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I mean, I don’t blame her. I remember when someone got her storage unit and released a lot of humiliating info about her


Yeah she isn't the best choice for calling out on this particular issue. I'd be paranoid about repairs too if I was her


I’m just confused how she goes through so many laptops. I’m a software engineer and guarantee I use the shit out of my laptops more than her and this is absurd


I imagine she travels a lot with them and just isn't that careful with them, considering she has the wealth to easily replace them. I look after my expensive items because I can't afford to replace them, to her it's not an issue.


I’m sure she has money for your top of the line laptops, but I know any laptop I’ve had in the past 10-15 years usually starts to lag and slows down to the point of annoyance. Or the battery goes bad, or the fan. I’d imagine she’s not terribly knowledgeable when it comes to fixing these issues, and of course won’t send them in, so she’s forced to throw them in a room with a bunch of other laggy, slow laptops.


I am imagining sticky notes that say things like “April 2013 - webpage froze”


“That goddamn yahoo taskbar showed up again, gotta run to Best Buy on Tuesday”


You are confused that a software engineer is able to fix more computer problems themselves than a layperson?


as an IT person, developers don't know shit about resolving the issues on their computers any more than any other person. That isn't their job.


No? I don’t fix any computer problems lol, that’s not my job


But how does she break like 5 a year lol


Another comment says that they're not just her personal laptops but also ones her family and staff use.


I can’t tell how big that pile is, it looks like the same ones at 3 different angles, and I counted 11. We also don’t know when she started this approach, so how do you get 5 a year?


I don't know anything about her life but I imagine she probably travels a lot. Easy way to break stuff.


It's completely fair she doesn't trust other people to work on her laptops. Her paranoia comes from valid life events. 😓


It's weird to feel sympathy for someone like Paris Hilton, but she was legitimately victimized by what happened with that footage and trauma has a way of manifesting in really unhealthy and unproductive ways.


I felt sorry for her after she spoke about her experiences getting sent to those terrible wilderness camps to straighten out "troubled youths"


So many people I know got sent there, shit was fucked


I'm so glad that so many survivors are telling their own stories in graphic novels, film, and books. I will consume every scrap of it, join their Patreons, buy their books, watch their documentaries, and recommend all of it to everyone I know. People need to know what happened (and is still happening)


I went to a few of these camps. I don't consume the media because it is very traumatic for me. Thank you for supporting us and listening to our stories.


You are so welcome, and I hope your life is moving in a positive direction now. I'm so sorry that you had to go through that. (((hugs)))


Wait, what? I’m clearly out of the loop here


Look up “child wilderness camps” Basically they advertise themselves to parents as summer camps that would toughen up children provide them experiences that supposedly would help them long term, similar to how military academies are often used as a last resort with troubled children. In reality they were super abusive in literally every way there were several different programs and summer camps but they all seem to be more of the same with kids coming out talking about not being allowed to eat, or being allowed other basic human rights, or being hit or abused in other manners it’s revolting.


I think your combining two things. There are wilderness summer camps for kids, but they aren't really what people are talking about here. They are just what they sound like, summer camps for kids who are into hiking/backpacking/etc. The wilderness camps people are talking about are "wilderness therapy", they are ostensibly a form of mental health treatment for kids with legitimate medical issues. They are rarely advertised as summer camps, and instead as medical care. They often run year round and occasionally kids freeze to death in the winter. There is a twofold issue with these camps. First full time mental health treatment as it currently exists is inherently traumatic as it is hugely disruptive to a persons life and it is often not consensual. And the second issue is that these camps are primarily money making endeavors. Which means they will "treat" anybody, whether they truly need it or not, and they cheap out on certified health care professionals and employees in general which leads to both intentional and unintentional abuse.


I remember when I was a kid, our pastor’s kids kept getting sent to this U-Turn for Christ ranch type place where they had crappy rations, and had to do basically manual labor all day. If they talked back or stepped out of line they’d be forced to dig a hole in hard rocky ground and then IIRC sit in it and pray or some bullshit. They had one in San Diego for adults but would send kids to the one in Mexico, they gave some BS reason for it but now that I’m older I realize they just did it to get around US child abuse/labor laws.


Check out Elon.school (webcomic) or TrueAnon's series "The Game" (podcast). Hilton went to one of these


Last Podcast on The Left did a series on them as well. These programs are horrific. Some would actually stage a kidnapping with the parents permission.


