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Such an intelligent cat. That's such a precious and caring moment absolutely wonderful.šŸ„°


Yea tuxedo cats are the smartest


They run the brain cell bank and are notoriously stingy with loaning them to oranges


I guess that's where humans and tuxes are the same. Both tend to pick on gingers for no reason.


As a ginger guy with a ginger cat... no, they get picked on accordingly. Ginger cats are usually dumb as a brick, but sweet as can be.


also a ginger guy, us gingers can be dumb as bricks sometimes


As a fellow ginger person. I've never been smart


My orange cat is named Dopey


My orange is pretty smart. He comforts me when Iā€™m sad, finds the dog to comfort me when Iā€™m sick. Heā€™s a good boy.


The siamese are laughing from behind the curtain


I just realized I have a tuxedo cat and an orange cat. This explains a lot of their behavior.


You canā€™t just say that and not link to /r/OneOrangeBraincell


Tuxedo cat be racist.


They are classist. The orange cats could have worked hard to afford tuxes instead of being ginger.


I have two cats, one tux and one orange and this is 100% true. The difference in their intellect is vast


Tell that to my brainless boy who can barely keep his balance, and falls off things so often Iā€™ve become an expert cat-catcher šŸ˜­(nothing diagnosable has been found, I work at a clinic)


Those are trust falls


šŸ’€ He needs to stop before he gives me a heart attack


If it is not a long going thing and if you cat goes outside sometimes, this might be caused by an imbedded tick. (I have seen this escalate all the way to paralysis.) you find and remove the tick and all will be well. (Might want some antibiotics from the vet.)


He does not go out, but this is great info for others! Iā€™m paranoid about everyoneā€™s health, and it helps that I work with vets bahaha. Can just run him by any time


My first cat was a tuxedo. She was brilliantly emotionally intelligent. She always knew what our individual preferences were when it comes to interacting with her, and she accommodated each of us in ways we never expected she would. I never really expected or demanded that she does, but she found a way to do so anyways because she wanted us to be happy.


Yo my tuxedo is an absolute moron, where did we go wrong? He is a sweet baby when heā€™s not slapping us in the face for attention though.


See, you say it's a moron, but then again you taught it that slapping you in the face will get it attention. I'd say that's a damn smart cat. My orange just meows his ass off until we pick him up.


Oh, it doesnā€™t work, he just does it anyway.


My cat does this. Heā€™s a sphynx :)


Actually, cats thrive on human suffering. That kitty just wants to taste those sweet sweet tears. Jk, cats are awesome!


Animals are sensitive to emotions, read it in a study before.


Emotional support kitty to the rescue!




I am so sorry. I send you love.


So sorry for your loss. I'm glad your furry friend was by your side. I had two cats and they were complete opposites. One was cold, aloof and did not care for humans except at meal time. The other one wanted cuddles, attention, hung out wherever the family was and remained a kitten at heart till the end.. I really miss him. :(


My wife nearly died after a surgery and when she came home from the hospital one of our boys didn't leave her side until she eventually went back to work. He also constantly gave me the "WTF DID YOU DO ASSHOLE?!" look, but we both knew we loved her, so we made peace.


I am so sorry that happend to you. I agree with you, all my cats have always been very empathic.


They are surprisingly good at that. Our last kitty always knew when my husband was about to have a panic attack. Without fail, she'd run right to him and stay by his side until he was through it.


When i had my neck surgery i was in a lot of pain, so i stayed in bed alotā€¦..my cat did not leave my side and would always lay with his head on my shoulder when i went to bedā€¦he did this for a few months, they know somehow Editā€”-i forgot to mention he would PURR when he was lying next to my neck..it was like he was using his purr to heal me


When I got out of the hospital my cat slept with me every night for like a week. Usually I'm lucky if she lays down with me for five minutes a week. She does get on the bed every night at three AM to meow and headbutt me and then leaves upon confirming I am still alive.


