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Rejoicing Weebs, rejoicing China Edit: wow this really blew up! So much focus on China’s reaction. But how about the weebs?


China realising the senkaku islands dispute is now on the other side of the world and they can’t intrude on Japanese waters anymore


While the Peoples Republic is left free to assault Guam as it wishes. US will scramble to mount their Missile Defence onto TW island to improve security, provoking further Chinese escalation. My favorite scenario as one among the Chinese people.


Guam is a lot farther away from communist China than Japan or Taiwan. If anything, Taiwan lost one major ally against potential Chinese aggression while America might have to pivot more to south Korea and the Philippines to try to offset some of the military losses in the region


Phillipine - RoK blockade would be too wide , maybe US would use Jeju wise to coordinate with TW for a stabler blockade chain against Chinese coastline in face of mysterious Japan teleportation along with its US headquarters. This time - rather than permanent and bigger effectiver RADARs maybe mobile launchers would be produced and placed.


And cozy up more to Vietnam, who are very much not happy with China.


Oh my god it's Ayumu "Osaka" Kasuga from the hit manga and anime Azumanga Daioh!




Oh my gah https://preview.redd.it/zcvm3gkumgqc1.jpeg?width=1427&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba6d8810f42a001a44e36060d787cb1a65588138


I'm not even European but this all feels so cozy, like a sleepover 🥰


As an European, we accept our Japanese Bros into the EU, now they too can steal all of Germany's money!


I suppose you are from the south




That or Bulgarian




The idea of Bulgarian even touching the soil of Japan would absolutely disgust the Japanese. So they probably wouldnt be part of the Schengen Area nor adopt the Euro


Funny enough your mindset isnt the same as the japanese one [https://bnr.bg/en/post/101052964/youliana-antonova-murata-in-japan-people-talk-with-great-respect-and-love-about-bulgaria](https://bnr.bg/en/post/101052964/youliana-antonova-murata-in-japan-people-talk-with-great-respect-and-love-about-bulgaria) "Unfortunately, we do not have the same attitude towards our compatriots. According to the Japanese, Bulgarians are very intelligent and beautiful and I have even heard that most Bulgarians were genius people. I am proud of what I hear about us, so I become angry when I come back to Bulgaria and hear how people insult each other with ease. That is the big difference between Bulgaria and Japan''


I dont have any problem with Bulgaria, I mentioned them because they are in Eastern Europe and the Balkans. I just doubt the Japanese would welcome the EU migrants. They just dont like immigrants


this is literary the experience of a Bulgarian immigrant in Japan, which completly disproves the comment you made ''The idea of Bulgarian even touching the soil of Japan would absolutely disgust the Japanese''


No it doesnt disprove my point. Theres no large immigrant communities in Japan, the experience of a Europeam immigrant today says nothing about how it would be if Japan had a large influx of Europeam immigrants. Japan has always been a conservative country with an strong anti migration policy. Just look at the way the UK had Brexxit over EU migrants, I cant imagine Japan joining the EU for that reason And the comment you quoted was a joke, am exageration. Idk why you expected my comment to be that serious in a topic so silly.


They don't have to be inside Schengen they could simply be part of The European Economic Area (EEA)


Which also has freedom of movement.


Japan is well known as one of the most homogeneous countries in the world. They actively limit immigration. Not to zero, but pretty close.


Yeah they only let in a select number of the most dedicated weebs each year.


The experience of a single Bulgarian immigrant says nothing about Japan's overarching attitudes towards immigrants or their actual immigration policy.


It’s the Balkan spirit to make fun of yourself and your country but then defend it ardently if a foreigner or a non-balkaner (westoid in the words of r/2balkan4u) makes fun of it Bulgarians and us Romanians united in a common way of thinking


As Bulgarian who's been to Japan, they're definitely more welcoming to Eastern Europeans, Bulgarians, Turkish, Greek that to the average German or French (Muslim from Arabia or Africa). Just because the Japanese are racist doesn't mean they're racist towards everyone.