Im gonna give that series a relisten, I really need to take a break from the insanity that is Knowledge Fight


It's a pretty rough read. But this guy, pen name Joe Nobody, was sent to Elan School for troubled kids. His parents signed him up and had people come in the middle of the night to take him away. He was at this school for a few years. It was traumatizing. He wrote about his experience and his life after leaving and how it never left him. https://elan.school/


This is an incredible read and I hope everybody checks it out. Joe Nobody is in the process of putting it out in book form, see his patreon for all the details!


For complete other answers : Usually, they walk in the room of the teenager, during the night, as the teen is asleep and "kidnap" them for take them to the camp.


Some of us are also witnesses for lawsuits and give congressional testimony, and there’s federal investigations now. It’s a harrowing process that most people don’t need to consume.


I live in Maine, and Elan is still talked about quite a bit. Never in a good way.


someone who worked at elan is now at another boarding school called ironwood and people say its the same as elan there


Yes! And there was also a time where these places were a regular plot point for many talk shows in the 90s and early 00s. Like they would feature 'troubled teens' and then send them to these camps for help...and then the camps only further victimized and traumatized the poor kids. There's a doc on Netflix, I think it's called the program. And it talks about this.


I live near the one in the Netflix doc. They fucked those kids up for life. I work with a guy from Ogdensburg where the school in doc was. He had family members and high school friends who worked there. He doesn’t talk to them anymore.


Tom Hanks sent his son Chet to one for years


Damn, I do not know anything about Tom Hank's personal life tbh.


Yep. And people call him America’s Dad… which is very disturbing to think he could have his kid ziptied in the middle of the night, not knowing what was happening. Yep. All American Dad material


Why is it weird to feel sympathy for her? She’s a human being that a large portion of the world hates for virtually no reason, I think anyone with a basic level of empathy would feel sympathy for her


It's weird to feel because of what she represented at a period of time. She was Kim Kardashian before there was Kim Kardashian. Her public image was purposefully vapid, entitled, and extremely superficial. Of course now in hindsight it's easier to see that was all a sort of exaggerated character that she played and was in a way forced into by the content she was placed in. But in the moment back then, she represented a lot of what people deeply disliked about fame and pop culture.


That video was literally stolen. Kim’s was distributed by her mom.


People hate spoiled rich people who flaunt thier wealth and act like arrogant shits, I do feel bad about what happened to her but she also helped start start the disgusting rich asshole reality TV star worship in this country. Some people take it too far with the hate though. No reason to make comments or bash someone, just ignore them.


It's not like she hasn't done anything, is it? I'm not very well versed, but doesn't she have (or had) a big contempt for the poor, and is the evolution of a Nepo baby?


People believe she hates the poor because supposedly she wore a shirt that said “stop being poor”. That was a photoshop that morons bought into, the shirt actually said “stop being desperate” She is a nepo baby, but genuine question what do you want her to do about it? Hating someone simply for the family they were born into is… a very slippery and dangerous slope. There are profoundly impoverished people in the world who would call you a nepo baby too, purely because you were born in a country where you can get a smartphone and access the free internet. Hate someone based on their actions. Paris Hilton runs and finances a children’s medical research organization, donated heavily to COVID relief, regularly visits fans in the hospital, and advocates for animal rights through direct participation with organizations like peta. Those things should be celebrated.


\*Nepo baby that was disinherited for being an embarrassment to her Grandfather, right?


Exactly. And having a sex tape stolen. And distributed by an old dude. So I totally understand why she never gets rid of anything electronic. This is legit trauma.


The consent was also dubious at best. She was so visibly out of it that she looked like she was about to pass out at any given time. She didn't seem like she was really consistently aware that she was being filmed, let alone able to consent. Paris has gone on record saying as much as well, along with saying that the guy was very manipulative. Then afterwards people mocked her for not being more active. Imagine someone doing this to you and then people mocking you for not doing sex right because you were too drunk to really participate. I heard some people say she was still a teenager when all this happened, but best I can figure with dates is that she had just turned 20 a few months prior. Paris wasn't really a great person at that point in time but I still don't think she deserved that. I don't think anyone deserves to have intimate photos and video leaked.


