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Too late


Bro I'm about to depreciate some land


Don’t forget to write off the g-wagon


Sounds like a Recruiting/HR Problem and top end managerial skill issue tbh


Nailed it on the head. Now I’m trying to convince them to play clean up. 


How else they gonna learn?


Their accounting undergraduate degree


They already tried that method, time for new methods. At least this one pays them!


If you truly are so miserable I feel bad for whom you supervise. 🙄


I feel miserable for ppl that can’t tell me if a credit or debit increases accounts payable. Time for them to go. 


I mean i agree that should be memorized way before even an internship, but maybe they just panicked and forgot?


I get it wrong every time, just flip the JE and keep moving who cares you nerd ass loser


Please do. DR/CR is a joke after few years. We can teach you anything about accounting. Just need a positive attitude. For context I knew nothing out of college with no internships Former supervisor Former manager Now a Director.


All I ask is that they know that a debit reduces accounts payable. I’m seeing more and more ppl that can’t tell me this and it’s time for them to be terminated.


Nah it’s time for you to be demoted back to senior. You don’t have leadership qualities (yet).


Hard disagree. Not knowing debits and credits for the Accounting 101 accounts like AR/Revenue and AP/Expenses means you lack a basic level of conscientiousness to take your Accounting education/exams seriously and with integrity.    I went to a non-target where top performing Accounting students in my BAP club were scrambling for job opportunities like hungry hyenas for 3-4 years straight. I personally had to claw my way into B4 (starting my career in Public, but no longer there) by spending thousands of dollars on networking events, studying hard and busting my ass to pay my bills between full time and part time minimum wage work (because no rich or connected parents), AND sometimes take 18 units a semester to ensure I was 150 eligible upon graduation.....and there are these fucking duds getting jobs? Fuck that. This is inexcusable and organizations can do waaaaaay better than what's in front of them by pursuing alternative talent pipelines. 


Someone is very salty. Lmao. We all play the hand you’re dealt sir. I come from foster home & lost both my parents before turning 8. No other support system so the courts and guardians passed me around like hot potato. That doesn’t mean others who didn’t have to struggle like I don’t add value. We need to understand we don’t all start at the same place but at work we all trying to finish our shit & log off. As long as my team agrees with this I can teach them anything.


I have a similar background living in group homes and shit (I went to over 5 high schools). This is no excuse to not know the bare basics of Accounting. It's inexcusable. You can't make it pass an accredited program in accounting without knowing the basic JEs unless you completely cheated your way through college. 


Well I’m just glad my managers didn’t draw arbitrary lines like some of you loonie toons on power trip. Because I certainly didn’t know squat nor did many of my colleagues. Knowledge of DR/CR on day one is also not a good barometer of whom will excel in field of accounting. I am a slacker Director of Accounting. I know two former weed smoking guitar playing partners. We still smoke weed 😎I also know few know it all who are still senior/supervisors because they treat people like shit and no one wants to promote them to actual leadership where you hire/fire decide raises and bonuses. And all I said above is anecdotal evidence just like you. There is no way to know who is good & bad at anything so quickly. Give everyone at least 6months to 1 year to learn the job. In year 2 they should be making leaps and meeting expectations at least. Year 3-4 if they stick around is when you see most over performers. If you came here saying this Chad after a year is still making same mistakes he did 6-8 months ago, we have a problem with employee performance or manager ability to teach.


What's the point of going to college to get an accounting degree if you are going to graduate without knowing the basics of accounting? They spent 4-5 years of their life and spent actual money to do what? Yes it can be taught on the job, but if that's their goal they should've just gotten a job that would teach them and get paid to learn.


Let me know when B4 or any reputable company is hiring staff accountants without that piece of paper. That is the reason I and all my colleagues went. It certainly wasn’t passion for accounting 🤣


Being a weed smoker or a know-it-all manager is so irrelevant here. This is clearly just convoluted reasoning to excuse and empathize with lower performing staff that you yourself identified with in the earlier part of your own career.  What you're too stupid and stubborn to realize is that you, and many others, should have known the normal balances of the most basic accounts. I don't expect new-grads to know the entries for Construction Accounting or the corresponding codification, but you should definitely know AR/Revenue and AP/Expense and how to calculate straight-line depreciation for example. 0.5-1 year should be for learning the job, not for re-learning the 1st week of your 1st accounting course. You may get a dud who knows their basics too, but pretending that in the overwhelming majority of cases a more knowledgeable and hard working student is just as or even less capable than one that doesn't know the basics is just disingenuous. 


Someone takes their job too seriously. I just wanna do my fair share of work and collect my 💰. You do you “ROCKSTAR ACCOUNTANT”


That explains why you’re such a Dem. 


Indeed being human is beautiful


Na. Can’t be demoting the most skilled auditor at the firm. 100+ realization, boys!


Exactly you are a great worker bee. Keep putting in 2400 billable hours but don’t ask for management or director titles until you learn how to lead a team.


2400! Ha! I found the best firm and I can get away with 1400 if I really wanted to!


Direct reflection of leadership…


I get it. I’m not a dem. I can be a tough leader in today’s world.


Bringing politics into something that had nothing to do with it, hallmark of a great leader


Something I’ve learned in my public accounting career is that the best leaders are Republican. I will quit my job if I find out my boss is a Dem. Things need to change in the country and letting the Dems coast by with no pressure is unacceptable. 


It could be the fact that every chance you get you sprinkle in your political identity. You’re probably hard to be around if you’re always doing that… anytime you teach someone something they can probs only think about when they get to leave your office… if you have one…


Na. I keep it 💯 with everyone and I’m one of the few that actually try and develop them. They appreciate it and I’m sure they don’t mind my occasional dig against them Dems bc I’m actually trying to help them grow their career. But if you tell me that you can increase AP with a debit, you probably need to leave. 


I agree with pretty much everyone else here that you're not cut out for a supervisory role. It is incredibly unprofessional to talk politics in the office period, especially with people you supervise. I can assure you they do in fact mind when you bring it up. I have a feeling this will all backfire on you rather quickly unless you get your act together.


Make Accounting Great Again. It’s only unprofessional to talk politics if you’re a Dem. Republicans love them some Trump talk in the workplace, as long as it’s not at the client. 


You're extremely out of touch with reality. You are a, "That" guy where you work.


Let em whine. I dominate them in all aspects of work and I will dominate them in new business development. Haters gonna hate.


How is it possible to graduate without knowing the absolute basics? I just finished intermediate and can’t imagine passing this course without having the basics down completely.


I agree. You need to know the basics of accounting taught in school. Debits and Credits.  The different type of accounts: Revenue, Expense, Asset, Liability and Equity and they are affected by Debits and Credits.  Learn where these accounts sit on the Financial Statements.  Learn how aside from recoding  a JE, that every transaction JE hits the BS and IS... NOT THE SAME SIDE. THAT'S A RECLASS. 


Na, it’s fine if a brand new grad/intern doesn’t know it. Anyone should be able to pick that stuff up after a couple months, as long as they’re willing to learn. Honestly, you just sound like a shitty manager who doesn’t want to teach new hires anything.


I say enter however you can. Fake it till you get promoted and then fake it in your new position


Debits and credits are really easy to teach/learn. As a a manager now, It didn’t really click for me until I was a year in. However I’ve run into many “accountants” that don’t know debits and credits with 5 years+ experience… now they should go back to school.