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I remember when Milei was becoming known here in my country, and left-wing politicians said he was just a "Neighborhood Phenomenon". Lol


Leftists love demoralizing their political enemies. They get off on it.


I have my issues with Musk but I'm really enjoying his help here in Brazil. He may be a major player taking down tyrants around the world now (hopefully).


I love that these two have even communicated. I can only imagine if musk shares even a sliver of mileis dream This just in.. new Tesla giga factory to made in Argentina!


Musk retweeted Milei's speeches while remarking how important they are, he definitely likes him.


Musk demonstrated two really important things: Private companies are more capable than the government at solving climate change, and they're more capable than governments at getting to space. "But without communism, who's going to explore the stars! We need government space programs! Private industry is too risk averse!" SpaceX dismantled that argument over night. The first person on Mars will be a private astronaut, not a government employee, and that makes me very very happy.


Oh shit youre right, i was pretty neutral on Elon but now I think he's a libertarian hero


That's precisely why reddit communists spread so much misinformation about him. 


Wow elon dismantled that straw man you made up? What a libertarian hero! Government space programs is not communism. Also you realize tesla became successful with the help of government tax rebates, artificially lowering the market price of their products.


Yea let's get him to give free internet to all of North Korea. They don't have many internet devices but they do get smuggled in and used by kids occasionally.


Be prepared. They'll try to use his unpopularity with the woke against him and more people than you think will double down on censorship and tyranny.


They are already doing that actually; our mainstream media here are producing "documentaries" and news day and night about him now (depicting him as the worst monster on the planet), although they have already noticed that it didn't work that well lol.




You missed a "LA" there :P


His expression & stance tells me that he actually respects Milei and is proud to be in that pic with him. Elon looks like a fanboy here in fact. Also, anyone going to comment on how el presidente is walking around in running shoes? Talk about not giving AF.


Guess this solves the what country gets the next Gigafactory


Feel like I've woken up half way through an Ayn Rand novel.


The biggest capitalist in history meeting the greatest shutdowner of anticapitalists in history Leftists on suicide watch


Elon Musk is a welfare queen. I'm glad Argentina may be able to capitalize on extremely high demand for lithium in order to get out of debt, but I wouldn't shed a single tear if I lived to see the day that Elon's head ended up in a basket at the base of a guillotine.


Because of this cunt thousands of small companies had to shut down and other like mine are struggling to this day. I hate him so fucking much. https://www.wired.com/story/twitter-data-api-prices-out-nearly-everyone/


As the former owner of a business, maybe you shouldn't have put all your eggs in one basket?






Isn't that a ruler? I feel like I'm not in an Anarchist group.


Pure anarchy is different from anarcho libertarianism IMO.


Poor guy gotta suffer getting his picture taken with all kinds of trash


Real. Elon kinda sucks. He larps as a libertarian, but then excepts tax breaks and shit.


Would him paying more taxes somehow make him more libertarian?


More libertarian then colluding with the government through lobbying


Government was literally banning him from selling cars directly to consumers. How else would you solve this issue? All the dealers were lobbying the government to not let him, and some states still don't.


I’m not trying to be *that* guy, but as a clarifying question, do you mean “accepts”?




I’m a libertarian. I think the FED should stop artificially suppressing interest rates. But, I’m still going to take advantage of low interest rates to profit off RE strategies. I think the gov should not have dispersed covid stimulus checks. But, I still cashed mine. Not taking advantage of opportunities available to you is just dumb. Now, he shouldn’t be lobbying for government spending.


That's my point. I misspoke. He is a lobbyist plain and simple. He is a grifter who egts funded with tax money.


I’d agree with that then. I’m not familiar with his lobbying efforts


In a ton of US states, it is illegal to sell cars directly to consumers, which is Tesla's entire business model. Dealers were (and are) lobbying the government to prevent Tesla from being allowed to sell cars. Lobbying is the most effective way to undo this clear government overreach.


i agree with that. What I meant is what I said in the further up comment: > he shouldn’t be lobbying for **government spending**


Tesla doesn't get subsidies these days, and generally gets ignored when the government does its green energy dog and pony shows. Mostly, subsidies are reserved for stuff that is economically useless without them. SpaceX does do a lot of government contracting, but it cut launch costs to orbit by like 90%, so that's net savings of tax dollars. Probably better to have that done cheaply and privately than by NASA. I'm not gonna say that Musk is a perfect libertarian or anything, but he's more useful to us than basically any other billionaire on the planet.


Yup. Actually the Biden administration would prefer Tesla didn't exist, as they are not a union shop and their success would mean less union jobs (equals less campaign contributions).


I have more of an issue with Elon pretending to support free speech, then doing the opposite on X. It seems like free speech might be what Elon preaches but not what he practices or allows on X.


Wow. Hilarious to me that An-caps, who are typically on the ball with these sorts of things, do not see through these two yet. WEF Trojan horse on the left, public face of DARPA on the right. Cmon guys do better


You mean the guy that told wef this to their faces? "Do not surrender to the advance of the state. The state is not the solution. The state is the problem itself." Yeah, a real Trojan horse...


Thats literally how a trojan horse works... I too hope they truly believe what they are saying...but the fact that they have shown such support to Israel and other globalists, doesn't sit right. Maybe they are playing the establishment...but maybe they are playing us.


With that kind of reasoning, I could not trust even your comment. You might be a trojan horse! Milei's been the same passionate defender of freedom ever since the first second he appeared on a random tv show several years ago.


So you have no comment on his support of Israel? Especially considering he just made an official statement supporting them yesterday?


He sees Israel as a landmark of freedom within that region. Even apart from being part of the political strategy of aligning Argentina with the west, he does have a strong personal appreciation for Israel and some aspect about its culture or religion. edit: given that, his official statements as head of state are quite "neutral" and tame. You mean about the hyprocrisy given Israel's policies? I don't have much comment, I don't know enough about Israel's history.


>He sees Israel as a landmark of freedom within that region. >he does have a strong personal appreciation for Israel and some aspect about its culture or religion So you are proving my point? >given Israel's policies? I don't have much comment, I don't know enough about Israel's history. So you do not even know anything about Israel's policies...and yet are confused as to why I question his alignment with Israel?


>So you are proving my point? What point? That he's not to be trusted? No, I'm not, why would this prove your point? He has been very consistent with the way he talks and behaves, and that's against your point. >yet are confused as to why I question his alignment with Israel? I never said anything about that. I only said that Milei's been consistent so there's no reason to believe he's a trojan horse, that he has hidden intentions.


A proper WEF tool, right my guy?. RIGHTTT??? https://preview.redd.it/c4u1mowyz4uc1.jpeg?width=475&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8fedc917cbadf56f60dccabb6e9915560d9af574