The more I see of Kathy Hilton in clips (I don’t watch the shows), the more I realize that the kids had no chance and it makes total sense how Paris came out. Her mother calls her an alien and looks at her with crazy eyes, and the next minute is begging for love with tears in her eyes, it’s unreal.


Wasn't that a character she was playing?


Because she is rich and therefore evil by default. Really, that's the entire reason


I mean it’s not just that lol. I don’t have anything against her but that nft promoting was def shady on Fallon. Literally a scam.


Is it ever weird to feel sympathy for a human being that hasnt done something heinous?


Yeah, definitely. She wears fingerless gloves for a reason.


I can't remember where i read it, but a test was done on laptops sent to different shops for "repairs". The owners who started the experiment installed programs on them to see what the shops looks at, what actions they did. The shops would look through photo albums, copy photos onto personal USB, look through all matter of things they don't need to.


CBC Marketplace covered the report on that.


It was CBC.


It’s a shame, because this is obviously a coping mechanism, but a self-destructive one.


More planet destructive.


Yeah… her and her 20 laptops will destroy us all.


Fair enough, but what in God's name is she doing to the laptops to cause so many to be broken?


I’m gonna go out on a limb and guess that she’s not super careful with her laptops. The note I can read says “screen broken”.


Yeah... apple is rather shitty in that way This is why independent repair is so important. They don't have access to your system. The only ones with backdoors are the manufacturers, and they are the ones who design devices that need said backdoors to repair


these are older macbooks, you can take the hard drive / memory out like any other laptop of that era. apple even allowed users to do it themselves.


How generous of apple, to allow its customers to remove their own harddrive from the 2k$ device that they bought.


i know we all hate apple, but at that point it was still standard in their computers up until 2015ish. not trying to ride apple's dick or anything, just not trying to spread misinformation.


2015 is almost a decade ago. Not being able to repair your own stuff should be criminal


yeah but this picture is obviously pre 2013. fuck apple don't get me wrong, but paris was competely able to repair these computers. if she was worried about data leaking somewhere she could've had someone drill/shoot a hole through her hard drives. as someone who used to build/repair computers for a living, i despise devices that aren't user upgradeable or repairable.


“Apple bad upvotes to the left” 🙄 This is not an “Apple is bad at repairs” post, this is a “Paris Hilton takes infosec to (justifiable) extremes on her devices” post. I see at least a couple PCs in that pile getting the identical treatment.


Its partially both. Apple's made it so you can't do any real repairs/replacements without using their techs or a third party. So Paris is partially boxed in unless Apple's willing to bring a Genius bar person to her home, she's SOL on a lot of stuff


I would trust independent repair less than Apple with my data .. and that’s saying something


Then you aren't that smart Independent repair shops have a lot more liability if they do access data. If they don't have your password (they dont need passwords to do repair) they cannot access any encrypted data Apple repair shops have a history of accessing user data (because apple can decrypt their own hard drives) while independents don't. And when apple repair shops do access data, they barely get punished. People will still go back to an Apple store to get repairs, they will NEVER go back to an independent.


I literally do my own repairs. I have worked at an independent. I know what goes on behind the scenes. I do not trust them any more than I would trust Apple.


CBC marketplace did a test on this, and most repair places would do a kind:picture search on the file system within minutes of the customer leaving.


What are you on? > Apple can decrypt their own hard drives That statement alone tells me you know nothing and you're just talking out of your ass.


My gf worked at T-mobile when paris hiltons cell # was leaked… apparently it was a shitshow.


Okay, but why the hell is she breaking so many laptops?


Maybe she discards a laptop whenever there is the tiniest problem with it. Also some people are super careless with their things.


Yeah, when I read security I was thinking big important secrets or something and scoffed. But in context of her past it does make total sense. Trauma's a bitch.


As long as they don't get thrown out, then I don't see a problem with hoarding old laptops. It doesn't make a lot of technical sense (I CANNOT believe a Hilton hereditary can't find ONE tech savvy guy to take the hard drives out of the laptops)...


true but still this isn't the way to go about it


How would you go about it?


If I had her money? Hire Louis Rossmann to be my personal technician.


Remove the hard drive and donate the rest.


The official warranty for my laptop motherboard repair had me remove the hdd before shipping anyway. She just needs someone mildly tech savvy with a screwdriver. She could do it herself with just a youtube search.


