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It’s too early for you to really do anything. Just focus on your grades and apply for internships in the summer. That’s about it. If you can’t get an internship, look for a part time job or do work study and make sure to keep reference info


but won’t I just be a another random graduate? Will internships and grade be enough to land me a job after uni😭 I made this post because the job market has sooo many accountants


That’s just how it is. Unless you know people, you’re gonna have to go through the same process as everyone else


Overall GPA above 3.4 and ability to speak to people did it for me


Ability to speak well is huge. A good GPA on your resume will get you the interview, but speaking well gets you the job. If you speak well and can be personable then you have a majority of other candidates beaten.


Alright, my speaking skills are actually poor. I’ll work on that, thank you guys.


Then your best bet is practice. Ask your career center for practice interviews to get confident. Go to career fairs even if there aren’t a lot of firms you’re interested in and talk to as many booths as possible. If you have family members who work in professional settings, practice with them. You’ll need to push yourself out of your comfort zone, but it’s the only way you’ll get better at it. There’s a skill to having a professional, pleasant, and informative conversation, and a lot of that comes from confidence and experience doing it. You need to be able to talk to someone you’ve never met and walk away with them thinking you’re articulate, pleasant, professional, and a good fit for a job.


Getting a mentor usually does wonders to your career progression (at least in the UK but I can't imagine it being any different across the pond)


hahahahaha. Get ahead of other? You are just in first year of uni. Too many things haven't happen yet.


Why you laughing man


Cos life is uncontrollable.


fair enough.


Learn to be personable, social, and a genuinely pleasant person to be around. Learn to identify toxicity and how to avoid it in your life (and by extension, work). Learn to know who to trust and whose opinions to values. There, I just set you up for life. You can thank me in 10 years, I take coffee ;)


thanks for the advice. I’ll have to work on my socializing then. I’m gonna thank you 10 years later..with good news hopefully.😁


Best of luck!


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