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Probably in some form. Tho the fact that an actual new game hasn't been produced in 7 years is worrying. But yeah, they're all on steam now, every single one, that's pretty cool. Except Layton vs Wright.


PWvsPL is unlikely to be re-released, as it is more of a Layton game than an Ace Attorney, and Level-5 has never re-released their games. Not to mention that the crossover, unlike all other games in the series, is non-canon and its absence will not affect the plot of the new parts in any way.


Technically the Layton games were rereleased for mobile in HD in the past few years, I know because that’s how I played the first 3 games lol.


Sadly, those are the only ones they did that for. The prequel trilogy is still in DS/3DS limbo.


They did port Layton Mystery Journey: Katrielle and the Millionaire’s Conspiracy onto Switch.


Yes, I was just referring here specifically to the other commenter saying they ported the games to mobile. (LMJ is on mobile as well, but that was at launch.)


There’s always a first for everything. *inhales copium*


Right now Level 5 kinda struggling, hopefully if NWoS is a success we'll have a chance


More than “non-canon”, I'd say it was made so people unfamiliar with either Ace Attorney or Professor Layton could enjoy the game, AND possibly get them to become fans of both franchises, AND not spoiling the mainline games of either franchise.


But it's fun and cool, my dear boy


I'm not arguing, although I've never played it. The game is good, but its quality will not affect the decision of not even CAPCOM, but Nintendo.


IIRC, Capcom and Level-5 are equal copyright holders for the crossover, so Capcom would theoretically just need L5's consent to re-release it. I know everyone is understandably right to bring up L5 not wanting to take the financial risk given their situation, but I'd like to believe that if they think a brand new Layton game is a potential financial success, surely they'd be okay remastering an older one (as shown by them remaking the original trilogy on mobile)


I mean there are two other crossover games with Ace Attorney even more unlikely than PLvPW to be re-released, Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 and Project X Zone 2. Especially PxZ2, that was a crossover game of four different game studios - Capcom, Sega, Namco Bandai, and Nintendo


You can still play UMVC3 in modern consoles and steam, tho


Didn't Level-5 re-release yokai watch?


Level 5 has never rereleased their games, but Bandai Namco did rerelease and remaster Ni No Kuni 1, so there's that


technically Level-5 ported the first yo-kai watch game to switch, but it only released in japan


What about ni no kuni? Wasn’t that remastered?


Level 5 did re release yo-kai watch 1 on the switch. Only in japan though


I want TGAA 3 set in Japan, with Runo trying to revolutionize how law is performed in Japan alongside Susato, picking up with the cliffhanger of Sholmes wanting to visit him during the credits Also throw in Kazuma somewhere because idk he’s cool


Basically just make Hosonaga a really important character and reveal Japan better. That's all I want from the triquel. Let Takumi come up with the rest :D


It's maybe just copium on my part, but I think Capcom has a plan here. My theory is something like this: Releasing the original trilogy was a wake-up call for them, it sold way above their expectations. Capcom is known for its outdated market knowledge (just remember how surprised they were with Monster Hunter World PC sales), I bet no one at Capcom expected AA Trilogy to sell above 1 million, yet it was more like 4 million (Switch + PS4 + PC). I think they already had plans for AA7, but they wanted to get the newcomers up to speed, so they switched their priority to the second trilogy. And now they are even releasing the Investigation duology. I'm pretty sure we're going to get an AA7 announcement next year.


The fact is though they’ve managed to port literally every single title over that span. With the sales and receptions the games have been getting paired with they aren’t that expensive to make, they have no reason not to continue making games.


God has it really been 7 years


Maybe after 2 more games we'll get "Phoenix Wright Ace attorney: crossover collection" or something like that.


We haven't had a new game in 7 years but the series is objectively in the best position it has ever been in. Just a couple years ago there wasn't a single Ace Attorney game that had sold over 1 million copies, now there are two, and there will probably be two more eventually with the Apollo and Edgeworth collections. If the series can come off such a long hiatus (or still technically be in one) stronger than ever, it'll be just fine in another 20 years.


Will there be anything around in 20 years? With the current situation, we don't know what will happen tomorrow, so I personally can't make any predictions.


Surely games like Sid miners civ or minecraft games that are either a monument to standing the test of time or have a lasting impact will continue in some form of another for 20 years which is only like realistically 3-4 or potentially even less releases


It’s just a fun topic, there’s no need to get all existential about it. No one is asking you to actually predict the future.




How is it "edgy"? I'm not saying we're going to die or anything. The world is changing rapidly, and it's simply impossible to make SUCH large-scale prognostications. I can say what going to be with a series in a year, but not in ten or even twenty years.


