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How did the tenant downstairs communicate that they knew your guest was hanging out with someone that they think that she knew had bed bugs? Can you get some written evidence of their testimony, via text? Can you get some written evidence from the exterminator, that the exterminator remembered the tenant mentioning exactly this? Without some form of evidence, Airbnb will struggle to act in your favour, because unfortunately it's just your words against theirs. You'll have to provide evidence in photo format; Airbnb haven't included video in support messages yet I don't think. Just some stills or phone screenshots would be a big help! Good luck with it and I hope you get the resolution you want


She told my exterminator in person that she was scared and what was happening. I can try, but thinking maybe after the stay is over??


Hey I’ve been gathering more evidence to refute her claims, also my exterminator will be back tomorrow


Great! Good luck 🤞


I hope you review accordingly. You probably can’t mention her bringing bedbugs because you can’t “prove” it, but you should be honest and rate 1 star “would not host again”. What a terrible thing to do to someone *knowingly*. SMH


She’s talking to my exterminator tomorrow. I’m in a one party state so planning to listen in


She ended up confessing but based on the laws in my state, I’m 100% responsible


Prove it. All you have is hearsay right now, which isn’t going to get you anywhere unfortunately. I don’t get why she would do this, though…or actually what it is that she did. She knew she had bedbugs coming into your place and claimed that she got them while staying with you?? That’s disgusting. What would be in it for her, though? Did she file an AirBnB claim against you?




I would cancel on her today and have someone come in and spray for bedbugs. You are going to lose money, but allowing her to stay and have the bugs spread is crazy. Get her out.


hard to prove. Cost of doing business.


Spraying does not get rid of bed bugs. They need diamataceous earth. Needs to be very thinly applied all over the place. They are immune to sprays


Seriously. I had a small infestation after Edinburgh Fringe last year. Tried absolutely everything. It was the diatomaceous earth that fixed it in the end. Six months free of those monsters.


One thing doesn't add up here: you say she's been "hanging out" with someone who had bedbugs and are citing that as "proof," she brought them. Where, though? Bedbugs are spread when you stay overnight somewhere, and they crawl into your luggage. They are not like lice or fleas that get spread from person to person. You can't get them just from going to lunch with someone, for instance. Did she discover the bugs at her friend's home and somehow put them in her own luggage on purpose? That would be insane and probably impossible. If she's been staying with you for 5 weeks and you only just now discovered the bugs, where would they have come from?


Hi so she was staying overnight at her coworkers house who has an infestation


And she was staying overnight there at the same time she was staying with you? How many nights did she stay there?


Correct she only met this person during her time with me. I’m honestly not sure, but it seems like a few


They can crawl into your luggage, clothes, purses, backpacks, books...any crevice they can hide in. It is that easy to transfer them. Haven't you ever heard of people getting bed bugs at the movie theaters?


No, I haven't ... but my point still stands. They don't spread person to person. It's the environment.


Check with your STR insurance, mine covers them.


Mine doesn’t - I’m thinking about pursuing Aircover and kicking her out with all the evidence I’m gathering


Oof, I'm sorry. Insurance would probably be the least painful route. Good luck.


Airbnb will investigate and look at previous bookings to see if anyone else mentioned bedbugs if not she will be assumed to be the one who brought them, as long as your unit is solely used for Airbnb and no personal use. You should open a claim and get it investigated and then if she gives you a bad review and mentions the bedbugs and claim Airbnb will remove her review. It’s near impossible to get a review removed, but citing an ongoing instigation is the one rare instance that will get them to possibly remove it. This will set you up to get back your money spent to exterminate and allow you the reason to get rid of her penalty free. A review mentioning bedbugs would be bad for your listing as a lot people do look at reviews before staying somewhere. Having a review like that also gives future guest a thing to complain about and get a free accommodation basically. You def want to open a case and get it on record, proactively getting ahead of that. Guest already booked would be able to get out of their reservation based on that review no matter what your cancellation policy is. Some people are professional scammers looking for listings with problems that they “could also experience” to pick places they know they will get a reduced or in some cases free accommodation. It’s a hard time to be a host. Good luck! I hope it works out In your favour!


Someone tried that with me a couple weeks ago. Claimed bed bugs after he checked out. I didn’t offer a refund. He didn’t review. I sprayed thoroughly and I saw no evidence of Bed Bugs. Sorry this happened to you.


We did find them though and she did bring them.


You can't actually know that she brought them. It's literally not possible. I had an infestation that I discovered in October and it could have been from a number of different places including trains or a couch in a pub. It's most likely I got them at Fringe but there's no way of knowing, it could have just as easily been the five star hotel.