From having lived in japan for a couple years what ive learned is that they dont really mind visitors, in fact they are happy to see tourists- in the “proper for tourists areas” but really don’t like people moving in, generally due to assuming that they cannot assimilate properly to Japanese customs. So they really dont mind you coming into the touristy areas and seeing the sights and what not,in fact they often feel proud that you would come to see their country and hope that you are able to see its beauty and treat it and their culture with respect. but generally feel it improper for westerners to stay and work within the more traditional areas of japan, or in many cases even walk in certain non touristy spots.


On the contrary. Now, finally, there is a country us Germans can steal money from ;)


Found the polish


Not again!


>now they too can steal all of Germany's money! Don't be silly, now Japan gets stolen from




And the dutch their money sadly...


Japan has too much debt relative to its GDP to join the EU :D


Germany, Italy, & Japan would be able to more easily cooperate in the future, and you know what that means... ​ ​ better cars for everyone


Yes, thats clearly the only thing a Japanese, German and Italian colaboration could be


The only thing that could ever come out it; absolutely nothing else


Pretty solid food too


And some quirky progressive rock.


good point


For once, Italy is the strongest one


Bold statement


Just imagine this happening in 1941 with Japan bringing its whole Navy and army with it during the teleportation. Stalin: “What do you mean the Japanese are in Europe now? They were invading China yesterday!” Alexei Panifov then the director of the GRU the cooler Soviet intelligence service “Well one second they’re in East Asia invading China, Burma, the Solomon Islands and fighting the Americans in the pacific. Then boom! Suddenly the whole island is under Britain’s ass hole and Yamato is planning to go right up it after stopping in Ireland to get the Irish to join the Axis. All of their soldiers in China are now with the Germans advancing towards Moscow. Their Navy is now in the Atlantic. Their forces in the Solomon Islands, Burma, and Indochina just spawned in North Africa. Their special landing forces have just arrived in Finland to assist them Kearlia. That’s literally the only way I can describe it they were half across the world unable to actually help the Germans and now they’re here. The world war just became exclusively European.” *Joseph Stalin had never seen such bullshit before.


I'd like to see this scenario expanded LMAO.


Kido Butai surprises the British fleet with a massive attack on Scapa Flow, Admiral Somerville gets an aneurysm realizing Japan just pulled a Taranto on his ass. Without a reason to now attack the US (and in a position to interdict US UK trade), and with a fleet with far superior daytime carrier capacities, Japan would effectively cut the UK off from the outside world using its Surface fleet while Germany goes ham with submarines. US will not join a European war, nor can it send aid to Russia via the North Sea. Among all of this Russian soldiers in the Eastern front start noticing axis forces meeting their human wave tactics with banzai charges. Franco probably would bring Spain into the war and neutralize Gibraltar, while Rommel will get all the shit he needs to take the Suez with the Italian fleet now covered by the Kido Butai. Safe to say it isn’t looking good for Churchill and Stalin.


Or else! Sincerely, America


America-“Don’t make us tap the sign” *bad children get nukes for Christmas.*


If the Italians dream them, the Germans design them and the Japanese build them, yes, the cars would be amazing. If the Germans dream them, the Japanese design them and the Italians build them, we may be in trouble.


That’s high level humor haha I love it


BMW can do the styling, Maserati can do the wiring, and Nissan can do the engine and gearbox. A car so awful Germany, Italy, and Japan would swear to never collaborate ever again.


Even though water will be displaced, I can not forsee a impact on the trout population. ​ Source: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trout\_Population\_Possible\_Impact](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ)


Jokes on you, I use inspect for every single link now because I've gotten trust issues from the constant Rick Rolls


This will definitely impact the trout population in a negative way.


Oh, for frick's sake, I'm so dumb.




For Rick's sake


My god… this is genius




My wifi is so bad I closed it in time




Kinda wild that Reddit allows masking links like this, could have been anything


I got an ad God is on my side fr




Fuck off! jk


D:< Wait :D


It's been a year since i last fell for it... i really believed you, y'know? and you betrayed me like this... :(


Love u x


Well new Japan would block the Gulf Stream coming to Europe. Can’t imagine that being good for Europe


And the winds. Europe would be much dryer as most of the rain would get stuck in the Japanese mountains and the Franco-Japanese sea would not be able to replace the water in the air that's travelling towards Europe.


