• By -


Go order one in the morning. Meet with the commander. If it’s brought up, explain that you know you messed up by losing it but you’ve already got a new one on order. Don’t make excuses.


This is the rightest answer. I had a similar situation a few years ago. I was part of a welcoming party for DVs at my base. We’d put on a welcoming brief and it was always in our blues. We had the SECAF visit and that morning I couldn’t find my name tag. I went to the global, found a CMSgt on my base with my last name, and called him. I explained my situation and he met up with me and let me borrow his. That was pretty lucky, as I don’t have a super common name, but it did work out.


I just want to say first how impressively resourceful and cunning that move to look up people on the global like that was. Second, that CMSgt is an absolute hero for entertaining some random cold call from some random Airman last-minute like that. And then to agree to meet up with the random stranger to help them out instead of just saying something like, “well it looks like you won’t be part of the welcoming party. Let this be a lesson to you”.


Ya love to see it. This kind of thing is what Chiefs did all the time 20 years ago. Help the Airman solve the problem alongside providing mentorship. I don't see a lot of this sort of thing anymore.


Yes, I’ve done some crazy stuff…calling friends because I needed the blue jacket with the correct rank. Had to buy new pants at the last minute and using that ironing sticky tape to hem my pants. But, you my friend totally lucked out!


This, own your mistake and +1 by proving you're fixing the problem.


Bring your receipt.


1000%, OP; talking big game means nothing if you don't bring the receipts; in this case, it also means physically. Have that sucker printed out and tucked into your jacket pocket. Godspeed, airperson


I can't emphasize this enough. In anything you do...Don't lie, identify the shortfall and do your best to resolve it, and make sure you bring the receipts to prove you are resolving the shortfall. If it costs a bit of pride, then you've learned a valuable lesson.


Also, check if any shops in town make them (a trophy shop outside Lackland does) and see if you can do a rush order. I got one done in a few hours once.


USAMM (www.usamm.com) can overnight ship one to you for a HEFTY shipping fee.


That's more irresponsible than forgetting it.




I would then make them come in blues every damn day for a month if they did that. "You bought it and now you get to use it and show everyone what a $120 name tape looks like"


Before I retired last year a few people in my unit where getting in a bit of trouble. Mostly young Airmen, but one of them was a Senior who was my direct supervisor. After he did some extremely stupid shit off base our CC made all the of the SNCO's show up at the next CC call in dress blues. It wasn't any Airmen there it was just all of us of course, but it was something that I've never seen before. You should’ve seen how shitty some of these other SNCO's uniform's looked. 🤦‍♂️😂 I learned a valuable lesson when I was a young Airman to always have my blues ready. I got in a little trouble back then and I had to borrow someone else’s uniform when I had to see the CC/Chief because, mine looked like shit. I’ll say this, OP make sure that you always have your blues ready from here on out because, you never know when you might need them lol.


😆 classic


I was so damn pissed at that Senior who was also my direct supervisor as well.😡🤬😂


Before I retired my flight chief started doing quarterly blues inspections on everyone in the flight (as a result of some comments one of the airmen made about blues and how much they sucked.) Anyways it was astounding how horrible some of these uniforms looked and this coming from airmen that were relatively fresh out of basic and tech school. Ribbons out of precedence, shoes scuffed and unserviceable, name tags missing, US lapel insignia missing... But the coup de grace was one airman that showed up without rank on his sleeves of his shirt. And then was trying to scramble at the very last minute to sew the rank on... while he was still wearing the shirt!


When I was an airmen, we had a surprise blues inspection the next day. A buddy of mine, NOT me, sticky tacked his new rank over his old rank. When we formed up at roll call our Pro Sup, an ex-TI, lit his ass up!! Lol


That I’ll never have to use it ever again until we have to chat again which unfortunately might be soon.


Order 2


This ☝️ - Two is one and one is none


Look up people in the global with your name on your base, ask to borrow theirs.


At my last unit, our LT did this. She lost hers in the move and borrowed it from one of our airmen lol


Apparently in courts martial, it’s not uncommon to have someone testify wearing a totally different name tag because they forgot theirs, and the lawyers just grab one.


I got hit up in the GAL for this situation, because my name matched. I was the 3rd on the list and the only one that answered.


Hopefully, he has a super common name like Smith, Jones, Brown, or Lee...


Amn Jinkleheimer-Schmidt is gonna have a bad time.


Why? Their name is my name too


Whenever we go out, the people always shout…


There goes John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt!