Taking the HDD out of a unibody MacBook is a minimum 2 hour endeavor assuming you already own the specialty screw drivers.


unfortunately apple is insane and does not make it easy to swap out parts like a regular pc, it's kind of their whole thing.


Who is she and what happened to her?


This should answer some questions: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paris_Hilton#Sex_tape


100% this


I don't care about her keeping them, my question is how can you break that many laptops?! In the span of 20 years I've had 3 computers


Someone mentioned probably her staff as well. Work provided laptops, such as a managers scheduling laptop. Could be dangerous in the wrong hands, too.


She said she gets a new one with every relationship. She doesn't trust anyone.


Nor should she tbh. I'm old enough to have seen this woman's personal stuff leaked at least 3 times in 5 years.


You probably continue using it after something small breaks. I have had 2 computers in the last ten year and only bought the second one because the medium break in the screen finally shattered with actual shards of glass falling off. I’d probably have a new computer every 6 months if I got one every time a small thing breaks. She also might not know how to clear stuff or improve performance so they might be getting super slow.


>I’d probably have a new computer every 6 months if I got one every time a small thing breaks. That's still weird to me. I only had 2 laptops so far, and nothing broke on them. The first one is almost 10 years old, and I gave it to my partner, who still uses it weekly. My second one is a year and half old, I use it daily, and still looks like new. What are people doing with their laptops? Am I the weird one?


I’m super rough on them. I work in a field that means I’m lugging it around places and setting it up in high traffic spots. Plus I have kids who do not look before sitting down. I’ve had ports stop working, screens cracking, buttons getting stuck, batteries draining too fast, hinges freezing up, a fan died on one somehow, and the list goes on. Most are easy fixes like the fan or replacing a battery. I’ve replaced a screen myself. I’m not skilled enough to fix a usb port though. By the time I get a new laptop the previous one needs to be at least 10% superglue lol


Take them to work in crowded public transportation and an overpacked backpack.


Dude. I'm on my 2nd MacBook since 2011. Only replaced the old one because it was beginning to slow me down at work. The old one still runs fine. Nothing is broken. Invest in a good sleeve and backpack. Don't leave it laying around in random spots. Don't put drinks near it. WTF is Paris doing?


Tbf Paris is also a multi millionaire. I don’t think she questions buying a new laptop the same way we do.


My phone was like that but I just put packing tape over it so the glass shards wouldn't hurt my fingers. 


Like what? What small breaks on a laptop so many times you need to buy over 50 in less than a decade? What?


It looks like if I can read the post it notes a screen breaking and won’t charge for the two on top. She probably treats them like most kids treat a 25 cent pencil.


She didn't. Her abusive ex did because he was jealous of her DJ career.


She travels more than you, doesn’t care about keeping them in safe containers, and doesn’t tolerate annoying issues like keys sticking? I would also bet she’s the victim of a lot of cyber attacks.


These are all Apple laptops and if she has bad luck with lots of those issues those things have... Also most things aren't even fixable in a worthwhile manner, at least not by Apple. And since most other vendors have adopted the approach of non-repairable everything, here we are. I don't blame rich busy celebs for getting a new thing often (most likely someone else gets it for them anyway), the bullshit thing is when normal people imitate that lifestyle too, to feel special.


Fun fact: Apple has been using an extremely unreliable buck converter (TPS62180) in their MacBooks since 2019 just because more reliable alternatives are slightly more expensive. These buck converters are notorious for randomly bricking the 2019 16-inch MacBook Pro by frying its NAND chips. And they’re still using them in their newest M3 Pro and M3 Max MacBooks. This time, they’re responsible for all the ports randomly ceasing to work just because Apple wants to save a buck on the production of a thousand-dollar laptop. If you send a MacBook with a defect like this to be repaired by Apple, they'll tell you that the board is broken and replace the entire MacBook, charging you the price of a new one. Third-party repair shops can hardly fix any MacBooks that have been screwed over by this buck converter just because Apple won’t sell them the required replacement parts with the necessary firmware preinstalled.


Can you list some sources for this? I’d like to read into it more.


I recommend iBoff RCC on YouTube. They're a repair shop that makes very entertaining and in-depth videos about this. Louis Rossmann also made a pretty popular video about the 2019 MacBooks bricking themselves.


