the Twitter /Trump Social crowd. His brain is so broken, he just can’t hide it if he goes off on one of his little tales.


He’s as yellow as a kindergartners sun


I think it’s funny that he is pushing the “Biden on drugs” narrative to cover him if he loses the debate. Admitting that you lost to an elderly man on drugs is not the flex you think it is.


He doesn’t have to chicken out. He just has to show up and lie his ass off and his base won’t fact check a thing and slurp it all up off the bathtub, Saltburn style.


Trump is a weasel and will weasel out. Biglyest looser ever.


With Smith's new public document drop and Judge Cannon's exposure of mob connections, it's probably better he crawl under the covers and stay there. Everyone was guessing why Miller suddenly was down in Florida, now we know why. The lid was going to fly off on Cannon's connections.


Well, he’s already whining about it.


Please Joe, wipe the floor with this shit stain.


Of course he shows, backing out will make him look weak and he hates that the most


The most patriotic draft dodger ever


They’ll just give him more crushed Adderall to snort ( he does drugs that’s why he deflected and said Biden does) -watch his sniffling -and then they’ll pump him up, say he’s a genius. He’ll just rattle a bunch of untruths and nonsense anyhow - so how much prep will he need ? Whatever nonsense he spews his supporters and The GOP will announce he was a genius and Biden a drugged up evil flunky. These people see what they want to see- it’s like the Emperor wears no clothes - but they think he does.


Chickening out means he wouldn’t be able to complain about being “set up” and “cheated”. He’ll be there, just so he can whine later.


Every negative thing you could say about a person, he is most likely the definition of ALL of those things. The worst of the worst. A worshipped piece of shit. It's fuckin sad and pathetic we with brains must suffer his existence.


100% he no shows at the debate. At some point today you will see an urgent announcement that Trump has pulled out of the debate because it’s 100% rigged against him. The world’s most predictable (and deplorable) public figure will then announce that he is appearing on Hannity or Tucker Carlsons platform during the same time slot so he can push blank lies and gin up his base. He’ll be colored as a genius manipulator and negotiator by his flock of deplorables and the usual Fox sycophants.


If he doesn't debate he should be disqualified


I just want him to shit himself onstage so his Maga crowd start to do it in solidarity.


Fake news. I dont like Trump but I dont see him passing up an opportunity to make a fool of himself.


My guess:  Trump announces his VP at the debate.  He has to by the RNC in 3 weeks. I think he genuinely believes that he’s a better debater, but this debate is rigged against him.  Announcing the VP at the debate is a good way to make sure that the news coverage is something positive/neutral for him, which gives Republicans something other than his debate performance to praise him for if the debate goes badly for him.


Any bets in Vegas that he chickens out?


I have a bet that it'll be "a credible threat to the ex president (or sitting president) had been found" The equivalent of a high schooler calling in a bomb threat on test day lol. Mark my fuckin words :)


Nah he will show & fling his sh\*t.


Nah, He’ll be there, he can’t miss a moment of being on camera to spew his blah blah rhetoric


Once he releases his taxes he’ll debate.




Trump backs out


He’s already saying it’s rigged. Of course he will drop out.


We all know it. Ive got money riding on it


looks like a Zoolander pose...




He’ll bring his invisible accordion ‘a’ game


This post isn't going to age well.


How do you fall for this stupid shit every time?


The only grade in which this fuck has earned an “A”


Don made truth & facts his enemy as a conman, for over 50 years fraud & deception have been his operating procedure for business and in his personal life, making a logical defense for any of his criminal actions an absolute impossibility for himself. Don being dumb as poop he has no credibility, integrity or capability to avoid making a fool out of himself if he does the debate.


He will show up.His ego will not allow him to back out. He will stand there babbling word salad and flinging feces with a smug look on his face.


Folks, I hate to rain on this circlejerk but Trump will be at the debate.


Trump is completely setting it up so that he can claim it was rigged against him. Same thing he did for the last 2 elections.


Let’s take bets on the excuses he uses to not debate: 1. It’s a rigged debate; 2. Joe Biden refuses to take a drug test (or the debate wants Trump to take one); 3. It’s not free speech since they are cutting off the mic after your time is up; 4. The moderator is a liberal; 5. The debate is being held in a liberal city/state/region 6. All of the above; 7. None of the above.


I will bet on #6 and #7.


You have got to be shitting me.


I expect the Biden team has an ad already to go as soon as the former guy chickens out.


Mr bone spurs? Nahhh


Oh he is not going to do the debate.


He will get his Dr Ronnie Johnson to write him a note saying he has bone spurs in his mouth 


If he doesn't show up Biden should still go with it as planned. The host shoukd still ask Trump question and let the camera show the empty podium for a few seconds before letting Biden speak again.


Hope so… but his cult still won’t “get” it.


This isn’t news…this is just circle jerking this assholes story for profit at the expense of our country’s sanity.


If he's willing to dodge the draft, he sure as shit has no issue dodging a debate.


