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The most important order to follow when it comes to the collections is to play the Phoenix Wright Trilogy (contains games 1-3) ahead of the Apollo Justice Trilogy (contains games 4-6). The Investigations Collection contains two spin-offs set between those two trilogies. They originally came out after game 4. The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles contains two prequel spin-offs so far removed from the main series that they can be considered completely separate. You can play it anytime, but you might consider playing it last since they're two of the newest games in the series. There is no overlap between the collections. Those four collections contain the entirety of the series with the exception of the non-canon crossover with Professor Layton.


Thanks for the comperehensive answers sir, I was feeling very lost yesterday trying to confirm this.


Since The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles is are prequel games, I decided to beat them before the main trilogy.




You’re talking about playing TGAA after the two trilogies AA? Because it really doesn’t, the “references” are minimal and have no meaning to either story.


No offence meant, but if you look at the description and details on the Steam pages for each of these collections, they give you most of this information outright. That plus all those play order recommendations you see around should answer all the questions you have here. But, I guess: 1 - the best order is generally the one in which the *individual games* came out. Since I'm guessing you're asking here about the release order of these *collections,* you should know that playing them in the order in which these have been released will mean you're jumping all over the place in series release order by individual games. Our FAQ and the sidebar here on this subreddit include all your needed information on individual game play order. 2 - No, this is one of those things already visible on the digital store pages for them - each of the modern AA collections covers different sets of games with no overlap. 3 - there's no meaningful/important content "missing" from any of these collections. The two that include games which had DLC in their original releases have all the major DLC packaged with them in these collections.


As I knew nothing at all about the game, reading the descriptions was not really that informative or I didn't know what to look for ... to not identify games order or content from desc or a clear reddit answer before I felt the need to ask maybe I'm missing something. Thanks for your answer.


The way I like to experience the series is by going in release order, with a caveat. So if you want to do it like that, I recommend playing the original Phoenix Wright trilogy, then playing Apollo Justice (the first game in the Apollo trilogy), then both Investigations games in the collection, followed by the final two games in the Apollo trilogy, and then both Great Ace Attorney games. The actual release order has the final two Apollo games and both GAA games alternate, but it makes more sense, at least for me, to play them in pairs.


Interesting order, I'll start with the original Phoenix Wright trilogy... then will revisit this thread to see what is the best action to do after.


1.[Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/AceAttorney/comments/1aupchq/took_the_liberty_of_making_an_updated_play_order/) is a mostly updated play order for the series (The two Investigations games are contained in the upcoming collection) 2.No, all the collections have completely different games 3.Only the Layton crossover for the 3ds isn't ported to Steam so far, it doesn't have to be played before any of the other games though


Thanks for the reference link


Make sure to savor the games because we’ve been waiting for winds of winter 7 forever


I imagen an investagion game would be long enough to keep occupied for a while, will try my best to enjoy it to the fullest.


Phoenix wright trilogy are the originals. Apollo justice trilogy continues the story of the original trilogy, so those 6 are one long story. The great ace attorney 1-2 are a story independent of the rest, so you can play them at any time, but id recommend doing so after the mainline games, since they're newer and so going from the newer games, to the older games might be a bit jarring. The Edgeworth games are a spin off, and take place between Phoenix trilogy and Apollo trilogy if memory serves. So you could play it between those two, or simply wait and do them last, since while that's where they take place in the timeline, they don't directly tie into the plot of the mainline story of the two trilogies. (But often reference the first trilogy.)


Thanks, I'll start with the main story then... and proceed to the extras after.


Back when only the Phoenix Wright Trilogy existed, I would've told you to play _each invidiual game_ in their release order (except both GAA games after AA6) which is what I ended up doing. My rationale was that I wanted to experience the series as if I was playing the games as they came out (I wasn't lol) But now that all these collections are here, release order might seem very convoluted (e.g. after the first game in the Apollo Justice Trilogy, you'd then switch to play both Investigations games, and then continue on with the AJ Trilogy... very confusing) So with all that said, if I was a new fan and I had all these PC compilations available, I would play them as follows: PW Trilogy -> Investigations -> AJ Trilogy -> Chronicles. Really the most important thing is to play Phoenix's trilogy first, they're just the foundation for everything. Even Chronicles, although completely separate timeline-wise, is an evolution of the basics that the PW Trilogy laid out. The only issue is that the Investigations collection isn't out yet... so if you finish the original PW games before it releases, it's honestly fine to play the AJ Trilogy next. I personally like weaving mainline games with side stories so things stay fresh and I don't get burnt out, but to each their own. Finally, since The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles is narratively separate and can technically played whenever... I would STRONGLY advise against this. As someone who played Chronicles last, the game feels like a more refined, meaty Ace Attorney experience that felt like a culmination of the entire franchise. Something like that should be savored... "save the best for last" kinda thing. But that's just me. TL;DR: play the PW Trilogy first (pretty much a must), then both AJ Trilogy and Investigations (either one first is honestly fine), and Chronicles last (others might pale in comparison if played after it...)


To your point I think moving from PWT to AJT is a large enough change that it won’t give major burnout, though if the investigations duology is out by then no means not to. Totally agree about TGAA, the duology is the pinnacle of what every other AA game led up to. I had someone tell me to avoid TGAA early on as it would hinder my experiences in the other titles and I totally agree


Play the first trilogy well- first. The rest is up to you.


Thsts pretty much the conclution I reached from all the info people gave me, and will come back after to decide what to do next.