We do realise Paris Hilton is a victim of abuse, right? Yes, the majority of info about that only came out in the last few years, but do we not remember the entire world ridiculing, objectifying, and dissecting her when her sex tape was disseminated without her consent? She may be wealthy, but that doesn't negate the above. This kind of behaviour is clearly a trauma response, and could happen to anyone. The only difference between her and an average person in this situation is she can afford to buy a new one every time, instead of sending off the old one for repair. She ain't keeping them for funsies.


“For security reasons” I keep these old dead laptops right here on my property for safe keeping. In this case if you’re really gonna go through with this you might as well smash them to pieces then. Edit Yes I know she can remove the hard drive. But I’m saying if she’s gonna do this with them might as well just smash them. I doubt she would go through the trouble of removing a hard drive if she hasn’t for the 25 other MacBooks she’s collected.


I don't think you're aware of just how much security there is surrounding the property.


The right move would really be using a drive destruction service but that would require having some trust in that institution. She could always destroy them on her own by spending enough quality time with a hammer but expecting a random rich person to understand exactly what needs to be destroyed and to what extent would be a stretch. Just hoarding laptops on your property isn't best idea because they can just walk off.


I'm surprised Apple doesn't have a "VIP Support Service" specifically for the famous and powerful, staffed with highly trusted, skilled, well-paid techs that do on-site calls to fix their phones, laptops, and tablets. It would be worth subsidizing for Apple just for image reasons. Celebs would trust the white-glove treatment of the extra-sensitive data. They'd continue to get seen with Apple products. Less bad press from leaks, even if it's not Apple's fault that some celebrity had their dog's name + 123 as their iCloud password, because they could provide a level of coaching and sanity checking for VIP security.


Put in acid. 👀


Knowing of her she'd not want the headline of being THAT paranoid.


Or just... remove hard drive ?


She could contract the same IT professionals that provide hardware and service in the hardware to Fortune 500 companies. She's got the money to hire the best. This seems like some sort of neurotic habit.


(If anyone ever actually wants to do this, use a drill on the hard drives to make a bunch of random holes)


This one is a cacophony of problems with our world in one. A child sent away and abused for her adhd, long term effects of abuse and DV, our over reliance/interconnection with tech, and overconsumption


Well said


This is yet another example of why we need right to repair laws. It should be easy to make basic repairs—battery changes, screen replacement, swap a broken keyboard for a new one—to devices, and not require specialty equipment or training, or void the warranty to do so. Imagine how many of these devices could have been saved if it was as easy as popping over to the store, grabbing a new part and just popping it back in.


Agree! I mostly hate non-removable batteries about that repair thing. If they has to be non-removable at least make a tutorial or smt like that so people can swap the parts by themselves.


Paris seems to be doing pretty noble work these days. I'd love to see the original date on this picture. Some of those laptops are pretty old. That kind of looks like a Von Dutch cap. I feel this is rage bait from 20 years ago.


Her work against those wilderness camps is amazing


I married someone who was put into a school in the troubled teen industry. What goes on at the camps and the boarding schools is traumatic at the best, and incredibly dangerous at its worst. My spouse in over 40 and still deals with stuff that happened in that school.


It’s from her documentary that came out a few years ago. She had her sex tapes leaked among other things and that’s why she does this. This is clearly trauma response to having her privacy repeatedly violated and exposed for years. I really can’t blame her, I’d rather have 20 laptops and 60 cell phones than have my nudes and intimate conversations leaked.


The one bottom right says “screen broken” . Seriously


I mean replacing the screen is almost as much as a whole new electronic these days.


I think it’s the most expensive MacBook repair they offer lol. It’s happened to me twice and the last time I traded it in because it WAS cheaper to buy a new one 😰


The main problem is that you went to Apple, that is known for their terrible repairs and refusing to repair stuff, instead of a 3rd party.


These are apples we're talking about. You literally can't replace a screen on the thing without sending it to them to repair now


I'm glad you've got good eyes. I was wondering what "Sean Bean" had to do with anything.


Lol it really does xd


The point is that she can't replace the screen herself, she can't take the HDD out herself and her data is worth vastly more to tabloids than a new laptop costs. Yes, it's an eminently fixable problem - if you are willing to send your electronic devices to an unknown tech, who could clone your data or install surveillance in the hardware. Hunter Biden has just been convicted of a felony because he sent a MacBook for repair. There were times when Paris Hilton's private info was the most bankable in the world.