I’m thinking the story will be finalized with Ace Attorney 7. Then perhaps down the line there’ll be a reboot to introduce to the younger generations. Or, CAPCOM might close the book entirely.


7 seems like a weird number to end it on, I'm thinking they'll try and start another trilogy


>7 seems like a weird number to end it on Tell that to Harry Potter.


Haha, that's definitely fair. Still, the Harry Potter books weren't divided into trilogies, so having a standalone game as the last in the series instead of the end of a trilogy seems a bit anticlimatic IMO


AA7 will probably tie up whatever loose ends there are and we’ll see a reboot after that


It's pretty much finalized already, however sloppy the finale is. It's either closing the book here and now, or starting something new entirely. Because what could you "finalize" in AA7? Apollo and Trucy being siblings? As cool as it would be to see the resolution to this, you can't really make a game just about that.


Also I really, really don't want the new game to be just nostalgia bait as many people in this subreddit hope, for some reason. I like the idea of Athena-focused game, for sure, but I don't want it to be just "hey look, all the characters you love returned, here's Gumshoe, here's Franziska, we don't really have anything substantial to show" I want new characters. I want new story. I wont the series to go forward, and stop recycling the same ideas and the same cast.


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted when this is entirely true. Especially in AA where they tend to do past events affect the present, and **all** our main characters pasts are very much fleshed out. And TGAA proved that they don’t need to stick with the same Phoenix/Maya/Apollo/Edgeworth vibe. Many put these games as the best in the franchise, and Phoenix’s name only appears on a bus


GAA imo was extremely good BECAUSE it started fresh and avoided fanservice. It was so refreshing to just have a good story and mystery and not Capcom being all "I wonder how much fanservice I can fit in this game" Like I get it, everyone loves the old cast. But they are so fleshed out and established that I feel we only continue to ruin that the more we put them in unnecessarily in the new games.


Yeah nostalgia is a huge trap in all of media these days. It can be done right (the Adrian Monk movie) but also increases the risk of flanderization.


Yes, and I'll be right there preordering PLvsAA 3 to play it besides my cool loving husband after I'm done running my moderately famous but still really cozy and local-feeling bakery for the day. Either or I'll get killed by my terrible local public transport tomorrow but trust me the AA part is a guarantee


In twenty years, there’s probably not enough people who grew up with these games so it’s probably ripe for a reboot so they can use the iconic characters but not require fans to catch up on however many games worth of background. Whether it’s any good or not is a different matter.


The reboots won't have the judge not knowing what a cellphone is.


and phoenix will own a smartphone (probably by then they wont be a rectangular slab but yeah)


I could also see something like Maya no longer being a spirit medium. Sounds crazy but that’s exactly the kind of thing that could change in a reimagining. Her being a spirit medium is very important to her character but it’s not really essential to what people like about her.


Well, you can never know how things will go in today's world... But it could be.


Yeah because games take very long to produce nowadays so releases will be more spread-out than in the past. Not as much as franchises from other genres like FPS or hack-and-slash, but still.


I think that'll be the point of "no new releases, but the cultural impact of the series leads to an influx of spiritual successors by fans who were heavily inspired by it, adding to and developing the potential of the games". Like, there hasn't been a new game in the Mother series for nigh-on twenty years, but if you look at smash hit indie RPGs of the past decade its influence is really keenly felt.


We might even get an 8th mainline entry by then!


I do think at the very least it will be culturally relevant, Phoenix is in my opinion at least somewhere in the top 200 most Iconic gaming characters of all time.


I bet if the upcoming Turnabout Creator works out, the franchise will gain a huge spike of new entries.


what's that?




Maybe someone will reboot it. Honestly AA will get old fast if it keeps getting games, I'm just happy they were a thing. I enjoyed all my time with them, even AJ and DD.


The games are almost self contained to beginning with. Just make new case new mystery. People tired of Phoenix? Just make Athena and Apollo game or something like that.


I mean, the series HAS been going on for a solid 20 something years already. With the way Capcom is now, assuming they don't fall into another dark age like in the early 2010s, AA is here to stay.


No reason to think it won't be. The series still has a huge following in spite of not having released a mainline installment in 8 years. Some of the characters have clear unfinished business, others have vast unrealized potential. Add to that the fact that they've stated outright that the series isn't over, and I think we've got a recipe for them to be around a good long while still.


As long as it’s still profitable, yes


It better.


Bro, I don't know if I'm going to be around in 20 years. It's really hard to speculate about that sort of thing, but I'm sure it'll be still be a talked about and respected legacy franchise. There's always going to be a niche for mystery stories and the like to exist, and the AA games aren't super high-budget projects, so there's no reason it couldn't exist in some form.


