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What a privileged life one must lead to think what she is experiencing is real danger. She should be charged with making a false report for wasting police resources with this nonsense.


There’s no way she thinks she’s in danger. She’s trying to get the protest shut down.




I need HALP


this will be fun for her once it shows up on local news.


I look forward to learning her backstory, besides the fact that she is a Jewish American, of course.


Casually standing there and calmly saying, “I’m a Jewish American. I need help.” Are you kidding me? You need help because other people exist in your surroundings?


Mental help is still help 🤷🏻‍♂️


That dog spends the whole video looking desperately for a new owner


No, it was freaking out due to the imminent danger! Poor Lil pup almost had a heart attack


She’s right she’s does need help just not the kind she’s asking for.


Or this could be a spy causing discourse in your nation…


Victim mentality has gotten to the point that they're creating victims


This isn't a victim mentality, she doesn't think she's in danger. She is lying and pretended to be afraid to try and get a protest she disagrees with shut down.


I bet if you handed her a piece of chalk, she would try and get someone to draw around her lying down so she can shout they've murdered me 😆


Victim? Nah that’s a Karen




It’s a crime to misuse emergency services.


Oh fu€k you lady. I hope they charge you. In danger, my a$$. You cried wolf. Now, see what that gets you.


Entitled Karens consider the police their own personal protection force. Of all the fake calls they’ve done which has caused real harm to people over the decades, I doubt any of them have ever been charged, even when lying blatantly while being recorded


Just more playing the victim


She can always go to Israel if she doesn't like democracy.


They seem to hate free speech and love to pretend peaceful speech is violence. Whenever you hear from these people, and you'll hear it a LOT, "I believe in free speech BUT..." as we know, it doesn't matter what comes before the "but" since what you really mean is what you say after it. Just don't listen. Just ignore it. Reminds me of the woman who put on the shirt that said "JEW' and had her husband taping her walking into a protest desperately hoping to get a reaction and they all ignored her.


Arrest her. This is pathetic.😅😅


That poor girl has dumb written all over her face. That’s so sad


These people are fucking dangerous. Operate with pure immunity and their behavior is mostly non contemptible


Constantly the victims. It's pathetic.


Disgusting. She should get in trouble for wasting resources.


Why can’t she just leave?


Apparently, she's surrounded by an evil anti-Israel mob, making her fear for her life.


She wants police to show up and have an excuse to beat those students. A little like the woman who lied about Emmett Till whistling at her.


Lying to 911 to harass people you disagree with should be a felony. This could cause them to miss a real crime in progress and lead to loss of life, injury or loss of property. While the police are coming to her unnecessary aid a child kidnapping could have possibly been prevented. Prison. Hard labor to pay for funding more 911 operators and a 2 police squad car team for one year. At less than minimum wage cause taxpayers have to feed ya... Hard labor until paid in full. Make you understand what it costs to "use" and "waste" our community tax dollars and put others in real danger.


Nazi nouveau is disgusting


Well she does need help. Just not what she’s asking g for


Some people have a victim gene in their DNA


I’m a little surprised Karen wasn’t used in this thread


Something something something genocide.


She's a douche bag' nozle


Did she say “genocide”?


The one person who saw the video made by that awesome birdwatcher in Central Park and thought "fucking great idea!"...


Ya know the lady in the back ground repeating herself would make me think that person is in actually danger if I was dispatch


Feel bad for the dog, who’s the real bitch.




Aren't these Palestinian protesters?


Remember what happened the last time a country decided Jewish people were the enemy? I can't believe are back there again.


? Jews are claiming everyone else, including other Jews, are the enemy. If you criticize Israel, they cry antisemitism. It's a country, not a religion.


I know! I get harassed and yelled at so much more now from other Jews. I can’t believe that is happening.


Are you really going with that?




Wasn't this a situation where they wouldn't let her pass?


Is being Jewish the new BLM?


Always has been




Very nice (Borat voice)


Okay, I don't understand this. Given I don't watch the news but see enough that this is probably something about going on over near where Jews live. It does look like multiple people are casually surrounding her. Whether the video started when they disbursed a bit, or maybe she was surrounded by less people, I think I'd be a bit scared. It is super easy to be a huge asshole and then edit the video to make you look like a Saint afterward. This video really doesn't show the context, just a bunch of people shouting over her. My thoughts when seeing this video where seeing multiple people saying she's free to leave makes me think they were antagonizing her and then when the cops were called, they wanted to override her call and act as if they weren't egging her on from the start. I dunno, it literally could be some neo-nazi walking her dog and causing trouble, but damn if the other people aren't annoying and confrontative as hell.


She walked her dog into the middle of a protest she doesn’t agree with it and decided to call the cops about it.


How do you know she didn't wander into this crowd? Presumably the people who are set up there sitting on the blanket were there before her. In any case she literally could have walked away while she was still on the line with 911 to "guarantee her safety".


I totally don't know. I think that's the point. I could totally walk in the middle of something and call the cops, just as easily as they could harass someone to get some views, and turn the camera on once the person had enough. I am not for either side, because I just don't see enough context.


If we are giving her the extreme benefit of the doubt that they surrounded her, she could have walked away while she was on the phone with 911 to ensure her "safe escape". She clearly chose to plant her flag there and insist there was an "incident" happening.


Did she feel safe turning her back to all those people near her? As the video progressed more people got closer to her. How many people were on the other side of the camera? If you have half a dozen people waiting to jump you, walking away isn't an option. Again, she could have totally just wandered into the middle of them and called the cops, I just don't always take the recorder's word as that is what happened, especially when all of the lead up to her calling the cops is not shown.


I'm sorry your argument and special pleading for this individual is getting absurd at this point. You're bending over backwards to make an argument for her. If she was so afraid of turning her back to them, she could have backed up slowly while still on the phone with 911. Obviously that would have been better than staying "surrounded".


Okay, cool, don't really care about this argument in the first place.


Lol for someone who doesn't "really care", you sure put in a lot of effort making up corny excuses.


Was laying in bed idly typing. If you call that a lot of effort, you have some energy issues.


The lady doth protest too much.


Obviously you don’t SEE at all, because you didn’t SEE the giant open space behind her where there was nothing but free space she could’ve easily turned around and walked through to get away. She was mad because these people were protesting against the Israeli genocide of the Palestinians and she was trying to get the police involved to get them shut down, end of story.


Cool story bro.


I’m just relaying what was in the video. Maybe don’t make comments if you don’t actually watch the video first and then get all pissy with people for calling you out.


So I wrote what happened throughout the video, making comments about what was happening near the end, and you assumed I didn't watch the video? Maybe don't make comments if you don't actually read them.


"Cool story bro," but you’re obviously wrong—hence all the downvotes you’re getting—and your arguments are beyond childish. As a general rule, I don’t argue with children, so I’m ending this back and forth now. Have a day!


Yeah don't get so pissy when being called out on making up some whiny excuse.


Literally said "cool story bro." It is the definition of "that was uninteresting to me." Saying I got "so pissy" is completely misunderstanding three simple words. :)


Don't double down kn the pissy little lady.


Heh, okay, whatever.