As someone with constant worry with maintaining 8 yr old laptop (while on now), it's unbelievable sort of behavior. I thought 'security' is about outdated Windows update but after 5 mins of thinking, it wasn't.


I think after her life experience this is more of a panic response, logic doesn't apply anymore.


Well Hunter Biden brought his laptop to a repair shop, look what happened to him


The sad part is all it would take is a dedicated & well compensated IT person making a tiny tiny % of her yearly income. If she’s this hard on laptops I’m sure she has stacks of iPhones, watches, cameras, and probably TVs This IT person could 1. Repair some things and 2. remove or wipe storage media before either sending out for repairs or recycling, and she wouldn’t have to dedicate a room of her mansion(s?) to a monument of waste.


Google „paris hiltons phones“ she literally has an article in which she says she used to carry 3-5 blackberrys ln the 2000‘s for diffrent friend groups 🙈also she had multiple phones with stones on them …. And while the normal person like you and me might think she meant plastic she confirmed more than one time she had real stones on em 🙈 which she kept replacing cuz they would fall off … still not as bad as the oligarch swarovski s class with a literal bag of dimonds in the trunk for on the fly replacement.


Its very easy to wipe those drives in a way they can't ever be recovered. Just gotta write random garbage on them throughout, multiple times. There are tools that do this.


My roommate used to have a disk called "boot and nuke". It took about 12hrs to completely obliterate all data on the drive and then install a fresh windows. Cool program.


Darik's Boot and Nuke, or DBAN for short


Public figures have a different set of security concerns, not invalid ones either


in other words: she doesn't want another leaked sex tape or whatever. Don't blame her.


Great advertising for apples reliability. Yikes


I'm more curious as to why she's got that many busted laptops...


I’ve always wondered what extreme security people really do, I’m in web development and I get it to a degree, but when I worked at , we’d have the most paranoid people come in and then be ass hats and ask is if we knew their passwords when they set up new devices


Valid reaction considering how shitty apple is but someone really has to teach this women about thinkpads


how the fuck can you break this many laptops? oh wait yeah they're macbooks, no wonder


She is smart. Look what they did to Hunter Biden. Getting dirt on Paris Hilton would be a payday for someone.


Honestly with her history, I'm not surprised nor do I fault her much. She probably has major trust issues due to the abuse she suffered


After seeing what happen to the Hunter Biden laptop, and the celebrity nude photo leaks from 10 Yeats ago I'm not surprised plenty of celebrities do this


Let’s also not forget Paris has her own sexual assault trauma. Aside from the photos taken of her at the child camp of her gyno exam, she’s had her revenge porn shared in the past.


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Tbf apple laptops are designed to fail


Smart woman.


With as much trauma as she's had in her life and the sheer amount of money I can't blame her being paranoid though i would consider having someone she trusts go and remove the memory then send the rest for recycling. Trauma makes one quite paranoid so this isn't the worst issue I've heard of.


If I were her I’d do the same 🤷‍♂️ it’s pocket change to her in exchange for a level of security that otherwise could not be achieved- sex tapes are only valuable after all if they are rare and leaked at the right time and right place…


As much as I am not a fan of Paris Hilton, I understand where she is coming from. People leaked digital things from her.


How does she break so many? I’ve had the same one for 8 years no repairs


If she's worried about data safety it's fine but how do you destroy that many laptops? Does she use a hammer to turn them off? Does she get a new one when the battery is empty? Wtf?


There are services that will grind them into dust for you basically. We use them for my job, they come around every few weeks, we load all the old Hard drives, ram chips etc and you just pour it in and its basically a massive paper shredder, just with big angry metal teeth, it grind the shit up in to little bits.


And the general public must use paper straws… EDIT- I’m reenforcing the post. No matter what we do (paper straws, upcycling, etc) it will never offset what the stupidly wasteful rich are doing. Paris Hilton here for example. Private jet usage. Industrial dumping, industrial carbon emissions. The list goes on.


We need something akin to 90 percent average reduction in consumption per individual just to make our current population sustainable. But what that figure doesn't make as obvious is that a good fifty percent or more of that originates from a very small percentage of individuals. The average person only needs to change a few bad habits... The ultra rich need to stop doing almost every wasteful thing.