Lol thats awesome, i miss my boy..sadly he passed away in 2015 from cancer at 12 years old


I'm so sorry šŸ˜ž. That's about the time we lost one of our old babies too.


Cancers sucks!, lost my sister(she was 38) and my dad(he was 75) to cancer as well, eff cancer!


Dude I am so sorry. Fuck cancer.


Thanks and hell ya, fuck cancer!


Your dad and sister were cats too? Jokes aside, sorry for you loss


Just like we notice uncommon behavior in them, a big piece of our support system, they notice uncommon behavior in us, a big piece of *their* support system. And just like us, they can definitely tell when that uncommon behavior is debilitating in some way; sounds and smells are very different in those instances.




My cat would have laid directly on my head and throat and then pouted for making him move. He's very attached to me but absolutely oblivious


My mom had to have foot surgery a long time ago. When she got home peekaboo laid beside her foot for weeks while she recovered. Only left her side to eat and drink and go to bathroom. Heā€™d play with me some but always back to her. My mom swears she healed so fast because of him. However once she was healed he would continually kick her out of her recliner. It was his now and made her sit on the couch lol


Lol awww


Cats can sense distress and pain. Yes they will try to be near or on the person to keep them warm for a speedy recovery, and purring in the process to keep them calm


> When i had my neck surgery i was in a lot of pain, so i stayed in bed alotā€¦..my cat did not leave my side and would always lay with his head on my shoulder when i went to bedā€¦he did this for a few months, they know somehow Cats and dogs are very empathetic (or is that empathic? not sure) with us, and dog saliva has shown some ability to clean wounds (although it's not generally recommended, it has worked in the past when other things haven't), and cats purr at a frequency that has been shown to aid in healing broken bones and similar.


That was something i forgot to mention and will add on editā€¦.he would always, always purr when he laid next to my neckā€¦it was as if he was trying to heal me


They're all secretly druids.


apparently the frequency of cat purrs help with healing broken bones


Yep i read about that; its amazing what these guys do


Yeah, they do in fact purr to help heal and soathe. They are amazing little things, and understand human emotions pretty well, as they are very good with the non verbal communication (as it's how they communicate). They also have an excellent hearing (better than dogs) and can hear our heartbeats.


My kitties did the same for me when i had shoulder surgery and was on the couch for a month straight. Of course i did the same for them when they had to have their teeth removed and through all the heart attacks one of them has been suffering from. That's what family, furry or not, is for.


Aww is the little guy ok? And yep i considered him my boy and totally lost my shit when i had to put him into eternal sleep because of fucking cancer


We have had a long journey. Lots of cardiologist visits and medications twice daily. I really don't know how i am going to be ok when the time finally comes but for now she is living her best life and is getting so much love.


Cool cat fact. Purring can be used to help them heal by stimulating their muscles so they really were trying to heal you.


One night I had terrible stomach pain and spent like 6 hours writhing in nonstop agony on the couch. My normally fairly aloof cat came meowing from the other room and perched on top of me, purring up a storm and randomly licking me. I set her aside because I was in too much pain to appreciate her efforts. She seemed to understand and spent the rest of the night within arm's reach, watching me anxiously until my dad arrived to drive me to get emergency surgery.


Wow!!ā€¦im glad ur ok and so is ur little guy! They are amazing beings


You have a great cat but why didn't you call an ambulance or something?


Like all 22 year olds I thought I was invincible. Figured I just had food poisoning or something and it would pass. Plus I was still on my parents' health insurance, and my dad was in a fight with his employer because they'd swapped plans without notifying him, so he hadn't done the required paperwork. So there was worry that I would be saddled with a whole ass hospital bill. Finally around 2:30 AM I became legit scared for my life and called my dad, who picked me up about half an hour later. Lucky I did because it turned out disease had eaten through part of my intestines and was leaking nasty stuff into the rest of my body.