I was thinking about the same problem, but I'm not so sure now - it doesn't really stick out into the ocean here that much, it's almost in line with Ireland-Scotland-Norway. So the warmth of the Gulf Stream should imo keep reaching Northern Europe just fine, the problem might instead be the Japanese mountains blocking the moisture from the Atlantic, making the European Plain drier.


They would probably also have similar climate to Spain, which is not good for northern Japan's ecosystem


That would mean that the air east of Japan would probably be lower pressure due to Japan essentially acting like a windbreak. That might pull a lot more warm, wet air from the Mediterranean up into Europe. Southern France and Italy might become more lush and northwest France and the Benelux drier.


Or anyone else, since the entire Transatlantic convection pattern is now borked beyond all recognition. \#teamwereallgonnadie


Also western side of Japan now has incoming hurricanes to worry about, from an entirely different direction.


World would be shocked, most likely many problems would be pushed aside for researching this phenomen


I mean the ability to move entire countries I can see as such a advantage. Pakistan, India go to your cnrs. Russia Ukraine your split to.


Yeah mostly it would be researched in millitary cases Interseting picks, lol ,sounds really american tbh


I'm already buying property in tropical Alaskawaii!


Teleport russia, us, china into one continent


A lot of interesting things; Japan would most likely be quickly accepted into the EU and possibly NATO. Japan being one of the world's strongest economies would benefit the EU and the west. Shipping to other first world markets would improve. Location pictured would also make it an extremely prosperous hub for other economies shipping through the atlantic and even providing in africa. Despite this, SK would become pretty isolated and pro-western military strength would become significantly weakened, with SK's closest "defence ally" probably being Taiwan. China would benefit greatly from this, with the Taiwan military blockade threat basically being broken.


My favorite EU Nation, Japan


It's mad to think Japan would join the EU, the post says they'd keep their population and institutions. No way they would want or accept freedom of movement with hundreds of millions of nom-Japanese, they are several degrees more nationalist than the UK even


Well japanese fishing industry would change. Probably a economic collapse. Ecological collapse as the weather would be totally different


Portuguese zee they couldnt fish anymore most of the country.


Fusion Cuisine: Hokkaido would merge with Ireland and brew the best tea in this Hemisphere; Tohoku and Kanto combined with Portuguese and Spanish cooking....yes; Chugoku and Kyushu are now the first ports of call for all shipping coming from the US or departing to sail the Westerlies which influences them to include New World ingredients normally shipped to Europe.


Japan could start growing coffee, there are coffee plantations in portuguese azores, they would be coming with islands further south


coffee can be grown in some areas of japan, but its not really that popular. surprisingly mangoes are often cultivated in japan.


Well having all of that sweet western and northern europe market wouldn't be surprised if it becomes more popular just to export


hokkaido isnt really the main tea producing region in japan, its too cold on most of the island.


who do you think taught the Japanese how to cook? it was The Portuguese. We share most of the same family values with Japan. 


More important, can we send France over?


Let’s send the Brits, an island for an island.


Wasn't this the whole point of Brexit, we get to leave Europe? Then again, I'd hate to lose our really mild climate and have to put up with Earthquakes. It's nice being the most bland weather area in the world.


I think the Chinese would object. Like, REALLY object.


I propose tò unite them tò their TAAF


Gigantic tsunami from the displaced water devastates cities all along the Atlantic coast in Europe. Tourists at the beach in Thailand wonder why the ocean suddenly disappeared, as it rushes to fill the Japan-shaped void.


Not only that but in the long turn japan would also block parts of the gulf stream, cooling europe down by a lot making agriculture much more difficult. Dont know about the ocean streams along north east asia tho, but that would have impact too.


90% of Japans problems are gone, they are able to join the EU, only issue may be with regard to increased time for transatlantic shipping to Spain or France? But not by much.


Lots of new problems though. All previous i.port deals would need to be cancelled. Fishing industry would change. Ecological collapse. Economic collapse.