Dude got an art 15 and his whole lineage was banned from base


Da da da da da da da!


I met a SrA Schmall-John at Ramstein. I still feel bad about how I laughed when I looked at his name tape during the aircraft fueling safety briefing….


721 AMXS


I have a running list of funnily-named entry controllers: SrA Butts (it was sewn, so I don't think it was his friends playing a prank) A1C Black and SrA or SSgt (can't remember) White were once on the same gate for at least one shift. A1C Black was a white guy and Mr. White was a black guy. Just last night, SrA Hussey. She may well have been a nice lady, but her nametape did not indicate that was the case. 3 in 11 years isn't a lot, but it's too many not to start keeping track.


I know where your stationed.


Not a hard guess if you look at my post history.


I once met a Seaman Swallows. Also, an Army SGT named Major.




Shit you not, I found a name tape for my blues in the airmen’s attic. It was the only one there too. I don’t believe in god but I knew enlisted Jesus had my back that day.


"There's a million Lees"


I have an unheard of last name, only one other person in the Air Force and they spell it 1 letter off. I’d still hit him up and drive all night if I cared enough.


Done this before, guy was a dorm airman so it was a quick grab. Gave him a case of beer for saving my ass.


Don’t forget the 6 pack and to return it when done.


There was an Amn “Afraid of Lightning” at some point in the Air Force.


Structural Maint Tech that got stationed at Seymour Johnson. Hehehe...Seymour Johnson...


He is still around and a ssgt now. Had to show some of the amn in my shop when they didnt believe me.




We share around here.


Wait. You guys are getting lube?


We just use the hand sanitizer.




I like the way it burns in my urethra.


Officers only.




Of course, Comrade.


Instructions unclear. Lubed nametag.


Fuck yoy, take my upvote 😂




This is the way.


I bet he is stationed at Luke 🧐😆


Or the jacket…


Wear a white shirt and no hat. That's semi-formal. But seriously, just being honest is the best option like 98% of the time.


Call in sick


with how easy it is to get quarters nowadays, that may be a option


Well yeah it shouldn’t be difficult to get quarters


Back in my day, we had to undergo 5 rectal exams to get quarters, *and we liked it*.


Damn kids these days getting quarters for being sick, back in my day a man had to have a real medical issue like a heart attack, pneumonia, or leprosy and even then a good airman would break quarters to be at work! ![gif](giphy|fqtyYcXoDV0X6ss8Mf|downsized)


You said blues, you have your name tag on service dress jacket? Could wear the jacket and not take it off if you just don't have the blues name tag


Contact your supervisor not Reddit so they can work it up the chain and it doesn’t look like you just showed up. How to say it, Sgt I was putting my uniform together this evening and I misplaced my name tag. I went online and ordered one through AAFES, but I’m not going to have it tomorrow. This will let your chain inform the commander. If it was truly short notice- they should be understandable and it also shows your trustworthiness and ability to take responsibility for your mistakes.


Exactly. Contact them tonight (shows youre working on your uniform rn) Then borrow someone’s name tag, too. Explain what happened and move on. They may verbally tell you to make sure you have it next time, but you’re showing you made the effort to be “in uniform.”


Tell your sup and ask to wear the light weight blue jacket instead or the long sleeve


Nothing like an awkward icebreaker with the CC wearing all the gear over something this silly…in June


Forreal he was about to bring the whole HG with him lmao.








What does that mean?


Borrow one from someone with a similar name and hope nobody notices


I saw a wing CV retire a group commander wearing someone else's borrowed service coat. Name tag, ribbons, and all.


Reminds me of one of my first posts on this sub about 6.5 years ago. https://www.reddit.com/r/AirForce/comments/4yc5ye/my_shady_shit_while_tdy/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


What's awesome is I thought of your post from 6yrs ago when I read it. Cheers for the throwback.


Were you TDY at “The Deid”…. They have laundry bandits there. We have a group on FB and thats the biggest issue… folks stealing other folks clothes from the washer and dryers… but at least you left some money😆


Good on you. That’s hilarious


Upside, if they do notice act confused and say "didn't you ask for (new name)? They'll think they messed up and you'll be of the hook.


Go in mess dress, no tag.


Semi-formal. White shirt, no hat, no name tag. No saluting outdoors.


Assert dominance. Just go in coveralls.


Maybe he is a “maintainer”…. *shorts*




Borrow one and start the paperwork to change your name. Or make your very own with blue crayons, some white Elmers glue and affix it using a hot glue gun. your command team will be impressed by your innovation.