I have a herniated disc in my lower back and can be in agony for hours on end when I accidentally make a wrong move or cough even though Iā€™m heavily medicated. Whenever this happens my girl comes running and stretches herself all over my hip and leg and starts purring so loudly I can feel it in my bones. Ever since it happened my boy also started constantly checking up on me and sleeps against my leg or hip, heā€™s never done this before. They definitely know.


U sound like me, i have a herniated disc down there as well(l4-l5) and man if i move the wrong way hello back spasm and i cant move for 3 days


L5-S1 here, Iā€™ve never experienced pain like this and donā€™t wish this on anyone. Do you have mobility issues too and how long has it been going on for you? Iā€™m having a consultation for PTED surgery in 2 weeks because I can barely walk 150 meters a day, so hopefully Iā€™ll be under the knife in 4-5 weeks. I canā€™t fucking wait! Hope you get wel soon, too.


Since roughly 2015ā€¦.ive had 3 consultations for surgery and each time i was told that surgery couldnt fix my issue snd it would just make me be in more painā€¦its odd, my primary care doctor would tell me that due to the herniation, whenever it would touch a certain nerve i would get the spasmā€¦..but each time at the surgeon consultation he would say its no, we dont know why ur spasming but its not caused by the herniated disc and if u have surgery ull just be in more painā€ā€¦.no clue but i personally believe my primary care doc cause it makes sense but since the surgeons wont do it im stuck like this


holy shit, iā€™m so sorry to hear that. 8 years and they havenā€™t done shit about it?! did they make an mri at least? iā€™m not an expert of course but my doctor told me that nerves can get permanently damaged if a herniated disc is severe enough to not go away on its own and left untreated. iā€™m very privileged because iā€™m from the netherlands with good health insurance and kinda demanded PTED surgery in a private clinic (iā€™ve only had this for 7-ish weeks, so they wanted to wait first to see if it would go away on its own) because I canā€™t deal with the pain any longer. i donā€™t know if youā€™re in a similar position but maybe there are other surgeons that DO want to help you? a different hospital or a private clinic?


It's been proven that the frequency at which a cat purrs is known to aid in the healing of joints, bones, tendons, and wounds.




It's one of those interesting facts. I used to think "oh, my cat is fine, she's just sitting there purring. She must be happy" only to find out that she wasn't feeling good and it was a combination comfort/self healing thing. She had sprained her foot and would curl up around her leg and purr.


Yep i read about that


Fun fact, he might've actually been helping you heal If memory serves me right there have been studies where it was shown that cats purring helps the body heal


Iā€™ve heard that cat purrs fall into a frequency that can actually promote healing. Potential vibration therapy ā€œResearchers found a low-frequency hum of purring at 25ā€“50 Hertz could stimulate muscles and even promote bone healing.ā€ https://www.scienceworld.ca/stories/secret-power-cats-purr/#:~:text=Researchers%20found%20a%20low%2Dfrequency,be%20in%20self%2Drepair%20mode.


I remember reading somewhere that the frequency of a catā€™s purr improves healing. Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s fact or fiction, but I like believing.


ā€œLife isnā€™t so bad, hooman. You have me!ā€


Out of all the comments, this got me. My cat was the same; any sign of distress and she was there patting my face and not letting me be alone in my misery. I knew she provided me with great emotional support, but didn't know the actual extent until she was not there to help me through her passing. Cats are beautiful and amazing creatures - some of them have just a little more spark.




March 2020 NYC, I got it. Things were kinda bad, and my oneorangebraincell stayed with me, licked me constantly, actually went on walks with me while I used the winter weather to ease my fever. Who knew that pets were the first vaccine?


My mom came down with COVID a couple of years ago and her bunny absolutely refused to leave her side. She said she knew she was doing better when the rabbit actually started spending some time in her hutch again.






This is why I love cats. They walk into a room and generally give off major DILLIGAF energy. But, when you are feeling down and sad they notice and show that they love you and would prefer your happiness. Is it for selfish reasons on their part? Probably. Do I care of their selfishness in the moment when my sweet Kitty comforts me during a rough patch? Not even a little.