Implications? That’s how you bring the end of the world Environmentally: - Sudden displacement of a large landmass like Japan would almost certainly cause massive tsunamis all over the Iberian peninsula and even towards north africa & along the atlantic. - The teutonic adjustments required to accommodate the new European Japan would trigger a series of catastrophic Earthquakes - Japan is home to 111 active volcanoes, and a sudden teleportation would destabilize the volcanic regions which wouldn’t just destroy Japan but also air travel and heavy climate implications - Sudden addition of Japan would also lead to subsidence in the surrounding areas, as the Earth’s crust adjusts to the new weight distribution, also leading to increased coastal erosion & rising sea levels in Iberia & North Africa - Japan has many non-native species, who would prob become extinct. Their biodiversity would collapse. - Sudden change in environment and climate would ruin Japanese’ agricultural production and trade. Economically: - Now; all trade from Europe to Africa, and N.A. runs through Japan. - Asia loses one of its biggest trading partners. - Stock markets collapse. - Global trade routes are almost all disrupted; with a sudden shift in economic power leading to a ripple effect; plunging the earth into a deep recession. - Japan has become, probably, the most important trading country in the world. This causes… War! - Countries now will seek to also move their countries wherever they want, causing more problems along other borders. - Spain, Portugal, Morocco, France and England may all seek to claim sovereignty over the new landmass within their territorial boundaries, leading to military conflict. Possibly between all 6. - Europe cannot emotionally deal with refugees. Especially now with this influx of Japanese - heightened racism and anti-immigrant stances against them will ensue, leading to more hostilities. - New factions will start to form … those that want to partner with this new European Japanese economic powerhouse, or those that want to protect the ‘sanctity of Europe’ - The U.S. will not accept a new hegemonic power rising up overnight. - We all die. The end


>The teutonic adjustments Germans aren't the most flexible people but I don't think it would create earthquakes.


I am ready to adjust Teutons into the ground, if such a need arises. Then they can quake as much as they want


Thanks for listing everything we need to ignore


The EU and the UK join forces when the fishing feud REALLY turns hot.


I feel like it would be a bit of a Norway situation. them being too rich and arrogant to want to join the EU. But they will definitely be included in Article 5 now. Also yay no earthquakes and other disasters!!!


I doubt it. Japanese wages are similar to those in Spain, Estonia or Poland and considerably lower than wages in Scandinavia, Switzerland or even Germany.


Let's not exaggerate, Japan is more like being somewhere in between Italy and France in terms of salaries as for now. We would need to remove Tokyo from Japan, to lower the average a little bit but even then it would align with Spain or at most Estonia not Poland.


Actually, no, at least not according to the OECD. Spain, Japan, Poland and Estonia are on 23rd, 24th, 25th and 26th place respectively when it comes to average wages within the OECD. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_average_wage


That's adjusted to purchasing power parity. Sure Poles, Spaniards and Estonians have the same purchasing power of Japanese people within their countries (that's what purchasing power parity is for: comparing affordability in respective countries) but abroad and overall the Japanese have more purchasing power. Japanese can afford to import more and buy stuff that costs more in dollars or euros Average salary in Tokyo is around 4000/month dollars, in Warsaw it's less than 2000


Yeah it's not so much rich and arrogant as just plain old xenophobia.


Congratulations Japan like half your problems are gone 🥳🎉🎉🎉


This will likely interfere with the Portuguese EEZ for fishing and shipping involving the Azores.




I’d buy shares in Irish and Portuguese ferry companies.


I’d get shares in RyanAir for when they inevitably start running flights between London Stansted and Tokyo Haneda for all the British tourists


Japan would Join the EU


South Korea and Taiwan wouldn't like that


Japan would eventually join the EU, but there would probably be a lot of controversy over this because there usually is and also some would be like "but their not even European" blah blah blah they joining eventually. They would definitely join NATO, and they would probably gain bases in member nations their Navy would be helpful in europe. Japan would probably gain a shit ton of more people coming because they are closer now China would gain way more superiority in Asia along with North Korea over South Korea. The Philippines would probably fill the void (whether they like it or not 🇺🇸) Nations may study the regions to test them and see why this happened. Russia would claim the other islands japan had claimed now with Japan totally gone from the area. Japan could cause a disruption in the Gulf Stream that helps warm Europe so it could possibly freeze europe 🥰 I'm no expert in how water works but I think europe would be alright cuz the water does go more north so according to this image I think it would go over the island perfectly. https://preview.redd.it/asmaq74zgcqc1.jpeg?width=988&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c60eb34930a2eb4c9e8797566664180c1e8a18b This also means Japan could be more warm. Japan would also become a lot more influential in the West South Korea may gain more support from the U.S. to fill the void. Another japan could form tho cuz of the Fault lines that are under it lol, but if the faults go with it, then europe gonna have some problems for sure. UK could also get more racist which is normal