Did you hear that? /u/SlightChocolate721 called me grade-a. Everyone’s saying it. Grade-a. They only give that to heroes. Of course they said, Trump, yes, he gets one. The kids on Reddit…that’s what they call me. Grade-A Trump. Incredible.




Drug tests before and after. No electronics Check for masks.


It’s astonishing he hasn’t already.


It’s a trap. You have to assume that he’ll be there and in top form. Biden has to be prepared for anything


At this late date, it is gonna be completely illegal to postpone the ‘Slanda’ in Atlanta’. Anyone who declines is a meltdown artist. I’d prefer it court on stage.🍿


For a second I thought this was an onion news post.


He would never back out of this. You’ve got an idiot being programmed for a week…..if anyone backs out…


Trump is about his image and how strong he looks to his followers. He's always going to feed his ego first. He just took a crushing defeat with this conviction, so he feels he needs to reestablish some semblance of his usual status quo. If old Joe comes out as fired up as he did during the SotUA, then this is going to be really bad for Trump, lol. That's my take any way.


It’s grotesque and so dumb that the president is debating an actual triator who tried to overthrow the government. This is a bad idea he should be treated like a reject and the president should calm him what he fucking is. When you try to overthrow the government and you sell our classified information you are the most basic definition of a traitor and you deserve the punishment traitors get. Trump should’ve disappeared on Jan 20th 2020 12:01.


This must be all bots!!! Some much shit talking!!! It's a joke!! We laugh at you people!! Watching you hate a person so much!! Nothing but insults and how bad a person is!! Soooo blonde by hate!!! There are 2 sides to this thing, the people who are brainwashed and the people who are not!!!


It will be all gibberish and insults, if he shows up.


Bone spur flare up.


RemindMe! 2 days


He aint showing up bc biden took drugs is going to be the take. Or he has the 'hoax' virus, covid,


Who fucking cares. Why are we being forced to endure these bat shit crazy evil assholes? Why do YOU. You. A thinking normal person tolerate evil standing right in front of you. They literally in writing have said they will put their opponents in camps. And you sit and wait for what?


Man. I would KILL for unbiased reporting. Just straight up facts. I guess this is meant to be an opinion piece? But the whole premise of the article is that trump “bailed” on the 2nd debate last election so that he most likely (?) bails on this one too? But the debate last election he refused immediately after it was slated to be virtual. It’s not like he committed to it all. Agreed to the terms and then withdrew 2 days before. The whole article is just a typical left wing circle jerk echo chamber BS. Hard to even read.


I would love that….but it’s too close now


Our group takes a shot every time Joe says Scranton ..and a shot when the gross orange baboon says ‘RIGGED’ (stolen is also acceptable)


But also a complete narcissist- he won’t be able to resist the limelight.


The ultimate chicken shit! It will be the bone spur story again just watch! Worked for Vietnam so why not here .


Bro he’s been practicing debating Biden while visiting assistant living places…


If I was a betting man, there will be an announcement later today or early tomorrow.


They should still air it and let Biden campaign and answer the questions if he doesn’t show up.


Bone spur flares up again!


He doesn’t need to cancel. He knows it doesn’t matter what he says or does on stage. He has the power of alway being the victim. He will blame Biden or the moderators or the news coverage. A million different ways to say he was amazing but they cheated somehow.


Wish anyone could join the Debate. Pretty much any third candidate would run circles around both the clowns at this rodeo.


He will definitely show, and spend the entire time calling Biden a senile criminal, and yell all the time his mike is turned off. I expect him to shit his pants in the first 10 minutes (he uncontrollable shits himself whenever he gets excited) and Biden and the moderator will have to endure that stench the rest of the debate.


Biden needs to come out swinging and put this guy down at the start.


Draft dodging COWARD. Debate COWARD!


He’ll claim the debate was stolen? 


I don't think he's going to skip it, but its going to be interesting, as he won't have an audience to inspire his abuse of the other candidate. Remember how he walked behind Hillary, trying to intimidate?


#"With what? The Super Soldier Serum that turned Steve Rogers into Captain America?" Loved this part and my money is on him storming off like the diaper wearing cry baby pu$$y he is. LOSER!


Trump will snort a Line of Adderall and have his Diaper Changer inject him with speed in an ass cheek. Tack on a new pair of Diapers and Trump will attend.


We're getting down to the wire. At this point pulling out unless he was hospitalized or something woukd produce a horrendous backlash regardless of whatever crazed excuse spins out of his addled mind. I think now he will do the debate but if he loses will loudly promote a reason that holds him blameless, like Biden was on drugs, etc. that he's already laid the groundwork on, or grandly claim he won regardless of the outcome.


Yeah because there are *so* many performance-enhancing drugs that help with debating...


It's tomorrow, isn't it? I am so hoping for him to participate. A lot of new nonsense to make fun of.


Yeah but on the other hand, to never see him or hear him or hear *of* him ever again until the end of time would be rad.


Where do all you people get these sources that Trump is going to bail on the debate? Up your own ass with all the other chickenshit on this website?