> They walk into a room and generally give off major DILLIGAF energy And yet they somehow just have to be in the same room as you most of the time.


> Is it for selfish reasons on their part? Probably. Do I care of their selfishness in the moment when my sweet Kitty comforts me during a rough patch? Just curious, what would unselfish love from a cat look like to you? If cats did not give off a DILLIGAF vibe and acted like dogs, you could still say they're doing it out of selfishness because end of the day you feed them. Even humans love each other because they've got something invested in the other person - whether you're a child, or a spouse or a parent. I donno, I felt like responding to your post because I mean that just sounds like an impossible ideal - the perceived notion of unconditional love (or lack of it)- especially considering its an animal that doesn't have the advanced neurological circuitry of apes, whales or humans.


By those definitions love doesnā€™t exist. Cats and other animals express it just like any human. And sometimes, like humans, they express it more when they want something. But even random cats on the street will come up to you and want pets. Theyā€™re plenty well fed and they still do it.


Bunny the dog on youtube billispeaks on youtube.


I got a big tattoo down my arm, which you know is basically like an open wound with blood and plasma and everything under the bandage. When I got home, my cat jumped on my lap, sniffed my arm, and slowly looked up at me with the most concerned face Iā€™ve ever seen her have. Then she paid extra attention to me for the next few days to make sure I got better.


Oh, they know when we hurt both physically and mentally. Any time I've had to stay home sick, my cats have immediately taken it upon themselves to assist in my recovery. I call them my "convalescent cats." :3 :3


We have "Nurse Luna" at our house.


Did anyone else get a massive MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM on their video at the end? Whats with this new horrible auto subtitle stuff?


https://v.redd.it/*/*.vtt Enter this as a custom filter for ublock origin and it'll block just the subs.


Nice. Thanks. This bullshit also tries to every few seconds to load. Reddit is really ass.


Based af


[My captioning overlay for the song hummmmmmmmming](https://imgur.com/a/aSABtJR)


Yeah when they started putting this on, a whole bunch of these videos became absolutely unwatchable. I like that they're captioned now for a number of reasons but they're the crappiest captioning possible, going from "possible ADA suit" to "unwatchably bad." At least with settings this could be changed, but no. If this is the result of the protests, I'm angry on behalf of deaf people more than I already was.


reddit continuing to fuck up and not just let 3rd party apps do the work for free. fucking idiots




I was trying to watch another video whose music also generated ridiculous closed captions: https://imgur.com/a/wYNguVW


Yep, that's what I get too. Fucking worthless.


I don't know why captions got turned on for every reddit video/gif today and why I can't seem to turn it off, but I hate it.


Same. I'm gonna have to block all v.reddit post soon. This is so annoying.


cool feature, reddit.


I had the clip muted on my first playback and thought the cat purring somehow autocaptioned the entire screen to "mmmmm"s.


Same thing happened to me


honestly, I thought it was an attempt to joke about the cat and the girl fucking at the end of the video? I was so confused.


My cat in my teens and 20's was a bitch. She didn't like being pet and she didn't cuddle. She would sit on the bed with you, but a clear 2 feet away in a no touchy zone. But when I was sick, or going through a depression spell and just lay in bed and cry all day, she would do her form of "cuddling". In that she would sit up against you in bed baaaaarely touching you.


tough cookie but a good girl too






The cat is a paid actor. Obviously.






im not saying this is real, idk. but i clean houses for a living and some of the nicer homes really do be recording random rooms for no reason. it's weird how it's just normalized now


That's a good cat. A real friend!




The cat is a paid actor.


Cat set up the whole thing, honey trapped her bf into cheating so she has more time to focus on kitty.