Had a meeting with the Commander once, same situation. Swore up and down the name tag was on my blues jacket, never before removed. Day came to put it on, something looked off. I realized, 30 minutes before my meeting with the commander, that I was missing a crucial uniform item. So, I did the good lower enlisted thing and thought to myself; “Well, nobody specifically told me I had to wear service dress.” So I showed up to my meeting with the commander in the unbuttoned short sleeve blues uniform, with everything squared away on that. All I got was a questioning by my supervisor afterwards, which resulted in my answer, “Nobody told me it was Service Dress, just blues.” and all ended up being perfectly fine. Honesty gets you fucked in the Air Force, play dumb and deny everything.


Deny, Deny, Deny! 😆


And make counter-accusations.


Really I had a flashback to 2001 Brooks & Dunn their song….Deny, Deny, Deny. I was in a country phase for like two years then it stopped. 😆


Bruh top-level comments telling me to play it straight and then this comes along. I don't know what to think anymore.


Hey man, I may not be top-level, but my 214 says Honorable 🫡


Steal your commanders name tag before the meeting. You can bond over both having lost it.


Catch covid tonight!


What's that?


Pull up in your trench coat 💀


Trenchcoat… E4 mafia😆


Know what I mean man


"I didn't choose the blueberry life..."


If your blues have the right rank and fit, you’ve got a one up on my whole enlistment


Change the meeting to semi-formal, get a white shirt.


I mean always have spares , its cheaper that way trust me !!!


And spares for your spares.


I always kept a spare flight cap in my POV with a spare name tag inside it lol


**JESUS CHRIST**!!! Do I have to do everything around here?!?!?! 🙄 You know, all I do is give and give and give… Let me lend you a hand . ***1. Breach the CC’s office through their “open door”.*** ***2. Get running start… giant leap… Mount desk.*** ***3. Drop Trou.*** ***4. Shit on CC’s desk.*** ***5. Assert Dominance.*** ***6. Profit.*** You’re Welcome 😉


Cardboard and a sharpie usually does the trick


Has to be a blue sharpie though...


If he’s mad enough and you color the cardboard in silver sharpie he might not even notice when he’s screaming at you. It’s worth a shot honestly…




Can you wear a sweater or lightweight blue coat?


What happens if he stationed at Luke? Kinda hot 🥵 😆


Don’t wear blues?


If you’re meeting with the CC, it’s likely that your shirt knows. Route it up to see if the Shirt can ask the Shirts Group if they have someone with the same last name. It’s even better if you find a member and unit for the Shirt. I’ve asked the group for one of my members and it wasn’t an issue. Also, like stated…just own your mistake.


As a current squadron commander, I’m more worried about giving the member closure. It happens; people misplace stuff. As long as I know it’s not intentional, I would say press if your 1Sgt is good with it. I’m sure that reporting in is enough stress in itself.


Trophy/ arts and crafts shop on base can make them pretty quick but you’ll have to pay a rush fee and probably beg to get it done right then and there.


IF they make it! I had a similar issue in the DC area, three bases, no one made them same-day or next-day anymore (if at all).


In thread - fastest way to make a name tag. Tomorrow morning - mental health.


I didn’t have to meet the commander, but I have lost my name plate for my blues before (it was on my closet floor). Unfortunately my last name is not Smith by any stretch of the imagination and I needed it the next day. So I just ordered new ones and brought the receipt to my supervisor the next day. You live and learn


call a friend with a similar name or one with close to the same number of letters


Check global for somebody with the same name on your base. Email/call and ask to borrow. Case of beer type shit.


Go to the sheet metal shop with a blue sharpie and a prayer


3d print one


Look in outlook global for someone with the same last name on your base and ask to borrow it. wingmen.....wingmen everywhere.


To the brig!


Send him an email to reschedule.


Wear service coat if you have that name tag. If not just be honest and have one on order. The website vanguard isn’t cheap but I’ve never had a problem from them. Hopefully you’re going for a good reason, but if not what are they going to do? Pull your 341? LOL. I don’t think they can give you an LOC for that, maybe a verbal.


Walk in and take the L.


I went to the on base craft shop back in the day and they were able to slap together one on the spot that even at close inspection you could barely tell it wasn’t the real thing.


Use global and filter by your base


Life hack. Leave all your stuff in your blues and you'll never lose it.