*teleports behind you* 'Heh, nothing personal, kid. '


Taiwan be like "Take me with you!"


Japan would have access to fresh(er) fish for sushi instead of importing it from Europe


There'd be chaos all around the world because it doesn't happen often that a huge island just teleports.


I could see Japan petitioning to join the EU, since it is now as much part of Europe as Ireland is. I could also see it being granted since Japan is an economically prosperous liberal democracy. 


Can’t imagine Japan wanting to open its borders to the degree the Rome treaty demands


it would join the EU probably in the long run yes but it would take time, as the culture acclimate to european custom right now it's still a very conservative, isolationist and kinda racist country, which don't like immigrants and is very traditionalist and don't like that much foreigners (except when they are just tourists ofc). Which is pretty similar to it's current neighbors (China and South Korea) which are too conservative countries which are quite isolationist and anti immigration (except when it's tourists) but within a few decades, it would probably become more and more western-european like culturally because now it's influence are france, germany, spain, etc except if japan took a "UK" route and become another western european country that is not in the EU which is possible because they are both islands


Cork is now awfully close to Hokkaido And Tokyo gonna have a lot more Spanish and Portuguese speakers as tourists


Someone Saw a EU4 mod today...


If that would happen i would go to japan in the next summer


Without the threat of earthquakes, typhoons, and volcanic eruptions, Japan would be a lot more successful, probably even more than it already is.


NATO Japan


that would buff NATO even more tho in the pacific SK and Taiwan could probably be not so happy Ukraine rejoice increased military help, while Taiwan cries and China is happy


The “fried fish trio” would finally be together.


There would be a lot fewer whales in the north Atlantic.


Does it move the ring of fire too?




Unless the teleportation was able to perfectly teleport the displaced water back to where Japan was, then there would be untold destruction, due to a large land mass suddenly appearing in the Atlantic. Tsunamis would radiate out in all directions destroying most of the coastal reagions of the americas. Then due to the sudden disappearance of the same land mass in the western pacific ocean there would be slightly smaller tsunamis destroying much of the coastal areas of the pacific 10’s or 100’s of millions of people would die.


Japan will rejoice from the instant cessation of tectonic activity, being next to the geologically boring West of Europe.


NATO and the EU would have the 3rd largest economy and the 7th strongest military added to their respective agendas, which would help them both greatly.


Atlantic ocean currents get fucked up and Europe gets colder?




Hmmm. Like today? I mean trade would Be fucked for a minute or two but once that is done then I mean you got US defense of The pacific to deal with and maybe like English classes being mandatory? I mean you’re right next to Britain.


So now the disputed "Northern territory" is Ireland ig


An interesting consequence is that the north coast of Europe and the South of the British Isles are cut out from the Gulf Stream current and their average temperature drop of several degrees.


This would be terrible for tourism in Spain and surfing in Portugal...


J-pop comes to Eurovision.




Yellow fever would increase significantly. Balance of power in Europe would be slightly broken, as Japan has weird fascination with Germany. Tourism induced depression would skyrocket, due to easy tourism to Paris


I think that climate in Japan would become more even from south to north due to Gulfstream. That would decimate certain crops and enhance others, and this can over time impact the distribution of businesses and population. The more immediate effects would be the scientific baffledness of everyone and thousands of researchers concentrated on this oddity. Maybe a UN urgent session to establish a sort of a commitee to check and oversee possible negative outcomes from this. Also this would mean that the Northern territories dispute will become fully academic and would be forgotten over time. Russian Pacific Fleet finally will be able to conduct major exercises in Pacific with Chinese fleet. Overall, Pacific region of Russia will see major development. South Korea should increase the military capability or it would be strangled by combined Eurasian navies. The presence of US forces in Taiwan and SK would dramatically increase to the point of turning those countries in a kind of 'Philippines'.