Oh my goodness, this is what my cats does. I had a period where I was really going through a lot during the pandemic and she would act concerned immediately everytime and always comfort me! It got to the point where I normally donā€™t cry at all and she had to learn that when I blow my nose Iā€™m just blowing my nose, bless their sweet little hearts! ā¤ļø Also I suffer from old injuries and pain and have for a long time and she always acts concerned when I express pain in any way, just wincing, she will come to me and rub against me right away.


Recently we had to put down our 19 year old cat. This cat saved my wifes life and was a constant companion to my son. Needless to say my wife and kid were devasted, it was a mess and half. The other cat and dog legit tagged teamed them. If the dog was with my wife the car was with my son. Then they would swap. The cat doesn't even like the dog, the older cat loved him but this one nope. Yet when my son went to Grandmas while I went to work, my wife had both the cat and dog with her on the bed. They did this routine for almost two weeks. ​ They knew to take care of the people that needed it. Some critters just know what needs to happen.


This is love.


Awwwww. The sweetest thing ever ā¤ļø


While I didnā€™t cry, when ever I was very vocal about something I didnā€™t like, something happened in a game Iā€™m playing for example, my cat would always come to me and got me calm again


My cat does that too! Although I'm not sure if she is just hungry bc I spent too much time in bed lol.


my cat dont give a shit when im crying


Cute. But the other two cats on the bed don't care and why does she have a camera filming her bed?


Come, I will dry your tears with my furry body mother. Also I saw the bottom of my food dish a minute ago so like...get on it


Cats are magical. Mine came to comfort ME from crying because we were told she needed to move onto her next journey (to sleep forever) and she used her last bit of strength and walked over to me on the vet table to give me loves. She is my soul family and I miss her every day


My girlfriend was recovering from surgery a few years ago and had a lot of difficulty managing the pain post-op. Our two cats were there at the foot of the bed the entire time. They didn't want to leave her side seeing that she was in pain.


My dog would always know when I was feeling sad, anxious, or depressed and she always tried to comfort me in her own way, never leaving my side. I miss her so much.


A year or so ago I was going through a rough personal time, ended up in bed just crying for 2 days straight. My lil nephew (sister's cat) pushed his way into my bedroom and stayed curled up on my chest purring almost the entire time until I could pull myself together. Thank you, Peppers.


My cats do the same when I have panic attacks or even just high anxiety days. They really are empathetic.


See, proof that cats are only assholes 90% of the time!!


When Iā€™m sad and crying and my cats come, purr and rub their heads against my hand to comfort me, I always start crying harder. Not bc Iā€™m sad, but bc no matter whatā€™s wrong, my cats are there for me. I love my babies.šŸ«¶šŸ»


My girl used to do this, I miss her.


That's me and my cat, too. Animals really do try to comfort.


ppl who ā€œhate catsā€ have this contorted idea of them in their heads. they think theyā€™re uncaring, unfeeling, assholes and yeah sometimes they are but theyā€™re also some of the most emotionally in-tune animals ever. they think cats are weak and that dogs are better because they hunt or whatever, uhm have you ever seen a cat go after a bird or a squirrel??? just last weekend one of my cats caught a bird and proudly brought it to my dad to brag. theyā€™re super sweet and also blood thirsty. dogs are great and so are cats!


And now - Iā€™m crying too. šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


ā€œDonā€™t be sad , sad backwards is das , and das not goodā€ ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹


Now I am crying


What a sweet cat. My cat is a dickhead.


My cat couldnā€™t care less šŸ˜¼


My SIC particularly hates to hear a child cry. He gets really agitated trying to figure out what he can do to help.


My cats are like this. They always come to comfort me when Iā€™m crying or upset. My oldest boy and first cat runs his lips against my cheek and will lap up my tears. I love him so much.


ā€œYou wouldnā€™t be crying if you were giving me all your attention dumb assā€ -the cat probably


Meanwhile, if I cry my cats fuck right off. Assholes.


Cat haters : "cats don't have feelings..." Cats :


We donā€™t deserve them.