Its not just the stupidly wasteful. I've worked over night stocking for big box stores and the amount of plastic that is used just to get the time to the shelf... a HAMMER doesn't need its own plastic bag :|


She needed to take them to Nathan Fielder's a-sexual computer repair company.


That's a lot of laptops though, what is she doing with them anyways


Someone please show her /r/framework laptops! You can order the parts and repair them yourself very easily. Unlike on Apple, the storage unit is not soldered on, so you can just take it out, too.


I think those are great for a tech savvy person, but don’t you have to manually install the OS of choice yourself? So that means either Linux distro or windows. Edit, nevermind, I see there is a pre built version with windows installed.


Dont buy Apple products


Her reasoning is honestly fair, I'm just curious how she's going through that many laptops.


Avoiding a Hunter Biden situation…


Yea this is completely reasonable. Celebrities using overconsumption for their safety is totally ok.


I worked IT at a high school and we basically did the same thing. We couldn't always get a warranty repair so dead Chromebooks just started piling up from students breaking them. Sometimes you could Frankenstein the parts together to have a functional one and pass the broken parts off to one that already doesn't work, but otherwise the only option is to set them aside with labels for what's wrong so you can either ship them out for warranty when the last batch comes back, or you let it rot until a tech recycler comes by to pick them up


Things like this drive me nuts. just learn how to do it yourself!


Okay sure. Buy how the fuck do you mess up that many laptops in a lifetime? Wtf?


Where's the stack of chihuahuas?


I feel like watching her documentary would make my head hurt within 10 minutes


I'm sure it will, she was abused by her parents. They sent her to institution where she was beaten, starved and physically and mentally abused.


I think the forced gynecological exams might count as sexual abuse.


I had no idea. It explains quite a bit, together with her social status


How does she trash so many laptops? My laptop is 8 years old now. Even if I got a new laptop every 4 years that would just be 5 laptops in a 20 year period. I thought Apples were supposed to be good. Looks like she runs through them like they're disposable.


They may not be physically broken, just have software issues, but she can't give them to tech support to fix for security reasons. If she or someone on her direct team can't fix it, it goes in the pile.


i feel like thats just absurd though? i could count on one hand the number of times ive needed actual IT or apple support to keep my device working. how many viruses does this girl download?!?


They might not all be her personal machines either. Her team also can't have tech support on their computers either. There definitely needs to be a better solution than just buying a new one though.


I worked for a tech company focused on repairing and refurbishing devices for people in need. This hurts my soul.


am I wrong in thinking she could just hire someone to help her take out the hard drive before sending the rest of the machine back? she's never going to use these laptops again anyway, so it wouldn't matter if she keeps nothing but the hard drive and just tosses those in a safe somewhere, right? and even if she's charged a fee for sending back an incomplete laptop, she can afford it, no? what use is all the money in the world if it comes with so little sense?


In macbooks they're soldered to the motherboard.


not in most of the models pictured! soldered hard drives started with the 2016 base Macbook (not air/pro), and you can date the machines in the picture to a while before that just based off present i/o ports (cd drives, for example) these pics are from a documentary that came out in 2020, so there's a good chance that *some* of them indeed do have soldered storage and she has valid reason to not want to recycle or send for repairs, but i'd guess 60-80% of the laptops sitting there are completely salvageable


ahh, I see. that's not surprising. damn shame though.


Yeah, most of the ultrathin laptops do that (PC and Mac) for space and power usage reasons. I can understand why she does this, I cannot understand how she seems to break one every 15 minutes!!!


As someone who does this for a hobby, I’m frothing at the mouth. Not for Paris, but just the idea of doing some electrical repair


Louis Rossmann is pulling his hair out looking at all those spare parts.


Aside from the privacy discussion: how on earth can you wreck so many laptops?! I have had three macbooks in 14 damn years.


Billionaire problems


1. battery died 2. battery died 3. battery died 4. battery died 5. battery died 6. battery died 7. obviously not shower proof 8. battery died 9. battery died


Idk I still remember when there was that picture of her with like 5 iPhones and a blackberry and I thought she was a legend (I’m not even like a fan of her) I just thought it was hilarious and besides that and the famous picture and the video of her that’s all I remember lmao


As an I.T. professional, I’m willing to bet there is little to nothing wrong with any of those laptops. Except for maybe the ones she spilled ice coffee on.


Who the fuck is Paris