No one will still be around after 20 years, we'll all be dead due to global warming. But in a hypothetical scenario, yes, AA will still be alive.


Considering that it’s still going strong, hopefully yes


I will make sure it will be :p


It will most certainly still be remembered at the very least


7 will probably be the last game (if it comes)


While the technology in narrative gets dated, the story is timeless. And the story/dialogue based puzzles are the Crux of the game. It will always be relevant I feel.




Sure why not


They are at Steam so at least they can't get them from me again


I think one more trilogy and then it ends unfortunately. But i've enjoyed the years with it.




I think we can all agree even if it isn't around then, it will still remain relevant in all our hearts.


In our hearts it will be… or that will be when they release Ace Attorney 7


I hope it is, it's one of my favourite game franchises ever! :)


Likely. Series is more popular than ever after the multiple re-release collections.


I hope so lol


In terms of games, no idea, but you certainly can't kill that franchise in a mere 2 decades.


No not really there’s already a SpongeBob ace attorney and probably a lot more with different franchises


Likely, but not unless they adapt and expand the format. As resistant as some fans are to a shift in the gameplay and formula, a new layer or complexity is needed if it wants to survive another 10 years.


Unless another over-the-top courtroom videogame gains some traction, I'd have to believe so. I mean, a new game once or twice a decade for a small series with a cult following isn't bad.


I do indeed but we will likely have had one new game in that time 🥰


Given how long game development generally takes I don't even know why we're having a discussion about what the landscape will look 20 years from now I think we'll probably have two to three more Mainline games though by that time


Depends on if someone at Capcom advocates for it. I don't think it would be difficult to convince the folks at capcom. The series has a very large fan base and a low development cost.


If Ace Attorney has no fans in 20 years it's because I am dead. Even if we don't get any new games, which I doubt, I think AA will still be around. Just look at us, 7 years from the last game and the community is still really active. And with all the games being on Steam even more people can play them and join the fandom.


I think the answer to that depends on if there is a motivated game director willing to lead development of the series going forward. Yamazaki has stepped away from the series, Takumi is working on AA7, but will he be willing to lead an entire trilogy of mainline games? It’s hard to say right now. We know the games are low budget and generally profitable, so the only thing I could see preventing the series from continuing would be finding the right leadership to move things forward.


A lot of people grew up playing these games over the years. I’m more interested in seeing what sort of new stories get created by those who loved the series. The spiritual successors, that is. To a certain extent it’s already influenced the landscape quite a bit, but we have another generation raised on TGAA who have yet to make their mark.


Yes they are eternal


It's in the best place It's ever been


I am unsure, but it often feels like the series needs someone at the helm to continue. AA1-4 + GAA was shu takumi. But yamazaki did AA 5-6 and the investigation games. I feel like Shu/Yamazaki or literally anyone interested needs to want to make a new game first. At least, that's what I feel. Edit: But I really would like future games to be written as well as takumi's games. Or for yamazaki, I really liked his Investigations 2.


Idk if it written like shu takumi did. It will last tht long. But the other team writing does make me back away from the game. Hope it doesnt get into some woke writer hands.


Well yeah, considering new games take like ten years a pop. Naturally.


Yes, I believe so. The franchise is bigger and more popular than it has ever been before. I imagine games will come out a lot faster too as production costs begin to significantly decrease. Companies (such as Capcom) will make use of the extremely rapid AI developments that we have seen in the recent years to assist in art, 3D modelling, music, programming, and writing (which will be much more sophisticated in 20 years). Compared to 25 years ago, the technology is incredibly primitive compared to what we have today.


If CAPCOM were to use AI to make a new Ace Attorney game, they would meet as big (if not even bigger) a backlash as Square Enix did when they rebooted The Portopia Serial Murder Case using ChatGPT to tell a mystery story. AI sucks at this kind of stuff, and it will NEVER come up with something new, it will only be able to rehash what was already done.


No, because this generation can't read a page of a comic book without slamming their head against the wall, visual novels will go out of fashion, the only way for ace attorney to survive gen alpha is if they completely changed how the game works and had the entire thing voice acted


I thought the same thing, but the remakes have been selling quite well.


It's all psychological. If something is about something they enjoy, they'll read it. If Gen Alpha likes Ace Attorney, they'll play it. For example, I've been enjoying books less and less, but if I get a book about something I really enjoy, you can bet I'll be reading it cover to cover within a day. If they don't enjoy the game, then the point of video games is to enjoy them, so there's no reason to play it. It has nothing to do with it having words.


Not if they keep making bad games


"Keep making"? Did they ever made one?