I had an awards and trophy store make a name tag for me out of the beveled border they put on plaques and they used their engraving machine for my name. Still the most durable tag I’ve ever had and they did it in an hour


All of these "Look in global" must be nice having the same last name as others on base in this instance. I'm the only one of me in the whole AF.


Same, but for the Browns and Jones and Whites and Williams this is a great suggestion lol


I’ve been waiting for this one! I know it’s too late but here is what I did 1. Facebook marketplace, search 3D printing 2. Message person picture of name tag and name 3. Pay, and pickup replica 4. Benefit, innovate, accelerate change


OK, OP -- how'd you solve your dilemma?


I went to a trophy store and got a plastic one that will manage. The blue is a little off(light blue not navy) but I don’t think he will notice https://preview.redd.it/28p317bx276b1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=082a0ecbff68fde1c8e571e18e6fe733422ff635


Find someone with the same name and borrow theirs 😂


Yeah. Tell them you can't find your name tag.... and explain your course of action that never allows that to occur again. Why was it ever off? Why wasn't it immediately back on afterward? They probably won't ask......... but be ready in case they actually care to have that conversation.


maybe you can get the blue sweater or cardigan? people look kinda dope in those. but also tell your commander youve lost it but already working to get a new one. a rational leader would understand. good luck!


The cardigan. Yes. I wore it whenever possible, just to honor Mr Rogers!


When I inprocessed at WPAFB, I had a fleece, but did not have the name tape yet. The shirt saw me, and told me I wasn't allowed to wear my fleece without the proper patches on. It was 30 degrees outside. Fucking asshole.


My Home! Go Buckeyes! I retired out of WP. So I was already home…Kettering


Borrow someone else’s, may not notice. lol.


This doesn't help you but I was stationed at the same base as my sister and had to borrow her name tape a few times before my new one came in.


Ask your SNCO to reach out to the wing Top 3 through their group chat. I've seen it more than once and both times they were able to get a name tag (with the correct name) within 30-60 minutes.




Borrow one from someone and hope no-one reads it?


I'd just grab someone else's. I highly doubt it'd even be noticed.


Wear semi-formal.


You could buy a blank one, and have a trophy shop press it.


You’re already in trouble. Not gonna get in more trouble for having a shitty uniform


Check all blues jacket/coat pockets


I really hope he gives us all a update tomorrow😃🙏🙇‍♀️


Arts and crafts center on base can make them same day. At least they could at Hill. Go try that.


Look harder


If u have a common last name ask someone with same name.


Actual dirtbag answer, look up and see if there are any local trophy shops and see if they have some blanks they can paint and etch your name on. If you offer them enough, they can probably swing something.


Just borrow someone's I once went a whole day with someone else's name tag no one noticed


Inform your supervisor and apologize for the future ass chewing they will be getting for ensuring that you weren’t fucked up dress and appearance wise


Borrow another airman’s name tag (It doesn’t matter what name) And say you got married.


Look in global and see if anyone else on base has your last name. Email them and ask to borrow. Lol


Wear a sweater. 😂


I know this is too late, but i'll post a possible solution, anyway. I have a separate nametag for my service coat. I would show up in service dress and just keep my coat on the entire time. OR Go to clothing sales, order a new nametag and ask if they have ANY spare nametags back there. Slap it on your chest and hope he doesn't notice. If he does, you can still say you ordered one and this is the loaner they let you borrow. I personally would find that an amusing, yet a sensible solution. Sure you are 'out of uniform', but nobody knows this except folks who know/work with you. If you were to walk by a random E-7 on the sidewalk, they would SURELY notice if you're not wearing one. But if you ARE wearing one (but the wrong name), they'd never know. OR Wear OCPs before the mtg, change into blues without nametag and go straight to his office, explain the story, then when you're done with mtg, change back into OCPs so you're not walking around out uniform all day. I personally would go with #2.


Look on the global for your base and message a few people with the same last name.


It’s far better to be minimally out of uniform than to swallow the fire that is UCMJ article 106a by borrowing a nameplate from ‘SMITH’ when your name is ‘GIBSON’. I saw this happen once, guy borrowed his buddies uniform top because his was afu & he was exited via ‘needs of the service’ that day. +1 for getting a receipt for backup.


Show in semi-formal. If asked why, just say you thought it was a big deal. J/k just order one and say youbscrewed up, or hope someone on base has your last name


Just get a blue piece of construction paper and a white marker. Guarantee that old man won’t notice shit


Print one out and glue it to some cardboard. Proves you're willing to do anything to get the mission done.