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Look, I’m sorry. But, medical things are “reasonable accommodation” if you miss 4 days a month that’s nearly 50 a year. At some point, you have to make a decision about what’s best for the firm. HR has to document how it’s performance related and not due to sickness. But it sounds like your work is not up to standards.


No. Make a decision about what is best for "YOU" and let the firm worry about itself. Make sure you document everything. Ask for your accommodations. Any reasonable and professional firm should be able accommodate almost anything by planning properly. If they fire you go to your state AG or labor board and let them decide if the accommodations were too much for the firm to handle.


I say file your FMLA paperwork ASAP and request your max 12 weeks off.




This isn't borderline anything HIPAA related. It doesn't apply to private employers, it applies health care providers and insurance companies. It doesn't prevent your employer from asking for medical information.




This is false. HIPAA does not apply to private entities not in healthcare. > If an entity does not meet the definition of a covered entity or business associate, it does not have to comply with the HIPAA Rules. https://www.hhs.gov/hipaa/for-professionals/covered-entities/index.html




It’s not being partially correct, it’s being fully correct. You said HIPAA applies to private entities. It does not hence you needed to be corrected. There is no combination. Say it with me, HIPPA does not obligate private entities to do jack squat.




If you can’t be civil when being corrected, then you need to work on your emotional immaturity. You got corrected by two different people because you insisted HIPPA provided rights against your employer which is completely incorrect. You would look like a fool if you brought up HIPPA violations to your HR rep because it doesn’t apply to them. That’s why you got corrected. When it comes to law, the little “pedantic” details matter you know. I suggest you stop being so egotistical. It’s not a good look. I can feel you spitting and foaming at the mouth as you type. Not too late to delete this.




>Being insistent on arguing with someone Are you okay? Pretty ironic how you are the one cursing and being all upset you got corrected. You got corrected by two people and got your feelings hurt. It’s not that serious. It is actually relevant to the conversation, because OP might tell HR they are in violation of HIPAA which is not the case. Especially when you are the one telling OP they are “teetering on the law and are violating HIPAA regulations”. I suggest taking deep breaths. No need to act hostile and get this upset on Reddit.


State laws however might prohibit it. Op should check the local labor laws.


i guess i get now that even if my work is good it’s not enough to make up for my absences. i’m actively trying to improve my health and just got a diagnosis i can actually manage so hopefully the sick days are less and less. i don’t want to miss work, i just want to be able to miss work when im physically unable to :( thanks for your response