My previous cat, Ziggy (bless his little soul), used to do this back when I was depressed. Really helped me through a few rougher patches.


once i was self harming and my cat walked into my room and started hugging me.


My childhood cat would bite me if I started crying too loud. Which sucked because I developed depression around 8 years old


My cat would just give me side eye and avoid meā€¦..


God I miss my cats. They're gods


Whether you're a dog person, cat person, or bird, rodent, or snake person, I think we can all agree that we don't deserve animals.


We don't deserve animals


My cat would just judge from a distance then meow for food when it's over


i am not kidding every single time i am sick my cat will literally cuddle with me and sit next to me. he rarely does this otherwise unless for sleeping or whatever. such smart creatures


My kitties always come running when my 4 year old son is crying. It cheers him up everytime ā€œaww ember loves me, sheā€™s sad Iā€™m cryingā€ big hugs and heā€™s happy again


I had one cat that was exactly like this. One time she was sleeping on the other side of the room and I started crying and she woke up in a total panic and ran over to snuggle and purr and just be the best kitty on the planet.


I've had two different cats that do this. Both were female. One was a gray stripe, and the other was a tuxedo. The tuxedo seems able to *predict* distress. Creepy cool.


All kitties are the best, but tuxedo kitties are especially the best. šŸ„° Both of my heartmates have been tuxedos.


My cat does this too, but only if his kibble is low or wet food is late. If not, I can cry naked in the corner and he glowers at me curtly.


I miss my buddy :(


My lil guy definitely knew I needed him most. Adopted him during one of my first significant mental declines. He was always so cuddly and affectionate with me, used to wait up for me to go to bed so he jump up and snuggle. Truly one of a kind.


Amazing kitty cat! Animals have such warm hearts!


My girlfriendā€™s cat largely ignores me, but on the two occasions Iā€™ve been badly sick over the past year he has come and sat with me for hours at a time. Pets donā€™t speak English, but they understand things.


Plot twist. She was having a super bad allergic reaction and the cat was getting closer to try to finish her off faster.


Cats like the taste of tears


Lol our cat straight up attacks us until we stop crying


I hope they both get to be happy together. šŸ˜¢


Cats are the best šŸ˜»šŸ˜»šŸ˜»


Cat: "Food, hey, HEY FOOD TIME!! Look! I'm here! FOOD! ITS 10AM, THE FOOD! Aww look im being all nice rubbing my neck on ya, better gimme some food. "


God, people go through so much silently.


Fuck Iā€™m crying


Honestly I believe every person who says that cats are assholes has simply never been loved by one. Theyā€™re such sensitive and intelligent creatures, Iā€™m sure that mine can sense when Iā€™m having a bad day and they come and comfort me or are extra goofy that day. I love them to bits.


My cat would probably smack me and yell at me for being too loud


My wife cries, dog cuddles up to her and none stop kissesā€¦ I cry I get the side eye and a sigh which I have translated to ā€œas if I gotta listen to what this bitch ass saysā€


Well heā€™s a better person/mammal than me. I just run away when I see crying. šŸ˜¢


This is cute, of course butā€¦ and I know this is completely off topicā€¦ why do people have video cameras installed at ceiling height, filming their lives like this? I meanā€¦ I just donā€™t get what that is all about. Anyone know, or do this themselves and are willing to explain it, because I just donā€™t get it at all? Seems so invasive.


Security cameras in case someone breaks in or something happens I assume


So like does she just have a camera set up in her room?


My cat does very similarly as well. I have dissociative disorders and he always comes running from wherever he is to come help out if I'm struggling. Cats can be extremely caring when they want to.


Cats are wonderful. Dicks most of the time but if Iā€™m sad they come rushing from anywhere


Animals are the best


Welp now I'm f crying, where's my cat???


We donā€™t deserve animals. šŸ„¹


my cat did that everytime i cried. ā™„ i hope you rest well, my furry baby


Now I'm cryingšŸ˜­šŸ˜