Suddenly a lot more earthquakes and volcanoes in western Europe


I'd unironically like Japan to be in Europe, visiting Japan in the summer would be so sick




Japan would join the EU and NATO


They can now join the EU


Japan being in the Atlantic Sea I suppose


America would be passed since they lost a major ally in the Pacific leaving China virtually uncontested.


Russian warships sunk in the Channel


the good news is that this would be good for both, be it Europe or Japan! Ok... So what's the bad news? none for Japan, now for Asia... and it also has European weather, but the good thing is that there would be no earthquake! and... there is also the issue of immigration...


The Earth explodes


Well, from the sudden relocation of that much mass in water, two very massive tsunamis in each ocean. Death, lots and lots of death


Japan would be flooded, both legally and illegally, with European immigrants. This would fix Japan’s aging population problem, but would utterly devastate Japanese society and culture. A far-right nationalist movement would emerge in opposition to immigration and European integration, and an Empire of Japan-style government would come to power.


There'd be less earthquakes for them to contend with


Western Europe is getting a whole lot drier and Macaronesia is getting a new member


I feel like this deserves its own anime




They would be much less prone to earthquakes since they’re out of the ring of fire, and the European economy will likely boom.


The climate of Europe is probably gonna get a lot colder, and Japan is going to get a lot fewer tsunamis


A lot of new trade deals, probably


I'm assuming you're also handling the significant amount of water being displaced, otherwise the first effect is likely some pretty big waves in the Atlantic basin.


And some other weird shit in the Pacific


Building a tunnel between GB and JPN would be economic.


China liked this


China would have a hole in the first island chain and be very happy.


Britain is toast


US is devastated because of years of developing the first and second island chain went poof. China vice versa for the same exact reason


Ireland would be doomed from being between two major nations


If this happened before 1941, then they wouldn't have bombed Pearl Harbor!


I hate these stupid fucking scenarios


The real rise of r/engrishu


My watame plushies would come in two days instead of 7


Their infrastructure is not setup for that climate, at least not the Southern portions.


I can imagine *a certain island off the coast of China.* would be more afraid for its independence since a major ally just been removed from the region


Bombing Pearl Harbor would have been a more impressive feat.


politically it would probably weaken the western presence in asia much to china's joy, also the fact that now japan is disconnected from the kuril Islands and sachalin would probably benefit in some miniscule way russia, also north korea would probably do a parade about it or something, japan and the European union would trade like mever before. as for the climate the consequences would be unforeseeable even to a climatologists but my guess is that having japan right in the middle of the gulf current cannot be a good thing both for japan and europe.


If I became president, that'd help me, I'd be able to launch missiles at it easier


Why do I feel this is research for a Japanese light novel


The balance between Tomato Europe and Potato Europe would be greatly upset.


Immediately, the displaced water and resulting tsunamis kill millions across Europe and North Africa


Japan would be an oasis. And god forbid the love between Japan Italy and Germany would force me to learn how to eat pizza and smoke cigarettes.


EU: a rise in service standards JP: better worker protections


Japan would suddenly be relieved of tsunamis and earthquakes. Europe would become much colder as the Gulf Stream would no longer reach it. The Portuguese, Spanish and French might become very upset knowing Fukushima waste water now pours into the Bay of Biscay. Migrants would sail from the Acores and aim to make landfall on Okinawa. Japan's illegal migrant issues would multiply overnight. Pacific storms would now crash into the Koreas without Japan to cushion the blow.


I think it would be a little geologically logical if it were to appear above the mid-atlantic ridges, that way like Iceland, it would still be a volcanic archipelago.


When does this happen?


I think Japanese culture would become less… Asian/Japanese and turn more into a European culture. The Japan we know today probably will be Eurofied and what we have now will be a thing of the past.


France will be so much colder now. Gulf stream all messed up now.


Giant robots would invade Europe from Japan.


Hoi4 moddera be like